The Republican Bengazhi Poutrage Is A PRIME Example of Why


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Had a Democrat been in Office during 9/11/2001 they would have PUMMELLED them into the ground forever more.

They would NOT have uttered anything about "country first" it would have been an instant "The DEMOCRATS got us attacked."

There wouldn't have been a Dem elected for President for many decades.

But thank God it happened under a shrub like Shrub, so they were FORCED to trot out that "country first" B.S. And BOY did they abuse became "If you're not with us you're against us." and other such nonsense.

I really have nothing good to say about The Republicans, they simply have no honor.
Obama watched for 7 hours...There's a big difference between the two events.

Obama could of saved those men. Do you understand?
Do you understand that Obama sent Rice and went in front of the UN dissing our rights of freedom of speech?

Why the hell does someone that supposedly supports the first amendment would side with Obama.
Had a Democrat been in Office during 9/11/2001 they would have PUMMELLED them into the ground forever more.

They would NOT have uttered anything about "country first" it would have been an instant "The DEMOCRATS got us attacked."

There wouldn't have been a Dem elected for President for many decades.

But thank God it happened under a shrub like Shrub, so they were FORCED to trot out that "country first" B.S. And BOY did they abuse became "If you're not with us you're against us." and other such nonsense.

I really have nothing good to say about The Republicans, they simply have no honor.

I don't blame Obama for the attack, I am concerned about the dishonesty in relaying the information to the public.

As far as honor, you should be last to talk about honor will the intentional dishonesty that your threads spin.
Blood on the POS's hands. He failed BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the attack.

Some in the media are finally catching up....but the spinning is already happening to cover up the cover up.
Had a Democrat been in Office during 9/11/2001 they would have PUMMELLED them into the ground forever more.

They would NOT have uttered anything about "country first" it would have been an instant "The DEMOCRATS got us attacked."

There wouldn't have been a Dem elected for President for many decades.

But thank God it happened under a shrub like Shrub, so they were FORCED to trot out that "country first" B.S. And BOY did they abuse became "If you're not with us you're against us." and other such nonsense.

I really have nothing good to say about The Republicans, they simply have no honor.

you are A true dumas to ignore the fact that the potus; obama lied and watched people died.

If Petreaus was interviewed for the job of Director of Cia, the obumer administration would have known about Ted Westhusing aprior.
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They still have no idea what happened????
Months later and no friggin clue????

Are they still clinging to that angry Arab over a video ploy...
Are they admitting that they knew early on that it was a terrorist attack???
Did they refuse to rescue the Ambassador.
Did they go to bed without even trying to attempt a rescue.
Did they shrug their shoulders and say hey what the fuck those people knew what they were getting into...

All I want is for this administration to face the people and tell us what happened!

But I guess that makes me a racist for daring to question our Emperor in chief!!
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Had a Democrat been in Office during 9/11/2001 they would have PUMMELLED them into the ground forever more.

They would NOT have uttered anything about "country first" it would have been an instant "The DEMOCRATS got us attacked."

There wouldn't have been a Dem elected for President for many decades.

But thank God it happened under a shrub like Shrub, so they were FORCED to trot out that "country first" B.S. And BOY did they abuse became "If you're not with us you're against us." and other such nonsense.

I really have nothing good to say about The Republicans, they simply have no honor.

And if Bush were POTUS when Benghazi happened you'd be singing a different tune there Marc.

Like that fuck in the WH has honor?? Kinda sorta doubt it. Hell. He went to Vegas that night. His fundraiser was way more important that three men fighting a seven hour gun battle for their lives.

I can see where your honor is. Oh wait. You don't have any. Never mind.
"Pouting" about the death of an Ambassador and three other Americans?! Who the hell comes up with this shit?
I want to know why Obama didn't do a goddamn thing for 7 hours?
I want to know why Obama sent out rice to lie?
I want to know why Obama didn't defend our freedom of speech in front of the muslim world.

You leftist are trying to spin something that isn't able to be spinned. I know for a fact that I was lied to.
Look if this administration had no idea what happened just say so.
If this administration knew what happened and just didn't give a fuck
50% of the country will be angry and the other 50% would give them a pat on the back
and will just wait for their government subsidies to keep rolling in.

Why is Obama stalling on this...50% of the country will support him no matter what.
Look if this administration had no idea what happened just say so.
If this administration knew what happened and just didn't give a fuck
50% of the country will be angry and the other 50% would give them a pat on the back
and will just wait for their government subsidies to keep rolling in.

Why is Obama stalling on this...50% of the country will support him no matter what.
50% of the country are sycophants. It's amazing what free stuff does to people.
Look if this administration had no idea what happened just say so.
If this administration knew what happened and just didn't give a fuck
50% of the country will be angry and the other 50% would give them a pat on the back
and will just wait for their government subsidies to keep rolling in.

Why is Obama stalling on this...50% of the country will support him no matter what.
50% of the country are sycophants. It's amazing what free stuff does to people.

Ben franklin warned us of this day. He said this would be the end for a reason.
Obama watched for 7 hours...There's a big difference between the two events.

Obama could of saved those men. Do you understand?

Our forces could not have gotten there in time to save anyone. Did you expect Obama to put his cape and tights on and fly over there and handle it himself?

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