The republican double standard

It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
Why doesn’t McConnell just explain that Trump is not a negro

Because that's irrelevant.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

I love it when Dems and snowflakes accuse the GOP of what they have xone, have done for decades, and are still doing...

Some fine bullshit you're throwing this morning easy Thanks for the laugh

Wait so you think the democrats are angels?

The republican double standard
It's time democrats stopped being punks.

Is not half as bad as the Democrat double standard! Given the chance, they would do the exact same thing. Just one more pissy rant because they thought this would be "Hillary's Time."

Next time maybe they will take all 57 states seriously.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

NO for McConnell we need toilet paper because he is a horse's ass
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
They will treat Trump just like they treated George Bush. Remember how George Bush was such a God to the right wing? And now Trump calls him an imbecile and a disaster and the rest of the right wing fell right in line.
Trump will be a bigger disgrace than either Reagan or Bush Junior.

Trump is already a bigger disgrace, but right now the right wing is in denial.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
Why doesn’t McConnell just explain that Trump is not a negro

Because that's irrelevant.
How else can he justify his decision ?
How else can he justify his decision ?

"Had I given President Obama's pick a nod, my carefully nurtured mouth-breathing base would have eaten me alive, given half a chance. Were I to wave through Trump's pick in the otherwise exact same circumstances, I'd have a secure re-election without even campaigning for the rest of my pathetic life."
Some fine bullshit you're throwing this morning easy Thanks for the laugh
No, just pointing out facts snowflakes find uncomfortable.

OBVIOUS Case in Point...The Democrats leaked classified - some admittedly (Comey, McCabe, Schiff...) ... the Democrats even demanded the illegal release of Grand Jury Information then held the US AG in 'Contempt of DEMOCRATS' for REFUSING to obey their demands to illegal release the information that Mueller's team had redacted...all with a total disregard for the Rule of Law, releasing classified, exposing sources and methods, etc... Their only focus / concern was 'GETTING TRUMP'.

NOW you have the President of the United States giving the Democrats what they have been screaming for - 'Transparency' and the Declassification of investigation information...and these same snowflakes / Democrats are screaming like scalded dogs about how 'Un-Patriotic', 'Un-Fair', and 'Vengeful' it suddenly is for documents / information to be de-classified. NOW we have the same Democrats who were demanding the US AG break the law to illegally release sealed / classified information suddenly expressing a concern for the law, sources, methods, etc...

The reason for the sudden 180-degree flip by the Dems / snowflakes is due to the sudden role-reversal of the Investigators now finding themselves to be the ones being investigated.

UNLIKE Obama's Agency Directors and their illegal investigations of the President, US AG Barr has actual evidence of crimes committed by Democrats that warrant investigations - the US IG has already been investigating exposed FISA Court abuses...and, again, Democrats and snowflakes are whining and crying like triggered school-girls...and even the failed coup attempt co-conspirators are publicly turning on each other.

The Leftists' Double-Standards regarding investigations could not be more apparent right now. The spotlight is now shining on the 'cockroaches', and they are scrambling for the darkest recesses / corners in the 'kitchen' they can find...because they HATE when that light comes on and all of their own hypocrisy, dirty laundry, and double standards are exposed.

It's like the Democrats calling others 'Racists', 'Sexists', 'Homophobes', 'anti-Semites', and more for decades ... and then suddenly in 2016 their personal DNC e-mails get accessed / released ... exposing their own racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content in their e-mails (...not to mention how they screwed Bernie and GAVE Hillary their Presidential nomination). In a desperate move, the Democrats went into Full-Blown 'VICTIM' mode, claiming they were the victims of a vicious Right Wing attack in an attempt to distract people from the exposed contents of their e-mails. :p

The funny thing is they can NOT deny the content of those e-mails anymore. The proverbial 'cat' is out of the bag - newly elected Freshmen Democrats have dragged the party 'out of the closet' to expose their true anti-Semitic nature. Many in the DNC openly EMBRACED it rather than reject it and rebuke their new radicals. (This may be the one time where the Democrats were FORCED to abandon one of their Double-Standards because Omar and Tlaib refused hide who they really are and have openly professed it.)

Of course, as usual, I fully expect you and other snowflakes to stick to the SOP responses - lie, DENY, justify, launch personal attacks, etc.... That's ok. I don't care. My job isn't to convince you OF anything or to ADMIT to anything. Not that you would - snowflakes still can't accept the results of the 2016 election or the results of any of the 4 investigations they have conducted the last 3+ years....
Then you should of removed Bill, but you didn't and don't have a leg to stand on.


Bill Clinton was / is a career sexual deviant, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, and rapist, and his wife has been a life-long ENABLER who has defended his criminal sexual behavior while bullying and intimidating his victims into silence (while simultaneously claiming 'every woman must be believed'....EXCEPT the ones who accuse Bill) because her political future was tied to him.

Despite Democrats' / snowflakes false claims / lies, Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for having an adulterous fling in the WH with some young intern. Bill Clinton was DRAGGED into court while still serving as President of the United States for Sexual Harassment of a US citizen.

During that trial, under oath, Bill Clinton violated his oath of office (to defend and uphold the Constitution and the Constitutional Rights of every US citizen) and perpetrated FRAUD / provided DECITFUL testimony to the court. Bill Clinton was held in 'Contempt of Court' by the Judge presiding over the case for his attempt to deceive the court. As punishment for his courtroom violation / deceit / demonstrated LACK OF ETHICS he was temporarily stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas.

THIS is the real reason President Bill Clinton was Impeached...and to this day, just like with the results of the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, Democrats / Snowflakes still lie / deny / justify / refuse to accept the truth. (It suits their personal narrative and protects their fragile snowflake grasp on life to lie and pretend Clinton was a 'VICTIM' is all of this.)

Another great example of how the Democrats / snowflakes have created their own alternate-reality Double-Standard in order to cling to their belief that they are somehow ethically, morally, truthfully, legally, etc... superior to everyone else.
Then you should of removed Bill, but you didn't and don't have a leg to stand on.


Bill Clinton was / is a career sexual deviant, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, and rapist, and his wife has been a life-long ENABLER who has defended his criminal sexual behavior while bullying and intimidating his victims into silence (while simultaneously claiming 'every woman must be believed'....EXCEPT the ones who accuse Bill) because her political future was tied to him.

Despite Democrats' / snowflakes false claims / lies, Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for having an adulterous fling in the WH with some young intern. Bill Clinton was DRAGGED into court while still serving as President of the United States for Sexual Harassment of a US citizen.

During that trial, under oath, Bill Clinton violated his oath of office (to defend and uphold the Constitution and the Constitutional Rights of every US citizen) and perpetrated FRAUD / provided DECITFUL testimony to the court. Bill Clinton was held in 'Contempt of Court' by the Judge presiding over the case for his attempt to deceive the court. As punishment for his courtroom violation / deceit / demonstrated LACK OF ETHICS he was temporarily stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas.

THIS is the real reason President Bill Clinton was Impeached...and to this day, just like with the results of the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, Democrats / Snowflakes still lie / deny / justify / refuse to accept the truth. (It suits their personal narrative and protects their fragile snowflake grasp on life to lie and pretend Clinton was a 'VICTIM' is all of this.)

Another great example of how the Democrats / snowflakes have created their own alternate-reality Double-Standard in order to cling to their belief that they are somehow ethically, morally, truthfully, legally, etc... superior to everyone else.
Any way you spin it

Clinton was impeached over a blow job
Wow you discovered there is hypocrisy in politics congratulations. Here is some more breaking news for you both parties engage in it.
those 3 are as filthy as they get Only Trump beats them
Thanks for the blind partisan response useless as always.
One need not be partisan to see those 3 are scum Open your eyes for once
My eyes are very much open take off your partisan blinders for once,
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
Why doesn’t McConnell just explain that Trump is not a negro

Because that's irrelevant.
How else can he justify his decision ?

He can't, that's the point. It's sheer politics, and expected out of Washington. He should simply say, "we hold the power, and we decide if the president gets his pick or not". Harry Reid would say the same thing if he were honest when in power. He's not, so he won't.
Then you should of removed Bill, but you didn't and don't have a leg to stand on.


Bill Clinton was / is a career sexual deviant, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, and rapist, and his wife has been a life-long ENABLER who has defended his criminal sexual behavior while bullying and intimidating his victims into silence (while simultaneously claiming 'every woman must be believed'....EXCEPT the ones who accuse Bill) because her political future was tied to him.

Despite Democrats' / snowflakes false claims / lies, Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for having an adulterous fling in the WH with some young intern. Bill Clinton was DRAGGED into court while still serving as President of the United States for Sexual Harassment of a US citizen.

During that trial, under oath, Bill Clinton violated his oath of office (to defend and uphold the Constitution and the Constitutional Rights of every US citizen) and perpetrated FRAUD / provided DECITFUL testimony to the court. Bill Clinton was held in 'Contempt of Court' by the Judge presiding over the case for his attempt to deceive the court. As punishment for his courtroom violation / deceit / demonstrated LACK OF ETHICS he was temporarily stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas.

THIS is the real reason President Bill Clinton was Impeached...and to this day, just like with the results of the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, Democrats / Snowflakes still lie / deny / justify / refuse to accept the truth. (It suits their personal narrative and protects their fragile snowflake grasp on life to lie and pretend Clinton was a 'VICTIM' is all of this.)

Another great example of how the Democrats / snowflakes have created their own alternate-reality Double-Standard in order to cling to their belief that they are somehow ethically, morally, truthfully, legally, etc... superior to everyone else.
Any way you spin it

Clinton was impeached over a blow job

When you stand before a judge, lie to him and file false affidavits in his court, do you REALLY think he gives a rat's patoot WHAT you were lying about? The bottom line is, you're trying to deceive and manipulate the court, and judges hate that.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
Why doesn’t McConnell just explain that Trump is not a negro

Because that's irrelevant.
How else can he justify his decision ?

He can't, that's the point. It's sheer politics, and expected out of Washington. He should simply say, "we hold the power, and we decide if the president gets his pick or not". Harry Reid would say the same thing if he were honest when in power. He's not, so he won't.
“But but but DEMOCRATS! Derp!”

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