The republican double standard

Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.

Smartest woman? Got to be a toss up between Hilly, Nancy, Roxie, AOC. He’ll send the next group of challengers home too.

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It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
That is what they all do. Both parties. They shit on each other and change the rules to benefit themselves because they are all criminals. Frankly, I am surprised that a chicken shit like Mush-Mouth McConnell had the balls to suggest it.

It just took the Republicans like a 100 years to finally play by the democrat rules

It’s amazing how you just come up with this non sense on the spot. It sounds good, so you hit “post reply”. It doesn’t have to make any sense huh?

What nonsense? Your dealing with a 54 year old Chicago guy who knows politics and news

View attachment 262923

I always liked the 4th district.

Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

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It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
That is what they all do. Both parties. They shit on each other and change the rules to benefit themselves because they are all criminals. Frankly, I am surprised that a chicken shit like Mush-Mouth McConnell had the balls to suggest it.

It just took the Republicans like a 100 years to finally play by the democrat rules

It’s amazing how you just come up with this non sense on the spot. It sounds good, so you hit “post reply”. It doesn’t have to make any sense huh?

What nonsense? Your dealing with a 54 year old Chicago guy who knows politics and news

View attachment 262923

I always liked the 4th district.

View attachment 263220

Only in Chicago would most roads go perfectly north/south, east/west but the wards would look like a pretzel.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.
Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White
Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White
Oh I’m sure you’d love that. That way, you could actually have a reason to whine about her everyday. Good for you.
Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White
Oh I’m sure you’d love that. That way, you could actually have a reason to whine about her everyday. Good for you.


if only you guys would of nominated Hillary instead of Obama....

Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White
Oh I’m sure you’d love that. That way, you could actually have a reason to whine about her everyday. Good for you.


if only you guys would of nominated Hillary instead of Obama....

Well it doesn’t matter much does it? You’re still whining about her to this day either way. It’s pretty weird, but you know, whatever. It’s just all you people have I guess.
Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

What attention? Responding to a stupid dim thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White

She had it, and lost. Third time a charm?[emoji64]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah you know why she won’t shut up and go away? Because people like you give her the attention.

Maybe if we give her free publicity like you guys gave Trump she could win the White
Oh I’m sure you’d love that. That way, you could actually have a reason to whine about her everyday. Good for you.

We all forgot about her. Then,here she comes again to publicly [emoji22].

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Harry Reid nuke option

Pay back is a bitch, eh?

The special counsel will they changed after Clinton was impeached as haunt them.
that time special counsel was able to make the decision to indict now only the attorney general can do that.

One more rule change the Democrats made that has bit them in the ass.


Then you should of removed Bill, but you didn't and don't have a leg to stand on.


Bill Clinton was / is a career sexual deviant, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, and rapist, and his wife has been a life-long ENABLER who has defended his criminal sexual behavior while bullying and intimidating his victims into silence (while simultaneously claiming 'every woman must be believed'....EXCEPT the ones who accuse Bill) because her political future was tied to him.

Despite Democrats' / snowflakes false claims / lies, Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for having an adulterous fling in the WH with some young intern. Bill Clinton was DRAGGED into court while still serving as President of the United States for Sexual Harassment of a US citizen.

During that trial, under oath, Bill Clinton violated his oath of office (to defend and uphold the Constitution and the Constitutional Rights of every US citizen) and perpetrated FRAUD / provided DECITFUL testimony to the court. Bill Clinton was held in 'Contempt of Court' by the Judge presiding over the case for his attempt to deceive the court. As punishment for his courtroom violation / deceit / demonstrated LACK OF ETHICS he was temporarily stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas.

THIS is the real reason President Bill Clinton was Impeached...and to this day, just like with the results of the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, Democrats / Snowflakes still lie / deny / justify / refuse to accept the truth. (It suits their personal narrative and protects their fragile snowflake grasp on life to lie and pretend Clinton was a 'VICTIM' is all of this.)

Another great example of how the Democrats / snowflakes have created their own alternate-reality Double-Standard in order to cling to their belief that they are somehow ethically, morally, truthfully, legally, etc... superior to everyone else.
Any way you spin it

Clinton was impeached over a blow job

When you stand before a judge, lie to him and file false affidavits in his court, do you REALLY think he gives a rat's patoot WHAT you were lying about? The bottom line is, you're trying to deceive and manipulate the court, and judges hate that.
It’s all about a blow job

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]
In other words...blow job
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

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Give an example where she said that

Bill Clinton was / is a career sexual deviant, sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, and rapist, and his wife has been a life-long ENABLER who has defended his criminal sexual behavior while bullying and intimidating his victims into silence (while simultaneously claiming 'every woman must be believed'....EXCEPT the ones who accuse Bill) because her political future was tied to him.

Despite Democrats' / snowflakes false claims / lies, Bill Clinton was NOT Impeached for having an adulterous fling in the WH with some young intern. Bill Clinton was DRAGGED into court while still serving as President of the United States for Sexual Harassment of a US citizen.

During that trial, under oath, Bill Clinton violated his oath of office (to defend and uphold the Constitution and the Constitutional Rights of every US citizen) and perpetrated FRAUD / provided DECITFUL testimony to the court. Bill Clinton was held in 'Contempt of Court' by the Judge presiding over the case for his attempt to deceive the court. As punishment for his courtroom violation / deceit / demonstrated LACK OF ETHICS he was temporarily stripped of his license to practice law in his home state of Arkansas.

THIS is the real reason President Bill Clinton was Impeached...and to this day, just like with the results of the 2016 election and the Mueller investigation, Democrats / Snowflakes still lie / deny / justify / refuse to accept the truth. (It suits their personal narrative and protects their fragile snowflake grasp on life to lie and pretend Clinton was a 'VICTIM' is all of this.)

Another great example of how the Democrats / snowflakes have created their own alternate-reality Double-Standard in order to cling to their belief that they are somehow ethically, morally, truthfully, legally, etc... superior to everyone else.
Any way you spin it

Clinton was impeached over a blow job

When you stand before a judge, lie to him and file false affidavits in his court, do you REALLY think he gives a rat's patoot WHAT you were lying about? The bottom line is, you're trying to deceive and manipulate the court, and judges hate that.
It’s all about a blow job

In the report, which contained graphic details of Clinton and Lewinsky's sexual relationship, Starr claimed Clinton performed actions that were "inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws" and outlined a case for impeaching him on 11 possible grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness tampering and abuse of power.[7]
In other words...blow job

Irrelevant. Minus the lying under oath, there's no impeachment. He has sex with an intern, fact. He doesn't lie about it, he's not impeached. He lies about it, he's impeached.

What's the constant and what's the variable? Answer that honestly.
Don't worry about the Republican over reach-I am here to stop them. I pull everyone to the middle-my middle.
Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Give an example where she said that

She just addressed a group of students somewhere and bitched about her life. I saw it on Fox just yesterday. I hate her, so I wasn’t memorizing her dialogue. It wasn’t dubbed over. It looked a bit bleak for kids graduating from college. Definitely a bit awkward. It wasn’t a go out in the world and you can accomplish anything speech.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Not as pathetic as her addressing any graduating class available, and playing victim. Go out into the world kids, and avenge me. She just won’t shut up and go away.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Give an example where she said that

She just addressed a group of students somewhere and bitched about her life. I saw it on Fox just yesterday. I hate her, so I wasn’t memorizing her dialogue. It wasn’t dubbed over. It looked a bit bleak for kids graduating from college. Definitely a bit awkward. It wasn’t a go out in the world and you can accomplish anything speech.

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Show me what she said

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