The republican double standard

I don't know why even they Deny Trump is a liberal that ran as a republican, it was the only way to beat Hillary, one corrupt lying liberal against another .
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.
Trump told you what he was going to do. Most politicians make promises and keep very few and then run on their agendas After a period of time money and/or power is their agenda. Trump is trying or has tried to keep his promises. Didn't you pay attention to what he said before the election? Most of what he said was common sense things. And look at the push back he has gotten. And what is even more look at the insane responses. Your political orientation is pure Prog Socialist moving to Communist. Many Democratic voters are not into all of your agendas are forced them. Repub voters get a never ending supply of RINOS and war mongers that work in cahoots with your war mongers who get their agendas driven more to the left as part of the bipartisan deal. Two years as a politician compared to these lifetime people who have screwed things up structurally and in foundation. So to improve things a bit with remembering our borders, enforcing one language so we all can talk to each other and to remind us that we have a unique American culture in which all newcomers eventually have joined until Progs turned us into a Tower of Babel is what Trump is about. So improve manufacturing if he can. So give women a choice of getting married without shaming by the extremes so a percentage does so a bit more to improve foundation a bit. To slow down and stop the war on Christians without promoting a war on those who do. So Progs have become more extreme. Believe it or not there are Trump voters who have concerns in most of your agendas.
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.
Trump told you what he was going to do. Most politicians make promises and keep very few and then run on their agendas After a period of time money and/or power is their agenda. Trump is trying or has tried to keep his promises. Didn't you pay attention to what he said before the election? Most of what he said was common sense things. And look at the push back he has gotten. And what is even more look at the insane responses. Your political orientation is pure Prog Socialist moving to Communist. Many Democratic voters are not into all of your agendas are forced them. Repub voters get a never ending supply of RINOS and war mongers that work in cahoots with your war mongers who get their agendas driven more to the left as part of the bipartisan deal. Two years as a politician compared to these lifetime people who have screwed things up structurally and in foundation. So to improve things a bit with remembering our borders, enforcing one language so we all can talk to each other and to remind us that we have a unique American culture in which all newcomers eventually have joined until Progs turned us into a Tower of Babel is what Trump is about. So improve manufacturing if he can. So give women a choice of getting married without shaming by the extremes so a percentage does so a bit more to improve foundation a bit. To slow down and stop the war on Christians without promoting a war on those who do. So Progs have become more extreme. Believe it or not there are Trump voters who have concerns in most of your agendas.

Thanks for the post, come to think of it not bad for a liberal Republican

Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Why she leave politics?
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

Yet, he sent the smartest woman in the world home to Billy. Pretty good for a moron.
Ah, you’ll always have Hillary huh? The left has certainly moved on from Hillary, but not republicans. You NEED Hillary. You can’t function without her. She is your go-to whataboutism shrine. You would be lost without her. She’s basically immortal at this point. It’s both bizarre and pathetic.

Why she leave politics?
Um probably because she realized she would never be elected to office. I don’t care is the thing. You care for some bizarre reason. It really is perplexing.
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The biggest myth, that should be obvious to anyone with a brain by now, is that republicans are fiscal conservatives. They are almost the opposite. Just look at how they are blowing up the debt. It's good democrats have the house now to stop their drunken spending spree. Cut taxes and spend more is the opposite of fiscal responsibility, and is exactly what republicans did.
What we see here has not been done by democrats. This both sides does it shit don't flush.
LOL claiming kavanaugh raped someone wasn't done by the dems with a witness that couldn't remember when, couldn't remember where couldn't name anyone there, and didn't remember how she got home. Add insult to injury she claimed the snuck up on her but were so drunk after they couldn't keep from bouncing off the walls.

Republicans refused to investigate this, held hearings during an election year when they said they would not for Obama and that seat probably belonged to Merrick Garland. Don't bring me that right wing bullshit.
You can thank Uncle Joe Biden.


No. Republicans have consistently change rules to suit themselves. You republicans don't want to accept responsibility for shit, no matter how wrong you.
Trump is the ultimate double standard for republicans that in future years they will ignore and shout "what about trump, stop fixating on trump, the other guy is worse, your in the past" while bringing up something bill clinton did wrong in 1998.
Lol funny and so true.

Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.
Trump told you what he was going to do. Most politicians make promises and keep very few and then run on their agendas After a period of time money and/or power is their agenda. Trump is trying or has tried to keep his promises. Didn't you pay attention to what he said before the election? Most of what he said was common sense things. And look at the push back he has gotten. And what is even more look at the insane responses. Your political orientation is pure Prog Socialist moving to Communist. Many Democratic voters are not into all of your agendas are forced them. Repub voters get a never ending supply of RINOS and war mongers that work in cahoots with your war mongers who get their agendas driven more to the left as part of the bipartisan deal. Two years as a politician compared to these lifetime people who have screwed things up structurally and in foundation. So to improve things a bit with remembering our borders, enforcing one language so we all can talk to each other and to remind us that we have a unique American culture in which all newcomers eventually have joined until Progs turned us into a Tower of Babel is what Trump is about. So improve manufacturing if he can. So give women a choice of getting married without shaming by the extremes so a percentage does so a bit more to improve foundation a bit. To slow down and stop the war on Christians without promoting a war on those who do. So Progs have become more extreme. Believe it or not there are Trump voters who have concerns in most of your agendas.

If a president keeps his promise to burn down your house, is that a good thing?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

Say, did you expect anything other than exactly the above?
Well see this just proves my point. He doesn’t have a political identity. He just says random shit like a senile orangutan and smears shit all over the walls.
So, what you're saying is, he is just like Moonglow?



Once again Trump is a liberal who ran as a Republican (A Democrats worse night mare)

Trump isn’t liberal or conservative - he’s just a fucking moron. He doesn’t even have the brain power or emotional maturity to have a political orientation.

View attachment 262926

View attachment 262927
Well see this just proves my point. He doesn’t have a political identity. He just says random shit like a senile orangutan and smears shit all over the walls.

Any rich guy with three wife's from New York is a liberal who you kidding?

All thanks to Daddy’s money. Without that, he would be working the register at Carl’s Junior by day and be at the corner of the local dive bar at 1:00 AM rambling non sense.

Sounds like envy to me.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020
Why doesn’t McConnell just explain that Trump is not a negro
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In case you missed it, CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) of GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Listening to the explanations given by Senators McConnell, Graham and Grassley in support of Clinton’s impeachment in 1999 and considering the fact that all of them are now staunch defenders, even abetters of President Trump who is accused of doing far worse, it is hard to avoid the shocking hypocrisy displayed by these three senior U.S. Senators.
Senator Mitch McConnell for example said on February 10, 1999, “The problem is lying under oath and obstructing justice. The subject matter[Monica Lewinsky] is not what is significant here. It is lying under oath and obstructing justice.”
Senator Lindsey Graham said on January 16, 1999, “The point I’m trying to make is you don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office.”
Senator Chuck Grassley said on January 9, 1999, “We are miraculously transformed from politicians to people who leave their Republican and Democrat labels at the door. We’re there to seek the truth and to find out whether the president is guilty or not guilty, and no stone should be left unturned to make that determination.”
From what we have seen so far, I think it is fair to conclude that Mitch McConnell will never vote to impeach Trump even if evidence was produced proving that Trump obstructed and is still obstructing justice. It is also fair to conclude that Senator Graham will never vote to impeach Trump without a conviction in an effort to “cleanse the office” even if a mountain of evidence was presented showing Trump has defiled/is still defiling the office. As for Senator Grassley, it is likewise fair to conclude that he will never shed his Republican label and vote to impeach Trump even if a determination was made that he was guilty of a crime.
Bottom line, it is not uncommon for politicians from both sides of the aisle to be caught in hypocritical stances. The Trump presidency however has brought political hypocrisy to a whole new alarming level.Simply put, no self-respecting individual who took issue with President Clinton’s lying and obstruction of justice would ever fervently defend Trump, a far worse and serial offender, as Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley have. It is such sickening hypocrisy that turns a lot of young impressionable people away from politics–a sad state of affairs indeed.
Wow you discovered there is hypocrisy in politics congratulations. Here is some more breaking news for you both parties engage in it.
It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

I love it when Dems and snowflakes accuse the GOP of what they have xone, have done for decades, and are still doing...

In case you missed it, CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) of GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Listening to the explanations given by Senators McConnell, Graham and Grassley in support of Clinton’s impeachment in 1999 and considering the fact that all of them are now staunch defenders, even abetters of President Trump who is accused of doing far worse, it is hard to avoid the shocking hypocrisy displayed by these three senior U.S. Senators.
Senator Mitch McConnell for example said on February 10, 1999, “The problem is lying under oath and obstructing justice. The subject matter[Monica Lewinsky] is not what is significant here. It is lying under oath and obstructing justice.”
Senator Lindsey Graham said on January 16, 1999, “The point I’m trying to make is you don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic. Impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office.”
Senator Chuck Grassley said on January 9, 1999, “We are miraculously transformed from politicians to people who leave their Republican and Democrat labels at the door. We’re there to seek the truth and to find out whether the president is guilty or not guilty, and no stone should be left unturned to make that determination.”
From what we have seen so far, I think it is fair to conclude that Mitch McConnell will never vote to impeach Trump even if evidence was produced proving that Trump obstructed and is still obstructing justice. It is also fair to conclude that Senator Graham will never vote to impeach Trump without a conviction in an effort to “cleanse the office” even if a mountain of evidence was presented showing Trump has defiled/is still defiling the office. As for Senator Grassley, it is likewise fair to conclude that he will never shed his Republican label and vote to impeach Trump even if a determination was made that he was guilty of a crime.
Bottom line, it is not uncommon for politicians from both sides of the aisle to be caught in hypocritical stances. The Trump presidency however has brought political hypocrisy to a whole new alarming level.Simply put, no self-respecting individual who took issue with President Clinton’s lying and obstruction of justice would ever fervently defend Trump, a far worse and serial offender, as Senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley have. It is such sickening hypocrisy that turns a lot of young impressionable people away from politics–a sad state of affairs indeed.

Then you should of removed Bill, but you didn't and don't have a leg to stand on.

It's time democrats stopped being punks. If that doesn't happen we'll live in a totalitarian fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

In reversal from 2016, McConnell says he would fill a potential Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs during next year's presidential election, he would work to confirm a nominee appointed by President Donald Trump.

That's a move that is in sharp contrast to his decision to block President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in February 2016.

At the time, he cited the right of the voters in the presidential election to decide whether a Democrat or a Republican would fill that opening, a move that infuriated Democrats.

McConnell says he would fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020

I love it when Dems and snowflakes accuse the GOP of what they have xone, have done for decades, and are still doing...

Some fine bullshit you're throwing this morning easy Thanks for the laugh

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