The Republican Party and their continuing war on the American Middle Class

till 22 for a bachelor's degree

till 24 for a master's degree

till at least 26 for a Doctorate

school is expensive

Most Republicans don't understand that.

so by your standard, someone is a child until they leave the education system?

seems like many of our professors (and policy makers in this administration) are still trapped in childhood

says a lot

By my standard, you are a fool. Like the other Conservatard Confederates who laugh at education while they flip burgers or collect disability and Medicare.


I notice you haven't responded to my post, I wonder why.
Hey, I got an idea, lets just ban pain, suffering and inconvenience. Then it'll never happen.

Your problem, like all the left, is you think government can prevent and fix all problems.

Fact is, life sucks sometimes. Accidents do happen. We all greive. And government can't change that.

Oh, and being 26..........TWENTY longer classifies you as a child. If you are still on your mommy's health insurance as a "child" at god-damn age 26 without your own job, then you are a pathetic loser.

When allowing children to remain on a parents health insurance, liberals must be reminded that a "child" should be classified by how old they are, not how old they act. By liberal standards, most left wingers would still be "children" at age 35.

Or perhaps, special needs? My oldest at 25 is no longer on my husband's insurance. He has Asperger's Syndrom. He is attending DeVry and it is my hope he will someday be gainfully employed but you have to realize this is someone that is still playing with transformers.

My youngest, low function autistic is 22 and still in diapers. Medicaid will not pay for certain services that my husband's insurance will pay for.

You really want to call my kids pathetic losers?
Hey, I got an idea, lets just ban pain, suffering and inconvenience. Then it'll never happen.

Your problem, like all the left, is you think government can prevent and fix all problems.

Fact is, life sucks sometimes. Accidents do happen. We all greive. And government can't change that.

Oh, and being 26..........TWENTY longer classifies you as a child. If you are still on your mommy's health insurance as a "child" at god-damn age 26 without your own job, then you are a pathetic loser.

When allowing children to remain on a parents health insurance, liberals must be reminded that a "child" should be classified by how old they are, not how old they act. By liberal standards, most left wingers would still be "children" at age 35.

Or perhaps, special needs? My oldest at 25 is no longer on my husband's insurance. He has Asperger's Syndrom. He is attending DeVry and it is my hope he will someday be gainfully employed but you have to realize this is someone that is still playing with transformers.

My youngest, low function autistic is 22 and still in diapers. Medicaid will not pay for certain services that my husband's insurance will pay for.

You really want to call my kids pathetic losers?

dem's pushed for this 26 year-old-child on their parents insurance clause because they know what their economic policies are doing to this country. in a struggling economy with high unemployment, which is one of the hardest hit groups? 18-25 year olds. now how can you force a 20 year old to pay for insurance when they don't have a job? solution? allow them to stay on their parents plan.
LOL, what a bunch of Socialist crap. CHANGE OUR WHOLE SYSTEM for 32 million people. and remember folks, illegal immigrants WONT BE COVERED, ya know why, they ALREADY ARE.

and since when did a person age 26 still be considered a friggen CHILD.

and the best part folks is THE Guberment get to grow and grow to oversee all this, AND YOU WORKING STIFFS OUT THERE GET TO PAY FOR IT.

how bout that.

Yep--I don't think adding an additional 15K IRS agents and 157 new government agencies to insure that all those middle class Americans are paying for their insurance--is NOT what I would consider "friendly" to the middle class. And if I remember correctly--not one single Republican voted for that--:cuckoo:

As far as illegal immigrants--they already get free health care--paid for by us. That's the problem--& it's bankrupting the middle class of this country.

26 years old is too dang old to still be kept on the parents medical insurance policy. In fact, it spells--LOSER.
LOL, what a bunch of Socialist crap. CHANGE OUR WHOLE SYSTEM for 32 million people. and remember folks, illegal immigrants WONT BE COVERED, ya know why, they ALREADY ARE.

and since when did a person age 26 still be considered a friggen CHILD.

and the best part folks is THE Guberment get to grow and grow to oversee all this, AND YOU WORKING STIFFS OUT THERE GET TO PAY FOR IT.

how bout that.

till 22 for a bachelor's degree

till 24 for a master's degree

till at least 26 for a Doctorate

school is expensive

Most Republicans don't understand that.

How about the good old fashioned way: Get student loan and a part time job, work your ass off, and SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!
I keep seeing the left helping Americans.

I hear nothing about the right helping the Middle Class. It's been suggested the right is at war with the middle class. What do they hope to win?

You see the problem and yet you are blind.

The "left " is "helping Americans" by robbing the middle class and destroying it.

How can the "right " "help the middle class" when the right has no power to stop the blood/money flow?
LOL, what a bunch of Socialist crap. CHANGE OUR WHOLE SYSTEM for 32 million people. and remember folks, illegal immigrants WONT BE COVERED, ya know why, they ALREADY ARE.

and since when did a person age 26 still be considered a friggen CHILD.

and the best part folks is THE Guberment get to grow and grow to oversee all this, AND YOU WORKING STIFFS OUT THERE GET TO PAY FOR IT.

how bout that.

till 22 for a bachelor's degree

till 24 for a master's degree

till at least 26 for a Doctorate

school is expensive

Most Republicans don't understand that.

How about the good old fashioned way: Get student loan and a part time job, work your ass off, and SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!

To add to your comment--after they get their job--enjoy the 70% tax bracket they're in--and don't whine about it--:lol::lol: Funny but my daughter with a master's degree doesn't whine about the student loan she is still repaying.
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Forgive me on this one, but have not then Democrats been in charge of congress for a while now? so should not the thread title include both parties if that were the case ? The fact remains that if we as a nation keep electing people to represent us Democrat or Republican under the guise of "Change" when they are the same people who were responsbile for the situation in the first place we have little to complain about. I could say for example, that under the current Democrat watch not one month has passed in which we have not lost jobs in this nation or increased the debt this nation owes, or a whole host of other issues, however I am of the opinion that rather than actually blaming one single party for the actions of both the best thing to do is vote for someone that does represent change and not more of the same.

No, no, no. Republicans are responsible for all the bad things. Democrats are responsible for all the good things. No, really! That's what Democrats keep telling me, anyways.

Actually, when it comes to Republicans, there are no good things.

If I can't think of any, and they can't think of any, then there isn't any. Pity.

I don't know I'm sure if you asked a lot of environmentalists they might disagree that the creation of the EPA was a bad thing, or the many Seniors who are now on Medicare Part D, I don't see many Democrats calling for it's elimination. I don't think the creation of the interstate highway system was a bad thing as well and those are just a few come to think of it. The point here is that both parties have their fair share of good and bad and when there is blame to toss around to accuse one side or the other for the current mess we find ourselves serves no purpose but to get votes from the base but is far from the truth.
No, no, no. Republicans are responsible for all the bad things. Democrats are responsible for all the good things. No, really! That's what Democrats keep telling me, anyways.

Actually, when it comes to Republicans, there are no good things.

If I can't think of any, and they can't think of any, then there isn't any. Pity.

I don't know I'm sure if you asked a lot of environmentalists they might disagree that the creation of the EPA was a bad thing, or the many Seniors who are now on Medicare Part D, I don't see many Democrats calling for it's elimination. I don't think the creation of the interstate highway system was a bad thing as well and those are just a few come to think of it. The point here is that both parties have their fair share of good and bad and when there is blame to toss around to accuse one side or the other for the current mess we find ourselves serves no purpose but to get votes from the base but is far from the truth.

You'd argue with a stump.
Actually, when it comes to Republicans, there are no good things.

If I can't think of any, and they can't think of any, then there isn't any. Pity.

I don't know I'm sure if you asked a lot of environmentalists they might disagree that the creation of the EPA was a bad thing, or the many Seniors who are now on Medicare Part D, I don't see many Democrats calling for it's elimination. I don't think the creation of the interstate highway system was a bad thing as well and those are just a few come to think of it. The point here is that both parties have their fair share of good and bad and when there is blame to toss around to accuse one side or the other for the current mess we find ourselves serves no purpose but to get votes from the base but is far from the truth.

You'd argue with a stump.

Your probably right, it depends a lot the topic in which the so called stump is posting on.
till 22 for a bachelor's degree

till 24 for a master's degree

till at least 26 for a Doctorate

school is expensive

Most Republicans don't understand that.

How about the good old fashioned way: Get student loan and a part time job, work your ass off, and SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!

To add to your comment--after they get their job--enjoy the 70% tax bracket they're in--and don't whine about it--:lol::lol: Funny but my daughter with a master's degree doesn't whine about the student loan she is still repaying.

Maybe she just doesn't talk to you?

No one is whining. I think it's probably pretty easy to get a degree in "household management". No problem working and getting THAT degree.

But getting a degree in, say, engineering, is in another league entirely.

It's not possible to explain to people how difficult it is when these people believe in "Noah's Ark" and they believe "evolution is a religion".

So, while no one is whining, there is nothing wrong with finding a creative way to remove some of the burden from those the country will depend on for a long time.

Especially if we want nuclear energy or bigger, more nutritious crops. You can't get those from "praying".
LOL, what a bunch of Socialist crap. CHANGE OUR WHOLE SYSTEM for 32 million people. and remember folks, illegal immigrants WONT BE COVERED, ya know why, they ALREADY ARE.

and since when did a person age 26 still be considered a friggen CHILD.

and the best part folks is THE Guberment get to grow and grow to oversee all this, AND YOU WORKING STIFFS OUT THERE GET TO PAY FOR IT.

how bout that.

till 22 for a bachelor's degree

till 24 for a master's degree

till at least 26 for a Doctorate

school is expensive

Most Republicans don't understand that.

so by your standard, someone is a child until they leave the education system?

seems like many of our professors (and policy makers in this administration) are still trapped in childhood

says a lot

Insurance is paid for, so allowing young adults to stay on their parents policy costs the US taxpayer NOTHING. The lack of insurance for poor people kids under the previous system left poor peoples kids at a distinct disadvantage where it comes to acquiring educational attainments, as they had to work full time while attending, could not take lower paid internships that would fast track their career once college ended, and deprived them of experience and networking opportunities that wealthier students take for granted. Higher education attainment opens a lot of doors bolted shut against those with only a HS diploma, and the ability to apply for and accept those internships that offer NO insurance opens many, many more.
Seems some people prefer a rigged system that rewards the status of birth and deprives our future of talent in order to keep the haves having, and the have nots as service industry slaves.

How about the good old fashioned way: Get student loan and a part time job, work your ass off, and SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!

To add to your comment--after they get their job--enjoy the 70% tax bracket they're in--and don't whine about it--:lol::lol: Funny but my daughter with a master's degree doesn't whine about the student loan she is still repaying.

Maybe she just doesn't talk to you?

No one is whining. I think it's probably pretty easy to get a degree in "household management". No problem working and getting THAT degree.

But getting a degree in, say, engineering, is in another league entirely.

It's not possible to explain to people how difficult it is when these people believe in "Noah's Ark" and they believe "evolution is a religion".

So, while no one is whining, there is nothing wrong with finding a creative way to remove some of the burden from those the country will depend on for a long time.

Especially if we want nuclear energy or bigger, more nutritious crops. You can't get those from "praying".
Speaking of a stump...
To add to your comment--after they get their job--enjoy the 70% tax bracket they're in--and don't whine about it--:lol::lol: Funny but my daughter with a master's degree doesn't whine about the student loan she is still repaying.

Maybe she just doesn't talk to you?

No one is whining. I think it's probably pretty easy to get a degree in "household management". No problem working and getting THAT degree.

But getting a degree in, say, engineering, is in another league entirely.

It's not possible to explain to people how difficult it is when these people believe in "Noah's Ark" and they believe "evolution is a religion".

So, while no one is whining, there is nothing wrong with finding a creative way to remove some of the burden from those the country will depend on for a long time.

Especially if we want nuclear energy or bigger, more nutritious crops. You can't get those from "praying".
Speaking of a stump...

So you believe you can get nuclear power plants and better crops from a "stump"?

You are debating against education, aren't you?
I'm betting the feeling the right wing is against education.

How about the good old fashioned way: Get student loan and a part time job, work your ass off, and SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!

To add to your comment--after they get their job--enjoy the 70% tax bracket they're in--and don't whine about it--:lol::lol: Funny but my daughter with a master's degree doesn't whine about the student loan she is still repaying.

Maybe she just doesn't talk to you?

No one is whining. I think it's probably pretty easy to get a degree in "household management". No problem working and getting THAT degree.

But getting a degree in, say, engineering, is in another league entirely.

It's not possible to explain to people how difficult it is when these people believe in "Noah's Ark" and they believe "evolution is a religion".

So, while no one is whining, there is nothing wrong with finding a creative way to remove some of the burden from those the country will depend on for a long time.

Especially if we want nuclear energy or bigger, more nutritious crops. You can't get those from "praying".
Now you get to prove that graduates from these schools aren't really engineers.

Oh, and real proof. Not like your usual kind, where you point to your irrational hatred of conservatives and call it proof.

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