The Republican Party is embracing lunacy and madness

I think both parties have factions within them that are pulling them apart. The Repubs have the Trump supporters and the more establishment conservatives, and the Dems have the Far Left Bernie Bros that want more socialist policies (GND), and the establishment moderates who are more interested in gaining and keeping political power. And since nobody wants to work with the other side for fear of getting primaried, we're kinda fucked.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Nothing new from the authoritarian blind partisan right; compel conformity and punish dissent.

Based on many of the posts I'm reading, this shared delusion is more contagious than Covid-19. Unfortunately, it does not appear that masks will work at preventing the spread. And I'm damn sure that wearing blinders won't make it go away.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Yeah, the GOP is going batshit insane. Just read the loon rants of the Oregon GOP statements. It's straight out of QAnon.
I'm thinking that getting rid of my screen door and replacing it with a security door might just be a worthwhile investment.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Damn, CNN just can't quit Donald Trump.


Damn, OANN and NewsMax and Fox can't suck enough Trump cock.
Qanon...there is that leftwingnut conspiracy word again...the word that no one can tell me what it means....
Qanon is the new Russian chaos agent.
I believe, after we investigate their system, that if we build it here, it will lose money.
That was my point - instead of blowing about $10 trillion on needless, some say illegal, wars in the Middle East and Africa, we should be leading the way. could say "See. I was right. " ....instead of guessing. But here it's the other way around I believe. Ask the troops back from Iraq dude.


Fewer wars, more money wasting trains!!!!
" Nothing new from the authoritarian blind partisan right; compel conformity and punish dissent. "

As if the blind, partisan Left is any different. Hello! Cancel culture?
I think both parties have factions within them that are pulling them apart. The Repubs have the Trump supporters and the more establishment conservatives, and the Dems have the Far Left Bernie Bros that want more socialist policies (GND), and the establishment moderates who are more interested in gaining and keeping political power. And since nobody wants to work with the other side for fear of getting primaried, we're kinda fucked.
Bullshit. There is no equivalence to the QAnon crazy
Dems are embracing Communist China and censorship.....
I always liked the idea of high speed rails -- kind of ironic that essentially Chinese slaves helped build our first railroads and now we're stealing their ideas because we fell behind them. We have 30 years of endless wars and they have 30,000 miles of high-speed rail lines.
View attachment 448853
An hour after you eat Communist Chinese shit, are you hungry again?
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Damn, CNN just can't quit Donald Trump.


Damn, OANN and NewsMax and Fox can't suck enough Trump cock.
Qanon...there is that leftwingnut conspiracy word again...the word that no one can tell me what it means....
Qanon is the new Russian chaos agent.
So why is Tucker Carlson defending Q??
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
Misinformation to you is simply the other side of the story. When you do not hear both sides you can not make an informed decision. You do not want to be informed so anything you decide is meaningless. Your posts prove that.

It's a fallacy to believe that there's always two sides to an issue if and when one side is the complete and unadulterated truth and the utter side refutes that truth. Here's a case in point: If I say that the Nazis exterminated Jews during WWII and millions were killed in gas chambers, and someone else says it never happened, that is an example of the fallacy of equivalency.
What makes it the truth? Censoring the other side? Very little in this world being said is the unadulterated truth. For you to think it is makes you naive, narrow minded and intolerant.
Nope truth is what is true. It is supported by evidence. Evidence that can be checked and verified.
You are right though that in some cases truth can not be determined because this is not available. Luckily for us, though elections are something that is secured by multiple safeguards. Making determining if massive fraud happened a pretty straightforward process regardless of what you would consider censorship.
The fraud is supported by evidence no court will hear. What makes your evidence any fucking different? Is it censoring all dissent? Does that make it the truth? Nitwit.
Will since the courts are those making the determination of what is good evidence, as is their role in the constitution and since they are the only ones with the power to punish lying, my evidence is better.

It is also better because most lawsuits don't allege massive voter fraud.

It's also better because judges have asked lawyers for the plaintiffs if they were aware of massive voter fraud and those lawyers answered no.

It's also better because the DOJ led by REPUBLICANS stated that there was no massive voter fraud.

It's also better because Gulliany when filing his suits in courts stated that he wasn't alleging massive voter fraud. Even when saying different in the press. Something that doesn't carry actual penalties for lying.

And it's also better because when threatened by defamation suits those that are alleging voter fraud are backtracking.
I hate RINOs and small-town Republicrat traitors. I hate it when I vote Republican and a Democrat shows up in office no matter what.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Nothing new from the authoritarian blind partisan right; compel conformity and punish dissent.
Sheer projection.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
no it's not.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Yeah, the GOP is going batshit insane. Just read the loon rants of the Oregon GOP statements. It's straight out of QAnon.
I'm thinking that getting rid of my screen door and replacing it with a security door might just be a worthwhile investment.

If you live in a place run by DemoKKKrats, you should have done that a long time ago.
The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Funny, we all think it's you all who have the lunacy and madness problem.

Yeah, and I'm going on with that --- the data really is pretty good.
which you can never prove.
So why is Tucker Carlson defending Q??
Mad magazine declined to answer his call ?
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Damn, CNN just can't quit Donald Trump.


Damn, OANN and NewsMax and Fox can't suck enough Trump cock.
Qanon...there is that leftwingnut conspiracy word again...the word that no one can tell me what it means....
Qanon is the new Russian chaos agent.
So why is Tucker Carlson defending Q??
Dunno. Ask him. Why are you claiming everyone you don't like is a Q supporter?
BTW, the demofks are treating conservatives the way they treated slaves back in the day. Get out of line they were Uncle Tom's now out of conformity and you aren't uniting. hahahahahahahahahaha they play their games with everyone, the blacks had no bids on them alone, they are true evil fks, conform or become threatened and boycotted.

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