The Republican Party is embracing lunacy and madness

Geothermal powered trains?
Haha Yes. You heard it here first.

The electrical grid will be interactive.
Yes if the line running from say Dallas to SanAntonio runs through a grid that is supplied partially by geothermal power, then it's pretty obvious. In Holland they run on wind.

Maybe Phoenix to Seattle would be a better example.



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Geothermal powered trains?
Haha Yes. You heard it here first.

The electrical grid will be interactive.
Yes if the line running from say Dallas to SanAntonio runs through a grid that is supplied partially by geothermal power, then it's pretty obvious. In Holland they run on wind.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
Portman was one of the sensible ones. Husted, Jordan, among others are talking about running in his place. Both are a disgrace to Ohio.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
It was a fucking Heritage Foundation talking point.
Save the disingenuous shit for your brainwashed offspring.

Our trade laws allowed China to undercut Solyndra - it was set up to fail as a big smear campaign....set our industry back decades.
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What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
Misinformation to you is simply the other side of the story. When you do not hear both sides you can not make an informed decision. You do not want to be informed so anything you decide is meaningless. Your posts prove that.

It's a fallacy to believe that there's always two sides to an issue if and when one side is the complete and unadulterated truth and the utter side refutes that truth. Here's a case in point: If I say that the Nazis exterminated Jews during WWII and millions were killed in gas chambers, and someone else says it never happened, that is an example of the fallacy of equivalency.
What makes it the truth? Censoring the other side? Very little in this world being said is the unadulterated truth. For you to think it is makes you naive, narrow minded and intolerant.
Nope truth is what is true. It is supported by evidence. Evidence that can be checked and verified.
You are right though that in some cases truth can not be determined because this is not available. Luckily for us, though elections are something that is secured by multiple safeguards. Making determining if massive fraud happened a pretty straightforward process regardless of what you would consider censorship.
The fraud is supported by evidence no court will hear. What makes your evidence any fucking different? Is it censoring all dissent? Does that make it the truth? Nitwit.
Will since the courts are those making the determination of what is good evidence, as is their role in the constitution and since they are the only ones with the power to punish lying, my evidence is better.

It is also better because most lawsuits don't allege massive voter fraud.

It's also better because judges have asked lawyers for the plaintiffs if they were aware of massive voter fraud and those lawyers answered no.

It's also better because the DOJ led by REPUBLICANS stated that there was no massive voter fraud.

It's also better because Gulliany when filing his suits in courts stated that he wasn't alleging massive voter fraud. Even when saying different in the press. Something that doesn't carry actual penalties for lying.

And it's also better because when threatened by defamation suits those that are alleging voter fraud are backtracking.
You are talking out of your ass. You have no idea what the attorneys said. I am not alleging anything. Voter fraud has been proven to me and any other informed person. If you lack the honesty to look at the irrefutable evidence that is your problem. Of course that evidence is censored and never mentioned or covered by a thoroughly corrupt media.

Fewer wars, more money wasting trains!!!!
Job-creating, energy-saving wind, solar , coal, nuclear and geothermal powered trains. ( depending on the geographic locations most-suited to each energy source )

Job-creating, energy-saving wind, solar , coal, nuclear and geothermal powered trains.

Why would creating jobs building a money losing train project be a good idea?
Why is saving energy in a money losing project a good idea?
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
How about that new battery that charges in 5 minutes? Or Elon’s blue gas?

Did you hear about Eric Trump? He tried to commit suicide by sitting in his garage letting his Tesla run for an hour!
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
It was a fucking Heritage Foundation talking point.
Save the disingenuous shit for your brainwashed offspring.

Our trade laws allowed China to undercut Solyndra - it was set up to fail as a big smear campaign.
No, it was payback for Obama backers. Stop being naive.

The Extent of Obama's Solyndra Problem

Solyndra's connections to Obama Back in May, ABC News reported that the Obama administration had "bypassed procedural steps meant to protect taxpayers as it hurried to approve an energy loan guarantee to a politically-connected California solar power startup." That company was Solyndra and one of its primary financial backers was Oklahoma oil billionaire George Kaiser, who bundled at least $50,000 for Obama during his 2008 campaign. At an appearance at the California-based company last year, Obama insisted that country's prosperity was inextricably linked to the success of energy company's such as Solyndra. "The true engine of economic growth will always be company's like Solyndra," he said. The Washington Post reports that the plant was also visited by Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Vice President Biden, who spoke at its groundbreaking.

Early problem with Solyndra One of the factors inspiring some of the president's critics were early signs that the solar energy company was a bad bet for taxpayers:
Peter Lynch, a longtime solar industry analyst, told ABC News the company's fate should have been obvious from the start.
"Here's the bottom line," Lynch said. "It costs them $6 to make a unit. They're selling it for $3. In order to be competitive today, they have to sell it for between $1.5 and $2. That is not a viable business plan."
The investigation One of the key sources of conflict in this story is the level of support the White House gave to Solyndra. According to the Center for Public Integrity, the White House says it "did not intervene in the Solyndra deal or others benefiting companies backed by supporters of the president." However, Republicans say they've discovered information to prove the contrary. "We have learned from our investigation that White House officials monitored Solyndra's application and communicated with [Energy Department] and Office of Management and Budget officials during the course of their review," states a letter from House Energy Committee Chairman Fred Upton.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
It was a fucking Heritage Foundation talking point.
Save the disingenuous shit for your brainwashed offspring.

Our trade laws allowed China to undercut Solyndra - it was set up to fail as a big smear campaign.
Did you see the figures this morning about our imports from China? Drastically increased in the last 2 years.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
It was a fucking Heritage Foundation talking point.
Save the disingenuous shit for your brainwashed offspring.

Our trade laws allowed China to undercut Solyndra - it was set up to fail as a big smear campaign....set our industry back decades.
And made worse under Trump.
I think both parties have factions within them that are pulling them apart. The Repubs have the Trump supporters and the more establishment conservatives, and the Dems have the Far Left Bernie Bros that want more socialist policies (GND), and the establishment moderates who are more interested in gaining and keeping political power. And since nobody wants to work with the other side for fear of getting primaried, we're kinda fucked.
Bullshit. There is no equivalence to the QAnon crazy
Cultural Marxism is a million times worse.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released at statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Portman's retirement is a really bad sign.

The party is being overrun with rage, paranoia and misinformation.
Trying to keep up with the lying retarded left.
What is the old saying about not truly being able to help someone until they learn to help themselves?

If this keeps up, and at this point, there is little, if any, indication that wiser, cooler, and smarter heads will prevail, the Republican Party will not last as a viable political party that people will trust to govern.

If someone would have released a statement a few years ago like the Oregon GOP just did, I would have believed it was a fabrication. But, as they say, truth is stranger than fiction.

The best that can be said about this (and it's not good, to be sure) is that it's some kind of shared delusion.

All I can say at this point is that these guys better snap out of it soon, or they're going to find themselves irrelevant.

Republicans cannot have their own thoughts and opinions.
You have a point. Look how efficient AmTrak is.

If Americans wanted high-speed rail, there would be high-speed rail.
Oh God.
2002 wants it's talking point back.

I suppose Solyndra was your example for why solar is "costly" .....that's right. I've been arguing with fossil fuel shills like you a long time.

I suppose you supported the Solyndra toilet flushing a half-billion in taxpayer dollars.
How about that new battery that charges in 5 minutes? Or Elon’s blue gas?

Did you hear about Eric Trump? He tried to commit suicide by sitting in his garage letting his Tesla run for an hour!

Or Elon’s blue gas?

What's he making it from?

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