The Republican Party needs a serious reboot

Correct. It's hate filled. We hate people invading our country, so you are exactly correct on that.

The article states there was no real emergency to justify building a wall. What the leftist outlet failed to mention is that the reason the emergency disappeared is because of all the other successful policies outside of the wall that greatly reduced border crossings. It's a combination of a border and policy. The reason Democrats are so focused on the wall is because unlike policy, you can't remove a wall, at least not without great expense and making themselves obvious.

There was no emergency in 2016 either The undocumented population was 10.8 million in 2016, the lowest level since 2003.

From 2010 to 2018, a total of 2.6 million Mexican nationals left the US undocumented population. (undocumented population was 10.6 million in 2018.)

Bidens policies didnt build the economy ...Biden is still riding the economic wave the Trump admin created ... but i'm afraid the high inflation ushered in by the left is forcing people to cut back and the economy is going to start to slow and shrink .
Can you clarify? Unemployment was lower before and after he was in office.
Yes you did.

What's the difference? He's still a lying racist bigot. That's my point.

Well -

One diff is that if 90% of Bidens voters were black he wouldn't have very many votes - cause - Math.
He knows because of exit polling and other super-secret methods.
Well -

One diff is that if 90% of Bidens voters were black he wouldn't have very many votes - cause - Math.
He knows because of exit polling and other super-secret methods.

I see what you're saying now, but I still say that 90 % of Biden voters were from the US cemeteries.
Yes you did.

No, I didn't.
What's the difference? He's still a lying racist bigot. That's my point.

There's a huge difference. It literally means two different things. You said earlier I'm the one who sounds like an idiot. What do you sound like after the last several posts? Stop digging your hole deeper.
Rid themselves of the freedom Caucus. those who grovel and pander to Trump, and the opportunists like Lindsey Graham. Moderate and right of center conservatives is what is needed.What have the hardliners accomplished? Post a list of their accomplishments
I was giving some thought to your post since I am a moderate Conservative, not on the extremes, and not a Trump ass licker. Then I saw your BLM avatar and realized your post is unworthy of reading as you are obviously a left wing extremist so your opinion of right wing extremists isn't worth the cyberspace it is written on.
You said earlier I'm the one who sounds like an idiot.

90% of the time you do no matter what you're talking about,.. however I can sort of see now what you were talking about from Billie, but you're still an idiot in general nonetheless.
Wow, you sound pretty brilliant.
Oh, hell... I can be... and oftentimes am... dumb as a box-o-rox...
So you voted for who's against him, and now you're paying out of your ass for electricity and gas, groceries, our country getting flooded with invaders, your IRA went to complete hell, record OD deaths in the US, but these thousands (or tens of thousands) you lost was worth it because you didn't like meanie Tweets.
All of that stuff you mentioned can be fixed once sane, effective leadership is restored.

But sane, effective leadership cannot be restored if the Presidency is in the hands of an Orange Comb-Over Sociopath-Tyrant insistent upon holding power.

The damage that would have been done to the Republic and the Constitution had Rump remained in power would have been incalculable and irreversible.

If the choice is between shelling out more money for things for a while or surrendering the Constitution and the Republic, I choose shelling out more money.

Stroke of genius I tell ya.......
Not especially... it was painful, actually... but it was a stroke of Realism and true Patriotism and Love of Country that motivated my vote at the time.
Should my taxes pay for a welfare mother with several abortions and several children with different fathers or infrastructure that helps to increase wealth for more responsible people thus increasing the middle class. It is tragic that after spending tens of trillions of dollars on poverty that we see the gruesome crimes and ways of extreme vices today. Most people have their ways. It's just that to many disconnect form their responsibilities because of them.
That can all be fixed without elevating and sustaining a sociopathic power-mad Orange Comb-Over train wreck...
Oh, hell... I can be... and oftentimes am... dumb as a box-o-rox...

All of that stuff you mentioned can be fixed once sane, effective leadership is restored.

But sane, effective leadership cannot be restored if the Presidency is in the hands of an Orange Comb-Over Sociopath-Tyrant insistent upon holding power.

The damage that would have been done to the Republic and the Constitution had Rump remained in power would have been incalculable and irreversible.

If the choice is between shelling out more money for things for a while or surrendering the Constitution and the Republic, I choose shelling out more money.

Not especially... it was painful, actually... but it was a stroke of Realism and true Patriotism and Love of Country that motivated my vote at the time.

We had sane effective leadership. That's why the country was doing so well under President Trump. 5 million illegals entering the country not to mention the "got aways" is irreversible. No, that would have never happened under Trump.

Trump was no threat to the Constitution so that wasn't your choice. Your choice was to do what was best for the country or allow the country to go in ruins because of your childish personal feelings which we know can't be hurt. You chose to destroy this country and it's people like you that are doing exactly that. I don't call that patriot love of country, I call that selfishness.

I wish we could make a law where snowflakes like you weren't allowed to vote.
We had sane effective leadership.
Effective? Yes, in several aspects. Metaphorically speaking, the trains were, indeed, running on-time, and only those with a ticket were allowed to ride.

Sane? No. Your boy is a sociopath... born into money... arrogant... marginally articulate... speaks and tweets without thinking... a wrecker of alliances.

That's why the country was doing so well under President Trump.

He surrounded himself with people who knew what they were doing, and he gave them free rein to execute. A darned-fine approach.

Trouble is, to him, the traditions and governing laws of the United States are mere trappings... he's not vested in them... he views them as barriers and tools.

Trouble is, he wouldn't step down graciously and collaborate in a peaceful transfer of power when he knew - KNEW - that he'd been legitimately out-voted.

January 6, 2021, was the culmination of that villainy, and what he did, and did not do, in connection with that day, erases all good he had done up to then.

Rather like Benedict Arnold, who was a respected and prized general... right up to the split second when he turned traitor and betrayed his sacred trust.

Your boy's outrageous and traitorous behaviors and the damage he inflicted after the November 2020 election have damned him forevermore in history.

Sux to be him... and sux to be you, desperately trying to defend the Indefensible.

You have been conned by a P.T. Barnum -like orange-tinted comb-over con-man... as for you and yours: "There's a sucker born every minute."

He doesn't give two $hits about you... he only cares about power... and he'll throw you or anybody else under the bus in a heartbeat if it benefits him.

Jesus-H-Christ-on-a-crutch... let him go... wake up... snap out of it... pick another (and more sustainable) standard bearer and start moving forward again.

You pick the right Next-Gen candidate and there are one helluva lot of us - Indies and Reagan Democrats - who will join you at the ballot box. Get crackin'.

5 million illegals entering the country not to mention the "got aways" is irreversible.
Not irreversible if you get the right kind of (sustainable) candidate into office and retake both chambers of Congress again.
No, that would have never happened under Trump.
True. But the damage Rump did - and would do more and further, given the chance - to the Republic and the Constitution outweighs that consideration.
Trump was no threat to the Constitution so that wasn't your choice.
You are so heavily vested in Rump and so bitter about his loss that you can neither perceive nor appreciate the nature and extent of the threat. Pity.

I wish we could make a law where snowflakes like you weren't allowed to vote.
Yes. I'm sure.

But the White Vote in this country is split between...

1. Republicans
2. Democrats
3. Independents
4. Switch-hitters (like Reagan Democrats)

...and minorities are still solidly in the (D) column, and you will not pull across enough Hispanics to tip the scales for at least another generation.

You don't have the numbers to win on your own in a Presidential election.

You have to convince enough (3)'s and (4)'s to join you in order to overcome (2).

In order to get those (3)s and (4)s you need to Dump Trump.

will lose in 2024 if you fail to do so.

Rather than dreaming about disenfranchising the other groups you (collectively) need to spend your time courting the (3)s and (4)s.

Don't make me vote (D) again... I really don't want to... but I will if you force my hand again.
Last edited:
Effective? Yes, in several aspects. Metaphorically speaking, the trains were, indeed, running on-time, and only those with a ticket were allowed to ride.

Sane? No. Your boy is a sociopath... born into money... arrogant... marginally articulate... speaks and tweets without thinking... a wrecker of alliances.


He surrounded himself with people who knew what they were doing, and he gave them free rein to execute. A darned-fine approach.

Trouble is, to him, the traditions and governing laws of the United States are mere trappings... he's not vested in them... he views them as barriers and tools.

Trouble is, he wouldn't step down graciously and collaborate in a peaceful transfer of power when he knew - KNEW - that he'd been legitimately out-voted.

January 6, 2021, was the culmination of that villainy, and what he did, and did not do, in connection with that day, erases all good he had done up to then.

Rather like Benedict Arnold, who was a respected and prized general... right up to the split second when he turned traitor and betrayed his sacred trust.

Your boy's outrageous and traitorous behaviors and the damage he inflicted after the November 2020 election have damned him forevermore in history.

Sux to be him... and sux to be you, desperately trying to defend the Indefensible.

You have been conned by a P.T. Barnum -like orange-tinted comb-over con-man... as for you and yours: "There's a sucker born every minute."

He doesn't give two $hits about you... he only cares about power... and he'll throw you or anybody else under the bus in a heartbeat if it benefits him.

Jesus-H-Christ-on-a-crutch... let him go... wake up... snap out of it... pick another (and more sustainable) standard bearer and start moving forward again.

You pick the right Next-Gen candidate and there are one helluva lot of us - Indies and Reagan Democrats - who will join you at the ballot box. Get crackin'.

Not irreversible if you get the right kind of (sustainable) candidate into office and retake both chambers of Congress again.

True. But the damage Rump did - and would do more and further, given the chance - to the Republic and the Constitution outweighs that consideration.

You are so heavily vested in Rump and so bitter about his loss that you can neither perceive nor appreciate the nature and extent of the threat. Pity.

Yes. I'm sure.

But the White Vote in this country is split between...

1. Republicans
2. Democrats
3. Independents
4. Switch-hitters (like Reagan Democrats)

...and minorities are still solidly in the (D) column, and you will not pull across enough Hispanics to tip the scales for at least another generation.

You don't have the numbers to win on your own in a Presidential election.

You have to convince enough (3)'s and (4)'s to join you in order to overcome (2).

In order to get those (3)s and (4)s you need to Dump Trump.

will lose in 2024 if you fail to do so.

Rather than dreaming about disenfranchising the other groups you (collectively) need to spend your time courting the (3)s and (4)s.

Don't make me vote (D) again... I really don't want to... but I will if you force my hand again.
the left is already dumping Biden just 2 yrs into his term ... why do you think staffers and lawyers are suddenly discovering classified docs right after he announced he's running in 24 ?

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