The Republican Party really is a cult

it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Glad to see the asshole lying left dirt bags are still alive and well spewing their bs.
The truth is what it is.

You would not know the truth if it came up and bit you in the face.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Do you ever tire of being superior?
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

What is this about having "nuanced views" Billy? Looks more like bias to me.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

It's like this. It's exactly like this.
And Donald even TALKS like Tony Soprano, too.

it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

What is this about having "nuanced views" Billy? Looks more like bias to me.

Wanna' see bi-ass, just go look in the mirror.
The Republican Party really is a cult
It's really only half cult , the other half is organized crime, the rank and file lemmings act like cult members and the organized criminals in the party establishment run it like a mafia family, exactly like the Democrat Party.

"One should examine oneself for a very long time before thinking of condemning others" -- Moliere

See post #24.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Yep and your watching triple down economics working right now before your very eyes. :)

LMAO! "triple down"????? Fucking A it's amazing how you idiots can't rub two brain cells together.
It's called "trickle down" and it failed when Reagan tried it. It will fail again.
Fucking A !!! [slapping forehead]

Trickle-down economics is a nightmare. Kansas proved it. - The ...
Jun 12, 2017 - What was once hailed as a shot for the economy ended up being more like a shot of poison. ... For five years, Kansas's Republican governor, Sam Brownback, conducted the nation's most radical exercise intrickle-down economics — a “real-live experiment,” ... How Sam Brownback's tax 'experiment' failed.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work ...
It's at the heart of the infamous trickle-down theory. The past 40 years have seen a gradual decrease in the top bracket's income tax rate, from 91% in 1963 to 35% in 2003. It went as low as 28% in 1988 and 1989 due to legislation passed under Reagan, the trickle-down theory's most famous adherent. The Clinton years ...
Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Don't Create Jobs - Center for American Progress
Aug 24, 2017 - Trickle-down tax cuts have consistently failed to benefit working families. The past quarter century has tested the supply-side theorythat top-bracket tax cuts would boost economic growth and jobs. Thistheory has decidedly failed. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised taxes on top earners from 31 percent to ...
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Yep and your watching triple down economics working right now before your very eyes. :)

LMAO! "triple down"????? Fucking A it's amazing how you idiots can't rub two brain cells together.
It's called "trickle down" and it failed when Reagan tried it. It will fail again.
Fucking A !!! [slapping forehead]

Trickle-down economics is a nightmare. Kansas proved it. - The ...
Jun 12, 2017 - What was once hailed as a shot for the economy ended up being more like a shot of poison. ... For five years, Kansas's Republican governor, Sam Brownback, conducted the nation's most radical exercise intrickle-down economics — a “real-live experiment,” ... How Sam Brownback's tax 'experiment' failed.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work ...
It's at the heart of the infamous trickle-down theory. The past 40 years have seen a gradual decrease in the top bracket's income tax rate, from 91% in 1963 to 35% in 2003. It went as low as 28% in 1988 and 1989 due to legislation passed under Reagan, the trickle-down theory's most famous adherent. The Clinton years ...
Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Don't Create Jobs - Center for American Progress
Aug 24, 2017 - Trickle-down tax cuts have consistently failed to benefit working families. The past quarter century has tested the supply-side theorythat top-bracket tax cuts would boost economic growth and jobs. Thistheory has decidedly failed. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised taxes on top earners from 31 percent to ...

Typo and you know I meant trickle.

Coming from a zealot of the moonbat messiah who probably believes there is a single positive result of having an incompetent meat puppet faggot in the WH for 8 years of economic stagnation, global chaos and civil strife?

Sure, whatever bed wetter.


Oh, I see, so when unemployment went from 9.5% to 4.9% and the stock market increased by 300%, that's incompetent meat puppet faggotry. So Trump gets elected by the EC and he's taking the credit.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Do you ever tire of being superior?
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

What is this about having "nuanced views" Billy? Looks more like bias to me.
A cult is a cult. Sorry to break it you.
Only hypocrite left wing cultists who can't shake off their anger and ignorance would refer to the President of the United States as a "complete moron" while the DOW is up 3,000 points, unemployment is at a 20 year low and illegal immigration is down about 80%.
you patting yourself on the back for all that too? Drumpf is FOS as are his supporters following the pervert
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

What is this about having "nuanced views" Billy? Looks more like bias to me.
A cult is a cult. Sorry to break it you.

Funny. From where I sit, you belong to one too.

The cult of ignorance.

Coming from a zealot of the moonbat messiah who probably believes there is a single positive result of having an incompetent meat puppet faggot in the WH for 8 years of economic stagnation, global chaos and civil strife?

Sure, whatever bed wetter.

Memes is all you people ever have.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

Only a complete idiot could claim that.

THe guy crushed not only his 16 republican opponents, but the Champion of the Political Class, with the massive support she got from the super rich and the media, and government and ect ect ect.

And did it in a way that every one said was impossible.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

Only a complete idiot could claim that.

THe guy crushed not only his 16 republican opponents, but the Champion of the Political Class, with the massive support she got from the super rich and the media, and government and ect ect ect.

And did it in a way that every one said was impossible.
Yes, one really can’t underestimate the stupidity of the republican voter.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

Only a complete idiot could claim that.

THe guy crushed not only his 16 republican opponents, but the Champion of the Political Class, with the massive support she got from the super rich and the media, and government and ect ect ect.

And did it in a way that every one said was impossible.
Yes, one really can’t underestimate the stupidity of the republican voter.

YOu can try to turn it around how every you want.

ONly a blind fool lying to himself, could have seen that and not realized that TRump was a fucking genius.

How many people did HIllary pay, how many millions, to tell her what she needed to do to win?

How many people did the networks pay, how many millions to predict the outcome of the election before hand, and they were all wrong and Trump was right?
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
And still better than what the retarded left ran.
The Republican Party really is a cult?

OK, then...

The Democratic Party is a whorehouse...

Offering their backsides to anyone willing to vote for them... mostly foreigners and freaks and phaggs and proto-adults, nowadays.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

There needs to be a Bullshit forum for this crap.

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