The Republican Party really is a cult

it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Do you ever tire of being superior?
You spelled Stupor wrong.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
Worried about our environment? Well, how about this.....It takes 1.5 acres to feed one person for a farms that feed local communities disappear daily due to urban sprawl.....urban sprawl is also continuing to be responsible for the ongoing deforestation and wildlife habitats in this nation.....YET....the left, for some reason, insists on dragging in MILLIONS more people into the nation to further destroy the environment and each one of those millions will need 1.5 acres to feed him/her for a year, thus you have massively less forests and less wildlife habitats. Add to this, the populace they want coming in are primarily from groups that consistently have large families (i.e., Catholics and Muslims). Personally, I'm for ending ALL immigration, permanently, but at least the current president (who is definitely a misogynistic, narcissistic, individual with poor speaking skills) is trying to curb the influx of the human wave wanting in.
As for the "trickle-down" economics.....trickle-down economics has never worked before.....BUT....because of significantly reducing governmental regulations and lowering corporate taxes, companies are indeed coming back to the states, employees are getting pay raises and bonuses and companies are hiring.
So, he's an improvement on the crap that could have gotten in...namely, Hillary Clinton, the "New World Order, no borders and diminishing of our Constitution to accommodate a Socialist Government, which is big government controlling the people, rather than small government.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Yep and your watching triple down economics working right now before your very eyes. :)

LMAO! "triple down"????? Fucking A it's amazing how you idiots can't rub two brain cells together.
It's called "trickle down" and it failed when Reagan tried it. It will fail again.
Fucking A !!! [slapping forehead]

Trickle-down economics is a nightmare. Kansas proved it. - The ...
Jun 12, 2017 - What was once hailed as a shot for the economy ended up being more like a shot of poison. ... For five years, Kansas's Republican governor, Sam Brownback, conducted the nation's most radical exercise intrickle-down economics — a “real-live experiment,” ... How Sam Brownback's tax 'experiment' failed.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work ...
It's at the heart of the infamous trickle-down theory. The past 40 years have seen a gradual decrease in the top bracket's income tax rate, from 91% in 1963 to 35% in 2003. It went as low as 28% in 1988 and 1989 due to legislation passed under Reagan, the trickle-down theory's most famous adherent. The Clinton years ...
Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Don't Create Jobs - Center for American Progress
Aug 24, 2017 - Trickle-down tax cuts have consistently failed to benefit working families. The past quarter century has tested the supply-side theorythat top-bracket tax cuts would boost economic growth and jobs. Thistheory has decidedly failed. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised taxes on top earners from 31 percent to ...

Typo and you know I meant trickle.

Hahahaha....Like this is a type-0.
You fucking idiots only hear buzz words and even then you can't even accurately repeat them.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Glad to see the asshole lying left dirt bags are still alive and well spewing their bs.
The truth is what it is.
Why are you so angry?
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

Yep and your watching triple down economics working right now before your very eyes. :)

LMAO! "triple down"????? Fucking A it's amazing how you idiots can't rub two brain cells together.
It's called "trickle down" and it failed when Reagan tried it. It will fail again.
Fucking A !!! [slapping forehead]

Trickle-down economics is a nightmare. Kansas proved it. - The ...
Jun 12, 2017 - What was once hailed as a shot for the economy ended up being more like a shot of poison. ... For five years, Kansas's Republican governor, Sam Brownback, conducted the nation's most radical exercise intrickle-down economics — a “real-live experiment,” ... How Sam Brownback's tax 'experiment' failed.
Trickle-Down Economics: Four Reasons Why It Just Doesn't Work ...
It's at the heart of the infamous trickle-down theory. The past 40 years have seen a gradual decrease in the top bracket's income tax rate, from 91% in 1963 to 35% in 2003. It went as low as 28% in 1988 and 1989 due to legislation passed under Reagan, the trickle-down theory's most famous adherent. The Clinton years ...
Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Don't Create Jobs - Center for American Progress
Aug 24, 2017 - Trickle-down tax cuts have consistently failed to benefit working families. The past quarter century has tested the supply-side theorythat top-bracket tax cuts would boost economic growth and jobs. Thistheory has decidedly failed. In 1993, President Bill Clinton raised taxes on top earners from 31 percent to ...

Typo and you know I meant trickle.

Hahahaha....Like this is a type-0.
You fucking idiots only hear buzz words and even then you can't even accurately repeat them.

Oh you are real desperate huh.
Ever hear of spell check?
o you ever tire of being superior?

It's your fault.

After talking to conservatives, it's almost impossible for any normal person to _not_ develop a superiority complex. Just look at this thread.

And yes, you are part of a cult.

How do we know? There's literally no hard data that could change your mind on any topic. Any time there is such hard data, you simply auto-declare the data is part of a conspiracy. That's hardcore cultist behavior. You're not connected to reality, and damn proud of it. After all, reality is a liberal plot, so any good conservative rejects it. If you were to accept reality, you'd be booted from the cult, and to a herd animal like a conservative, that's like a death sentence.

In stark contrast, if hard data contradicts liberalism ... we change liberalism. That's how rational people do things.
o you ever tire of being superior?

It's your fault.

After talking to conservatives, it's almost impossible for any normal person to _not_ develop a superiority complex. Just look at this thread.

And yes, you are part of a cult.

How do we know? There's literally no hard data that could change your mind on any topic. Any time there is such hard data, you simply auto-declare the data is part of a conspiracy. That's hardcore cultist behavior. You're not connected to reality, and damn proud of it. After all, reality is a liberal plot, so any good conservative rejects it. If you were to accept reality, you'd be booted from the cult, and to a herd animal like a conservative, that's like a death sentence.

In stark contrast, if hard data contradicts liberalism ... we change liberalism. That's how rational people do things.

Did you miss how conservatives have flipped on trade, and foreign policy, just in the last election?

HUGE policy changes based on new data, despite their leaders arguing to stay the course.

I mean, not only are you wrong, but the way you didn't even see the massive debate, open warfare inside the GOP, liberals gloating about it for months, the GOP eating it's own, the GOP leadership half wanting to lose rather than win with a candidate that did not toe the line,

While in your party the opposite happened. THe rebels were crushed and then lined back up to support the Chosen One.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

1) The 'You're stupid" argument isn't usually a winner

2) denial is not going to get you back into power

3) you clearly aren't in a place to lecture anyone on economics
Hardcore partisan ideologues are cultists and tribalists.

"Side" irrelevant.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.
billy is too brainwashed by his cult to realize that his party is the same way.....
Whether it's a "cult" or not is debatab.
No it's not.

But one thing we all can be sure of right now, the democrap party is the most corrupt organization America has ever had the misfortune to endure.

Thankfully the truth about it is finally coming out for all to see, and they can kiss any chances of winning elections in 2018 goodbye.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

^^^ liberal projection thread of the month. :eusa_hand:
Trump himslef said he could killl someone and still his fans would vote for him. Sounds cultish to me .

He lies and lies and they still eat up everything he says .

He was making a JOKE, you imbecile! He was laughing and goofing around when he said it.
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
President Trump has your number
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.
Man-made climate change is fraud, You’re a silly little fucker, Who is incredibly gullible
it does not matter who is elected or what policies are passed, the republican base will support them no matter what.

1) Trump is a complete moron but his followers are either just as dumb or too immature to admit it.

2) The ONLY reason why the rightwing doesn’t believe in man made climate change is because republicans in office told them not to believe it. That’s it. They pretend this is about Al Gore when really he is irrelevant and meaningless to the actual science.

3) It does not matter what evidence presents itself to the contrary, republican voters still think trickedown economics is a legitimate economic solution for the middle class and poor. It’s so embarrassing. It’s embarrassing liberals have to share a country with such pawns to the GOP who don’t at all give a shit about them.

A cult is the best way to describe the Republican Party. They will in fact follow ANYONE that is annointed the leader of the cult, no matter how immoral or mentally ill. Good lord the Republican base wanted an accused pedophile as a Senator. Luckily a very narrow margin of voters in Alabama said no to that insanity, but this nutjob was supported by Lying Trump.

The OP is spot on.
Slick Willy is not only a pedophile he is into sex trafficking you stupid motherfucker

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