The Republican Plan to Dismantle the Endangered Species Act


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Republican Plan to Dismantle the Endangered Species Act

Written by Kaleigh Rogers
September 3, 2015 // 07:00 AM EST
Over the past few months, Republican members of Congress have been attempting to systematically dismantle the Endangered Species Act (ESA) through dozens of legislative proposals. They say the ESA has been abused and is no longer an effective way to protect our vulnerable plants and animals, but some environmental groups say this erosion of the ESA will put species at more risk than we’ve seen in decades.

“They’re trying to starve the beast,” said Don Barry, a senior vice president at Defenders of Wildlife, a nonprofit conservation organization. “If you can’t kill the beast outright by getting rid of the law, just turn off the federal funding spigot and watch it starve to death.”

Yet, another good reason NOT to vote republican...They don't give two damns about animal life on this planet and they'd wipe all animals off it without thinking twice. Evil sick bastards.

Human life is fucked without the animal kingdom. Very short sighted.
You're really gullible if you believe that liberal propaganda. It's an opinion piece by Canadian airhead.
Uh........we could put a road and bridge up and save the infrastructure............put in a turtle crossing to boot...........

Yeah...Yeah.........infrastructure.......that's the the animals at the same time.......

Yeah Yeah................Evil Republicans everywhere..........If they are in charge they kill everything.

Yeah Yeah.............Republicans are evil people..............

I tell you................

Did the Op drink draino as a kid, or sniff gasoline............
Did you have a look at the legislation they're trying to pass? Apparently not.
How awful that would be to put Human life over animals eh?

But try and ask taxpayers money be defunded to Planned Parenthood. well you saw they freaked out over that .

so their motto should be:
save the animals, Kill the babies of the world

the freaking left in this country has become nothing but full blown LIARS and Fearmongers. their usual when there is an election coming up
Specify the bills proposed and the sponsors......................If not this is just another bs thread on if the Republicans take over Gov't Americans will be eating dog food thread.....................

Show where they are sponsoring the killing of animal species.............

Read much? Go back up to post #4 and click the link (which was in the OP's article). All the bills are clearly identified and explained.
How awful that would be to put Human life over animals eh?

But try and ask taxpayers money be defunded to Planned Parenthood. well you saw they freaked out over that .

so their motto should be:
save the animals, Kill the babies of the world

the freaking left in this country has become nothing but full blown LIARS and Fearmongers. their usual when there is an election coming up

This is off the topic of this thread, but Stephanie is special.

So, Stephanie, can we get you here in print agreeing that poor women don't deserve the same reproductive health care as rich women?
Can you cite the HR or S numbers for these proposals?

Why yes, we can.

You really should read the article before jumping in.
I read the last paragraph that tries to tell you not to get your panties in a bunch, coz it's slim to none that anything earth shattering will happen

“Major reform is, I think, very unlikely given the need to get 60 votes in the Senate and pass the presidential signature. And it’s a fairly stable and wildly popular statute, on the whole,” he told me. “And there’s a ton of evidence that it works.”

I particularly liked the part that points out, what should be obvious, that states can better protect their native species
Congress puts forward bills all the time..................So a stack of bills is posted................

Site the specific bill and article you are complaining about...........Then tell me the traction it is getting...........aka those supporting it............

What is your specific bitch and complaint................

Or do we just talk about a rancher and the turtle again...............where the Federal Gov't killed the turtles in the end.................because the cows were supposedly eating their food.........................yet had co existed for hundreds of years already and the horses in the region weren't being rounded up and killed who were eating in the same region..........

Perhaps we are talking of saving the silver fish in they kept the water flowing in a drought situation........

Perhaps we can talk about the big birds like the eagles getting sliced and diced via wind mills and people like you don't give a rats ass.
Perhaps you've made up your mind and aren't actually interested in an examination of the facts. The topic of this thread is Republican efforts to defund the ESA. Those bills are evidence of precisely that.
You're trying to shift the discussion. Let's talk about Republican efforts to defund the Endangered Species Act.
Perhaps you've made up your mind and aren't actually interested in an examination of the facts.
I haven't already made up my mind.......................

Which issue is your complaint......................

How about the spider stopping an area that needs the extra traffic lanes....................Is that spider more important than the kids getting run over because of the traffic.........................................

HEY WE FOUND A SPIDER..................STOP CONSTRUCTION...................Jobs on hold..........upgrades on hold..................................for a fing single spider that gives the biologist tingling sensations.............
You're trying to shift the discussion. Let's talk about Republican efforts to defund the Endangered Species Act.
So talk about it...................which issue..................which construction project getting closed as a result..............

Do you want to talk about that spider................................

No deflection haven't specified the exact case your pissed about...................which one is it..................
Perhaps you've made up your mind and aren't actually interested in an examination of the facts. The topic of this thread is Republican efforts to defund the ESA. Those bills are evidence of precisely that.
Perhaps you can quote the portion of the COTUS that gives the federal government jurisdiction over this matter and how the individual states couldn't do a better job
You're trying to shift the discussion. Let's talk about Republican efforts to defund the Endangered Species Act.

ok, lets talk what the chances of that happening would be. we can't cut anything out of this bloated Monster of a government, because if it's even suggest we get wails and howls from you people who thinks everyone should just fund all your pet projects (first it was the killing of babies and now over freaking animals) and the hell if it takes money from our families.
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