The Republican War On Women

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

Yeah, Murkowski. I have no reason to believe she's a skank. But she did come out and say that the GOP had their heads up their ass when they decided to wage war on a woman's right to make their own procreation decisions.

She's a liberal.... give me the name of a conservative woman making these idiotic claims regarding an imaginary war on women?

None... it's only leftist whackaloon moonbats.. like Murkowski... and you. Again, give me one case of a Republican denying one woman an abortion or contraceptives.. you still have yet to back up your silly left wing talking point.

She is? Could have fooled me. You really ought to open your wallet and find a Senate candidate from Alaska who meets your doctrinaire criteria. Murkowski tried to be a wingnut, and voted for the Blunt Amendment, which would have allowed insurance companies to deny contraception, if the EMPLOYER said they have a moral reason to deny reproductive choice, that the Supreme Court said was a privacy right, about 50 years ago.

But Dr. Nola, you have every right to purge your party of the infidels.
Yeah, Murkowski. I have no reason to believe she's a skank. But she did come out and say that the GOP had their heads up their ass when they decided to wage war on a woman's right to make their own procreation decisions.

She's a liberal.... give me the name of a conservative woman making these idiotic claims regarding an imaginary war on women?

None... it's only leftist whackaloon moonbats.. like Murkowski... and you. Again, give me one case of a Republican denying one woman an abortion or contraceptives.. you still have yet to back up your silly left wing talking point.

She is? Could have fooled me. You really ought to open your wallet and find a Senate candidate from Alaska who meets your doctrinaire criteria. Murkowski tried to be a wingnut, and voted for the Blunt Amendment, which would have allowed insurance companies to deny contraception, if the EMPLOYER said they have a moral reason to deny reproductive choice, that the Supreme Court said was a privacy right, about 50 years ago.

But Dr. Nola, you have every right to purge your party of the infidels.

How does one deny reproductive choice?

This oughtta be good...
Is this thread about Obamas war on women's wages? If it isn't please direct me there as that thread is actually based on facts rather than propaganda.


That's just it...there isn't any such 'WAR'...period.

So the recent FAIL attempt of burning a Planned Parenthood clinic, was just to find a comfy spot to toast marshmelows?

Now you're just being stupid... unless of course you have evidence that a Republican did this and afterwords posted a declaration of war against women.

She's a liberal.... give me the name of a conservative woman making these idiotic claims regarding an imaginary war on women?

None... it's only leftist whackaloon moonbats.. like Murkowski... and you. Again, give me one case of a Republican denying one woman an abortion or contraceptives.. you still have yet to back up your silly left wing talking point.

She is? Could have fooled me. You really ought to open your wallet and find a Senate candidate from Alaska who meets your doctrinaire criteria. Murkowski tried to be a wingnut, and voted for the Blunt Amendment, which would have allowed insurance companies to deny contraception, if the EMPLOYER said they have a moral reason to deny reproductive choice, that the Supreme Court said was a privacy right, about 50 years ago.

But Dr. Nola, you have every right to purge your party of the infidels.

How does one deny reproductive choice?

This oughtta be good...

Now this I gotta see since Tick Duck is such an expert...

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

Yeah, Murkowski. I have no reason to believe she's a skank. But she did come out and say that the GOP had their heads up their ass when they decided to wage war on a woman's right to make their own procreation decisions.

She's a liberal.... give me the name of a conservative woman making these idiotic claims regarding an imaginary war on women?

None... it's only leftist whackaloon moonbats.. like Murkowski... and you. Again, give me one case of a Republican denying one woman an abortion or contraceptives.. you still have yet to back up your silly left wing talking point.

A thinking woman, who realized she was bamboozled into voting for the Blunt amendment?
She is? Could have fooled me. You really ought to open your wallet and find a Senate candidate from Alaska who meets your doctrinaire criteria. Murkowski tried to be a wingnut, and voted for the Blunt Amendment, which would have allowed insurance companies to deny contraception, if the EMPLOYER said they have a moral reason to deny reproductive choice, that the Supreme Court said was a privacy right, about 50 years ago.

But Dr. Nola, you have every right to purge your party of the infidels.

How does one deny reproductive choice?

This oughtta be good...

Now this I gotta see since Tick Duck is such an expert...


i notice he is conveniently ignoring the question. I have noticed liberals do that a lot when they can't answer the fucking question.
This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.

Is that what your think it is? I'd say you're wrong. When various GOP officials want to shove devices in vaginas, for no medical purpose; when the GOP wants to relieve insurance companies of not providing baseline care, regarding procreation; it's clearly middle aged white males who want to dictate procreation mandates to women.
That's just it...there isn't any such 'WAR'...period.

So the recent FAIL attempt of burning a Planned Parenthood clinic, was just to find a comfy spot to toast marshmelows?

Now you're just being stupid... unless of course you have evidence that a Republican did this and afterwords posted a declaration of war against women.


So why are so many wingnut states trying to legislate shoving a probe into woman's virginas, when there's no medical purpose?
Is that what your think it is? I'd say you're wrong. When various GOP officials want to shove devices in vaginas, for no medical purpose; when the GOP wants to relieve insurance companies of not providing baseline care, regarding procreation; it's clearly middle aged white males who want to dictate procreation mandates to women.

What unreal hyperbole. Yeah all us middle aged white males are just lining up to pass laws that allow us to shove devices in women's vaginas for no medical purpose. :cuckoo: What a fucking nut.
Well if the stimulus and Obamacare has been so successful, why isn't Obama running on those "successes"?? When was the last time you heard him mention his Stimulus?

The only war I see being waged against women is the left thinking we are incapable of thinking for ourselves. Most women make the financial decisions in the household, I always have since I was first married at 18 years old.

Just like Obama sees everyone, women are beneath him unless it's time to vote...........then his cronies fabricate some anomaly about birth control being taken away from a college student that CHOSE to attend a Catholic college. I seriously doubt most of his "supporters" realize her testimony was presented during a Democrat only hearing. Male and Female alike, we couldn't possibly know what's going on unless we are Harvard Grads that became Community Organizers.
Is that what your think it is? I'd say you're wrong. When various GOP officials want to shove devices in vaginas, for no medical purpose; when the GOP wants to relieve insurance companies of not providing baseline care, regarding procreation; it's clearly middle aged white males who want to dictate procreation mandates to women.

What unreal hyperbole. Yeah all us middle aged white males are just lining up to pass laws that allow us to shove devices in women's vaginas for no medical purpose. :cuckoo: What a fucking nut.

Tick Duck is off the deep end. All there is to it. :cuckoo:
There is NOT a Republican "War On Women". It's manufactured bullshit from the left.

That simple.

OP? Try again.

You'd think they be screaming from the rooftops the accomplishments that are Obama... yet they're obsessing over an imaginary war on women, rubbers and Warren Buffet's secretary.


Exactly. Obama OWNS the economy as do the Statist Democrats...

this is nothing but a diversion getting started early by Obama and his minions to lead people away from his horrible record.

Obama doesn't own the economy. He has just kept the moron corporate fascist from owning it more.
I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

* None*

Actually several. Please keep up, and stop lying.

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