The Republican War On Women

Absolutely... that's why were trying to rid ourselves of RINO fucks like Rove, Murkowski, etc.

I love your dogmatic philosophy.

What's dogmatic about wanting to rid my party of a bunch of left-wing light nincompoops? If I wanted progressivism or Marxism, I'd vote Democratic.

Do you even know what dogma means?

You don't get it, and probably never will. That's fine. Make the GOP a movement party. Get rid of all those who aren't sufficiently to your right. See how that works when you have to hustle Taxpayer Party votes.
There is NOT a Republican "War On Women". It's manufactured bullshit from the left.

That simple.

OP? Try again.

You'd think they be screaming from the rooftops the accomplishments that are Obama... yet they're obsessing over an imaginary war on women, rubbers and Warren Buffet's secretary.


Exactly. Obama OWNS the economy as do the Statist Democrats...

this is nothing but a diversion getting started early by Obama and his minions to lead people away from his horrible record.
You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...

I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

* None*
I love your dogmatic philosophy.

What's dogmatic about wanting to rid my party of a bunch of left-wing light nincompoops? If I wanted progressivism or Marxism, I'd vote Democratic.

Do you even know what dogma means?

You don't get it, and probably never will. That's fine. Make the GOP a movement party. Get rid of all those who aren't sufficiently to your right. See how that works when you have to hustle Taxpayer Party votes.

Oh cry me a river.. anybody who doesn't openly embrace everything from abortion to wealth distribution is persona non grata with the left.

Palease... I don't need inclusion lectures from leftists.. you guys are as exclusionary as they come.
You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...

I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

Yeah, Murkowski. I have no reason to believe she's a skank. But she did come out and say that the GOP had their heads up their ass when they decided to wage war on a woman's right to make their own procreation decisions.
Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

But wouldn't you think somebody with a clue who had a substantial majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate would have accomplished something in the two years he had that luxury. Something more than multi-trillion dollar spending that has been deeply unpopular both here and abroad and has obviously failed to accomplish anything other than push us to the edge of bankruptcy. And other than passing a healthcare bill that nobody read that does not do what it was supposed to do, but that takes over control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy and is also becoming deeply unpopular and is likely to be overturned as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

And when you consider ALL that, this same clueless one dares to claim that it is the Republicans who have delcared war on women? Or anybody else?

It appears you're getting defensive. Sad, and too bad for the issues require more than a cursory look and a firm conclusion based on avarice, bigotry, ideology or blinded by willful ignorance. Don't freak out, I'm not pointing my post at you, we both know we can see the same event and draw different conclusions, see different causes and infer motives of those who don't see it our way with feigned clarity.

I supported and still support a single payer system where all American citizens are covered from conception to grave with preventative care and I'll explain why.

Since I left my parents home I was covered by the University, the Navy and then civil service. Since 1974 I've been covered by Kaiser Permanente and we've had no complaints. I had back surgery in 1991; the cost: $5.00 (today the same surgery costs $10.00). Today, Dr. Appts. $10; Rx meads, $10 and all doctors we may see have a computerized record of medications, prior illnesses, surgerys, etc. Annual physicals are free, as are preventative innocultations, and age appropriate tests.

If a Kaiser model was established nation-wide and available to all US Citizens the costs would go down (we pay about $1,500 a year - co-pays noted above). I've watched as my dad, now 90, is ripped off by the private sector (Medicare is ripped off too). Of course the profits are great and that is why the AMA has long opposed Kaiser.

Obama and the Democrats knew the Republicans would protect their own, the special interests who benefit from the status quo; I do wish Obama had been more forceful, but he was too new to the job and didn't understand that the greedy would do anything to protect their golden goose. Country First? Hell, like most of ever thing the Republicans vocalize it's nothing but hot air.
What's dogmatic about wanting to rid my party of a bunch of left-wing light nincompoops? If I wanted progressivism or Marxism, I'd vote Democratic.

Do you even know what dogma means?

You don't get it, and probably never will. That's fine. Make the GOP a movement party. Get rid of all those who aren't sufficiently to your right. See how that works when you have to hustle Taxpayer Party votes.

Oh cry me a river.. anybody who doesn't openly embrace everything from abortion to wealth distribution is persona non grata with the left.

Palease... I don't need inclusion lectures from leftists.. you guys are as exclusionary as they come.

Good for you. Push the GOP into further extremism. There's always a scapegoat of someone who doesn't dance to your lockstep dogma. Keep on convincing yourself that the reason that the GOP fails is because they aren't far enough to the right. Even communist China got rid of their doctrinaire extremists, including Mao's wife, in their Cultural Revolution.
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I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?

Yeah, Murkowski. I have no reason to believe she's a skank. But she did come out and say that the GOP had their heads up their ass when they decided to wage war on a woman's right to make their own procreation decisions.

She's a liberal.... give me the name of a conservative woman making these idiotic claims regarding an imaginary war on women?

None... it's only leftist whackaloon moonbats.. like Murkowski... and you. Again, give me one case of a Republican denying one woman an abortion or contraceptives.. you still have yet to back up your silly left wing talking point.
This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.
You don't get it, and probably never will. That's fine. Make the GOP a movement party. Get rid of all those who aren't sufficiently to your right. See how that works when you have to hustle Taxpayer Party votes.

Oh cry me a river.. anybody who doesn't openly embrace everything from abortion to wealth distribution is persona non grata with the left.

Palease... I don't need inclusion lectures from leftists.. you guys are as exclusionary as they come.

Good for you. Push the GOP into further extremism. There's always a scapegoat of someone who doesn't dance your lockstep dogma. Keep on convincing yourself that the reason that the GOP fails is because they aren't far enough to the right.

Extreme is obsessing over gay marriage, condoms and Warren Buffet's secretary... wanting the government out of my health care, my wallet and every other aspect of my life is not extreme.. except to a Marxist.
There is NOT a Republican "War On Women". It's manufactured bullshit from the left.

That simple.

OP? Try again.

You'd think they be screaming from the rooftops the accomplishments that are Obama... yet they're obsessing over an imaginary war on women, rubbers and Warren Buffet's secretary.


Exactly. Obama OWNS the economy as do the Statist Democrats...

this is nothing but a diversion getting started early by Obama and his minions to lead people away from his horrible record.

Well he has to have something new to attack. They're running out of steam on taxing the millionaires more. As of this morning the projected revenues that would produce comes to something like $5 billion a year stacked against those 1 to 2 trillion dollar deficits projected as far as the eye can see. And when you consider the revenues we likely wouldn't get if the 1% is taxed more, it looks even worse.

And they don't dare go the evil Republicans wanting to pollute the environment with big oil route. Not with gas prices going through the roof.

In fact the whole environmental thing is a problem right now because if they push the Republicans all want dirty air, dirty water, dirty soil, and a treeless environment propaganda they've used in past elections, it calls attention to Solyndra and other wasteful boondoggles that the Obama Administration really doesn't want on the front page.

So here we are. Now the assigned talking points are that Republicans hate woman and want to chain every one of them barefoot and pregant in the kitchen while mandating invasive procedures in their wombs, and denying them equal pay, equal rights, healthcare, or benefits for their children.

Gosh conservatives. This is terrible? Who knew we were so evil? How do we live with ourselves?

(And more importantly, how much longer are smart women going to allow themselves to be fooled with this bullshit?)
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This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.

Too many in this country are of the 'American Idol' 'Cult of Personality' a matter of course they don't care...whatever sounds good...they take the easy way out.

Logic/Truth defies them albiet it's right in front of them.
This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.

It's called the "it's not a lie if you repeat it enough" strategy... it only works on the mentally and emotionally challenged.
This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.

It's called the "it's not a lie if you repeat it enough" strategy... it only works on the mentally and emotionally challenged.

Moderern Statism (disguised as liberalism) is based on emotion. It's the coward's way out of dealing with real life.
This is what I'm talking about. The liberals are half genius half idiot.

They make a catch phrase, "republican war on women.".

Repeat it over and over and over and over.

The idiots get mesmerized by it. Like a chant.

But the ones who thought up the catch phrase know their audience well so that's why they are smart and know how to use the idiots.

It surprises me everytime it works. You'd think people would figure it out.

It's called the "it's not a lie if you repeat it enough" strategy... it only works on the mentally and emotionally challenged.

Moderern Statism (disguised as liberalism) is based on emotion. It's the coward's way out of dealing with real life.

Indeed, liberalism lacks a solid intellectual component.. it's one long, drawn out emotive knee-jerk response to all things real and imaginary.
Somebody's broke? It's not that he chose the path of no education and drugs, it's because Warren Buffet's secretary pays a higher tax rate than Warren Buffet!
Somebody's broke? It's not that he chose the path of no education and drugs, it's because Warren Buffet's secretary pays a higher tax rate than Warren Buffet!

^^Exactly. This is one of the glittering jewels of colossal ignorance these creeps are feeding the uneducated Dumb Masses.

This guy has more than YOU...he stole it from need to take it back (and we'll do it for you) is another one.

Class warfare all the way.

Sometimes I really wonder if people can be trusted with thier own liberty...some obviously can't.

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