The Republican War On Women

You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!

What an idiot collossas....

The stimulus was EPIC FAIL.... evident by the fact that we are still in the midst of one of the longest downturns in U.S. history... and spare us the "oh, it would have been so much worse".. you can't prove that. Might as well claim Obama kept the Earth from falling out of orbit because that never happened either.

In a growing economy, tax rates don't matter... 25% of 1,000 generates more than 25% of $500. Only when we take spending levels to an ever increasing % of the total economy does this start falling apart.

Good grief people.... wise up...

LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????

No. It wasn't big enough. Republicans didn't want any stimulus, remember? And Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt.

I'm not going to pretend the stimulus was perfect, just like I don't think Dems or Obamacare are perfect. But I'm also not a right wing idiot who doesn't see when Republicans are behaving badly.

And you want to go back to the Bush days. You think the CBO agrees with you dumbass? :lol:

If I didn't laugh I'd cry.
You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!

What an idiot collossas....

The stimulus was EPIC FAIL.... evident by the fact that we are still in the midst of one of the longest downturns in U.S. history... and spare us the "oh, it would have been so much worse".. you can't prove that. Might as well claim Obama kept the Earth from falling out of orbit because that never happened either.

In a growing economy, tax rates don't matter... 25% of 1,000 generates more than 25% of $500. Only when we take spending levels to an ever increasing % of the total economy does this start falling apart.

Good grief people.... wise up...

LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????

Let me give you an example of how you are being intellectually dishonest.

Remember Bush and Pelosi sent us all $500? Did it work? No it didn't "work". But it kept us from having 3 consecutive quarters with a loss, and that allowed them to avoid being in an official "recession".

Did it work? Did it fix anything? It added to the debt, right? It was really just a bullshit loan we made to ourselves and now we owe it back with interest. Does that make any sense? But back then you said if we didn't want it to send it back. Remember or were you too young back then?

But that money went into the economy and I'm sure the merchants didn't turn the money down. So it helped get us through a rough time.

But you want Obama's stimulus to be a silver bullet. Because you hold him to a higher standard. I understand. He is a great man. Just like how you righties want to point to REAL unemployment now but you never did that to Bush. Hypocrites say what?
Murkowski Becomes Third Republican Senator To Criticize GOP’s War On Women

“It makes no sense to make this attack on women,” she said at a local Chamber of Commerce luncheon. “If you don’t feel this is an attack, you need to go home and talk to your wife and your daughters.”

Yes.......the RINO from Alaska thinks the GOP is conducting war on women.

Nothing to see here.

Good for you. Push your party further t the right.
If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

It goes a lot further back than 11 or 12 years, we can go back 80 years to see the collapse of 2008' so I realize you are just a partisan hack.

Now, Obama was the one claiming the stimulus would revive and get the economy on track, no one else, Obama is now the one saying that a tax increase will do what his stimulus package failed to do. So spare me your BS, this is our President saying these things, so please pay attention. So apparently he is the one you should talk to about not paying attention.

You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!

Going to name calling, interesting tactic for those going on the defensive. Obama chose not to repeal the Bush tax cuts because it would damage the economy, now he is telling us, repealing the tax cuts will improve the economy. The Senate had a 60 Democratic MAJORITY, it was filibuster proof, so I'm not sure your point is other than Obama had trouble within his own party. So spare the obstruction BS?

I never claimed Clinton was bad or Bush II was good, Bush II rode out the final end of the bubble we started during WWII. We moved from bubble to bubble for 80 plus years, it had to end eventually. I think both parties contributed to it for decades.

Back in the mid 90's people were borrowing 125% on their homes, how long did you honestly think it could last? 125% and banks were fine with it your are kidding? How could people not see the signs? Using 125% equity loans, paying of their 5 year car loans with 33 year equity loans, using them to payoff credit cards and other credit lines, then turning right around and buying new cars, reloading all their cards.

Repeating our mistakes is not going to help, continuing on the same course isn't going to help. Changing our government and personal spending habits will work.

So call me all the little names you like, I realize you have no other way to express yourself and your vocabulary seems limited.
Republicans do have a war on liberal women. Whether they are male or female. Lets face it liberal men are women too....aren't you? come on girls you know it's true...deep down inside you know you have become women in male bodies.
LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????

Only a dumbass thinks the stimulus which created 4 million jobs and in a ten year period will save the economy 1.5-4trillion dollars is a failure

Gee. There's a liberal Democrat talking pointless we have NEVER seen before.

Sort of reminds me of when Republicans said Democrats weren't supporting the troops.

And that was a lie. The Republicans have waged a war on women.

And the rich have waged class warfare on the poor and middle class. But no matter how much proof we provide, you'll deny, deny, deny.

As if you benefit from right wing policies. :cuckoo:


There has never been and there never will be a GOP war on women.

As lying ginned up talking pointlesses go, that one should.

But it won't. As long as there are liars like you to spread the bullshit.

Thankfully, you tools have no cred.

So why are Republican women claiming there is?
Sort of reminds me of when Republicans said Democrats weren't supporting the troops.

And that was a lie. The Republicans have waged a war on women.

And the rich have waged class warfare on the poor and middle class. But no matter how much proof we provide, you'll deny, deny, deny.

As if you benefit from right wing policies. :cuckoo:


There has never been and there never will be a GOP war on women.

As lying ginned up talking pointlesses go, that one should.

But it won't. As long as there are liars like you to spread the bullshit.

Thankfully, you tools have no cred.

So why are Republican women claiming there is?

You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...
How should I arm for the annual Bill O'Reilly "War On Christmas" this year? Should I start wearing Christmas stockings and do my morning jog, before hanging them up? I don't want to go so far as to pee on Santa's milk and cookies.
How should I arm for the annual Bill O'Reilly "War On Christmas" this year? Should I start wearing Christmas stockings and do my morning jog, before hanging them up? I don't want to go so far as to pee on Santa's milk and cookies.

Drunk already are ya?

What an idiot collossas....

The stimulus was EPIC FAIL.... evident by the fact that we are still in the midst of one of the longest downturns in U.S. history... and spare us the "oh, it would have been so much worse".. you can't prove that. Might as well claim Obama kept the Earth from falling out of orbit because that never happened either.

In a growing economy, tax rates don't matter... 25% of 1,000 generates more than 25% of $500. Only when we take spending levels to an ever increasing % of the total economy does this start falling apart.

Good grief people.... wise up...

LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????

No. It wasn't big enough. Republicans didn't want any stimulus, remember? And Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt.

I'm not going to pretend the stimulus was perfect, just like I don't think Dems or Obamacare are perfect. But I'm also not a right wing idiot who doesn't see when Republicans are behaving badly.

And you want to go back to the Bush days. You think the CBO agrees with you dumbass? :lol:

If I didn't laugh I'd cry.

Sometimes you read posts like this and just shake your head in wonderment. It wasn't big enough? You don't give a sh*t that almost none of all those billions went for anything that it was supposed to go for? Was THAT the Republicans' fault too? You're darn right the Republicans did not want stimulus money to go to Obama's union cronies and to pay off other favors and all the other stupid stuff it was spent on.

GM monies were TARP, not stimulus, and you're darn right Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt so that it could reorganize and become profitable again. Obama pumps more billions into GM and it went bankrupt anyway. Was that better than just having the bankruptcy without expending mega billions of the people's money?>

As bad as some of the Bush era was, it couldn't hold a candle in irresponsibility, incompetence, cronyism, and downright deception to what we've seen under Obama.

There has never been and there never will be a GOP war on women.

As lying ginned up talking pointlesses go, that one should.

But it won't. As long as there are liars like you to spread the bullshit.

Thankfully, you tools have no cred.

So why are Republican women claiming there is?

You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...

I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.
So why are Republican women claiming there is?

You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...

I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Who? Murkowski? That leftists skank sold us out over Obamacare... screw her. Any conservative women making these idiotic claims?
There is NOT a Republican "War On Women". It's manufactured bullshit from the left.

That simple.

OP? Try again.

You'd think they be screaming from the rooftops the accomplishments that are Obama... yet they're obsessing over an imaginary war on women, rubbers and Warren Buffet's secretary.


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