The Republican War On Women

Exactly. So why do you pay 35% and Romney only 12%? And why do corporations have loopholes and tax breaks that you don't get?

I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.

I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?
Exactly. So why do you pay 35% and Romney only 12%? And why do corporations have loopholes and tax breaks that you don't get?

I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.

I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

This makes no mother fucking sense whatsoever.
I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.

I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

This makes no mother fucking sense whatsoever.

And the rest of her dribble does?
I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.

I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.
I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.

I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.

And you sound just like Meathead.. dead from the neck up.

BTW.. still waiting on the evidence that Republicans have prevented one woman from using contraception.

I never said they did. What they are trying to do is allow insurance companies to avoid paying for it as "preventative medicine" because your cult doesn't approve of us. So what? Seperation of chuch and state baby! If they got their way, a lot of poor women wouldn't be able to afford it. So they are TRYING to prevent poor women from having access to it.

Republicans love to control the conversation with their stupid arguments that have no basis in reality.

You could also ask me, "show me evidence that the Republicans have prevented anyone from purchasing healthcare."

No one said they did. They just allowed healthcare costs to go up so much that poor and middle class people can't afford it. They refused to pass any healthcare reform. Have since Clinton was President. Lets take a look back at the state of healthcare in 2007.

Flashback to 2007. Look at bullet number 2. The number is even bigger than 7 million by now I'm sure. But you guys defended the status quo? You didn't care about those 7 million people who lost their healthcare? Your response is what? Prove to you that the GOP are preventing people from getting insurance? How about allowing insurance companies to deny people for pre existing conditions? But I love it that you take this stance because its not going to win you any election.

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.
I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

It goes a lot further back than 11 or 12 years, we can go back 80 years to see the collapse of 2008' so I realize you are just a partisan hack.

Now, Obama was the one claiming the stimulus would revive and get the economy on track, no one else, Obama is now the one saying that a tax increase will do what his stimulus package failed to do. So spare me your BS, this is our President saying these things, so please pay attention. So apparently he is the one you should talk to about not paying attention.
I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.

And you sound just like Meathead.. dead from the neck up.

BTW.. still waiting on the evidence that Republicans have prevented one woman from using contraception.

I never said they did. What they are trying to do is allow insurance companies to avoid paying for it as "preventative medicine" because your cult doesn't approve of us. So what? Seperation of chuch and state baby! If they got their way, a lot of poor women wouldn't be able to afford it. So they are TRYING to prevent poor women from having access to it.

Republicans love to control the conversation with their stupid arguments that have no basis in reality.

You could also ask me, "show me evidence that the Republicans have prevented anyone from purchasing healthcare."

No one said they did. They just allowed healthcare costs to go up so much that poor and middle class people can't afford it. They refused to pass any healthcare reform. Have since Clinton was President. Lets take a look back at the state of healthcare in 2007.

Flashback to 2007. Look at bullet number 2. The number is even bigger than 7 million by now I'm sure. But you guys defended the status quo? You didn't care about those 7 million people who lost their healthcare? Your response is what? Prove to you that the GOP are preventing people from getting insurance? How about allowing insurance companies to deny people for pre existing conditions? But I love it that you take this stance because its not going to win you any election.

Since Bush has been president:

•over 5 million people have slipped into poverty;
•nearly 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance;
•median household income has gone down by nearly $1,300;
•three million manufacturing jobs have been lost;
•three million American workers have lost their pensions;
•home foreclosures are now the highest on record;
•the personal savings rate is below zero - which hasn't happened since the great depression;
•the real earnings of college graduates have gone down by about 5% in the last few years;
•entry level wages for male and female high school graduates have fallen by over 3%;
•wages and salaries are now at the lowest share of GDP since 1929.

What the fuck? Are you high or something? Like any republican gives a flying fuck if women use contraception. The point was having the State FORCE a religion to fund a practice that is fundamentally against Church teachings, or force anyone to provide free of charge anything to anyone. As for the rest of your retarded drivel.... Obama, not Bush, owns this mess which is why rater than touting his achievements, he's babbling on and on about Warren Buffet and condoms.
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I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.

Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

But wouldn't you think somebody with a clue who had a substantial majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate would have accomplished something in the two years he had that luxury. Something more than multi-trillion dollar spending that has been deeply unpopular both here and abroad and has obviously failed to accomplish anything other than push us to the edge of bankruptcy. And other than passing a healthcare bill that nobody read that does not do what it was supposed to do, but that takes over control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy and is also becoming deeply unpopular and is likely to be overturned as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

And when you consider ALL that, this same clueless one dares to claim that it is the Republicans who have delcared war on women? Or anybody else?
So now, after arguing with righties all day, I think I understand the two prong approach the GOP are going to take in defense of their attack on women.

1. Deny it. Say the Democrats are "manufacturing" this war on women.

2. Try to flip it and say we are the ones who hate women. Today I was called a "mysogynist".

At least I admit it. I objectify women!!!
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Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

It goes a lot further back than 11 or 12 years, we can go back 80 years to see the collapse of 2008' so I realize you are just a partisan hack.

Now, Obama was the one claiming the stimulus would revive and get the economy on track, no one else, Obama is now the one saying that a tax increase will do what his stimulus package failed to do. So spare me your BS, this is our President saying these things, so please pay attention. So apparently he is the one you should talk to about not paying attention.

You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!
So now, after arguing with righties all day, I think I understand the two prong approach the GOP are going to take in defense of their attack on women.

1. Deny it. Say the Democrats are "manufacturing" this war on women.

2. Try to flip it and say we are the ones who hate women. Today I was called a "mysogynist".

At least I admit it. I objectify women!!!

No. You patronize them, treat them like they're too dumb to figure out what Obama is doing, and try to use them as some sort of strawman argument.
If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

It goes a lot further back than 11 or 12 years, we can go back 80 years to see the collapse of 2008' so I realize you are just a partisan hack.

Now, Obama was the one claiming the stimulus would revive and get the economy on track, no one else, Obama is now the one saying that a tax increase will do what his stimulus package failed to do. So spare me your BS, this is our President saying these things, so please pay attention. So apparently he is the one you should talk to about not paying attention.

You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!

What an idiot collossas....

The stimulus was EPIC FAIL.... evident by the fact that we are still in the midst of one of the longest downturns in U.S. history... and spare us the "oh, it would have been so much worse".. you can't prove that. Might as well claim Obama kept the Earth from falling out of orbit because that never happened either.

In a growing economy, tax rates don't matter... 25% of 1,000 generates more than 25% of $500. Only when we take spending levels to an ever increasing % of the total economy does this start falling apart.

Good grief people.... wise up...
You know......if it was in the Consitution that the President had to attach electric clamps to his testicles that shocked him every time he lied....he wouldn't have anything to say.
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Yes, I have, Obama had 2/3 of the Senate, he could lead according to him, why didn't he fix the loopholes and raise taxes? He said the stimulus would get the nation going again, now he said raising taxes will, if this is true, why didn't he do this earlier?

If you were paying close attention for the last 11 and 1/2 years you would understand why we got into the mess and why getting out is taking too long - your comment above suggest you have not, or you've filtered what you've heard to defend your personal ideology.

But wouldn't you think somebody with a clue who had a substantial majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate would have accomplished something in the two years he had that luxury. Something more than multi-trillion dollar spending that has been deeply unpopular both here and abroad and has obviously failed to accomplish anything other than push us to the edge of bankruptcy. And other than passing a healthcare bill that nobody read that does not do what it was supposed to do, but that takes over control of 1/6th of the U.S. economy and is also becoming deeply unpopular and is likely to be overturned as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

And when you consider ALL that, this same clueless one dares to claim that it is the Republicans who have delcared war on women? Or anybody else?

So you say that we manufactured this war on women and also it is us who are attacking women? Deflect much?

So much to say. You are wrong on so many levels. This is going to come off as a ramble but...

I'll agree with you on this one. Bush got more done with less of a majority. Can't argue with you there. But how can I reward Republicans because the lobbyists also own Democrats? Being upset with Obama or Clinton for going along with the GOP isn't a reason to vote GOP. Yes, I hate it how sometimes the Liberals don't stand up for the middle class more. Clinton was called a triangulator and Obama is trying the same shit. i want him to stop going along. Us Liberals consider Democrats Corporate Democrats. But why would that make me vote GOP? How are they any different? And don't say Ron Paul. :cuckoo:

And why didn't Obama get more done, or get Single payer done? First of all, what do you care? Why do you bitch he didn't get more done when you didn't want him to get anything on his agenda done? You obstruct and then say see it didn't work? After 9-11, we let Bush put his full agenda into action. And this is what it produced.

And yes, the rich do own the Democrats too. I'll give you that one too. But again, no reason to vote GOP over this.

See, I understand that liberal democracy, unions and progressives are what created the utopia we went through from the New Deal to today. But from the moment it was passed, the rich have been fighting to chip away at it. Calling it Socialism. Bankrupting the government when they were in charge PROVING government doesn't work. No, cronie capitalism doesn't work. And they purchased all the media and control the message and you have been duped! You think corporate/mainstream media is liberal. :cuckoo:

What makes me mad is they conned you middle class righties into voting against your own financial interests because of wedge/social issues. None of that matters when they turn you into a surf. But you believe the rich when they tell you we want socialism. No we don't. We want fairness. We haven't been fooled into thinking government is the problem. We know capitalism has been hijacked. We know MONEY is the problem. The rich have a louder voice than the rest of us now. And somehow they got you to go along. They told you we hate them or are jealous. Wake the fuck up. Anything wrong with profit sharing and collective bargaining?

The good thing is you are a minority. 40% agree with you. And 40% agree with me. It is the other 20 we are fighting for. And we are winning them over. Hispanics, Arabs, Women, Gays, 99'ers that are on the fense are all leaning towards Obama. Thank God.

Did I mention Mitch McConnell and Boehner/Ryan? Very unpopular. Privatize/kill medicare social security? That aint gonna win you any elections, or any arguments here.
It goes a lot further back than 11 or 12 years, we can go back 80 years to see the collapse of 2008' so I realize you are just a partisan hack.

Now, Obama was the one claiming the stimulus would revive and get the economy on track, no one else, Obama is now the one saying that a tax increase will do what his stimulus package failed to do. So spare me your BS, this is our President saying these things, so please pay attention. So apparently he is the one you should talk to about not paying attention.

You pathetic little fools. The stimulus did work. It got us through a very tough time. For example, can you imagine how many foreclosures would have happened if we didn't extend unemployment benefits? So you are wrong right off the bat. But I'll continue.

Tax increases are a necessary part of the solution. Do you do remember the GOP help extending unemployment benefits hostage in exchange for extending the Bush tax cuts? We've been waiting for the additional revenue. We can't fix the economy fast enough because the tea baggers are obstucting us. Them along with McConnnell and Boehner. Do you know McConnell has broken the filabuster record? Wonder why the liberal media isn't tellking us this? :cuckoo:

Forget all that. We're never going to agree because you were going to say Obama sucks no matter how great of a job he's done, and I know under the circumstances, he's probably one of the best President's ever. Like Lincoln had to be President during a very difficult time and did it well, so has Obama. Bush was the worst and you want to literally go back to what got us in this mess. Talk about the definition of insanity. Remember, Clinton was good and you said he was bad and Bush 2 sucked and you liked him. So who's the fool, me or you?

Anyways, I want to debate you on this 80 year ago shit. What do you think was the start of the downfall? Was it the New Deal or Unions? Tell me your theories and I will prove you wrong. Bring it bitch!

What an idiot collossas....

The stimulus was EPIC FAIL.... evident by the fact that we are still in the midst of one of the longest downturns in U.S. history... and spare us the "oh, it would have been so much worse".. you can't prove that. Might as well claim Obama kept the Earth from falling out of orbit because that never happened either.

In a growing economy, tax rates don't matter... 25% of 1,000 generates more than 25% of $500. Only when we take spending levels to an ever increasing % of the total economy does this start falling apart.

Good grief people.... wise up...

LOL g/f, when the CBO admitted the Stimulus didn't work, when Obama and all the leading Democrats have admitted it didn't live up to its billing, when Forbes, CATO, Heritage, and even rightwing think tanks have all acknowledged epic fail, you really think our friend here will listen to us??????????
You guys always talk about less government and less regulations. Well I agree. But what do you want to cut? What do you want to deregulate? That's where we disagree.

I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.

I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.

OMG, wouldn't it be a hoot to watch that show in today's political climate.
You know......if it was in the Consitution that the President had to attach electric clamps to his testicles that shocked him every time he lied....he wouldn't have anything to say.

Depends on your interpretation of the constitution. You do realize scholars to this day still debate what is and ins't constitutional, right? For example, we have Ron Paul scholars and we have Newt types and even Romney or Santorum. You do realize that not even these righties are in 100% agreement on what is and isn't constitutional. Please tell me you understand that?

The easies example I can show you is from the Declaration of Independence. Life Liberty and the Persuit of Happyness. Us liberals think that Life means you have the right to affordable healthcare. I'm sure you disagree.
I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.

I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.

OMG, wouldn't it be a hoot to watch that show in today's political climate.

Watch it and see if Republicans today don't sound a lot like Archie Bunker. And everyone knows Meathead was always right when he was arguing with Archie.

Do Republicans think Archie was right about anything? How can they argue with him when they are him?

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