The Republican War On Women

Liberal women are pathetic allowing themselves to be used as pawns and presented as only caring about sex and having children by misogynists like you

Oh you think birth control and abortion are the only ways the GOP are waging war on women? Oh think again.

Wisconsin State Senator Says Money Is Less Important To Women

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

Yes, they really did this. And more. And he did it in the middle of the night.

I see. So women aren't just concerned about sex, they also need special protection because they aren't able to find their own jobs and negotiate their own wages like men are. They need to be taken care of by men. So you're not sexist, you're just doing your duty as a big strong man and want to care for them. Well, you want someone else to, politicians. Wow, I couldn't make that shit up. You really are a misogynist.


Yes. Just like black people needed special protection from rich white men, so do women.

And just like middle class and poor women need protection from the rich who have waged class warfare on them, so do us poor and middle class men.

That is what government is for. But you have been brainwashed to think your own government is the enemy. The GOP have been telling you this since Reagan.

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'

If you want to unbrainwash yourself, the first step is to realize how/when you were brainwashed. Don't expect to learn this stuff on Drudge, Rush or Fox.
I. President Obama Has Already Signed Into Law Eight Separate Small Business Tax Cuts: In the Recovery Act and subsequent legislation in 2009 and 2010, the President signed the following eight small business tax cuts into law:

1.A New Small Business Health Care Tax Credit
2.A New Tax Credit for Hiring Unemployed Workers
3.Bonus Depreciation Tax Incentives to Support New Investment
4.75% Exclusion of Small Business Capital Gains
5.Expansion of Limits on Small Business Expensing
6.Five-Year Carryback of Net Operating Losses
7.Reduction of the Built-In Gains Holding Period for Small Businesses from 10 to 7 Years to Allow Small Business Greater Flexibility in Their Investments
8.Temporary Small Business Estimated Tax Payment Relief to Allow Small Businesses to Keep Needed Cash on Hand

FACT SHEET: President Obama Has Signed Eight Small Business Tax Cuts Into Law, Pledges to Sign Eight New Tax Cuts Benefitting Millions of Small Businesses | The White House

And dems attempt to say big brother doesn't exist?

God I'm sick of explaining this over and over to you right wing fools. But here goes again.

The rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without government doesn't work.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and the middle class, and let the corporations decide what is best.

Your policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

But, conservatives say, government is the problem, not the solution. :cuckoo:

And sports use limited rules and they all play on by the same rules. Government picks and chooses winners and losers. As long as the rules are played the same across the board, free markets work.
In the history of the world, I don't think there has ever been another society with such a big successful middle class as there was in America after the New Deal and Unions and Labor Laws.

But Republicans want to go back to before the New Deal??? That's because the American middle class makes too much. We are cutting into their corporate profits.
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Oh you think birth control and abortion are the only ways the GOP are waging war on women? Oh think again.

Wisconsin State Senator Says Money Is Less Important To Women

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

Yes, they really did this. And more. And he did it in the middle of the night.

I see. So women aren't just concerned about sex, they also need special protection because they aren't able to find their own jobs and negotiate their own wages like men are. They need to be taken care of by men. So you're not sexist, you're just doing your duty as a big strong man and want to care for them. Well, you want someone else to, politicians. Wow, I couldn't make that shit up. You really are a misogynist.


Yes. Just like black people needed special protection from rich white men, so do women.

And just like middle class and poor women need protection from the rich who have waged class warfare on them, so do us poor and middle class men.

That is what government is for. But you have been brainwashed to think your own government is the enemy. The GOP have been telling you this since Reagan.

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'

If you want to unbrainwash yourself, the first step is to realize how/when you were brainwashed. Don't expect to learn this stuff on Drudge, Rush or Fox.

No, that is not what government is for. Government is to protect our rights so that we are then free to live our lives. Whenever Government presumes to start restricting our rights so that it can dictate how we are to live our lives and 'protect us', it's all over. We're back to the old authoritarian monarchy/theocracy/dictatorship/totalitarian system from which the Founders intended to free us.

Of course I think that's what some of you folks actually want. At least it seems so from reading some of the stuff you post. Like what you wrote that I quoted here.
And dems attempt to say big brother doesn't exist?

God I'm sick of explaining this over and over to you right wing fools. But here goes again.

The rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without government doesn't work.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and the middle class, and let the corporations decide what is best.

Your policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

But, conservatives say, government is the problem, not the solution. :cuckoo:

And sports use limited rules and they all play on by the same rules. Government picks and chooses winners and losers. As long as the rules are played the same across the board, free markets work.

Exactly. So why do you pay 35% and Romney only 12%? And why do corporations have loopholes and tax breaks that you don't get?
I see. So women aren't just concerned about sex, they also need special protection because they aren't able to find their own jobs and negotiate their own wages like men are. They need to be taken care of by men. So you're not sexist, you're just doing your duty as a big strong man and want to care for them. Well, you want someone else to, politicians. Wow, I couldn't make that shit up. You really are a misogynist.


Yes. Just like black people needed special protection from rich white men, so do women.

And just like middle class and poor women need protection from the rich who have waged class warfare on them, so do us poor and middle class men.

That is what government is for. But you have been brainwashed to think your own government is the enemy. The GOP have been telling you this since Reagan.

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'

If you want to unbrainwash yourself, the first step is to realize how/when you were brainwashed. Don't expect to learn this stuff on Drudge, Rush or Fox.

No, that is not what government is for. Government is to protect our rights so that we are then free to live our lives. Whenever Government presumes to start restricting our rights so that it can dictate how we are to live our lives and 'protect us', it's all over. We're back to the old authoritarian monarchy/theocracy/dictatorship/totalitarian system from which the Founders intended to free us.

Of course I think that's what some of you folks actually want. At least it seems so from reading some of the stuff you post. Like what you wrote that I quoted here.

No way you had time to read what I posted and you are dead wrong. But no one ever accused the electorate of being informed so....
Yes. Just like black people needed special protection from rich white men, so do women.

And just like middle class and poor women need protection from the rich who have waged class warfare on them, so do us poor and middle class men.

That is what government is for. But you have been brainwashed to think your own government is the enemy. The GOP have been telling you this since Reagan.

'You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government'

If you want to unbrainwash yourself, the first step is to realize how/when you were brainwashed. Don't expect to learn this stuff on Drudge, Rush or Fox.

No, that is not what government is for. Government is to protect our rights so that we are then free to live our lives. Whenever Government presumes to start restricting our rights so that it can dictate how we are to live our lives and 'protect us', it's all over. We're back to the old authoritarian monarchy/theocracy/dictatorship/totalitarian system from which the Founders intended to free us.

Of course I think that's what some of you folks actually want. At least it seems so from reading some of the stuff you post. Like what you wrote that I quoted here.

No way you had time to read what I posted and you are dead wrong. But no one ever accused the electorate of being informed so....

You would be surprised what I have time to do. But yeah, nobody every accused the electorate of being informed when we have a President like we have now and we have people who post the stuff you post.
I believe government exists, just not real impressed with what it does and how it achieves the results. Less is more in my opinion.
I see. So women aren't just concerned about sex, they also need special protection because they aren't able to find their own jobs and negotiate their own wages like men are. They need to be taken care of by men. So you're not sexist, you're just doing your duty as a big strong man and want to care for them. Well, you want someone else to, politicians. Wow, I couldn't make that shit up. You really are a misogynist.

Oh, that's a given. Sealyboob is definitely a misogynist. Just look at the vile (and stupid) posts he made in this thread

Is Rush a misogynist?
If Rush made those posts in that thread I linked to under your username, he most certainly is a misogynist. But, the sexist posts are under your username.

But, that's pretty lame...getting caught being a sexist asshole then trying to say someone used your username to make the posts.
I believe government exists, just not real impressed with what it does and how it achieves the results. Less is more in my opinion.

You guys always talk about less government and less regulations. Well I agree. But what do you want to cut? What do you want to deregulate? That's where we disagree.
Oh, that's a given. Sealyboob is definitely a misogynist. Just look at the vile (and stupid) posts he made in this thread

Is Rush a misogynist?
If Rush made those posts in that thread I linked to under your username, he most certainly is a misogynist. But, the sexist posts are under your username.

But, that's pretty lame...getting caught being a sexist asshole then trying to say someone used your username to make the posts.

Rush called the majority of women in America sluts. Romney only said, "well, I wouldn't have used those words".

Is Rush a misogynist? Just answer the question.

I have told you before you whore that my thread, "women who don't vote make me sick" was just to call attention to women the fact that the GOP are waging war on them. Men who don't vote make me sick too. What does that make me? A wisogynist?

Does it make me a misogynist that I loved seeing Miley Cyrus' pussy? :eusa_drool:
Oh you think birth control and abortion are the only ways the GOP are waging war on women? Oh think again.

Wisconsin State Senator Says Money Is Less Important To Women

War on Women, Scott Walker Edition | AlterNet

On Thursday, with little fanfare, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker signed a bill repealing the state’s 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which allowed victims of workplace discrimination to seek damages in state courts. In doing so, he demonstrated that our political battles over women’s rights aren’t just about sex and reproduction—they extend to every aspect of women’s lives.

Yes, they really did this. And more. And he did it in the middle of the night.

I see. So women aren't just concerned about sex, they also need special protection because they aren't able to find their own jobs and negotiate their own wages like men are. They need to be taken care of by men. So you're not sexist, you're just doing your duty as a big strong man and want to care for them. Well, you want someone else to, politicians. Wow, I couldn't make that shit up. You really are a misogynist.

Oh, that's a given. Sealyboob is definitely a misogynist. Just look at the vile (and stupid) posts he made in this thread

He speaks for all womankind. And amazingly it's all self serving...
I have told you before you whore that my thread, "women who don't vote make me sick" was just to call attention to women the fact that the GOP are waging war on them. Men who don't vote make me sick too. What does that make me? A wisogynist?

Does it make me a misogynist that I loved seeing Miley Cyrus' pussy? :eusa_drool:

No but calling a woman with whom you disagree a "whore" sure doesn't do a lot to combat the accusation.
God I'm sick of explaining this over and over to you right wing fools. But here goes again.

The rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without government doesn't work.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop government from defending workers and the middle class, and let the corporations decide what is best.

Your policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

But, conservatives say, government is the problem, not the solution. :cuckoo:

And sports use limited rules and they all play on by the same rules. Government picks and chooses winners and losers. As long as the rules are played the same across the board, free markets work.

Exactly. So why do you pay 35% and Romney only 12%? And why do corporations have loopholes and tax breaks that you don't get?

I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.
I believe government exists, just not real impressed with what it does and how it achieves the results. Less is more in my opinion.

You guys always talk about less government and less regulations. Well I agree. But what do you want to cut? What do you want to deregulate? That's where we disagree.

I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.
Oh, that's a given. Sealyboob is definitely a misogynist. Just look at the vile (and stupid) posts he made in this thread

Is Rush a misogynist?
If Rush made those posts in that thread I linked to under your username, he most certainly is a misogynist. But, the sexist posts are under your username.

But, that's pretty lame...getting caught being a sexist asshole then trying to say someone used your username to make the posts.

Misogyny is the hatred of women or girls. According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women. Misogyny has been characterized as a prominent feature of various religions.

Ok, I am a misogynist only because I objectify women. I don't hate women and I've never been violent towards women. Did you vote for McCain? Remember he called his wife the C word? The Raw Story | Book: McCain temper boiled over in '92 tirade, called wife a '****'

But Rush hates women. Calls them sluts for using birth control.

And the GOP are against equal pay for equal work, knowing that women make less than men when they do the same work. So they discriminate against women.

And again, Rush denigrated women by calling them sluts.

And in the Mormon church women can't hold the priesthood. Isn't that discrimination?
I believe government exists, just not real impressed with what it does and how it achieves the results. Less is more in my opinion.

You guys always talk about less government and less regulations. Well I agree. But what do you want to cut? What do you want to deregulate? That's where we disagree.

I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.

I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.
You guys always talk about less government and less regulations. Well I agree. But what do you want to cut? What do you want to deregulate? That's where we disagree.

I have little problem with regulations that reduce deaths from unreasonable corporate action/inaction. Cutting programs that keep people dependent on government is where I would start after cutting pork barrel projects.

I was watching an Archie Bunker rerun the other day. Archie and Meathead were arguing. Archie didn't think it was right that the government could make GM recall dangerous cars and Meathead pointed out how many lives were saved because of those recalls.

Archie said, "what's good for GM is good for America".

My god, you righties sound just like Archie Bunker.

And you sound just like Meathead.. dead from the neck up.

BTW.. still waiting on the evidence that Republicans have prevented one woman from using contraception.
And sports use limited rules and they all play on by the same rules. Government picks and chooses winners and losers. As long as the rules are played the same across the board, free markets work.

Exactly. So why do you pay 35% and Romney only 12%? And why do corporations have loopholes and tax breaks that you don't get?

I take the Reagan stand, he cut loopholes and cut taxes and increased the effective tax rate on everyone. Obama has had three years to repeal tax cuts, he hasn't. He had three years to close the loopholes, he didn't. Stimulus was supposed to bring back the economy and now he claims raising taxes will. I get the feeling he hasn't a clue on the economy and will listen to anyone.

I have a feeling you haven't been paying close attention to what's going on the last 11 1/2 years.
Is Rush a misogynist?
If Rush made those posts in that thread I linked to under your username, he most certainly is a misogynist. But, the sexist posts are under your username.

But, that's pretty lame...getting caught being a sexist asshole then trying to say someone used your username to make the posts.

Misogyny is the hatred of women or girls. According to feminist theory, misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women. Misogyny has been characterized as a prominent feature of various religions.

Ok, I am a misogynist only because I objectify women. I don't hate women and I've never been violent towards women. Did you vote for McCain? Remember he called his wife the C word? The Raw Story | Book: McCain temper boiled over in '92 tirade, called wife a '****'

But Rush hates women. Calls them sluts for using birth control.

And the GOP are against equal pay for equal work, knowing that women make less than men when they do the same work. So they discriminate against women.

And again, Rush denigrated women by calling them sluts.

And in the Mormon church women can't hold the priesthood. Isn't that discrimination?

So Bill Maher called Palin a ****, does he hate women? What about Ed Schultz and his disparaging remarks? Does he hate women? What about Bill Clinton and his treatment of Lewensky, Jones and other women? Does he hate women? Chris Matthews? Does he hate women? Just go ahead and tells since you seem to be in the know.

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