The Republican War On Women

There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*
Gosh, Marc. I'm sure they wrote a song about you once based on an ecclesiastical saying. It went something like:

To every season

Spin, spin, spin

There is a reason

Spin, spin, spin...

Is this thread about Obamas war on women's wages? If it isn't please direct me there as that thread is actually based on facts rather than propaganda.


That's just it...there isn't any such 'WAR'...period.

So the recent FAIL attempt of burning a Planned Parenthood clinic, was just to find a comfy spot to toast marshmelows?


There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*
Gosh, Marc. I'm sure they wrote a song about you once based on an ecclesiastical saying. It went something like:

To every season

Spin, spin, spin

There is a reason

Spin, spin, spin...


[ame=]The Byrds - Turn! Turn! Turn! - YouTube[/ame]
So now, after arguing with righties all day, I think I understand the two prong approach the GOP are going to take in defense of their attack on women.

1. Deny it. Say the Democrats are "manufacturing" this war on women.

2. Try to flip it and say we are the ones who hate women. Today I was called a "mysogynist".

At least I admit it. I objectify women!!!

That's the same tactic some nut job pulled on me, she called me a bitch. ;)
So why are Republican women claiming there is?

You guys claim Obama is a success... in the face of the evidence that he is an abysmal failure... claims mean nothing obviously.

Still waiting on any evidence that any Republican has denied any woman an abortion or contraceptives...

I'm not "you guys". I'm just me. The fact is that Republican women in the senate, are stating there is an attack on women. The only Republican woman who was hoodwinked into supporting the Blunt Amendment, came right out and said there's a Republican attack against women.

Are you talking about the lady from Alaska that lost the GOP primary and ran as an independent? That Republican? Good grief.
Is this thread about Obamas war on women's wages? If it isn't please direct me there as that thread is actually based on facts rather than propaganda.


All the left has is their propaganda, say it often, say it loud, call anyone who disagrees with you a liar and a hater, and bingo!
Is that what your think it is? I'd say you're wrong. When various GOP officials want to shove devices in vaginas, for no medical purpose; when the GOP wants to relieve insurance companies of not providing baseline care, regarding procreation; it's clearly middle aged white males who want to dictate procreation mandates to women.

What unreal hyperbole. Yeah all us middle aged white males are just lining up to pass laws that allow us to shove devices in women's vaginas for no medical purpose. :cuckoo: What a fucking nut.

So why were the bills requiring trans-vaginal?
Oh cry me a river.. anybody who doesn't openly embrace everything from abortion to wealth distribution is persona non grata with the left.

Palease... I don't need inclusion lectures from leftists.. you guys are as exclusionary as they come.

Good for you. Push the GOP into further extremism. There's always a scapegoat of someone who doesn't dance your lockstep dogma. Keep on convincing yourself that the reason that the GOP fails is because they aren't far enough to the right.

Extreme is obsessing over gay marriage, condoms and Warren Buffet's secretary... wanting the government out of my health care, my wallet and every other aspect of my life is not extreme.. except to a Marxist.

So why exactly do you care who's humping who? What reason do you conclude that only those who marry under some clothe of supperstutonb are the onlyones
Is that what your think it is? I'd say you're wrong. When various GOP officials want to shove devices in vaginas, for no medical purpose; when the GOP wants to relieve insurance companies of not providing baseline care, regarding procreation; it's clearly middle aged white males who want to dictate procreation mandates to women.

What unreal hyperbole. Yeah all us middle aged white males are just lining up to pass laws that allow us to shove devices in women's vaginas for no medical purpose. :cuckoo: What a fucking nut.

So why were the bills requiring trans-vaginal?
Because that is the best method for determining fetal age during the first 12 weeks. In states where there is a legal limit on elective abortions, they want to make sure that the 12 week limit is adhered to...not just by believing a patient's report of when conception happened.
Good for you. Push the GOP into further extremism. There's always a scapegoat of someone who doesn't dance your lockstep dogma. Keep on convincing yourself that the reason that the GOP fails is because they aren't far enough to the right.

Extreme is obsessing over gay marriage, condoms and Warren Buffet's secretary... wanting the government out of my health care, my wallet and every other aspect of my life is not extreme.. except to a Marxist.

So why exactly do you care who's humping who? What reason do you conclude that only those who marry under some clothe of supperstutonb are the onlyones

Drink much?
And that's changed since Bush, I assume.

The only thing that's changed is you don't care now.

But seriously, that's your argument? If Republicans pay women less in the White House it's OK for Democrats to do it?
And that's changed since Bush, I assume.

The only thing that's changed is you don't care now.

But seriously, that's your argument? If Republicans pay women less in the White House it's OK for Democrats to do it?
Thing is, women who worked on Obama's campaign were paid less than those who worked on McCain's campaign. (Among the workers who were paid, of course.)
And that's changed since Bush, I assume.

The only thing that's changed is you don't care now.

But seriously, that's your argument? If Republicans pay women less in the White House it's OK for Democrats to do it?

Yes. He blamed Obama. Like Obama operated in a vacuum. Like HE determines what his staff gets paid.

Ah yes.... The overused 0bama slogan: The Buck Stops Elsewhere

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