The Republican War On Women

It's not a war on women. Normal women do not want to force others to pay for their birth control, find abortion offensive, love their babies, shave their underarms, wear their hair like women, and enjoy the company of men. Of course, normal women are naturally conservative. Our war is on you hirsute sluts that can't keep your legs shut, refuse to buy your own goddamn birth control, and think abortion is a great way to keep from having a baby. Our war is against lefties. Male and female-who can tell the difference amongst you homos? We never know who we are battling against. Shit, bodecea and seawytch are the two manliest lefties out there. So, it's not some war on women we are engaged in. It's a war on the OWS parasites.
This is the unadulterated, radical, uber partisan, hardcore RW rhetoric that will be the downfall of your brand of the party.

I can't wait for the downfall.

Why can't you just shut your mouth while you wait for your food stamps? I'm contributing to your sloth, so you should be thanking me.
It's not a war on women. Normal women do not want to force others to pay for their birth control, find abortion offensive, love their babies, shave their underarms, wear their hair like women, and enjoy the company of men. Of course, normal women are naturally conservative. Our war is on you hirsute sluts that can't keep your legs shut, refuse to buy your own goddamn birth control, and think abortion is a great way to keep from having a baby. Our war is against lefties. Male and female-who can tell the difference amongst you homos? We never know who we are battling against. Shit, bodecea and seawytch are the two manliest lefties out there. So, it's not some war on women we are engaged in. It's a war on the OWS parasites.
This is the unadulterated, radical, uber partisan, hardcore RW rhetoric that will be the downfall of your brand of the party.

I can't wait for the downfall.

Why can't you just shut your mouth while you wait for your food stamps? I'm contributing to your sloth, so you should be thanking me.

You are an idiot that cannot offer any intelligent posts. A typical low information voter. If you even vote.
This is the unadulterated, radical, uber partisan, hardcore RW rhetoric that will be the downfall of your brand of the party.

I can't wait for the downfall.

Why can't you just shut your mouth while you wait for your food stamps? I'm contributing to your sloth, so you should be thanking me.

You are an idiot that cannot offer any intelligent posts. A typical low information voter. If you even vote.

This Pho_King does appear to be a run of the mill, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, social con, kool aid drinker.
It's not a war on women. Normal women do not want to force others to pay for their birth control, find abortion offensive, love their babies, shave their underarms, wear their hair like women, and enjoy the company of men. Of course, normal women are naturally conservative. Our war is on you hirsute sluts that can't keep your legs shut, refuse to buy your own goddamn birth control, and think abortion is a great way to keep from having a baby. Our war is against lefties. Male and female-who can tell the difference amongst you homos? We never know who we are battling against. Shit, bodecea and seawytch are the two manliest lefties out there. So, it's not some war on women we are engaged in. It's a war on the OWS parasites.

Are you a normal woman?

No, but all of the women I know and love are normal.

So if an "unnormal" woman was around you you would not love and respect them.
And how would you know if you are not a woman?
Read you loud and clear.
Why can't you just shut your mouth while you wait for your food stamps? I'm contributing to your sloth, so you should be thanking me.

You are an idiot that cannot offer any intelligent posts. A typical low information voter. If you even vote.

This Pho_King does appear to be a run of the mill, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, social con, kool aid drinker.

Give him a break.
16 hour shifts at the wok is hard duty and tends to fry the brain.
The GOP war on women is alive and well. Last I heard, Obama has a 15-point lead among women. I expect that lead to widen after the Akin rape comments - which connect to Paul Ryan.

It's almost strange watching the GOP alienate voting block after voting block.

Half the party is women.

How is it that you tards can't get your spastic arms around that.
You are an idiot that cannot offer any intelligent posts. A typical low information voter. If you even vote.

I found it funny that you would post this given that I've never seen a reasonable post from you in the last year.

If you have "high" information, it only means it's farther up your colon.
RICHMOND, Va. — Hundreds of women have locked arms and stood mute outside the Virginia State Capitol to protest a wave of anti-abortion legislation coursing through the 2012 General Assembly. Capitol and state police officers, there to ensure order, estimated the crowd to be more than 1,000 people — mostly women. The crowd formed a human cordon through which legislators walked before Monday’s floor sessions of the Republican-controlled legislature. The group was protesting bills that would cut off state aid to poor women seeking abortions, define embryos as humans and criminalize their destruction, and require “transvaginal” ultrasounds of women seeking abortions. In the procedure, a wand-like device is inserted and used to send out sound waves. None of the protesters carried posters. Few spoke, even when spoken to. Richmond resident Molly Vick wore a shirt that read, “Say no to state mandated rape.”

Let's see it is republicans that are waging war on women? Gee I would think the party who thinks women are to stupid to be vice president or not smart enough to raise thier own kids or the party of men who rape cheatand drown women are waging the war.....gee democrats that would be you

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