The Republican War On Women

If not a war on women, which adjective best describes a political party which lobbied against the Equal Rights Amendment, voted in lock-step to oppose the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and isn't supporting VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)? We can then discuss efforts to keep women pregnant against their will, efforts to keep women from serving our country in combat and prevent moms from nursing in public.

The party of old white men is scared to death of women and minorities and for good reason. More women are enrolled and completing college with graduate degrees, more women are running for and being elected to office and more people of color are voting then ever before - though the angry white men in state and local office are working hard to disenfranchise some of our citizens.
In 2008, 53% of the voters were women. 56% of which voted for President Obama. Given the GOP's stance on women's rights, both numbers will be larger this time.
It's funny how juvenile progressives are.....

"You hate me and have a war against me because you're opposed to me killing my own child."

It kinda sounds like: "Mommy you hate me because you wont buy me candy."

I suppose responsible parents have a war against their children because they don't buy them whatever they want?

The war on women, is just as childish as the war on christamas, as the war on religion, as the war on ... Well you get the picture.

I take the war against the First Amendment quite seriously because it is certainly occurring... The term "PC" is used for a reason....

Now Nicky, you take any looneytoon claim concerning the government or your fellow citizens seriously. The crazier, the better as far as you are concerned.

And how many times have you expressed on this board your eagerness to get the oppertunity to do violence on fellow citizens that do not share your delusions?
If not a war on women, which adjective best describes a political party which lobbied against the Equal Rights Amendment, voted in lock-step to oppose the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and isn't supporting VAWA (Violence Against Women Act)? We can then discuss efforts to keep women pregnant against their will, efforts to keep women from serving our country in combat and prevent moms from nursing in public.

The party of old white men is scared to death of women and minorities and for good reason. More women are enrolled and completing college with graduate degrees, more women are running for and being elected to office and more people of color are voting then ever before - though the angry white men in state and local office are working hard to disenfranchise some of our citizens.
In all fairness, the offical position for opposing those bills was because they covered lesbians, native Americans and illegal immigrants.
The GOP war on women is alive and well. Last I heard, Obama has a 15-point lead among women. I expect that lead to widen after the Akin rape comments - which connect to Paul Ryan.

It's almost strange watching the GOP alienate voting block after voting block.

Half the party is women.

How is it that you tards can't get your spastic arms around that.

Half of almost any large body is female. I'm curious; how many are single/divorced (i.e. think for themselves). Likely not many.
Yup, just as stupid.

We were not talking about your mental prowess..

He mentioned 54 million deaths......

Can you complain about one side declaring fake wars and then in the next breath declare a fake war?

Hmm seems you cannnn but it makes you look like an idiot.

There is nothing fake about 54 million deaths, if you can show that figure to be in error...Do so...or shut up The later preferred.
Work on your spelling and typos before you try to get fierce. Makes you look like a kid.

I always wanted to meet an Internet spell checker. You don't seem to be making much progress from the reading I've been doing. Do you get paid for that or is it just a resume bullet?

If you were such a genius, you would know that I usually do not correct people. But this pompous right wing hack deserved it. So mind your own business or you'll be next.
Work on your spelling and typos before you try to get fierce. Makes you look like a kid.

I always wanted to meet an Internet spell checker. You don't seem to be making much progress from the reading I've been doing. Do you get paid for that or is it just a resume bullet?

If you were such a genius, you would know that I usually do not correct people. But this pompous right wing hack deserved it. So mind your own business or you'll be next.

Tell me what party was first to push forwards women's rights?
We were not talking about your mental prowess..

He mentioned 54 million deaths......

Can you complain about one side declaring fake wars and then in the next breath declare a fake war?

Hmm seems you cannnn but it makes you look like an idiot.

There is nothing fake about 54 million deaths, if you can show that figure to be in error...Do so...or shut up The later preferred.

It's just as valid as "the republicans war on women".
There is nothing fake about 54 million deaths, if you can show that figure to be in error...Do so...or shut up The later preferred.

It's just as valid as "the republicans war on women".

How many women did the republicans kill?

I could go partisan on you and start listing all the laws and quotes that have the left declaring war, however since I view their argument as a narrow look at complex issues, same as yours, I won't.

Why do you want to argue abortion on the internet? What point could it possibly serve? You are as entrenched in your beliefs as I am in mine.

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