The Republican War On Women

It's just as valid as "the republicans war on women".

How many women did the republicans kill?

I could go partisan on you and start listing all the laws and quotes that have the left declaring war, however since I view their argument as a narrow look at complex issues, same as yours, I won't.

Why do you want to argue abortion on the internet? What point could it possibly serve? You are as entrenched in your beliefs as I am in mine.

How many women died ? and who was first to push forward women's rights again?
RICHMOND, Va. — Hundreds of women have locked arms and stood mute outside the Virginia State Capitol to protest a wave of anti-abortion legislation coursing through the 2012 General Assembly. Capitol and state police officers, there to ensure order, estimated the crowd to be more than 1,000 people — mostly women. The crowd formed a human cordon through which legislators walked before Monday’s floor sessions of the Republican-controlled legislature. The group was protesting bills that would cut off state aid to poor women seeking abortions, define embryos as humans and criminalize their destruction, and require “transvaginal” ultrasounds of women seeking abortions. In the procedure, a wand-like device is inserted and used to send out sound waves. None of the protesters carried posters. Few spoke, even when spoken to. Richmond resident Molly Vick wore a shirt that read, “Say no to state mandated rape.”

I am all for Hi tech but the transvaginal ultrasounds of women who are pregnant is going way too far. All a Doctor or Nurse has to do is put his/her ear on the stomach of a pregnant woman and listen. If he hears one heartbeat, go for the abortion. If he hears TWO heartbeats, one of them is a live baby and no abortion.
It's funny how juvenile progressives are.....

"You hate me and have a war against me because you're opposed to me killing my own child."

It kinda sounds like: "Mommy you hate me because you wont buy me candy."

I suppose responsible parents have a war against their children because they don't buy them whatever they want?

The war on women, is just as childish as the war on christamas, as the war on religion, as the war on ... Well you get the picture.
denial is not a defense.
I always wanted to meet an Internet spell checker. You don't seem to be making much progress from the reading I've been doing. Do you get paid for that or is it just a resume bullet?

If you were such a genius, you would know that I usually do not correct people. But this pompous right wing hack deserved it. So mind your own business or you'll be next.

Tell me what party was first to push forwards women's rights?

Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
If you were such a genius, you would know that I usually do not correct people. But this pompous right wing hack deserved it. So mind your own business or you'll be next.

Tell me what party was first to push forwards women's rights?

Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson
Tell me what party was first to push forwards women's rights?

Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

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