The Republican War On Women


sexist nonsense.
You libs could not care less about women's issues. All you are interested in is their votes. Once that happens, your side is nowhere to be found.
End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And unfortunately republicans abandoned their progressive tradition and climbed into bed with the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell.

For the last forty years republicans have been waging war on every Americans’ privacy rights, seeking to expand government power at the expense of individual liberty. And women have indeed taken the brunt of that assault.

Don't forget how Republicans sever elevator cables, set puppies on fire and unscrew the salt shakers at IHOP...
And throw bags of crack, meth and heroin on the streets of minority neighborhoods.
Spray paint walls of section 8 projects.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

It's what they need.

An issue that sidesteps the reality of the failure of this president to even attempt to follow any kind of fiscally responsible discipline.

Instead, Debbie W ASS erman Shultz is on TV about the "war on women" by the GOP refusing to acknowledge that half of the GOP are women.

It's what they need.

They can't run on the economy.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

It's what they need.

An issue that sidesteps the reality of the failure of this president to even attempt to follow any kind of fiscally responsible discipline.

Instead, Debbie W ASS erman Shultz is on TV about the "war on women" by the GOP refusing to acknowledge that half of the GOP are women.

It's what they need.

They can't run on the economy.

That is the issue that Romney needs to keep driving in the voter's heads, that and the promise of repealing ObamaCare!
Funny cause it is still the republican party pushing for Minorities and women to move forward to great things and it is the democrats trying to keep them in what they think is their place.....

Spare me.
If you are consistent in any regard it is your inability to respond with an intelligent rebuttal.

I have noticed something lately. You right wingers are frequently using my response to one of your prior posts as a response to one of my current posts. Think up your own answers.

Why don't you tell us how Republicans have helped women and minorities move forward to great things?? Go ahead, let's hear it. If that were true, you would have already told us. What crap.
Spare me.
If you are consistent in any regard it is your inability to respond with an intelligent rebuttal.

I have noticed something lately. You right wingers are frequently using my response to one of your prior posts as a response to one of my current posts. Think up your own answers.

Why don't you tell us how Republicans have helped women and minorities move forward to great things?? Go ahead, let's hear it. If that were true, you would have already told us. What crap.

Don't you ever disguise a command in the form of a question to me again. You do not get to tell me what to do. That's "why I don't tell" you...
Keep your head buried in the democrat party's ass.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

You’re correct to an extent, but like most conservatives you miss the point.

This issue is indeed not about abortion, it’s about the right to privacy and restricting government excess. And unfortunately, conservatives, for the most part, are seeking to undermine that right and expand the authority of the state, however unwittingly.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

You’re correct to an extent, but like most conservatives you miss the point.

This issue is indeed not about abortion, it’s about the right to privacy and restricting government excess. And unfortunately, conservatives, for the most part, are seeking to undermine that right and expand the authority of the state, however unwittingly.

No I seperate abortion from that debate, because you could say human sacrifice was a religous ritual by Aztecs and is covered by the 1st amendment, but killing folks is bad.
In 1988, Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Stephen Freind said the odds that a woman who is raped will get knocked up are "one in millions and millions and millions" because rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that kills evil sperm.

In 1995, North Carolina state Rep. Henry Aldridge told the House Appropriations Committee that "The facts show that people who are raped — who are truly raped — the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever."

In 1990, Texas Republican gubernatorial nominee Clayton Williams told ranchers that victims should take rape in stride and try to enjoy it — like when you have picnic plans but then there's a huge thunderstorm so you decide to see a movie instead and it turns out to be a pretty enjoyable afternoon after all! Yes, Williams literally compared rape to the foggy weather that was affecting his ongoing speech by saying, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.''

In 1997, Bush appointee Federal Judge James Leon Holmes said in an article that "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with approximately the same frequency as snowfall in Miami."
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

Look just a little bit harder then.

READ what the GOP's candidates are saying.

STill don't see the problem?

Look harder.
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

Look just a little bit harder then.

READ what the GOP's candidates are saying.

STill don't see the problem?

Look harder.

Just because there is a majority of conservative Justices, doesn't mean Roe v. Wade would result in a decision to overturn the ruling.

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