The Republican War On Women

In 1988, Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Stephen Freind said the odds that a woman who is raped will get knocked up are "one in millions and millions and millions" because rape causes a woman to "secrete a certain secretion" that kills evil sperm.

In 1995, North Carolina state Rep. Henry Aldridge told the House Appropriations Committee that "The facts show that people who are raped — who are truly raped — the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever."

In 1990, Texas Republican gubernatorial nominee Clayton Williams told ranchers that victims should take rape in stride and try to enjoy it — like when you have picnic plans but then there's a huge thunderstorm so you decide to see a movie instead and it turns out to be a pretty enjoyable afternoon after all! Yes, Williams literally compared rape to the foggy weather that was affecting his ongoing speech by saying, "If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.''

In 1997, Bush appointee Federal Judge James Leon Holmes said in an article that "concern for rape victims is a red herring because conceptions from rape occur with approximately the same frequency as snowfall in Miami."
Yes, these people are 100% representative of all conservatives.
Once again, you show your ass in public.
If you are consistent in any regard it is your inability to respond with an intelligent rebuttal.

I have noticed something lately. You right wingers are frequently using my response to one of your prior posts as a response to one of my current posts. Think up your own answers.

Why don't you tell us how Republicans have helped women and minorities move forward to great things?? Go ahead, let's hear it. If that were true, you would have already told us. What crap.

Don't you ever disguise a command in the form of a question to me again. You do not get to tell me what to do. That's "why I don't tell" you...
Keep your head buried in the democrat party's ass.

It was a question that you want to avoid, so you're calling it a demand. Your indignance is phony. But nice try.
Yeah, that figures. Blowhards.

Do you think anybody cares what you have to say ?

They might if you had anything to say.

But so far, you've said nothing of value.

Save for the "Obama is God" rhetoric, Rinata has nothing to add to any discussion.

If that were true, you would not reply. But I got lots of replies from you bat crap crazy righties on this thread. If my posts upset you all that much, don't read them. Because I will continue to call you out on your craziness.
Do you think anybody cares what you have to say ?

They might if you had anything to say.

But so far, you've said nothing of value.

Save for the "Obama is God" rhetoric, Rinata has nothing to add to any discussion.

If that were true, you would not reply. But I got lots of replies from you bat crap crazy righties on this thread. If my posts upset you all that much, don't read them. Because I will continue to call you out on your craziness.

I'll always read your posts.

I don't care what you have to say, but you are always good for a laugh.

Once again, your post is devoid of anything useful.
Save for the "Obama is God" rhetoric, Rinata has nothing to add to any discussion.

If that were true, you would not reply. But I got lots of replies from you bat crap crazy righties on this thread. If my posts upset you all that much, don't read them. Because I will continue to call you out on your craziness.

I'll always read your posts.

I don't care what you have to say, but you are always good for a laugh.

Once again, your post is devoid of anything useful.

Thank you. I woud be so worried if a person of YOUR caliber thought anything different.
If that were true, you would not reply. But I got lots of replies from you bat crap crazy righties on this thread. If my posts upset you all that much, don't read them. Because I will continue to call you out on your craziness.

I'll always read your posts.

I don't care what you have to say, but you are always good for a laugh.

Once again, your post is devoid of anything useful.

Thank you. I woud be so worried if a person of YOUR caliber thought anything different.

Oh Bitchnata...I am so hurt.

Please don't insult me again. I just can't take it.

The GOP declares war on women.
1/2 the GOP is women.
So if the GOP wins, do women lose ?
If women win, does the GOP lose ?

Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

Under Obama their pay, equity, and future have suferred quite a bit.

Under Obama, the rights of the unborn have been trampled big time.

It's funny how you can be some defined in your statements. Like you actually think that everyone should think like you.

I guess half the women in this world just don't see it your way.
The GOP declares war on women.
1/2 the GOP is women.
So if the GOP wins, do women lose ?
If women win, does the GOP lose ?

Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

Under Obama their pay, equity, and future have suferred quite a bit.

Yes, The President isn't through fighting for pay equity.

Under Obama, the rights of the unborn have been trampled big time.
No worse than it was under Bush apparently. What happened?

It's funny how you can be some defined in your statements. Like you actually think that everyone should think like you.
Some Defined? What are you trying to say Slingblade. Most people should think for themselves; as I do. Seriously, if the Governor didn't have an R next to his name, would you vote for him and his policies--whatever they may be?

I guess half the women in this world just don't see it your way.

Well, 1/2 of the women in the world do not live in the US. As for the women in the GOP, they apparently don't value their reproductive choice, pay equity, and their future is likely going to be the same regardless of which man wins. Which is why the Governor is going to lose the women's vote big time and the election in general.

Get used to it mehah.
Best reason to be a republican




I have noticed something lately. You right wingers are frequently using my response to one of your prior posts as a response to one of my current posts. Think up your own answers.

Why don't you tell us how Republicans have helped women and minorities move forward to great things?? Go ahead, let's hear it. If that were true, you would have already told us. What crap.

Don't you ever disguise a command in the form of a question to me again. You do not get to tell me what to do. That's "why I don't tell" you...
Keep your head buried in the democrat party's ass.

It was a question that you want to avoid, so you're calling it a demand. Your indignance is phony. But nice try.
I am avoiding nothing.
You're being a bitch and that's the response you receive.
Don't like it? Good.
Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

Under Obama their pay, equity, and future have suferred quite a bit.

Yes, The President isn't through fighting for pay equity.

No worse than it was under Bush apparently. What happened?

It's funny how you can be some defined in your statements. Like you actually think that everyone should think like you.
Some Defined? What are you trying to say Slingblade. Most people should think for themselves; as I do. Seriously, if the Governor didn't have an R next to his name, would you vote for him and his policies--whatever they may be?

I guess half the women in this world just don't see it your way.

Well, 1/2 of the women in the world do not live in the US. As for the women in the GOP, they apparently don't value their reproductive choice, pay equity, and their future is likely going to be the same regardless of which man wins. Which is why the Governor is going to lose the women's vote big time and the election in general.

Get used to it mehah.
Used to what? Your never ending conjecture and rhetoric?
Please. The liberal talking points and class envy are boring. Class envy carries the same weight as the race card. Nothing.
Don't you ever disguise a command in the form of a question to me again. You do not get to tell me what to do. That's "why I don't tell" you...
Keep your head buried in the democrat party's ass.

It was a question that you want to avoid, so you're calling it a demand. Your indignance is phony. But nice try.
I am avoiding nothing.
You're being a bitch and that's the response you receive.
Don't like it? Good.

Get over yourself.
“[A]ny action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child,” the amendment states.
In states like Oklahoma, recent legislation has bestowed "personhood" on the fetus whereby women are forced to take ultrasounds and doctors are no longer legally obligated to inform the mother concerning birth defects.

No only do some legislators consider contraception as a form of abortion but there was even an unsuccessful attempt to introduce "The Every Sperm is Sacred Amendment," bestowing the legal rights of "personhood" on individual sperm.

If passed, virtually every male in Oklahoma, who had ever masturbated at one time or another, would have been guilty of conducting an illegal "action against an unborn child."

Taken to its logical/illogical conclusion, the next debate could focus on whether having sex with your wife after menopause could also be "interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child,” since pregnancy is no longer possible.
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There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*

lol, that so called war on women voted in the Republicans in 2010 and expect to see that war carried on in November..

let's roll women vote out this adminstation and all this crap they are selling with it
Since when are we to care about abortion? Is the Supreme Justices discussing overturning Roe v. Wade?

Libs just get a hold of yourselves....Abortion is not the biggest issue our country is facing...I don't see any attempts on the baby killing law changing anytime soon.

Look just a little bit harder then.

READ what the GOP's candidates are saying.

STill don't see the problem?

Look harder.

Just because there is a majority of conservative Justices, doesn't mean Roe v. Wade would result in a decision to overturn the ruling.

The GOP doesn't need to overturn Roe v Wade.

Their plan is (and has been) to make it more difficult to get abortions.

Now I am not imagining that. There are example after example of those techniques in place right now in vaious RED states.

ALL of them were the brainchildren of the GOP...ALL of them.
Look just a little bit harder then.

READ what the GOP's candidates are saying.

STill don't see the problem?

Look harder.

Just because there is a majority of conservative Justices, doesn't mean Roe v. Wade would result in a decision to overturn the ruling.

The GOP doesn't need to overturn Roe v Wade.

Their plan is (and has been) to make it more difficult to get abortions.

Now I am not imagining that. There are example after example of those techniques in place right now in vaious RED states.

ALL of them were the brainchildren of the GOP...ALL of them.

oh waaa, it's easier to get a abortion today than it is a drivers license at the DMV..
but hey, can't make it too hard for the killing of your children that would be a sin to some of you
All those poor ladies!
Why won't the politicians leave them alone?

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