The Republican War On Women

Just because there is a majority of conservative Justices, doesn't mean Roe v. Wade would result in a decision to overturn the ruling.

The GOP doesn't need to overturn Roe v Wade.

Their plan is (and has been) to make it more difficult to get abortions.

Now I am not imagining that. There are example after example of those techniques in place right now in vaious RED states.

ALL of them were the brainchildren of the GOP...ALL of them.

oh waaa, it's easier to get a abortion today than it is a drivers license at the DMV..
but hey, can't make it too hard for the killing of your children that would be a sin to some of you

So, you're saying that it'll be easier to get an abortion than a valid voter ID?
lets roll women, vote out Obama..Jobs, the economy and feeding our families is what we are worried about, NOT ABORTIONS or free birth contol pill


Weaponizing the well-being of women
Article by: Katherine Kersten
Updated: August 25, 2012 - 6:37 PM

Obama is a field general in a 'war' that exists only for the sake of his re-electionThere's a "war on women" being waged by those knuckle-dragging Republicans. How do you know? Because President Obama has told you so, and because his media enablers parrot the line at every opportunity.

What does the battlefield look like? A first reconnaissance might suggest that men, not women, are under assault and in full-scale retreat. For example, women now earn almost 60 percent of college degrees, and a majority of master's and doctoral degrees. Education is the best predictor of future earnings in our information economy.

Women now hold 51 percent of white-collar management and professional jobs. Traditional male sectors like manufacturing are in decline, while women dominate 13 of the 15 job categories projected to grow most in the next decade. In 2010, the Atlantic magazine documented the shift in an article titled "The End of Men."

So why this juiced-up "war on women" rhetoric from the White House?

The president's much-ballyhooed "hope and change" has been a bust. He can't run on his dismal economic record: persistent high unemployment, an exploding national debt, a regulatory burden that grows more oppressive daily, and the deeply unpopular Obamacare.

His polling numbers make clear that winning a majority of men's votes will be a challenge. So the president is trying to keep women -- who deserted his party in large numbers in 2010 -- on board by fear-mongering on "women's issues" like contraception and the so-called Paycheck Fairness Act.

But this strategy requires world-class fact-twisting. For example, a Health and Human Services mandate implementing Obamacare requires employers to provide insurance covering abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraceptives. Obama supporters are trying to convince women that Republican efforts to exempt employers who object on grounds of conscience -- a tiny fraction -- will somehow threaten access to contraception, which is cheap and widely available. For Obama, a "right" to free contraception trumps employers' right to freedom of religion.

On the workplace front, Obama supporters allege that women make 77 cents on the dollar compared with men. They blame sexist employers, and denounce Republicans for opposing the Paycheck Fairness Act, which they portray as key to "pay equity."

all of it here
Weaponizing the well-being of women |
The GOP declares war on women.
1/2 the GOP is women.
So if the GOP wins, do women lose ?
If women win, does the GOP lose ?

Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

then we can call Romney a cock blocker, right?

He is going to be in the bedroom keeping all women from having sex or using birth control?

Figures you would not understand listening's post
Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

LOL, women who value their REPRODUCTIVE rights?
pay equality and their future
my gawd how shallow
vote obama OUT
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When will you people stop digging?


The Governor's wish to eliminate all Title X funding is probably going to seal his fate with women. His budget doesn't include the increased spending in public asistance and prison cells that would certainly result from unwanted and unsubstainable preganancies.

The target is Planned Parenthood. The collateral damage is the State Departmetns of Health that also use the Title Funding to provide low cost contraception and healthcare alternatives to lower income women.

Just so you know, the GPO pricing on a Wholesale level for some of the birth control pills that can be purchased are about $0.20-$0.40 cents a cycle--One month's contraception/health care for an average of $0.30. Compare that to the $30,000 the same tax dollars spend to keep a person in prison each year, about $2,800 a month.

Would you rather spend $0.30 or $2,800 as a taxpayer?

The Governor has some good ideas. This isn't one of them.
Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

LOL, women who value their REPRODUCTIVE rights?
pay equality and their future
my gawd how shallow
vote obama OUT

The governor is on record as wanting to overturn Roe, is against the LLA, and the other Leave it to Beaver measures will be right behind. He wants to eliminate Title X funding; no reason other than limiting a woman's healthcare option.
The GOP declares war on women.
1/2 the GOP is women.
So if the GOP wins, do women lose ?
If women win, does the GOP lose ?

Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

then we can call Romney a cock blocker, right?

He is going to be in the bedroom keeping all women from having sex or using birth control?

Figures you would not understand listening's post

I'll let you call the Governor a cock whatever.

Eliminating Title X funding is another shell fired right at family planning options. The Governor has some good points. This isn't one of them.
Women who value their reproductive rights, pay equity, and their future would lose with a win by Governor Romney.

then we can call Romney a cock blocker, right?

He is going to be in the bedroom keeping all women from having sex or using birth control?

Figures you would not understand listening's post

I'll let you call the Governor a cock whatever.

Eliminating Title X funding is another shell fired right at family planning options. The Governor has some good points. This isn't one of them.

That is only if you take the position that Title X funding is compassionate and good government and does only good. I personally think it is high time that we start looking at how much good is being done with all sorts of programs like that and have a national discussion to see if there is not more efficient, effective, economical, compassionate, and good ways to address various issues of American society.

A fancy title with a noble sounding description does not always produce what some, who seem to accept whatever social programs government does as a good thing, would have us believe the program accomplishes.

To me, it is not compassion when good intentions produce unintended negative consequences.
then we can call Romney a cock blocker, right?

He is going to be in the bedroom keeping all women from having sex or using birth control?

Figures you would not understand listening's post

I'll let you call the Governor a cock whatever.

Eliminating Title X funding is another shell fired right at family planning options. The Governor has some good points. This isn't one of them.

That is only if you take the position that Title X funding is compassionate and good government and does only good. I personally think it is high time that we start looking at how much good is being done with all sorts of programs like that and have a national discussion to see if there is not more efficient, effective, economical, compassionate, and good ways to address various issues of American society.

A fancy title with a noble sounding description does not always produce what some, who seem to accept whatever social programs government does as a good thing, would have us believe the program accomplishes.

To me, it is not compassion when good intentions produce unintended negative consequences.

Of course, the cuts in Title Funding would be coupled with the scrapping of the ACA. So the local and state health departments would now have to deal with the double whammy of both an increased cost on the "supply" side and less aid on the relief side.

The Federal Debt would be reduced; state spending would skyrocket.
I'll let you call the Governor a cock whatever.

Eliminating Title X funding is another shell fired right at family planning options. The Governor has some good points. This isn't one of them.

That is only if you take the position that Title X funding is compassionate and good government and does only good. I personally think it is high time that we start looking at how much good is being done with all sorts of programs like that and have a national discussion to see if there is not more efficient, effective, economical, compassionate, and good ways to address various issues of American society.

A fancy title with a noble sounding description does not always produce what some, who seem to accept whatever social programs government does as a good thing, would have us believe the program accomplishes.

To me, it is not compassion when good intentions produce unintended negative consequences.

Of course, the cuts in Title Funding would be coupled with the scrapping of the ACA. So the local and state health departments would now have to deal with the double whammy of both an increased cost on the "supply" side and less aid on the relief side.

The Federal Debt would be reduced; state spending would skyrocket.

Would it? Of every tax dollar that goes to the federal government, a sizable chunk of it--no less than 1/3rd and sometimes much more, is siphoned off and swallowed up to fund the giant bureaucracy. Whatever is left goes back to the states who can use it for whatever. And yet the states have typically shown to be able to do administration of programs far more efficiently, effectively, and economically than your typical federal program.

How about we just leave the money at home in the first place and skip the enormous, unwieldly, money guzzling federal bureaucracy?
You want to know what I consider a war on women? It's Code Pink dressing up in vagina costumes as if this somehow dignifies and generates respect for women:

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

You missed Anderson Cooper taking Debbie Wasserliar Shultz apart ?

Here you go.

[ame=]DNC Chair Torn To Shreds Over False Claims - YouTube[/ame]

That's right. Ignore what I posted and let's play your childish game. No thanks.
You want to know what I consider a war on women? It's Code Pink dressing up in vagina costumes as if this somehow dignifies and generates respect for women:

Oh come on!!! :eusa_hand: A symbolic gesture is more detrimental to women then shoving them back into the 1950's through Amendments as Mitt/Ryan would have you do? :eusa_eh: Puhleeease.
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a symbolic gesture dressing up as a vagina, so you like to be thought of as a twat? Cxxt?

man oh man, figures you all wouldn't see anything wrong with it
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Code Pink is this generations hippie movement. They promote an end to war, more social equality, etc etc.

If they want to dress in pink boas and protest, I will laugh, but I don't see it as a "war on women" :rolleyes:

Pink Boas?
Those are vagina's and it is disgusting.
How about the Democrats war on unborn babies who don't have a voice?
The absolute worse is partial birth abortions, that is murdering little babies.
Code Pink is this generations hippie movement. They promote an end to war, more social equality, etc etc.

If they want to dress in pink boas and protest, I will laugh, but I don't see it as a "war on women" :rolleyes:

Pink Boas?
Those are vagina's and it is disgusting.
How about the Democrats war on unborn babies who don't have a voice?
The absolute worse is partial birth abortions, that is murdering little babies.

I don't think vaginas are disgusting.

And partial birth abortion is illegal.

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