The Republican War On Women

Code Pink is this generations hippie movement. They promote an end to war, more social equality, etc etc.

If they want to dress in pink boas and protest, I will laugh, but I don't see it as a "war on women" :rolleyes:

Pink Boas?
Those are vagina's and it is disgusting.
How about the Democrats war on unborn babies who don't have a voice?
The absolute worse is partial birth abortions, that is murdering little babies.

I don't think vagina's are disgusting.

And partial birth abortion is illegal.

They use to be legal and the bill was done by Dem's.It had to be done by the Supreme Court in order to outlaw the horrible practice.
I don't' think vagina's are disgusting either. Dressing up as one is.
I suppose it's a diffrence of opinion. I think dressing as a vagina is silly, but I also think passing laws about vaginas while you can't say the word vagina in discussion of these laws, equally silly.

I'm thinking there are a lot of people who need to research the vagina monologues, and perhaps you can overcome the loathing you seem to have of a costume of a female body part.
You want to know what I consider a war on women? It's Code Pink dressing up in vagina costumes as if this somehow dignifies and generates respect for women:

Oh come on!!! :eusa_hand: A symbolic gesture is more detrimental to women then shoving them back into the 1950's through Amendments as Mitt/Ryan would have you do? :eusa_eh: Puhleeease.

a symbolic gesture dressing up as a vagina, so you like to be thought of as a twat? Cxxt?

man oh man, figures you all wouldn't see anything wrong with it

The sh*t is getting deep here.
good grief, it's not loathing a costume, it's just plain old STUPID and the people going to this convention has to be subjected to this dumb shit

civility with these code pinkos fly right out their butts, they don't care about anybody but themselves...
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I suppose it's a difference of opinion. I think dressing as a vagina is silly, but I also think passing laws about vagina's while you can't say the word vagina in discussion of these laws, equally silly.

I'm thinking there are a lot of people who need to research the vagina monologues, and perhaps you can overcome the loathing you seem to have of a costume of a female body part.

It called having decency in public.
I would not condone a penis or vagina as a Halloween costume in a public place.
democrats and they women think like pink vaginas.. vewy intellectual.

Well if you take what some are saying seriously, they seem to think a womb and vagina is all that we are. I personally think we women are far far more than that, and I don't spend a huge amount of time focused on my womb or my vagina. But yes, a pink vagina is just as disrespectful to depict women as would be the concept that a man is nothing more than a penis.
The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

You missed Anderson Cooper taking Debbie Wasserliar Shultz apart ?

Here you go.

[ame=""]DNC Chair Torn To Shreds Over False Claims - YouTube[/ame]
She never stops saying her lies. She said the LA Times said, Anderson corrects her, and she keeps insisting with more and more and more lies.

She must've gotten her DNC Lying points in 55 times in that news snip.

What were the Democrats thinking to have a liar be their spokesperson?

Do they think Americans are too stupid to hear the other side, which is exactly like Anderson Cooper said, but yell the lie in a raised voice over and over and over.

I wonder if she has any concept what the lie she is saying is?

It is not consistent with the facts!
There is no war on women but the GOP platform is very disappointing on the abortion issue.
We lose moderate independent women on that every time.
I find that most women that are independent are more rational than the men and they know what that platform is all about.
Men wanting to control the reproductive rights of women.
And yes, I am repeating exactly what conservative talk show host Neal Boortz says.
Both of us are right.
The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

Yes..If you are a far left moonbat lib, you are very proud of O'Brien.
She is NOT a journalist. She is in the entertainment business.
She caters to a very small demographic. That being those who call themselves "liberals"..
Anything coming from is immediately called into question because of the site's extreme left bias.
Stow it, sweetheart.
This gets ZERO mileage.
Case closed. End of story.
BTW, Soledad O'Brien used to be a reporter for NBC.
According to her bio, her family is very well educated and VERY wealthy.
I guess that makes her a hypocrite. Cuz all flaming libs claim to be for the "little guy" and opposed to those EEEEEEEVIL One Percenters.
What a laugh riot.
Rinny...You go ahead and keep your head buried up Soledad's ass.
The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

Yes..If you are a far left moonbat lib, you are very proud of O'Brien.
She is NOT a journalist. She is in the entertainment business.
She caters to a very small demographic. That being those who call themselves "liberals"..
Anything coming from is immediately called into question because of the site's extreme left bias.
Stow it, sweetheart.
This gets ZERO mileage.
Case closed. End of story.
BTW, Soledad O'Brien used to be a reporter for NBC.
According to her bio, her family is very well educated and VERY wealthy.
I guess that makes her a hypocrite. Cuz all flaming libs claim to be for the "little guy" and opposed to those EEEEEEEVIL One Percenters.
What a laugh riot.
Rinny...You go ahead and keep your head buried up Soledad's ass.

You can almost hear the EEG machine beeping hysterically with the above post.

That is only if you take the position that Title X funding is compassionate and good government and does only good. I personally think it is high time that we start looking at how much good is being done with all sorts of programs like that and have a national discussion to see if there is not more efficient, effective, economical, compassionate, and good ways to address various issues of American society.

A fancy title with a noble sounding description does not always produce what some, who seem to accept whatever social programs government does as a good thing, would have us believe the program accomplishes.

To me, it is not compassion when good intentions produce unintended negative consequences.

Of course, the cuts in Title Funding would be coupled with the scrapping of the ACA. So the local and state health departments would now have to deal with the double whammy of both an increased cost on the "supply" side and less aid on the relief side.

The Federal Debt would be reduced; state spending would skyrocket.

Would it?
Yes it would.

Of every tax dollar that goes to the federal government, a sizable chunk of it--no less than 1/3rd and sometimes much more, is siphoned off and swallowed up to fund the giant bureaucracy. Whatever is left goes back to the states who can use it for whatever. And yet the states have typically shown to be able to do administration of programs far more efficiently, effectively, and economically than your typical federal program.

How about we just leave the money at home in the first place and skip the enormous, unwieldly, money guzzling federal bureaucracy?

Oh yeah, like getting rid of title funding would do away with this "money guzzling federal bureaucracy". Dream on.


Forty-Eight percent of every dollar spent on national defense is spent in this country...we have an outsized military relative to the threats from other countries on the list. Maybe they are all thinking of ganging up on us????

Spending nickels on contraception prevents spending dollars--thousands of dollars--on everything from public assistance to schools to prison cells later on. Almost all of that comes from state coffers; not federal intervention much less funding. Of course we'd be getting rid of a lot of federal level funding and intervention as well so whatever ill-preapredness the states suffer from when Romney turns off the spigot will have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile the "money guzzling federal bureaucracy"--replete with an INCREASE in spending under Romney--will chug along.
The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

You missed Anderson Cooper taking Debbie Wasserliar Shultz apart ?

Here you go.

[ame=""]DNC Chair Torn To Shreds Over False Claims - YouTube[/ame]
She never stops saying her lies. She said the LA Times said, Anderson corrects her, and she keeps insisting with more and more and more lies.

She must've gotten her DNC Lying points in 55 times in that news snip.

What were the Democrats thinking to have a liar be their spokesperson?

Do they think Americans are too stupid to hear the other side, which is exactly like Anderson Cooper said, but yell the lie in a raised voice over and over and over.

I wonder if she has any concept what the lie she is saying is?

It is not consistent with the facts!

Wasserman Schultz is perfect for her job. She is a closed minded shill for the democrat party. She believes her own bullshit.
Right in the middle of the piece, Cooper catches her making up her own reality and when questioned, Wasserman Schultz does a "Yes, but..." and continues with the false statement.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is all about Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She is getting a ride on Obama's coat tails by kissing his ass and being good robotic and obedient liberal.
She's out in left field with ALL of her positions.
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The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We've Seen In A Really Long Time

The Best Darn Display Of Real Journalism On A Major Network We’ve Seen In A Really Long Time | MoveOn.Org

She was just terrific.

Yes..If you are a far left moonbat lib, you are very proud of O'Brien.
She is NOT a journalist. She is in the entertainment business.
She caters to a very small demographic. That being those who call themselves "liberals"..
Anything coming from is immediately called into question because of the site's extreme left bias.
Stow it, sweetheart.
This gets ZERO mileage.
Case closed. End of story.
BTW, Soledad O'Brien used to be a reporter for NBC.
According to her bio, her family is very well educated and VERY wealthy.
I guess that makes her a hypocrite. Cuz all flaming libs claim to be for the "little guy" and opposed to those EEEEEEEVIL One Percenters.
What a laugh riot.
Rinny...You go ahead and keep your head buried up Soledad's ass.

You can almost hear the EEG machine beeping hysterically with the above post.

Yeah right. Look. this looks very nice as a campaign platform for the democrats. But it's total bullshit. And will fool only those not paying attention.
Abortion laws are not going to change. The Issue is a death bomb for all politicians. No one with a brain in their head( save the far right wackos and far left moon bats) will touch it.
BTW, those statements Wasserman Schultz made on Anderson Cooper's show? Romney NEVER made them and they are NOT part of the campaign.
BTW, the abortion issue is the least of our concerns. Our economy is in the shitter, taxes to pay for Obamacare are about to go into orbit, we have a president with no foreign policy and a marxist lennonist domestic policy that is perhaps the most anti-business in the history of the nation, and the democrats are focusing on Romney's tax returns and abortion? Democrats are desperate.
Last edited:
Yes..If you are a far left moonbat lib, you are very proud of O'Brien.
She is NOT a journalist. She is in the entertainment business.
She caters to a very small demographic. That being those who call themselves "liberals"..
Anything coming from is immediately called into question because of the site's extreme left bias.
Stow it, sweetheart.
This gets ZERO mileage.
Case closed. End of story.
BTW, Soledad O'Brien used to be a reporter for NBC.
According to her bio, her family is very well educated and VERY wealthy.
I guess that makes her a hypocrite. Cuz all flaming libs claim to be for the "little guy" and opposed to those EEEEEEEVIL One Percenters.
What a laugh riot.
Rinny...You go ahead and keep your head buried up Soledad's ass.

You can almost hear the EEG machine beeping hysterically with the above post.

Yeah right. Look. this looks very nice as a campaign platform for the democrats. But it's total bullshit. And will fool only those not paying attention.
Abortion laws are not going to change. The Issue is a death bomb for all politicians. No one with a brain in their head( save the far right wackos and far left moon bats) will touch it.
BTW, those statements Wasserman Schultz made on Anderson Cooper's show? Romney NEVER made them and they are NOT part of the campaign.

Romney is on record as wanting Roe overturned. He was also on record as wanting to protect a woman's right to choose at one point but we have to sort of go with what he said last, right? Sort of like a ball on a roulette never know where he'll land next. But we should listen to the current statement about wanting Roe overturned.

He says that's what he wants. And it should be pushed back to the States.

Obviously Texas would be a pro-life state; for example... Lets say you're a woman who is offered a promotion. The only thing is that you have to move to Austin to take the new job...if you value your reproductive likely won't take that job. If you're the spouse of a woman who values the rights, you may not want to move your family down there.

Your source is a leftwing propaganda site, so it can't be trusted. I've seen how leftwingers message number to make the say whatever they want them to say. I'm sure the definition of "military spending," in the case of the United States, is so loose that half the budget is counted. In fact, I've seen pie charts posted by leftwing turds in this forum that show military spending as half the budget.

Oh yeah, like getting rid of title funding would do away with this "money guzzling federal bureaucracy". Dream on.


Forty-Eight percent of every dollar spent on national defense is spent in this country...we have an outsized military relative to the threats from other countries on the list. Maybe they are all thinking of ganging up on us????

Spending nickels on contraception prevents spending dollars--thousands of dollars--on everything from public assistance to schools to prison cells later on. Almost all of that comes from state coffers; not federal intervention much less funding. Of course we'd be getting rid of a lot of federal level funding and intervention as well so whatever ill-preapredness the states suffer from when Romney turns off the spigot will have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile the "money guzzling federal bureaucracy"--replete with an INCREASE in spending under Romney--will chug along.
Your source is a leftwing propaganda site, so it can't be trusted. I've seen how leftwingers message number to make the say whatever they want them to say. I'm sure the definition of "military spending," in the case of the United States, is so loose that half the budget is counted. In fact, I've seen pie charts posted by leftwing turds in this forum that show military spending as half the budget.

Oh yeah, like getting rid of title funding would do away with this "money guzzling federal bureaucracy". Dream on.


Forty-Eight percent of every dollar spent on national defense is spent in this country...we have an outsized military relative to the threats from other countries on the list. Maybe they are all thinking of ganging up on us????

Spending nickels on contraception prevents spending dollars--thousands of dollars--on everything from public assistance to schools to prison cells later on. Almost all of that comes from state coffers; not federal intervention much less funding. Of course we'd be getting rid of a lot of federal level funding and intervention as well so whatever ill-preapredness the states suffer from when Romney turns off the spigot will have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile the "money guzzling federal bureaucracy"--replete with an INCREASE in spending under Romney--will chug along.

Defense is the biggest thing we spend money on. I've heard politicans say we have less ships and planes than we did 50 years ago, and that may be true, however our ships and planes can do more today then ever before.
You can almost hear the EEG machine beeping hysterically with the above post.

Yeah right. Look. this looks very nice as a campaign platform for the democrats. But it's total bullshit. And will fool only those not paying attention.
Abortion laws are not going to change. The Issue is a death bomb for all politicians. No one with a brain in their head( save the far right wackos and far left moon bats) will touch it.
BTW, those statements Wasserman Schultz made on Anderson Cooper's show? Romney NEVER made them and they are NOT part of the campaign.

Romney is on record as wanting Roe overturned. He was also on record as wanting to protect a woman's right to choose at one point but we have to sort of go with what he said last, right? Sort of like a ball on a roulette never know where he'll land next. But we should listen to the current statement about wanting Roe overturned.

He says that's what he wants. And it should be pushed back to the States.

Obviously Texas would be a pro-life state; for example... Lets say you're a woman who is offered a promotion. The only thing is that you have to move to Austin to take the new job...if you value your reproductive likely won't take that job. If you're the spouse of a woman who values the rights, you may not want to move your family down there.


So what? THat is no where the same as "under no exceptions should abortion be legal".
What are "reproductive rights"?
What makes you believe that Texas would be a "pro life" state?
What IS a pro life state?
I think you people on the left have gotten yourselves whipped up into a frenzy over this abortion thing.
At the end of the day the majority of the people in the US are at least somewhat pro choice. The objection is that abortion procedures become another federal entitlement.
The same as the radical leftist feminists want birth control devices/medicines to become a federal entitlement.

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