The Republican War On Women

The Fiction of a Republican War on Women | FrontPage Magazine

It’s not as though they haven’t tried this before. Whenever Democrats have trouble riling up voters about their agenda – as they are now – they quickly revert to their tried and true playbook. Specifically, page 138: “Drive a wedge between women and men. Women tend to vote liberal; if you can alienate them from men, they vote even more liberal.” It comes right after the rule on page 137: “Use scare tactics about Social Security to get the votes of seniors.”

There’s only one problem: the scare about women isn’t going to work.

The premise of an alleged Republican war on women is faulty as well as sexist: it assumes that women are the mild and weak and require men to pay for their services. The Democrats, including columnists like Sally Kohn, lament the fact that in February 2011, “anti-choice Republicans pushed a rogue measure to cut off all federal funding from Planned Parenthood, even though less than 3% of services provided by Planned Parenthood are abortions, none of which are paid for using federal grant dollars. Still, Republicans saw an opportunity to fire up their fringe base while undermining a liberal-leaning advocacy organization.”
thank you Akin (R) ;) :)

Cause he is worse then this guy?


William Kennedy Smith

He only rapes women who have blue dot instead of a head.

Poll finds eighty percent of serial killers vote Republican / Scrape TV - The World on your side

Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer. For decades those names, and the names of dozens of others, have stalked the American consciousness. Until recently when terrorists became the boogeymen of
a nation, the serial killer was the monster of our nightmares, the demon of our subconscious, stalking us at every street corner, along every poorly lit alleyway. While the reality of serial killers was always far from the fantasy, the existence of real life monsters served to provide us with an outlet for deepest fears.

Even in the face of global terrorism, there is something deeply disturbing about the serial killer that continues to disgust, repel, frighten, and fascinate beyond any kind of rational explanation. Perhaps it is the sheer abnormality of the serial killer, perhaps it is the fear that a person we know or love could be one, or perhaps it is just the sheer fascination we have with death, presaging and perhaps rationalizing our own eventual demise. Psychological questions aside, a new poll has indicated that the general population in the United States may have more in common with serial killers than previously believed, namely political leanings. A new poll of living and deceased serial killers has shown that upwards of 80 per cent lean towards conservative ideals and the majority routinely voted Republican, something becoming more and more common throughout the United States as a whole.

“Across the board, serial killers are predominantly conservative in their political leanings. Gary Ridgeway, Dennis Rader, and probably the biggest name of all, Ted Bundy, were all active in the Republican Party at some level. Quizzing other killers showed the same thing, that the vast majority vote Republican,” said lead pollster David Quick. “We gain no analysis from this, it garners us no insight into the workings of the minds of conservative politicians or serial killers, but it is an overwhelming majority. Because serial killers come from diverse backgrounds and possess vastly different IQ’s they appear to have nothing in common save their conservative ideals and their desire to butcher people. It’s compelling data to be sure.”
Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And unfortunately republicans abandoned their progressive tradition and climbed into bed with the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell.

For the last forty years republicans have been waging war on every Americans’ privacy rights, seeking to expand government power at the expense of individual liberty. And women have indeed taken the brunt of that assault.
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And unfortunately republicans abandoned their progressive tradition and climbed into bed with the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell.

For the last forty years republicans have been waging war on every Americans’ privacy rights, seeking to expand government power at the expense of individual liberty. And women have indeed taken the brunt of that assault.

That is why half the GOP are women. :doubt:
When will you people stop digging?


Libs are so damn stupid..."War On Women"..I mean really? "War On Women"....Do you all know how stupid you sound? I look around and don't see any threat to women.

Get over yourselves!!! :blahblah:

I swear, we need to make a ton of additions to the English language vocabulary. Words like war, extreme, racist, radical - terms that used to mean something - are now tossed around so casually that they essentially mean nothing. They've been diluted into irrelevance.

Who's in charge of making new words?

When will you people stop digging?


Libs are so damn stupid..."War On Women"..I mean really? "War On Women"....Do you all know how stupid you sound? I look around and don't see any threat to women.

Get over yourselves!!! :blahblah:

The Obama campaign has no record to run on, so they want to convince women that their birth control contraceptives and their right to have an abortion--(which is already protected by the U.S. constitution is somehow more important than their children's and grandchildren's future.)

Again we see democrats INSULTING the intelligence of the largest voting block in this country which are WOMEN.

Democrats don't want women to think about 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% when you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits--or that there are 46 million Americans on food stamps, and that 1 in 5 families are now living beneath the poverty level. Nor do they want women to be concerned about that 16 trillion in red ink--or that additional 5 trillion that will be added to this tab in the next 10 years just for interest on this tab. And they certainly don't want women to worry about that $224,000 that their 24 year old kids and grand kids will be paying just on the Interest on this debt during their working years--and that if this spending keeps up--that their children's and grandchildren's opportunities in life will be greatly diminished from the opportunities that they themselves--had in life.

Nope--the Democrat platform this year--is the war on women campaign--with who's going to pay for your birth control contraceptives--and OMG--if you elect Republicans--your right to have an abortion on demand may disappear--(even though it's been around for the last 39 years.)

ONLY STUPID women will buy into this--but since I am female I give credit to the intelligence of women in this country--and know that there is a lot more on their minds than who's going to pay for their birth control contraceptives--and when and if they're going to decide---when their next abortion is going to be.--:badgrin::badgrin:


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And unfortunately republicans abandoned their progressive tradition and climbed into bed with the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell.

For the last forty years republicans have been waging war on every Americans’ privacy rights, seeking to expand government power at the expense of individual liberty. And women have indeed taken the brunt of that assault.

Don't forget how Republicans sever elevator cables, set puppies on fire and unscrew the salt shakers at IHOP...
Tell me what party was first to push forwards women's rights?

Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

I know that about Wiki!!! What's your point??
Don't know why you're asking me, but I have links for all occasions. :D

Finally, on January 9, 1918, WIlson announced his support for suffrage. The next day, the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Susan. B. Anthony Amendment, which would give suffrage to all women citizens. On June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the Amendment by one vote. And a little more than a year later, on August 26, 1920, Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment. That made it officially the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution.

WayBack . Stand Up For Your Rights . Features/Women and the Vote | PBS KIDS GO!
wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And some things Republicans did YEARS ago does not mesh with now!!!
When will you people stop digging?


Libs are so damn stupid..."War On Women"..I mean really? "War On Women"....Do you all know how stupid you sound? I look around and don't see any threat to women.

Get over yourselves!!! :blahblah:

The Obama campaign has no record to run on, so they want to convince women that their birth control contraceptives and their right to have an abortion--(which is already protected by the U.S. constitution is somehow more important than their children's and grandchildren's future.)

Again we see democrats INSULTING the intelligence of the largest voting block in this country which are WOMEN.

Democrats don't want women to think about 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% when you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits--or that there are 46 million Americans on food stamps, and that 1 in 5 families are now living beneath the poverty level. Nor do they want women to be concerned about that 16 trillion in red ink--or that additional 5 trillion that will be added to this tab in the next 10 years just for interest on this tab. And they certainly don't want women to worry about that $224,000 that their 24 year old kids and grand kids will be paying just on the Interest on this debt during their working years--and that if this spending keeps up--that their children's and grandchildren's opportunities in life will be greatly diminished from the opportunities that they themselves--had in life.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Nope--the Democrat platform this year--is the war on women campaign--with who's going to pay for your birth control contraceptives--and OMG--if you elect Republicans--your right to have an abortion on demand may disappear--(even though it's been around for the last 39 years.)

ONLY STUPID women will buy into this--but since I am female I give credit to the intelligence of women in this country--and know that there is a lot more on their minds than who's going to pay for their birth control contraceptives--and when and if they're going to decide---when their next abortion is going to be.--:badgrin::badgrin:


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama


We'd rather be unemployed than have all our rights taken away from us or severley diminished! We can get a job eventuallly but what women (and many men) have fought for over the decades cannot be easily regained if they are taken away!

Swing State Polls as of 8/22/12

Florida Obama 49 Romney 46
Ohio 50 44
Virginia 50 45
Colorado 49 46
Nevada 49 45
Wisconsin 50 45
MI 44 47
PA 48 42​
End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And unfortunately republicans abandoned their progressive tradition and climbed into bed with the likes of Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell.

For the last forty years republicans have been waging war on every Americans’ privacy rights, seeking to expand government power at the expense of individual liberty. And women have indeed taken the brunt of that assault.

Don't forget how Republicans sever elevator cables, set puppies on fire and unscrew the salt shakers at IHOP...

ssss--Democrats will be campaigning on that too---:badgrin::badgrin:


"If you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people need to run from"--Barack Obama.

BTW--when do you plan on having your next abortion?? And who paid for your birth control contraceptives last month?

sponsored by the Obama reelection campaign committee.
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wiki is a weak source and you can thank a republican congress for it lol inspite of Wilson

End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And some things Republicans did YEARS ago does not mesh with now!!!

Funny cause it is still the republican party pushing for Minorities and women to move forward to great things and it is the democrats trying to keep them in what they think is their place.....
Libs are so damn stupid..."War On Women"..I mean really? "War On Women"....Do you all know how stupid you sound? I look around and don't see any threat to women.

Get over yourselves!!! :blahblah:

The Obama campaign has no record to run on, so they want to convince women that their birth control contraceptives and their right to have an abortion--(which is already protected by the U.S. constitution is somehow more important than their children's and grandchildren's future.)

Again we see democrats INSULTING the intelligence of the largest voting block in this country which are WOMEN.

Democrats don't want women to think about 8.3% unemployment with real unemployment at 11% when you count those that have run out of unemployment benefits--or that there are 46 million Americans on food stamps, and that 1 in 5 families are now living beneath the poverty level. Nor do they want women to be concerned about that 16 trillion in red ink--or that additional 5 trillion that will be added to this tab in the next 10 years just for interest on this tab. And they certainly don't want women to worry about that $224,000 that their 24 year old kids and grand kids will be paying just on the Interest on this debt during their working years--and that if this spending keeps up--that their children's and grandchildren's opportunities in life will be greatly diminished from the opportunities that they themselves--had in life.
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012

Nope--the Democrat platform this year--is the war on women campaign--with who's going to pay for your birth control contraceptives--and OMG--if you elect Republicans--your right to have an abortion on demand may disappear--(even though it's been around for the last 39 years.)

ONLY STUPID women will buy into this--but since I am female I give credit to the intelligence of women in this country--and know that there is a lot more on their minds than who's going to pay for their birth control contraceptives--and when and if they're going to decide---when their next abortion is going to be.--:badgrin::badgrin:


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama


We'd rather be unemployed than have all our rights taken away from us or severley diminished! We can get a job eventuallly but what women (and many men) have fought for over the decades cannot be easily regained if they are taken away!

Swing State Polls as of 8/22/12

Florida Obama 49 Romney 46
Ohio 50 44
Virginia 50 45
Colorado 49 46
Nevada 49 45
Wisconsin 50 45
MI 44 47
PA 48 42​

So then according to YOU--it's ABORTION and who's going to pay for those Birth Control Contraceptives---OVER Jobs--keeping a roof over our heads and EATING.

Good Job---:badgrin::badgrin:


BTW--When are you planning your next abortion? Personally I am going to ABORT this current administration.
Last edited:
End Slavery ... Republican ... end suffrage ... Republican ...

Which party was in power for the start of most of the 20th century wars? ... Democrat

The facts don't mesh with the liberal marketing, do they?

And some things Republicans did YEARS ago does not mesh with now!!!

Funny cause it is still the republican party pushing for Minorities and women to move forward to great things and it is the democrats trying to keep them in what they think is their place.....

Spare me.

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