The Republican War On Women

In 2011 over 600 anti choice bills were introduced at the state level by Republicans.

From the Center for Reproductive Rights' 2010-11 annual report:

"The Center is hard-pressed to cite a time in the last twenty years that can rival -- in volume and in severity -- this most recent period of anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-health legislative action in the United States."
Still trying to sell this war on women bs eh?

When are you guys going to stop selfishly trying to stir up anger between people and actually address the problems our nation faces?
Still trying to sell this war on women bs eh?

When are you guys going to stop selfishly trying to stir up anger between people and actually address the problems our nation faces?

Our problem is the Republican Party.


American Crossroads accuses Obama of waging economic 'war on women'
By Geneva Sands - 07/11/12 10:15 AM ET

The conservative super-PAC American Crossroads is aiming to turn the tables on Democrats by accusing President Obama of waging an economic "war on women."


In the video, Crossroads attacks Obama for failing to produce jobs for women and highlights poverty levels among Hispanics and seniors, important demographics for the fall election.

"The job market in Obama's economy — women aren't faring as well as other groups. During Obama's so-called recovery, women have lost jobs even as men gained them … poverty, unemployment, fading hopes — that's not the change we voted for," says the narrator.


American Crossroads accuses Obama of waging economic 'war on women' - The Hill's Video
Still trying to sell this war on women bs eh?

When are you guys going to stop selfishly trying to stir up anger between people and actually address the problems our nation faces?

Our problem is the Republican Party.

Which is exactly why you arent going to resonate with the people. People who are suffering from unemployment, high taxes, shrinking wealth, etc arent going to care about your war with Republicans. They are going to want real solutions. They are going to want government to stop burdening them.
Still trying to sell this war on women bs eh?

When are you guys going to stop selfishly trying to stir up anger between people and actually address the problems our nation faces?

Our problem is the Republican Party.

Which is exactly why you arent going to resonate with the people. People who are suffering from unemployment, high taxes, shrinking wealth, etc arent going to care about your war with Republicans. They are going to want real solutions. They are going to want government to stop burdening them.

The government has shifted trillions of dollars of wealth from the middle class to the rich by lowering taxes for the wealthy.

This is the Republican agenda.

They must be stopped.
Our problem is the Republican Party.

Which is exactly why you arent going to resonate with the people. People who are suffering from unemployment, high taxes, shrinking wealth, etc arent going to care about your war with Republicans. They are going to want real solutions. They are going to want government to stop burdening them.

The government has shifted trillions of dollars of wealth from the middle class to the rich by lowering taxes for the wealthy.

This is the Republican agenda.

They must be stopped.

Allowing free people to KEEP THE MONEY THAT BELONGS TO THEM is not "has shifted".
You have the moocher class talking points down very well.
It is the agenda of folks that want to keep what belongs to them.
NONE of that money came from the middle class. IT WAS THEIR OWN $$$ TO BEGIN WITH.


American Crossroads accuses Obama of waging economic 'war on women'
By Geneva Sands - 07/11/12 10:15 AM ET

The conservative super-PAC American Crossroads is aiming to turn the tables on Democrats by accusing President Obama of waging an economic "war on women."


In the video, Crossroads attacks Obama for failing to produce jobs for women and highlights poverty levels among Hispanics and seniors, important demographics for the fall election.

"The job market in Obama's economy — women aren't faring as well as other groups. During Obama's so-called recovery, women have lost jobs even as men gained them … poverty, unemployment, fading hopes — that's not the change we voted for," says the narrator.


American Crossroads accuses Obama of waging economic 'war on women' - The Hill's Video
The women just have to sacrifice for Obama's vision, you know. How dare these poor women exist and how dare people KNOW they exist. Someone has to sacrifice. They are real patriots.

(That's my first try at Newspeak. Soon I'll be as fluent at it as Obama and his Bots.)
What will the Democrats say next to get us from talking about the economy, deficit and lack of jobs?

How are your meetings with the Jobs Council going, Mr. President? What do you mean you don't meet anymore?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then, how are your fundraisers going? :eusa_whistle:

If I am governor, I am 100% in support of rejecting federal mandates which place ALL of the burden on the States.
If the feds want this shit so much, why don't they just be honest and unilaterally increase taxes and announce to the country that they are raising taxes "just because we can"...
Instead, the do the politically expedient thing. They come up with these "popular" government entitlements....Then they make sure someone else has to pay for them.
BTW, Think progress has ZERO credibility. The site has never reported the facts of a story. Just it's writer's version of the facts.
What will the Democrats say next to get us from talking about the economy, deficit and lack of jobs?

How are your meetings with the Jobs Council going, Mr. President? What do you mean you don't meet anymore?!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then, how are your fundraisers going? :eusa_whistle:
That Romney left Bain Capital in 2000. Not 1999....And HE needs to release two more years tax returns....Meanwhile members of Congress REFUSE to release THEIR tax returns..
Both Pelosi and Reid have REFUSED....
I think the way to eliminate the war on poverty, is to start with the poorest people, by sending out social workers, to teach good habits when they are small, catch them through the elementary schools, and follow them, and teach them about sex. But do it in a home setting not an office. Make those things you gripe about a point to teach. There worlds are so cold, that a friend stopping bye that has a special relationship with mom or dad or both, would be great for there esteem. I think it would open up jobs especially to the military. And just be a good thing all the way around. Time? Yes it will take a lot of time. Call it Setting Down Children Right
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The women around obongo, NOT HAPPY...
What ever happend to this? Didnt stick eh? Liberals, retards masquerading as intellectuals.
What ever happend to this? Didnt stick eh? Liberals, retards masquerading as intellectuals.

Oh, look; you're baiting. And at this time of night. :tongue:

Ever considered picking up a book?

You got me.....but mocking stupidity is one of my favorits...actualy I have a book right now on warfare....reading a little history on the Battle of Hastings.....and you?

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