The Republican War On Women

^ Again Faun, the people protesting abortion as murder
ARE saying "it is taking something ILLEGAL (murder)"
and "making it LEGAL".

That's the whole point of why they are protesting!

Similar to advocates against the death penalty who call it
"state sanctioned murder". It is called HOMICIDE, that's
what is written on the autopsy of people executed by the state.

So in protest of these executions considered "no different from murder"
those opponents ALSO argue AGAINST executions as "legalized murder"

That IS the whole point - they ARE ARGUING
That's where you're wrong. The poster wasn't protesting. He was calling abortion, "legalized murder." There is no such thing.

Dear Faun the conflict is where you and others
don't talk about abortion the same way. To you
it isn't murder so it isn't "murder being made legal"
because it's not murder in the first place!

To someone who sees it no different from murder,
then not criminalizing or banning is the equivalent
of treating this act of "murder" as LEGAL.

Of course there's no such thing IN YOUR WORLD.

But from the viewpoints of others, it's like not
prosecuting rape or it's like allowing child abuse
to go on as if that's acceptable. But in this case
with people who treat abortion as seriously as murder,
it's unthinkable why society would approve that to be legal!

Faun can you understand this from the viewpoint of
someone who doesn't think of it the way you do?

That's where the impasse is coming from.
If you both just talk about it from your own perspective,
OF COURSE it's not going to make sense to the other person!
"To you it isn't murder"

Dumbass, this has nothing to do with me.It's the law. The law determines that murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Abortion is legal. Therefore, it cannot be murder.

Words have meaning. It would truly benefit you to learn them.
The law is a funny thing. Legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery used to be legal in this country. Do you support slavery? Dumb ass.
I didn't say it's right or wrong. That's up to each individual to decide for themselves. I said it's not murder. Just like killing in self defense is not murder; just like death penalty killings are not murder; just like a cop killing a dangerous felon is not murder.
I disagree. The human fetus has no say in the matter. All innocent human life should have protection.
That's where you're wrong. The poster wasn't protesting. He was calling abortion, "legalized murder." There is no such thing.

Dear Faun the conflict is where you and others
don't talk about abortion the same way. To you
it isn't murder so it isn't "murder being made legal"
because it's not murder in the first place!

To someone who sees it no different from murder,
then not criminalizing or banning is the equivalent
of treating this act of "murder" as LEGAL.

Of course there's no such thing IN YOUR WORLD.

But from the viewpoints of others, it's like not
prosecuting rape or it's like allowing child abuse
to go on as if that's acceptable. But in this case
with people who treat abortion as seriously as murder,
it's unthinkable why society would approve that to be legal!

Faun can you understand this from the viewpoint of
someone who doesn't think of it the way you do?

That's where the impasse is coming from.
If you both just talk about it from your own perspective,
OF COURSE it's not going to make sense to the other person!
"To you it isn't murder"

Dumbass, this has nothing to do with me.It's the law. The law determines that murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Abortion is legal. Therefore, it cannot be murder.

Words have meaning. It would truly benefit you to learn them.
The law is a funny thing. Legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery used to be legal in this country. Do you support slavery? Dumb ass.
I didn't say it's right or wrong. That's up to each individual to decide for themselves. I said it's not murder. Just like killing in self defense is not murder; just like death penalty killings are not murder; just like a cop killing a dangerous felon is not murder.
I disagree. The human fetus has no say in the matter. All innocent human life should have protection.
And you're entitled to your position. Regardless, it's still legal which means it can't be murder.
Dear Faun the conflict is where you and others
don't talk about abortion the same way. To you
it isn't murder so it isn't "murder being made legal"
because it's not murder in the first place!

To someone who sees it no different from murder,
then not criminalizing or banning is the equivalent
of treating this act of "murder" as LEGAL.

Of course there's no such thing IN YOUR WORLD.

But from the viewpoints of others, it's like not
prosecuting rape or it's like allowing child abuse
to go on as if that's acceptable. But in this case
with people who treat abortion as seriously as murder,
it's unthinkable why society would approve that to be legal!

Faun can you understand this from the viewpoint of
someone who doesn't think of it the way you do?

That's where the impasse is coming from.
If you both just talk about it from your own perspective,
OF COURSE it's not going to make sense to the other person!
"To you it isn't murder"

Dumbass, this has nothing to do with me.It's the law. The law determines that murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Abortion is legal. Therefore, it cannot be murder.

Words have meaning. It would truly benefit you to learn them.
The law is a funny thing. Legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery used to be legal in this country. Do you support slavery? Dumb ass.
I didn't say it's right or wrong. That's up to each individual to decide for themselves. I said it's not murder. Just like killing in self defense is not murder; just like death penalty killings are not murder; just like a cop killing a dangerous felon is not murder.
I disagree. The human fetus has no say in the matter. All innocent human life should have protection.
And you're entitled to your position. Regardless, it's still legal which means it can't be murder.
Not legally. However, many people believe in moral law. You can pass a law allowing people to grab bread out of a store whenever they want. However, it's still stealing according to moral law.
"Murder" is the unlawful taking of a human life. The RW knows this, but uses the word for shock value anyway. As far as I am concerned, it marginalizes any argument they can produce, since the very premise is demonstrably incorrect.

Really.... then why don't you do it? You haven't yet, and this is 77 pages of posts in.

Are you suggesting it isn't a human life? Try a DNA test. Let us know how that works for you.
Are you suggesting it isn't having it's brains sucked and splattered in a sink? Go watch a procedure, and tell us how no life is being snuffed out.
Are you suggesting that it is lawful?

Then why do you complain about the death penalty? Or the killing of non-person slaves in the 1800s?

Please enlighten us to your brilliant explanation of how this isn't murder?

Andy, I am sure that you can read the definition of "murder" yourself. Hopefully, you learned to read about the time you learned to tie your show laces. It does not include abortion, and involves the word, "unlawful'.
Is Alabama really this dumb?


See, this right here, is exactly why Trump won.

You can't argue the issue. You can't argue the position. You can't debate anything.

All you can do is insult an entire state of people. That's makes you a walking turd. I'll take any of those people, even left-wing people in Alabama, over walking talking trash like you.

Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

What does that have to do with anything? The only reason that matters to you, is because you are a terrible, garbage, walking crap pile of a human being. That's it. They are just simply better people than you, that's why you can't argue any points, but resort to insults. That's what you hate them so much. You are trash, and people that are trash, hate people that are not trash.

Do you talk to god with that mouth? Maybe a quote from the Bible, perhaps?:abgg2q.jpg:
See, this right here, is exactly why Trump won.

You can't argue the issue. You can't argue the position. You can't debate anything.

All you can do is insult an entire state of people. That's makes you a walking turd. I'll take any of those people, even left-wing people in Alabama, over walking talking trash like you.

Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

A Democrat white governor is signing the bill into law. Dumb ass.

No, dumbass, she switched to Republican in 2002 - 17 years ago.
The Governor of Louisiana. He's signing a restricted abortion bill and he's a white Democrat.

Oh, so you switched from Alabama to Louisiana? Funny...
Yeah, murdering defenseless innocent babies is funny, huh. Depraved jackal.
Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

A Democrat white governor is signing the bill into law. Dumb ass.

No, dumbass, she switched to Republican in 2002 - 17 years ago.
The Governor of Louisiana. He's signing a restricted abortion bill and he's a white Democrat.

Oh, so you switched from Alabama to Louisiana? Funny...
Yeah, murdering defenseless innocent babies is funny, huh. Depraved jackal.

Yes, it's funny - when you use the word "murder".
A Democrat white governor is signing the bill into law. Dumb ass.

No, dumbass, she switched to Republican in 2002 - 17 years ago.
The Governor of Louisiana. He's signing a restricted abortion bill and he's a white Democrat.

Oh, so you switched from Alabama to Louisiana? Funny...
Yeah, murdering defenseless innocent babies is funny, huh. Depraved jackal.

Yes, it's funny - when you use the word "murder".
A Democrat white governor is signing the bill into law. Dumb ass.

No, dumbass, she switched to Republican in 2002 - 17 years ago.
The Governor of Louisiana. He's signing a restricted abortion bill and he's a white Democrat.

Oh, so you switched from Alabama to Louisiana? Funny...
Yeah, murdering defenseless innocent babies is funny, huh. Depraved jackal.

Yes, it's funny - when you use the word "murder".
Deliberately killing a human being is murder. You're depraved.
Is Alabama really this dumb?


See, this right here, is exactly why Trump won.

You can't argue the issue. You can't argue the position. You can't debate anything.

All you can do is insult an entire state of people. That's makes you a walking turd. I'll take any of those people, even left-wing people in Alabama, over walking talking trash like you.

Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

What does that have to do with anything? The only reason that matters to you, is because you are a terrible, garbage, walking crap pile of a human being. That's it. They are just simply better people than you, that's why you can't argue any points, but resort to insults. That's what you hate them so much. You are trash, and people that are trash, hate people that are not trash.

Do you talk to god with that mouth? Maybe a quote from the Bible, perhaps?:abgg2q.jpg:
Here's a Bible quote for you right from the Lord. You're a white washed tombstone full of dead bones.
Is Alabama really this dumb?


See, this right here, is exactly why Trump won.

You can't argue the issue. You can't argue the position. You can't debate anything.

All you can do is insult an entire state of people. That's makes you a walking turd. I'll take any of those people, even left-wing people in Alabama, over walking talking trash like you.

Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

What does that have to do with anything? The only reason that matters to you, is because you are a terrible, garbage, walking crap pile of a human being. That's it. They are just simply better people than you, that's why you can't argue any points, but resort to insults. That's what you hate them so much. You are trash, and people that are trash, hate people that are not trash.

Do you talk to god with that mouth? Maybe a quote from the Bible, perhaps?:abgg2q.jpg:
Here's a Bible quote for you right from the Lord. You're a white washed tombstone full of dead bones.

Well, you sure told me off!!!!!
See, this right here, is exactly why Trump won.

You can't argue the issue. You can't argue the position. You can't debate anything.

All you can do is insult an entire state of people. That's makes you a walking turd. I'll take any of those people, even left-wing people in Alabama, over walking talking trash like you.

Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

What does that have to do with anything? The only reason that matters to you, is because you are a terrible, garbage, walking crap pile of a human being. That's it. They are just simply better people than you, that's why you can't argue any points, but resort to insults. That's what you hate them so much. You are trash, and people that are trash, hate people that are not trash.

Do you talk to god with that mouth? Maybe a quote from the Bible, perhaps?:abgg2q.jpg:
Here's a Bible quote for you right from the Lord. You're a white washed tombstone full of dead bones.

Well, you sure told me off!!!!!

Just the truth. You try and make yourself look good on the outside, but inside you are just rotting bones. The entire left-wing in this country, is just decaying rotting trash, only good for composting.
A Democrat white governor is signing the bill into law. Dumb ass.

No, dumbass, she switched to Republican in 2002 - 17 years ago.
The Governor of Louisiana. He's signing a restricted abortion bill and he's a white Democrat.

Oh, so you switched from Alabama to Louisiana? Funny...
Yeah, murdering defenseless innocent babies is funny, huh. Depraved jackal.

Yes, it's funny - when you use the word "murder".

It's also accurate when we use the world "murder". Because that's what you people are, is murderers. Doesn't surprise me that you don't the morals, or intellect to understand that, but thankfully our expectations of you were low the moment you opened your mouth.
"To you it isn't murder"

Dumbass, this has nothing to do with me.It's the law. The law determines that murder is the unlawful killing of a human being. Abortion is legal. Therefore, it cannot be murder.

Words have meaning. It would truly benefit you to learn them.
The law is a funny thing. Legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery used to be legal in this country. Do you support slavery? Dumb ass.
I didn't say it's right or wrong. That's up to each individual to decide for themselves. I said it's not murder. Just like killing in self defense is not murder; just like death penalty killings are not murder; just like a cop killing a dangerous felon is not murder.
I disagree. The human fetus has no say in the matter. All innocent human life should have protection.
And you're entitled to your position. Regardless, it's still legal which means it can't be murder.
Not legally. However, many people believe in moral law. You can pass a law allowing people to grab bread out of a store whenever they want. However, it's still stealing according to moral law.
Yes, it's still legal. Your delusions don't affect anything
The law is a funny thing. Legal doesn't mean it's right. Slavery used to be legal in this country. Do you support slavery? Dumb ass.
I didn't say it's right or wrong. That's up to each individual to decide for themselves. I said it's not murder. Just like killing in self defense is not murder; just like death penalty killings are not murder; just like a cop killing a dangerous felon is not murder.
I disagree. The human fetus has no say in the matter. All innocent human life should have protection.
And you're entitled to your position. Regardless, it's still legal which means it can't be murder.
Not legally. However, many people believe in moral law. You can pass a law allowing people to grab bread out of a store whenever they want. However, it's still stealing according to moral law.
Yes, it's still legal. Your delusions don't affect anything
Morality is "delusional"?
Well, sparky, is Alabama 50th in the nation in education or not?

What does that have to do with anything? The only reason that matters to you, is because you are a terrible, garbage, walking crap pile of a human being. That's it. They are just simply better people than you, that's why you can't argue any points, but resort to insults. That's what you hate them so much. You are trash, and people that are trash, hate people that are not trash.

Do you talk to god with that mouth? Maybe a quote from the Bible, perhaps?:abgg2q.jpg:
Here's a Bible quote for you right from the Lord. You're a white washed tombstone full of dead bones.

Well, you sure told me off!!!!!

Just the truth. You try and make yourself look good on the outside, but inside you are just rotting bones. The entire left-wing in this country, is just decaying rotting trash, only good for composting.


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