The Republican War On Women

When will you people stop digging?


Dear MarcATL as I tried to warn of this before,
when Obama's administration pushed the whole "health care as a right"
through govt, this insistence on using govt to ESTABLISH A BELIEF,
despite opposition arguments to respect "freedom of choice" in health care,
OPENED THE DOOR for "right to life" to push THOSE BELIEFS through govt.

If you open the door for one political belief or creed to be
forced through by "majority rule" at the expense and exclusion of OTHER beliefs,
then what's to stop ANOTHER group or belief from being railroaded through by majority?

Democrats did this to themselves.

To argue this establishment of biased beliefs through Govt is unconstitutional,
we should admit the same went wrong with ACA being unconstitutional as well.

I look forward to the day leaders of both parties can admit that
in both cases of abusing govt to establish beliefs at the expense of others
is unconstitutional, and neither side agrees when such legislation violates their own beliefs and creeds.

First the bill that legalized abortion up to the point of birth
(which violates prolife BELIEFS of citizens the state is supposed to represent EQUALLY and INCLUSIVELY)
then this bill and others banning abortion
(which also discriminates against citizens of opposing BELIEFS against criminalizing women for abortion).

It should be obvious that any such laws passed that discriminate against
citizens of the opposite creed are unconstitutional, and consensus based
legislation would be required in order to treat, include, and represent people equally regardless of creed.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law

Dear Faun
A. It's not that the words have to be opposite. You are right that as long as they SEEM contradictory that
becomes either oxymoronic, or ironic, or a paradox.

Civil War and Domestic Violence are both touted as oxymorons but those words are not opposites, you are right.

B. However I back Frankeneinstein
on the point that "legalized murder" IS saying
you are taking an ILLEGAL act of murder

There is legalized extortion or legalized bribery, too!

We've all heard the joke that political campaigns are "legalized prostitution"

That's NOT an "oxymoron" even though prostitution is ILLEGAL
and legalizing implies LEGAL.

THE WHOLE POINT is about "taking something normally ILLEGAL"

So I support Frankeneinstein in asserting this is NOT an "oxymoron"
but not for the reason cited: it's not about the words being opposite in meaning.
It's because the whole point of saying "legalized murder"
REFERS to taking the ILLEGAL act of murder and MAKING IT LEGAL.

That's the whole point, it's not ironic but LITERAL.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.

^ Again Faun, the people protesting abortion as murder
ARE saying "it is taking something ILLEGAL (murder)"
and "making it LEGAL".

That's the whole point of why they are protesting!

Similar to advocates against the death penalty who call it
"state sanctioned murder". It is called HOMICIDE, that's
what is written on the autopsy of people executed by the state.

So in protest of these executions considered "no different from murder"
those opponents ALSO argue AGAINST executions as "legalized murder"

That IS the whole point - they ARE ARGUING

Thank you basquebromance

When will we see MEN agreeing to laws banning THEM
from having sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy
unwanted children or abortion.

If we turned the tables, how would the MEN like it if
the laws were BIASED against MEN and only held THEM responsible for consequences.
Currently these laws only affect WOMEN.

If it were the other way, if only the MEN got charged with abuse or rape
in the case of unwanted pregnancy, would they protest?
or would the Prolife groups AGREE that to prevent abortion,
to start holding MEN accountable for not having sex in the first place
that would otherwise lead to unwanted situations?
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.

^ Again Faun, the people protesting abortion as murder
ARE saying "it is taking something ILLEGAL (murder)"
and "making it LEGAL".

That's the whole point of why they are protesting!

Similar to advocates against the death penalty who call it
"state sanctioned murder". It is called HOMICIDE, that's
what is written on the autopsy of people executed by the state.

So in protest of these executions considered "no different from murder"
those opponents ALSO argue AGAINST executions as "legalized murder"

That IS the whole point - they ARE ARGUING
That's where you're wrong. The poster wasn't protesting. He was calling abortion, "legalized murder." There is no such thing.

I agree!

You don't think well. At all.
"Just 24 hours after Alabama’s 'pro-life' governor signed the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion bill into law, the state is scheduled to kill a man by lethal injection – the 7th execution since Gov. Kay Ivey took office."
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. Not playing your silly word games.

Well, then, I would strongly advise you not to quit your day job to practice law, because the law is totally based on "silly word games".
The law is a funny thing. It can be changed. Now go play your silly word games with some naive college kids.

I seriously doubt if the law is going to be changed by somebody who does not recognize the simplest of legal terms.
You don't get it. We're talking about human beings and their right to live.

Objection, your honor. Plaintiff is trying to cloud the issue with irrelevant topics. The issue at hand is fetuses, not human beings.
A human fetus is a human being. Idiot.
Well, then, I would strongly advise you not to quit your day job to practice law, because the law is totally based on "silly word games".
The law is a funny thing. It can be changed. Now go play your silly word games with some naive college kids.

I seriously doubt if the law is going to be changed by somebody who does not recognize the simplest of legal terms.
You don't get it. We're talking about human beings and their right to live.

Objection, your honor. Plaintiff is trying to cloud the issue with irrelevant topics. The issue at hand is fetuses, not human beings.
A human fetus is a human being. Idiot.
No it's not. It doesn't even have a working brain until months into the pregnancy.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.

It's funny how you pagens don't know that baby killing is wrong

1 John 3:15 (WEB) Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him
DemNazis have murdered 25 Million Female Babies in Their Planned Parenthood Genocide Centers, and have permanently and emotionally scarred the women who had them aborted.

Talk to any woman the majority of them, and they have nightmares about their abortions, and live a life of regret over them. The Rest who don't are angry bitter typical Left Tard DemNazi Women who hate men.
If he knew English, he wouldn't be throwing around oxymorons like "legalized murder" since there is no such thing. No one has to abide by defonitions made up by idiots.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.

It's funny how you pagens don't know that baby killing is wrong

1 John 3:15 (WEB) Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him
I'm Jewish. That verse means nothing to me other than to demonstrate you're a gullible fool.
The law is a funny thing. It can be changed. Now go play your silly word games with some naive college kids.

I seriously doubt if the law is going to be changed by somebody who does not recognize the simplest of legal terms.
You don't get it. We're talking about human beings and their right to live.

Objection, your honor. Plaintiff is trying to cloud the issue with irrelevant topics. The issue at hand is fetuses, not human beings.
A human fetus is a human being. Idiot.
No it's not. It doesn't even have a working brain until months into the pregnancy.
You don't have a working brain either, but you're still a human being.
first of all legalized murder is not an oxymoron because they [the 2 words] are not grammatical opposites like Jumbo and Shrimp are...
and second a synonym for murder like "Killing" is usually used when murder is found to be legal as it is in war or in your case "medical procedure"
and third, You are going to have to work on your mock anger routine if you want to earn your liberal chops.


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law


  1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g. faith unfaithful kept him falsely true ).
and you will notice that the example for oxymoron you cite gives exact grammatical opposites of one another where as:

Legal -- allowed by law
Murder -- not allowed by law
shows no such thing which means it must be your own creation...i.e. you are citing yourself as proof which of course makes your claim oxymoronic minus the oxy...
..I think you know you have been figured out and exposed and trapped on this one, your only options now are to squirm in the trap until the pain over takes you or gnaw your leg off and slither away.
Really? You need to see more definitions...?

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.

The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse.

^ Again Faun, the people protesting abortion as murder
ARE saying "it is taking something ILLEGAL (murder)"
and "making it LEGAL".

That's the whole point of why they are protesting!

Similar to advocates against the death penalty who call it
"state sanctioned murder". It is called HOMICIDE, that's
what is written on the autopsy of people executed by the state.

So in protest of these executions considered "no different from murder"
those opponents ALSO argue AGAINST executions as "legalized murder"

That IS the whole point - they ARE ARGUING
That's where you're wrong. The poster wasn't protesting. He was calling abortion, "legalized murder." There is no such thing.

Dear Faun the conflict is where you and others
don't talk about abortion the same way. To you
it isn't murder so it isn't "murder being made legal"
because it's not murder in the first place!

To someone who sees it no different from murder,
then not criminalizing or banning is the equivalent
of treating this act of "murder" as LEGAL.

Of course there's no such thing IN YOUR WORLD.

But from the viewpoints of others, it's like not
prosecuting rape or it's like allowing child abuse
to go on as if that's acceptable. But in this case
with people who treat abortion as seriously as murder,
it's unthinkable why society would approve that to be legal!

Faun can you understand this from the viewpoint of
someone who doesn't think of it the way you do?

That's where the impasse is coming from.
If you both just talk about it from your own perspective,
OF COURSE it's not going to make sense to the other person!

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