The Republican War On Women

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?

Thet already go to the butchers. Please stop pretending that you care for these women. If you did care, they wouldn't want abortions

Right. For example how are you going to force a woman to have a baby and then cut her foodstamps and take away her healthcare?

By encouraging hard work, marriage, thrift, charity, self reliance and provident living.

When you teach people correct principled you dont need government programs. They govern themselves
You're going to legislate the morality back into us. I love it!
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?

Thet already go to the butchers. Please stop pretending that you care for these women. If you did care, they wouldn't want abortions

Right. For example how are you going to force a woman to have a baby and then cut her foodstamps and take away her healthcare?

By encouraging hard work, marriage, thrift, charity, self reliance and provident living.

When you teach people correct principled you dont need government programs. They govern themselves
You're going to legislate the morality back into us. I love it!

Well, the Right has a problem with word definitions. You know, like, "fetuses"
are "children", "Abortion" is "murder", "weather" is "climate", "Trump lies" are
"fake news", etc.
I have no problem. I'm not killing babies.

As for you, and trying to use some label, to redefine murder to suit your own purpose.....

Go brake a bald eagle egg. Tell me how redefining what it is, changes what it is.

Go perform an abortion on a Amur Leopard. An endangered animal, with only 60 left.

When you get to court, make sure you tell the judge to google 'fetus' and 'cub'. Send videos for me to laugh at, when you are sent to prison.

Romans 1:22
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"

Sorry, talking to you reminded me of this Bible verse. Apparently people like you have existed for at least 2,000 years.

Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

Support murder? You mean like the present Alabama governor who has executed 5 people while in office?

Name the five people. We'll see which between you and the governor of Alabama, supports murder.

List of people executed in Alabama - Wikipedia

I don't have the patience to list just the seven executions by the present governor. This will have to do.


Arthur was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death for shooting Troy Wicker of Muscle Shoals through the right eye as he slept. The victim's wife, Judy Wicker, was romantically involved with Arthur and testified she paid him $10,000 to kill her husband in 1981. At the time of the killing, Arthur was in a prison work-release center in Decatur, serving a sentence for second-degree murder for killing his sister-in-law in Marion County.

Read more: Thomas Douglas Arthur - Alabama - November 3, 2016 | Pro Death Discussion Board

So you defend this guy? You support murder.

On the night of Friday, April 15, 1994, Melson and his accomplice Cuhuatemoc Hinricky Peraita (born May 19, 1976) entered a Popeyes restaurant in east Gadsden through the back door of the building after employee Darrell K. Collier unlocked it to allow fellow employees Nathaniel Baker and Bryant Archer to take out the trash. Upon entry, Melson and Peraita ordered Archer, Baker, Collier, and fourth employee Tamika Collins into the restaurant's office and demanded that they empty the safe. They complied, after which Melson ordered the four to get inside the restaurant's freezer. Shortly after locking them in the freezer, Melson unlocked the door and opened fire. Baker, Collier and Collins all died of their wounds before paramedics arrived. Archer was shot four times, but he survived and was able to crawl to the restaurant's office to call 911

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

McNabb was convicted of killing Montgomery police officer Anderson Gordon in 1997. He shot Gordon five times as the officer sat in his patrol car after arriving at a traffic accident McNabb caused while fleeing a bail bondsman.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

“Michael Eggers showed no mercy towards his victim, his former employer, Bennie Francis Murray, who donated much of her personal time to helping him find a new job," Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement Thursday night. "On the night of her murder, Mrs. Murray gave Eggers a lift to pick up his car. Instead of showing her gratitude, Eggers rewarded her kindness by brutally beating and strangling her. He even returned to the scene of the crime to make sure she was dead. After 18 years of waiting, justice has finally been served tonight for the Murray family.”

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In December 16, 1989, federal judge Robert Vance was assassinated at his home in Mountain Brook, Alabama, when he opened a package containing a makeshift pipe bomb.[6] Vance died instantly and his wife, Helen, was seriously injured.[1] After an extensive investigation, Moody and his second wife, Susan McBride, were arrested on July 13, 1990. McBride was released on $250,000 bail within a week and later testified against Moody.[2][6] Moody was charged with the murders of Judge Vance and of Robert E. Robinson, a black civil-rights attorney based in Savannah, Georgia, who had been killed in a separate explosion at his office two days later on Monday, December 18.[1] Moody was also charged with mailing bombs that were defused at the Eleventh Circuit Court's headquarters in Atlanta and at the Jacksonville, Georgia office of Willye Dennis of the NAACP.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In February 1994, Ray shot and killed brothers Reinhard and Ernest Mabins, after they refused to join a gang he led. On July 15, 1995, Ray and an accomplice, Marcus Owden, kidnapped 15-year-old Tiffany Harville from her home in Selma, Alabama. Ray raped and murdered her and cut her throat with a knife according to Owden's trial testimony. Harville's body was found abandoned in a field in Dallas County a month after she disappeared.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In conclusion, yes you are clearly, and undeniably, a terrible person who supports the murder of people both babies, and now adults and children.

You are just flat out a terrible human being, and the rest of us would be better off if you aborted yourself instead.
Ok, I will reconsider whether or not I will allow you to control my wife and daughter's bodies.

Ok, I reconsidered it. The answer is still "NO".

Right.... so you support murder. That makes you an evil person. But at least you are arrogant enough to admit you are in fact a morally disgusting murderer.

Support murder? You mean like the present Alabama governor who has executed 5 people while in office?

Name the five people. We'll see which between you and the governor of Alabama, supports murder.

List of people executed in Alabama - Wikipedia

I don't have the patience to list just the seven executions by the present governor. This will have to do.


Arthur was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death for shooting Troy Wicker of Muscle Shoals through the right eye as he slept. The victim's wife, Judy Wicker, was romantically involved with Arthur and testified she paid him $10,000 to kill her husband in 1981. At the time of the killing, Arthur was in a prison work-release center in Decatur, serving a sentence for second-degree murder for killing his sister-in-law in Marion County.

Read more: Thomas Douglas Arthur - Alabama - November 3, 2016 | Pro Death Discussion Board

So you defend this guy? You support murder.

On the night of Friday, April 15, 1994, Melson and his accomplice Cuhuatemoc Hinricky Peraita (born May 19, 1976) entered a Popeyes restaurant in east Gadsden through the back door of the building after employee Darrell K. Collier unlocked it to allow fellow employees Nathaniel Baker and Bryant Archer to take out the trash. Upon entry, Melson and Peraita ordered Archer, Baker, Collier, and fourth employee Tamika Collins into the restaurant's office and demanded that they empty the safe. They complied, after which Melson ordered the four to get inside the restaurant's freezer. Shortly after locking them in the freezer, Melson unlocked the door and opened fire. Baker, Collier and Collins all died of their wounds before paramedics arrived. Archer was shot four times, but he survived and was able to crawl to the restaurant's office to call 911

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

McNabb was convicted of killing Montgomery police officer Anderson Gordon in 1997. He shot Gordon five times as the officer sat in his patrol car after arriving at a traffic accident McNabb caused while fleeing a bail bondsman.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

“Michael Eggers showed no mercy towards his victim, his former employer, Bennie Francis Murray, who donated much of her personal time to helping him find a new job," Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall said in a statement Thursday night. "On the night of her murder, Mrs. Murray gave Eggers a lift to pick up his car. Instead of showing her gratitude, Eggers rewarded her kindness by brutally beating and strangling her. He even returned to the scene of the crime to make sure she was dead. After 18 years of waiting, justice has finally been served tonight for the Murray family.”

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In December 16, 1989, federal judge Robert Vance was assassinated at his home in Mountain Brook, Alabama, when he opened a package containing a makeshift pipe bomb.[6] Vance died instantly and his wife, Helen, was seriously injured.[1] After an extensive investigation, Moody and his second wife, Susan McBride, were arrested on July 13, 1990. McBride was released on $250,000 bail within a week and later testified against Moody.[2][6] Moody was charged with the murders of Judge Vance and of Robert E. Robinson, a black civil-rights attorney based in Savannah, Georgia, who had been killed in a separate explosion at his office two days later on Monday, December 18.[1] Moody was also charged with mailing bombs that were defused at the Eleventh Circuit Court's headquarters in Atlanta and at the Jacksonville, Georgia office of Willye Dennis of the NAACP.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In February 1994, Ray shot and killed brothers Reinhard and Ernest Mabins, after they refused to join a gang he led. On July 15, 1995, Ray and an accomplice, Marcus Owden, kidnapped 15-year-old Tiffany Harville from her home in Selma, Alabama. Ray raped and murdered her and cut her throat with a knife according to Owden's trial testimony. Harville's body was found abandoned in a field in Dallas County a month after she disappeared.

You are defending this guy? You support murder.

In conclusion, yes you are clearly, and undeniably, a terrible person who supports the murder of people both babies, and now adults and children.

You are just flat out a terrible human being, and the rest of us would be better off if you aborted yourself instead.

Let me know when the Cliff Notes version of the above comes out. In the meantime, I guess I am waiting for the ultimate irony. A rapist being put to death for raping a girl in Alabama, who is forced to carry the child to term, and then being turned down for health benefits because the Republicans repealed ACA.
No, it's the DEMOCRATS who are waging war on women by selling this country out to the most rape-happy, woman-brutalizing, woman-stoning-to-death, woman-subjugating HATE ideology on this planet, that Pisslam bloodbath. Whose Western supporters need to hang for treason. You low-I.Q. black crybaby OP.
When will you people stop digging? *Sheesh!!*:cuckoo:

Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low. Trump has appointed numerous women to his cabinet. Trump fell just two percentage points short of matching Hillary among women. Half of aborted babies are female, and Trump is trying to protect them from elective abortion. What Republican war on women?
"Humm, female unemployment is at an all-time low."

^^^ Alternative fact
…and a red herring fallacy.
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.

Is protecting children from being murdered...... worth losing votes?

That's a trade I'll go for.

What is it about men who feel the need to control the female, must be insecurity.

So in your world..... thinking murder is wrong... is 'you are controlling me!'?

Let me put this as bluntly as I can..... the reason why people, men or women, want to stop evil murder of babies... is because they are morally good people.

The reason some complain about about morally good people wanting to stop murder.... is because they are morally evil people.

Good people try and stop evil people. That's why. Any questions?

Yes, I have a question. Please link where people are legally killing babies in the USA.

Called abortion. Happens all the time. But a rose by any other name....
Wrong – this is a lie; abortion is not ‘killing babies.’

As a settled and accepted fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’
In Alabama, you can torture and rape a woman until she gets pregnant and you could go to jail for 10 years.

But if the doctor performs an abortion because she’s out of her mind carrying the child of her torturer and rapist, the doctor could go to prison for 99 years. In other words, he would die in prison.

Right here on the USMB, when I ask who would pay for these unwanted children and these women who will need prenatal care and Republicans here say why should we have to pay anything? She’s the one that had sex.

Can someone explain this Republican Party to me? These are like the worst people I’ve ever heard in my life. They’re like incredibly cruel and mean. Where is this coming from?

I don’t think this is Republicans trying to help anyone. It seems like these are Republicans who are so cruel they’re trying to hurt as many as they can. Am I right? How else do you see this meanness and awful behavior?

And don’t forget their protections for assault weapons and larger magazines. They give every appearance of wanting to protect school shooters.

What happened to compassionate conservative?

What happened to the party of family values and morals?

Can someone explain this to me? Anyone?

It looks like Republicans value rapists over doctors. Maybe that’s why they don’t like healthcare?
Wrong – this is a lie; abortion is not ‘killing babies.’

As a settled and accepted fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a ‘baby.’

Dude, you freaks don't consider it a 'baby' when it has a don't consider it a 'baby' when it has a brain and lungs...
you don't consider it a 'baby' when it can survive outside the womb....

Some Democrats have argued (or tried to) that as long as the head stays inside the mother it is not a 'baby' & you can kill it...

And now liberal extremists want to legalize killing babies after they have been born...


...and then you deceitful lying wannabe baby killers claim the only reason someone is pro-life (hellooooooo - read that a couple dozen times and MAYBE it will begin to ink in...) is because they hate women, want to control women, it's a 'war on women's, etc....

It's about being PRO-LIFE...wanting to protect innocent human life.

You f@ckers go insane and want to bomb shit / people if you see an Alaskan Native clubbing a baby seal, but ramming a steel rod into some baby's skull and whipping the brains around like a bowl of scrambled eggs then cutting it into pieces and dragging the parts out of the mother - some of you sick F*ers don't mind that....
The only strategic battle I have with women is how to get them into my bed.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
No one is trying to legislate men’s bodies.
False. No one is legislating women's bodies.
What do you call legislating women’s bodies? Isn’t that what you’re doing when you’re telling them that if they have a certain medical procedure they could go to jail?
Okay, I'll play your word game. What medical procedure are you referring to?
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.

You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?
They have the choice to use birth control, the choice of abstinence, the choice of adoption, three choices. The so called doctor is also a butcher. The child gets butchered, regardless of what you call the person doing the butchering.
You can repeat your nonsense again and again. No one is going to admit them because they are lies.

No one has the right to kill their child. Period. You can pretend all you want. Do all the mental gymnastics in the world to justify thst evil. It's still evil and wrong.

What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?
They have the choice to use birth control, the choice of abstinence, the choice of adoption, three choices. The so called doctor is also a butcher. The child gets butchered, regardless of what you call the person doing the butchering.

"Child" What child gets butchered? Butchering a child is illegal in every state of the union.
What is evil is white men who have no problem telling women what to do with their bodies. You are the evil that infests this world.

The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?
They have the choice to use birth control, the choice of abstinence, the choice of adoption, three choices. The so called doctor is also a butcher. The child gets butchered, regardless of what you call the person doing the butchering.

"Child" What child gets butchered? Butchering a child is illegal in every state of the union.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. Not playing your silly word games.
The law doesnt tell women what they can do with their bodies.

It tells them what they cant do to their babies body
You are right it doesn't tell women what they can do with their bodies. It tells them what they can't do.

And actually the law doesn't punish the mother. It punishes the doctor.
Which leaves them with little choice except to go to a butcher. Is that what Republicans what? Women to go to butchers? Again?
They have the choice to use birth control, the choice of abstinence, the choice of adoption, three choices. The so called doctor is also a butcher. The child gets butchered, regardless of what you call the person doing the butchering.

"Child" What child gets butchered? Butchering a child is illegal in every state of the union.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. Not playing your silly word games.

Well, then, I would strongly advise you not to quit your day job to practice law, because the law is totally based on "silly word games".
No, it's the DEMOCRATS who are waging war on women by selling this country out to the most rape-happy, woman-brutalizing, woman-stoning-to-death, woman-subjugating HATE ideology on this planet, that Pisslam bloodbath. Whose Western supporters need to hang for treason. You low-I.Q. black crybaby OP.
When did you CHOOSE to never have an abortion yourself?

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