Yes, some liberals are hypocrites, but I feel that most liberals mean well.


It would, indeed, be wonderful if all American children went to public school. In theory, children of all backgrounds would get to know one another. And this would bring us together as Americans.


In reality, however, that is not how our unique country works.

Some public schools have extremely low academic standards because the teachers have no time to actually teach. They have to be police officers, trying to keep order in their classrooms and trying to protect their own lives from harm.


That is why SCHOOL CHOICE is a must.

In 2018, American parents have a wide choice:

1. Charter schools are public schools with a great deal of independence. They are free. They have a diverse student body. They have high academic standards.

2. There are private schools of every kind.

a. Here in my city, for example, many children of a certain religious background attend private schools (for which their parents pay high tuition) so that they can learn in a peaceful atmosphere and get excellent instruction in order to attend prestigious universities.

3. Here in California, some children can get their education completely online.

4. And, of course, most states allow home schooling.

CHOICE is the American way
First, I want to be very clear that I do not believe this is “exploitation” of the Parkland children. This is exactly how are system is supposed to work. If you believe in something, you point to it and you ask people to support you in your efforts.

However...the hypocrisy here is repulsive and vintage of the left. They all lost their mind when President Trump did something similar (but not as blatant). The left always believes they are entitled to do anything they want and nobody else is entitled to do anything.

The DNC just seriously exploited the Parkland shooting and a student — here’s what they did
I can’t imagine the lack of shame and the lack of self-awareness required to be a progressive (not to mention the lack of education).
Whether to establish a state-run, single-payer health-care system is shaping up to be one of the main differences among the candidates for governor in California... The cost is more than concerning, it’s catastrophic. The state Senate has admitted as much. The price tag for the single-payer plan envisioned by SB562, per a Senate Appropriations Committee report, is $400 billion per year. Half of that figure would come from new taxes.

To put those figures in perspective, the state’s total expenditures next year are projected to be about $183 billion. So single-payer would effectively double the state budget.

Californians do not want to shoulder all these extra costs.

Californians like single-payer health care — until they learn taxes must rise to pay for it
The ignorance of progressives is absolutely staggering...
Hefty new taxes aren’t the only reason why ordinary Californians are leery of single-payer.

Many voters don’t realize that single-payer means there would be only one health insurance plan statewide — a government-run one. 47% of all Americans, and 52% of Democrats, mistakenly believe they’d be able to keep their current plans in a single-payer system, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation study.
This is a prime example of why the Dumbocrats destroyed the education system in America. They need an ignorant electorate to get elected.

Californians like single-payer health care — until they learn taxes must rise to pay for it
Sure, people with money and security issues send their children to private school.
Well...if you idiot progressives weren’t soft on crime and determined to disarm the American people, there wouldn’t be any “security issues”.

Thank you for once again illustrating the profound failure of the left-wing ideology.
The left would have you believe that "school choice" is a travesty. That's their official narrative - from Hollywood hypocrites like Matt Damon to their political powers like Barack Obama - all of them insist that only their children deserve "school choice". The rest of you useless minions should take what is given to you and be happy.
  • 34% of senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • 39% of Democrat senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • 32% of Republican senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • Current findings are consistent with previous surveys showing that Congress exercises private school choice at a disproportionately higher rate than average Americans.
  • Only 10% of all students in the U.S. attend private school
And of course - we all know that the Obama girls attended the most prestigious of private schools. Just like Obama preached marxism but hoards his wealth, just like how the Dumbocrats exempted themselves from Obamacare, just as Al Gore owns 5 massive homes and travels everywhere in a private jet, the left will never abide by the policy and lifestyle that they insist you should be forced into living.

Senators Like School Choice for Their Kids. Why Not for All?

Oh, so politicians are hypocrites? They’re mobsters - what the hell did you expect?

You think the right is any better? You think this political game is anything more than a pro-wrestling style soap opera? These guys are all in it together. Didn’t the Bush/Kerry Skull-and-Bones election teach you anything?!

And their supporters are no better. Show me the right-winger who doesn’t want to force his views on everybody else? That’s the entire reason people vote. Don’t think so? Then how about we make it so when you vote you get an ID card, and only those who voted for him/her are subject to his political action? I didn’t vote for anyone, so I guess I’m free to do as I please. Sound good?

No, of course not, because people don’t vote for themselves to be bossed around, they want the other guy to be dominated into doing what they want him to do. Otherwise, why woud you need government at all? If you’re voting for someone, clearly you already agree with his ideas and would live by them voluntarily. The only reason you need him is to force those ideas upon the unwilling. Then you complain when the next guy tries to do it to you.

Who are we kidding here? Hypocrisy abounds all along the political spectrum.
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Show me the right-winger who doesn’t want to force his views on everybody else?
Gladly. Me!!! I have absolutely 0 desire to force anyone to do anything.

I believe in God. I couldn’t care less if you don’t.

I carry a firearm. I couldn’t care less if you don’t.

I find homosexuality repulsive. I couldn’t care less if you engage in it.

Sorry’re simply dead-wrong on that comment.
Otherwise, why woud you need government at all?
Government exists to secure your rights. To ensure that other people don’t strip you if your right to life, you’re right to keep and bear arms, you’re right to speak.

The fact that you don’t understand why government even exists makes you woefully unqualified to be in a political forum discussion this material.
Otherwise, why woud you need government at all?
Government exists to secure your rights. To ensure that other people don’t strip you if your right to life, you’re right to keep and bear arms, you’re right to speak.

The fact that you don’t understand why government even exists makes you woefully unqualified to be in a political forum discussion this material.

I know that’s the motivation, and that’s the “company line” about government, but it is impossible for government to ever only protect rights.

All government can add to any scenario is punishment. The “right” to make laws and punish thise who disobey, particularly by violence, is its only defining characteristic.

Individuals already have the right to defend themselves, so they don’t need government for that. They can delegate that right to a collective body to increase their ability to defend, but that is not government; that’s just a security agency. It does not have authority to make law; it just executes the natural law right to defend.

Government is only useful for doing things that people don’t have a right to do themselves. Anything people do have a right to do themselves, by definition, does not infringe on anyone else’s rights. This means that government’s only function is to give people a way to do things they do not have a right to do themselves, namely infringe on the rights of others (in other words, government is a way to launder immorality).

The first thing any government does is lay claim to a portion of the people’s labor. If you did this to your neighbor personally, it would be immoral, unjust, we might even call it slavery. But when it’s government doing it, it is justified by the fact that many have agreed it’s OK. At least that’s the warped reasoning.

So, you say I’m off-base with my accusations because you don’t feel the need to impose upon me. So you don’t want me to pay taxes to support your version of government? Am I free to remain in the place of my birth and simply opt-out of all their laws, all their taxation? Am I free to have “illegal” immigrants live in my house, and grow opium in my yard, and build up a cache of high-power automatic rifles and explosives, as long as I do not violate the natural law rights of any other person? Would you agree this is well within my rights, and acknowledge that to deny my these rights is unjust and immoral, and refuse to support any institution that would attempt to deny me those rights?
The first thing any government does is lay claim to a portion of the people’s labor. If you did this to your neighbor personally, it would be immoral, unjust, we might even call it slavery. But when it’s government doing it, it is justified by the fact that many have agreed it’s OK. At least that’s the warped reasoning.
I agree with this 100%.
Am I free to remain in the place of my birth and simply opt-out of all their laws, all their taxation?
That is the view of a “Sovereign Citizen”. If you’re asking can you currently do this legally - no. If you’re asking if I think you should be able to do this - it depends. Opting out of laws against murder? Hell no. That infringes on my right to life. Opting out of laws against heroin? Go for it. I don’t care if you shoot up and die.
The first thing any government does is lay claim to a portion of the people’s labor. If you did this to your neighbor personally, it would be immoral, unjust, we might even call it slavery. But when it’s government doing it, it is justified by the fact that many have agreed it’s OK. At least that’s the warped reasoning.
I agree with this 100%.

Does this mean you agree with the implication that this “warped reasoning” is invalid. That it is equally immoral for a government to tax as it would be for an individual to do it? That agreement, even among a majority, does not alter morality?

If you do agree, how do you suppose that the Constitution is valid?
The left would have you believe that "school choice" is a travesty. That's their official narrative - from Hollywood hypocrites like Matt Damon to their political powers like Barack Obama - all of them insist that only their children deserve "school choice". The rest of you useless minions should take what is given to you and be happy.
  • 34% of senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • 39% of Democrat senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • 32% of Republican senators had at one time sent their children to private school
  • Current findings are consistent with previous surveys showing that Congress exercises private school choice at a disproportionately higher rate than average Americans.
  • Only 10% of all students in the U.S. attend private school
And of course - we all know that the Obama girls attended the most prestigious of private schools. Just like Obama preached marxism but hoards his wealth, just like how the Dumbocrats exempted themselves from Obamacare, just as Al Gore owns 5 massive homes and travels everywhere in a private jet, the left will never abide by the policy and lifestyle that they insist you should be forced into living.

Senators Like School Choice for Their Kids. Why Not for All?
Bahahaha!!!! What a steaming pile of retarded faux outrage
If this idiot millionair actress wanted “reparations” so badly for the African-American community, why doens’t she turn over all of her assets to them? Cash. Property. Jewelry. Securities.

This is another example of the left trying to keep the African-American community on the government plantation. She knows stoned people can’t hold jobs. She knows that people who test positive can’t even get jobs.

NY gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon says legalizing pot could be ‘reparations’ for blacks
Does this mean you agree with the implication that this “warped reasoning” is invalid.
Absolutely. You’re “warped reasoning” is about as “invalid” as it gets.

Government absolutely has the right to tax in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. If you don’t like it - you have the right to lead an effor to amend the U.S. Constitution. If you can’t get the votes, you have the right to renounce your U.S. citizenship and choose a Sovereign Citizen nation (I’m not sure one exists - but you’re welcome to go any time you want).
Does this mean you agree with the implication that this “warped reasoning” is invalid.
Absolutely. You’re “warped reasoning” is about as “invalid” as it gets.

Government absolutely has the right to tax in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. If you don’t like it - you have the right to lead an effor to amend the U.S. Constitution. If you can’t get the votes, you have the right to renounce your U.S. citizenship and choose a Sovereign Citizen nation (I’m not sure one exists - but you’re welcome to go any time you want).

If you're going to call my reasoning warped and invalid, prove it via logical argumentation.

You're reciting the company line, but dodging the question. How can it be that when one person or group (Congress) claims a portion of an individual's labor under threat of violence it's morally justifiable, but when another person/group (everyone else) does it, it's considered extortion and immoral?

In other words, on what basis do you assert that people in government have rights that other people don't have? The Constitution is just a piece of parchment; something a small group of people made up and wrote down - surely you don't believe that it has the power to alter morality?
The Constitution is just a piece of parchment; something a small group of people made up and wrote down - surely you don't believe that it has the power to alter morality?
And you have the nerve to cry about “logical argumentation”? :laugh:

The U.S. Constitution is not “a piece of parchment paper”. It is the law. It is the highest law in the land. I don’t care if you don’t like it. Frankly, neither does anyone else.

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