The Residue of the Obama Presidency

Nothing racial in her posts either.

A clue: for it to be racist race has to be mentioned ..dope

Here's a hint. Take Trumps first executive order muslim travel ban, that didn't mention muslims. It was ruled to be [a violation of religious discrimination], and upheld by the circuit.
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Soooo...,..we couldn't find a single error or untruth in the dozens!


You're dismissed.

Fact, you have the lowest IQ of any poster with a supergirl avatar. Is that of any significance?
Again Muslim is not a race, you're backtracking trying to cover your obvious ignorance

I'm showing you parallels. That's what people do. You can be discriminatory against a religion without mentioning religion. So you can be racist without mentioning race. It's the effect, not the words that count.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16937425
Nothing racial in her posts either.

It is racist when falsely comparing accomplishments and failures of the Obama Presidency to all the white Adminstrations that preceded him and as we embark on the presidency that follows him.

To cite that Trump has accomplished more so far than Obama did over his full term based on post-Trump announcements by automakers of investment plans is an outright lie.

Nothing Trump has done on that issue compared to the millions of jobs billions of tax dollars saved by Obams auto bailout policy.

So PC laid out the case that auto industry related federal economic policy is a measure of evaluating a sitting President's success or failure.

PC put that criteria out there,

So to be racially blind about this particular comparison we should look at Trump and Obama regardless of race.

I am advocating that.

Without names attached we look a two men's presidency on the issue federal auto industry policy.

President One saved the auto industry from financial ruin and collapse with actual

President Two perhaps had some inspirational influence on a thriving auto industry thanks to president One that fomented announced plans for future investments in US plants on US soil.

OC says TWO is a huge success and One is a failure on that issue.

The policy is identical. Why does PC express her opinion highly in favor of President Two?

It can't be assessment of actual policy and results and the magnitude therof.

It boils down to preference of white over black,

That is racist, plain and simple.
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Again Muslim is not a race, you're backtracking trying to cover your obvious ignorance

I'm showing you parallels. That's what people do. You can be discriminatory against a religion without mentioning religion. So you can be racist without mentioning race. It's the effect, not the words that count.

You tried to claim Muslim is a race...its not.
Trump first 100 days residue ...

Nothing racial in her posts either.

It is racist when comparing accomplishments and failures of the Obama Presidency to all the white Adminstrations that preceded him and as we embark on the presidency that follows him.

To cite that Trump accomplished more so far than Obama did over his full term based on post-Trump announcements by automakers of investment plans is an outright lie.

Nothing Trump has done on that issue compared to the millions of jobs billions of tax dollars saved by Obams auto bailout policy.

So PC laid out the case that auto industry related federal economic policy is a measure of evaluating a sitting President's success or failure.

PC put that criteria out there,

So to be racially blind about this gauge on should look at Trump and Obama regardless of race.

I am advocating that.

Without names attached we look a two men's presidency on the issue federal auto industry policy.

President One saved the auto industry from financial ruin and collapse with actual

President Two perhaps had some inspirational influence on a thriving auto industry thanks to president One that fomented announced plans for future investments in US plants on US soil.

OC says TWO is a huge success and One is a failure on that issue.

The policy is identical. Why does PC express her opinion highly in favor of Oresident Two?

It can't be assessment of actual policy and results and the magnitude therof.

It boils down to preference of white over black,

That is racist, plain and simple.

No it's not. YOU are the one trying (and failing miserably) to make it about race. Sit down
It can't be assessment of actual policy and results and the magnitude therof.

It boils down to preference of white over black,

That is racist, plain and simple.

If you go strictly by the numbers, Obama beats Bush, and Trump combined. Number of private sector jobs created. The length of constant job growth, cutting deficits, cutting unemployment.
No it's not. YOU are the one trying (and failing miserably) to make it about race. Sit down

White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them. Obama inherited the biggest structural deficits in history, $1.4 trillion annual deficits, and the debt went up by a smaller percentage than Bush. But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit.
One by one the Trumptards are giving up on defending Trump and falling back to their comfort zone,

ranting ad nauseum about Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Logically though, I must say that I can't really blame them.

no defending needed. Trump's record is all the defense necessary. He has done more good for this country in 3 months than Obama and bush did in 16 years.

Hillary is a corrupt lying criminal, she lost, get the fuck over it.

Trump hasn't done anything.

Go ahead and list the major pieces of legislation that Trump has signed that represent bigger accomplishments than Obama, or Bush for that matter.
"Major pieces of legislation" are exactly what this country doesn't need. Repealing all the crap passed during Obama's reign is what it needs. You don't measure success by how much you have imposed on the American people.
No it's not. YOU are the one trying (and failing miserably) to make it about race. Sit down

White presidents doubled and even tripled the national debt. but PC doesn't complain about them. Obama inherited the biggest structural deficits in history, $1.4 trillion annual deficits, and the debt went up by a smaller percentage than Bush. But who does PC complain about? I'll give you a hit.
Ok racist, which "white" presidents doubled and even tripled debt?
One by one the Trumptards are giving up on defending Trump and falling back to their comfort zone,

ranting ad nauseum about Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Logically though, I must say that I can't really blame them.

no defending needed. Trump's record is all the defense necessary. He has done more good for this country in 3 months than Obama and bush did in 16 years.

Hillary is a corrupt lying criminal, she lost, get the fuck over it.

Trump hasn't done anything.

Go ahead and list the major pieces of legislation that Trump has signed that represent bigger accomplishments than Obama, or Bush for that matter.

corporations are investing in the USA, building new facilities, hiring people. Keystone will employ thousands of blue collar union American workers, illegal border crossings are down, the American military is stronger, North Korea and Iran have been put on notice, the NATO countries are going to pay their share, the UN will not be funded solely by the USA, PP funding is being halted, NPR will have to survive without our tax money, the corrupt lying media is being called out for their lies, the dems in congress are looking like fools (Schumer. Pelosi). Our flag is being respected, consumer confidence is up, the stock market is up. Its only been 3 months, more to come, stand by.

And this:

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate |
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

10."Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises"152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree." Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!

"G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global
The U.S., represented by Steven Mnuchin in his first appearance at an international forum as Treasury Secretary, argued that trade arrangements need to be made fairer, in line with the administration’s claims the U.S. has had a bad deal from the current setup.

Finance chiefs of the world’s largest economies set aside a previous pledge to avoid protectionism and signed up to a fudged statement on trade instead, in response to the Trump administration’s call for a rethink of the global order for commerce.

....dropped a reference to climate change,...."
G-20 Drops Anti-Protectionist Pledge as Trump Stance Goes Global

21. "In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

In First 2 Months in Office – Trump Reduces Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion – Half a Trillion Dollar Difference!
On January 20th, the day of President Trump’s Inauguration, the US Debt stood at $19,947 billion. As of March 16th, the most recent date for US debt reporting, the US Debt stands at $19,846 billion. President Trump has cut the US Debt burden by over $100 billion and 0.5% in the first two months since his inauguration!"
In First 2 Months in Office: Trump Reduced Debt by $100 Billion – Obama Increased Debt by $400 Billion

22. "President Donald Trump will issue a sweeping “energy independence” executive order Tuesday to dismantle signature global warming policies put in place by President Barack Obama’s administration.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt told ABC News Trump will issue the order Tuesday to make “sure that we have a pro-growth and pro-environment approach to how we do regulation in this country.”
Trump Readies ‘Energy Independence’ Order


I'm tired of winning !!!!

lol, Trump plans to bring back pollution and the RWnuts call that an accomplishment.

Pollution will remain right where it was before Obama ascended the thrown, or somewhat cleaner. All Trump did is repeal all that "Clean Power" idiocy that Obama tried to force on us.
No it's not. YOU are the one trying (and failing miserably) to make it about race. Sit down

Why don't you have an argument rather than stating 'no it's not' and claiming that I am failing miserably? Your words are meaningless. Back them up and make a case why.

I have presented a sold factual and reasoned argument. You have nothing.

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