The Residue of the Obama Presidency

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

Proving your racist bias right there. Obama saved the US auto industry from collapse while people like Romney called for letting it collapse during the Bush created banking crisis.

White Trump gets credit forautomakers doing what many were planning in doing for months, black Obama gets no credit for there being a thriving US auto industry in existence for Trump to work with.

That is racial bias against Obama.

Saving the auto industry was a major first few month accomplishment in Obama's first term..

Not mentioned in your racist comparison to Trump.

Ooooo.....the race card croupier is back for another beating!
The fool can nothing but parrot 'racist!' 'racist!!!'
Clearly the word has no meaning any longer.

"...Obama saved the US auto industry from collapse..."

Let's really see what the crook did.

1. WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

In a report from the president's National Economic Council, officials said that figure is down from the 60 percent the Treasury Department originally estimated the government would lose following its $80 billion bailout of Chrysler and General Motors in 2009.

2. So, the federal government committed over $80 billion to bail out GM, Chrysler, and GMAC to save about 320,000 jobs. We could have given each one of the workers $250,000 and it would have been cheaper.
The $787 billion ‘stimulus’ plan is supposed to create three and a half million jobs ( or $225,000 per job.

3. In his book, “And Justice For Some,” Glenn Greenwald explains that the rule of law is disappearing under Obama. Instead, we have what he calls "The Principle of Elite Immunity,"-the idea that political and business elites are never to be punished for their crimes, except perhaps if their crimes harm other elites. Consider the Chrysler investors illegally passed over in favor of labor unions, and unconstitutional executive orders as examples.
PC is, of course, a bitter liar. After all, President Obama took office as the result of the GOP's incompetence nearly put us in the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock market went down to 6500, and we lost 750,000 jobs that January. Unemployment topped out at over 10%. But President Obama handed the orange clown an economy with the market at about 20,000, and unemployment at 4.7%. That is real accomplishment. Now we get to see what the orange clown can do,other than idiotic lying tweets over the internet.

You left out Obama inherited an annual deficit of $1.4 trillion and left with a deficit cut to $400 billion, a trillion dollar cut in the deficit. If Trump could do that, he would produce $600 billion surpluses, and have enough left over for healthcare, the wall, the DOD buildup, and tax cuts.
View attachment 119896
12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

Proving your racist bias right there. Obama saved the US auto industry from collapse while people like Romney called for letting it collapse during the Bush created banking crisis.

White Trump gets credit forautomakers doing what many were planning in doing for months, black Obama gets no credit for there being a thriving US auto industry in existence for Trump to work with.

That is racial bias against Obama.

Saving the auto industry was a major first few month accomplishment in Obama's first term..

Not mentioned in your racist comparison to Trump.
This is what democrats really govern.
View attachment 119896
Damn, Detroit sounds like it belongs in a southern red state.
But it ain't it's a liberal run city. My city in South Carolina run by a republican is one of the best cities in the United States.
PoliticalChic, post: 16932970
Which is the operative description....'first black President,' or 'least competent President'?

Any fool can call the first black President the least competent President. His high approval rating so soon after leaving office says more than right wing fools could ever do.

With Obama's bookends/ one beingvTrump; Obama has nothing to worry about from the judgement of historians.
What his so called high approval rating means is the media easily dupes millions of Americans, like you.

Most of the media would NEVER criticize the big eared one. However, that very same media ONLY criticizes The Donald. Do you see the distortion or do you require further instruction?
And you are a fucking liar. The criticism of President Obama was there for anyone to see. However, not as strong as the criticism of the orange clown, for he did not tell a lie in every other sentence of his speeches. LOL

Vulgarity....the Liberal white flag.
Really? Well, I am a blue collar worker and have no use for mealy mouthed liars like you. No reason to be nice, or give an inch. You consistently post lies, nobody owes you any kind of courtesy.

I've challenged you twice now to find any lies.

Seems your charge has become a boomerang.
"....Obama handed the orange clown an economy with the market at about 20,000, and unemployment at 4.7%. That is real accomplishment."

And now for the failed President's real record:

(all the B.S. omitted)

Quantity doesn't make up for quality.
PC is, of course, a bitter liar. After all, President Obama took office as the result of the GOP's incompetence nearly put us in the Second Great Republican Depression. Stock market went down to 6500, and we lost 750,000 jobs that January. Unemployment topped out at over 10%. But President Obama handed the orange clown an economy with the market at about 20,000, and unemployment at 4.7%. That is real accomplishment. Now we get to see what the orange clown can do,other than idiotic lying tweets over the internet.

You left out Obama inherited an annual deficit of $1.4 trillion and left with a deficit cut to $400 billion, a trillion dollar cut in the deficit. If Trump could do that, he would produce $600 billion surpluses, and have enough left over for healthcare, the wall, the DOD buildup, and tax cuts.

It's the debt that a President leaves that counts.

".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Time to take your foot out of your mouth???
"....Obama handed the orange clown an economy with the market at about 20,000, and unemployment at 4.7%. That is real accomplishment."

And now for the failed President's real record:

(all the B.S. omitted)

Quantity doesn't make up for quality.

You hid behind "(all the B.S. omitted)."

Let's prove which of us is the chief of cow pies....

Find any of the dozens of examples I gave...all linked and sourced.....that isn't true, correct and accurate.


Or are you ready to change your avi to the more correct "LiberalDrone"?
"....Obama handed the orange clown an economy with the market at about 20,000, and unemployment at 4.7%. That is real accomplishment."

And now for the failed President's real record:

(all the B.S. omitted)

Quantity doesn't make up for quality.

Let's correctly identify Barack Hussein Obama:
He is a dirt-eating low-life crypto-Islamist back-stabbing infanticide-supporting incompetent snake with an unbroken record of failure, both as a President and as a human being.

Any part of that you'd like to assume as your appellation as well....say so.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16932814
I was going to say a stench of corruption and failure

So racist, you got your white nationalist in the White House and you still have nothing going for ya except trashing the first black president on and on and on.

There was nothing racist that she said. Its just you, projecting the true racist, that is you, on to yourself.
View attachment 119896
12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

Proving your racist bias right there. Obama saved the US auto industry from collapse while people like Romney called for letting it collapse during the Bush created banking crisis.

White Trump gets credit forautomakers doing what many were planning in doing for months, black Obama gets no credit for there being a thriving US auto industry in existence for Trump to work with.

That is racial bias against Obama.

Saving the auto industry was a major first few month accomplishment in Obama's first term..

Not mentioned in your racist comparison to Trump.
This is what democrats really govern.
View attachment 119896
Damn, Detroit sounds like it belongs in a southern red state.

You still lookin' for the lies you claimed in my posts???

Keep lookin'.....
12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speechDonald Trump's Congress speech (full text) -

What wasn't said, is that they may have made the announcements after Trumps election, but those investments have been planned for the previous year or more. Akin to the announcement that Passengers will be released on Blu-ray this week. And Trump taking credit for it.
PoliticalChic, post: 16937170
1. WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

See, you do have racial bias.

You do not factor in the saved costs in federal outlays had Obama allowed the auto industry to die.

Or did you want millions of laid off auto workers to lose their homes and starve in the streets.

"The cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher," the Treasury Department said of the expense. "The government's actions not only saved GM and Chrysler, but they saved many businesses up and down the supply chain."

Last year, the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Center for Automotive Research estimated that the U.S. would have had 2.6 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 1.5 million fewer jobs in 2010 if the two auto companies had disappeared. The study also estimated the government "saved or avoided the loss of" $105 billion in lost taxes and social service expenses, such as food stamps, unemployment benefits and medical care.

Final tally: Taxpayers auto bailout loss $9.3B

You secrete racial bias against Obama every time you post something.

That $ 9.4 billion was a damn great investment.

4.1 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 2010 is your preferred outcome, as well as the potential of sinking into a full fledged depression.

Read something besides your white nationalist Breitbart will you?
1. WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

See, you do have racial bias.

You do not factor in the saved costs in federal outlays had Obama allowed the auto industry to die.

You secrete racial bias against Obama every time you post something.

That $ 9.4 billion was a damn great investment.

4.1 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 2010 is your preferred outcome, as well as the potential of sinking into a full fledged depression.

Read something besides your white nationalist Breitbart will you?

I calculate that would have resulted in an additional loss of over $300 billion in wages, and over $30 billion in tax revenue. So Obama paid $10 billion to avoid it costing us $40 billion. That's better than when Trump lost nearly $1 billion in one year, while the rest of the casino industry was making money.
PoliticalChic, post: 16937170
1. WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

See, you do have racial bias.

You do not factor in the saved costs in federal outlays had Obama allowed the auto industry to die.

Or did you want millions of laid off auto workers to lose their homes and starve in the streets.

"The cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher," the Treasury Department said of the expense. "The government's actions not only saved GM and Chrysler, but they saved many businesses up and down the supply chain."

Last year, the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Center for Automotive Research estimated that the U.S. would have had 2.6 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 1.5 million fewer jobs in 2010 if the two auto companies had disappeared. The study also estimated the government "saved or avoided the loss of" $105 billion in lost taxes and social service expenses, such as food stamps, unemployment benefits and medical care.

Final tally: Taxpayers auto bailout loss $9.3B

You secrete racial bias against Obama every time you post something.

That $ 9.4 billion was a damn great investment.

4.1 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 2010 is your preferred outcome, as well as the potential of sinking into a full fledged depression.

Read something besides your white nationalist Breitbart will you?

Nothing racial in her posts either.

A clue: for it to be racist race has to be mentioned ..dope
PoliticalChic, post: 16937170
1. WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

See, you do have racial bias.

You do not factor in the saved costs in federal outlays had Obama allowed the auto industry to die.

Or did you want millions of laid off auto workers to lose their homes and starve in the streets.

"The cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher," the Treasury Department said of the expense. "The government's actions not only saved GM and Chrysler, but they saved many businesses up and down the supply chain."

Last year, the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based Center for Automotive Research estimated that the U.S. would have had 2.6 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 1.5 million fewer jobs in 2010 if the two auto companies had disappeared. The study also estimated the government "saved or avoided the loss of" $105 billion in lost taxes and social service expenses, such as food stamps, unemployment benefits and medical care.

Final tally: Taxpayers auto bailout loss $9.3B

You secrete racial bias against Obama every time you post something.

That $ 9.4 billion was a damn great investment.

4.1 million fewer jobs in 2009 and 2010 is your preferred outcome, as well as the potential of sinking into a full fledged depression.

Read something besides your white nationalist Breitbart will you?

The Left remains in power because there are enough sub-normal intellects like you.

Wedded to a failed President, failed policies, and no ability to see the truth, you remain the exemplar of stupidity.

In your optimum environment, you'd be locked in a life and death struggle with mushrooms.

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