The Resistance Had a Surprise For Donnie @ His DC Hotel

View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Once these shitheads start paying for their crimes, the crybaby lefties will all be locked up because they can't make bail.
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
And, you see no hypocrisy here?
Trump can't say shithole, but some moron can 'paint' it on his property?
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Once these shitheads start paying for their crimes, the crybaby lefties will all be locked up because they can't make bail.

They may be safe due to trespassing laws not covering this situation. Something similar happened in Nevada a few years ago.

Is projecting a message onto the wall of a building a trespass? A nuisance?
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
Sounds like a lawsuit to me.
Once these shitheads start paying for their crimes, the crybaby lefties will all be locked up because they can't make bail.
I agree Shithouse would've been more accurate
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.
And, you see no hypocrisy here?
Trump can't say shithole, but some moron can 'paint' it on his property?
One thing republicans hate ,is to have their BS blown back into their faces
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

These Senators stayed silent on Trump’s racism. Now they are ‘celebrating’ Martin Luther King Jr.
"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right."


So you are upset that they are celebrating mlk day after not speaking out against non existent racism?

Is this healthy?

And that makes them nazis?
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?

I don’t think the so-called resistance has a clue what they are resisting
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

I disagree. You don’t have to be stupid. You can humble yourself and begin learning no matter where you start
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

yeah lets compare that Hotel to the average home in Africa........we know who wins for being a shithole. Hint: it's not in the US.

These Senators stayed silent on Trump’s racism. Now they are ‘celebrating’ Martin Luther King Jr.
"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right."


So you are upset that they are celebrating mlk day after not speaking out against non existent racism?

Is this healthy?

And that makes them nazis?
Avatar Please I know you to be one of their smart ones ,,,,,but non-existent racism??? Those kkkers white supremists ,,racists aren't all bad??? "There's my Afro American" etc etc
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

I disagree. You don’t have to be stupid. You can humble yourself and begin learning no matter where you start
I misspoke I agree with you ,,,I was a republican all my life Even voted for GWB in 2000 Never again to vote Republican
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

LOL. People like me are waking up every day kid. A bit slow for my liking, but they are indeed waking up. Don't worry, your totalitarian side wins in the short term but it will sink you in the long term.

You have no idea who your enemy is, you just don't like anyone who leans "right". Were you half a smart as you think you are you'd know that there aren't two sides. There is no true Left or Right. Just the Money people. You'd know that the Banks run everything. You'd know that the same Banks have financed both sides of EVERY major war since WWI. You'd know that War only serves these people to make them money. They play the tune and we all dance for them, that is those of us who don't die dancing.

You'd know that we haven't had a "real" President since JFK, they killed him because he decided NOT to play it their way. You'd know that Nixon took off the Gold Standard for the Banker's. You'd know that Carter signed the FISA court into Law.

You'd know that Reagan and Bush 1 sold A LOT of arms and drugs. You'd know that they also dealt in child trafficking. That they used to fly children to Washington and give the "children" midnight tours of the White House. They'd bring them all the way from Nebraska in the years of the Franklin Scandal. You'd know that both Bush's were in a secret society along with Kerry and that GW's CIA involvement went far deeper than anyone can imagine.

You could know all of this but you don't want to, it doesn't fit your two party paradigm. Carter signed the FISA Act. Baby Bush signed the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act gutted the Constitution. You still think that the "Leaders" of this "system" answer to and serve us. They don't, they just give us a game to play and in the playing that we are actually serving a higher purpose and doing a "greater good". We aren't. Everything we, and they do serves the Banker's.

So you go right on hating those "righties", they go right on hating you "lefty's" and the Bankers will go right on making money.
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

LOL. People like me are waking up every day kid. A bit slow for my liking, but they are indeed waking up. Don't worry, your totalitarian side wins in the short term but it will sink you in the long term.

You have no idea who your enemy is, you just don't like anyone who leans "right". Were you half a smart as you think you are you'd know that there aren't two sides. There is no true Left or Right. Just the Money people. You'd know that the Banks run everything. You'd know that the same Banks have financed both sides of EVERY major war since WWI. You'd know that War only serves these people to make them money. They play the tune and we all dance for them, that is those of us who don't die dancing.

You'd know that we haven't had a "real" President since JFK, they killed him because he decided NOT to play it their way. You'd know that Nixon took off the Gold Standard for the Banker's. You'd know that Carter signed the FISA court into Law.

You'd know that Reagan and Bush 1 sold A LOT of arms and drugs. You'd know that they also dealt in child trafficking. That they used to fly children to Washington and give the "children" midnight tours of the White House. They'd bring them all the way from Nebraska in the years of the Franklin Scandal. You'd know that both Bush's were in a secret society along with Kerry and that GW's CIA involvement went far deeper than anyone can imagine.

You could know all of this but you don't want to, it doesn't fit your two party paradigm. Carter signed the FISA Act. Baby Bush signed the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act gutted the Constitution. You still think that the "Leaders" of this "system" answer to and serve us. They don't, they just give us a game to play and in the playing that we are actually serving a higher purpose and doing a "greater good". We aren't. Everything we, and they do serves the Banker's.

So you go right on hating those "righties", they go right on hating you "lefty's" and the Bankers will go right on making money.
I hope you understand that most of what you say is hard to believe Not unbelievable ,,but hard to believe Maybe like Trump taking penalties away from Deutsch bank That he's borrowed millions from them means nothing??
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

LOL. People like me are waking up every day kid. A bit slow for my liking, but they are indeed waking up. Don't worry, your totalitarian side wins in the short term but it will sink you in the long term.

You have no idea who your enemy is, you just don't like anyone who leans "right". Were you half a smart as you think you are you'd know that there aren't two sides. There is no true Left or Right. Just the Money people. You'd know that the Banks run everything. You'd know that the same Banks have financed both sides of EVERY major war since WWI. You'd know that War only serves these people to make them money. They play the tune and we all dance for them, that is those of us who don't die dancing.

You'd know that we haven't had a "real" President since JFK, they killed him because he decided NOT to play it their way. You'd know that Nixon took off the Gold Standard for the Banker's. You'd know that Carter signed the FISA court into Law.

You'd know that Reagan and Bush 1 sold A LOT of arms and drugs. You'd know that they also dealt in child trafficking. That they used to fly children to Washington and give the "children" midnight tours of the White House. They'd bring them all the way from Nebraska in the years of the Franklin Scandal. You'd know that both Bush's were in a secret society along with Kerry and that GW's CIA involvement went far deeper than anyone can imagine.

You could know all of this but you don't want to, it doesn't fit your two party paradigm. Carter signed the FISA Act. Baby Bush signed the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act gutted the Constitution. You still think that the "Leaders" of this "system" answer to and serve us. They don't, they just give us a game to play and in the playing that we are actually serving a higher purpose and doing a "greater good". We aren't. Everything we, and they do serves the Banker's.

So you go right on hating those "righties", they go right on hating you "lefty's" and the Bankers will go right on making money.
I hope you understand that most of what you say is hard to believe Not unbelievable ,,but hard to believe Maybe like Trump taking penalties away from Deutsch bank That he's borrowed millions from them means nothing??

It's all out there in the open. ANYONE can find it, I do however understand (and I don't blame them) that many don't want to know. I would tell you that your focus on Trump is what they want, he is the shiny object being used to distract and divide us even more. I am not a Trump guy, I am however astounded that Trump hatred outdoes Obama hatred.
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

LOL. People like me are waking up every day kid. A bit slow for my liking, but they are indeed waking up. Don't worry, your totalitarian side wins in the short term but it will sink you in the long term.

You have no idea who your enemy is, you just don't like anyone who leans "right". Were you half a smart as you think you are you'd know that there aren't two sides. There is no true Left or Right. Just the Money people. You'd know that the Banks run everything. You'd know that the same Banks have financed both sides of EVERY major war since WWI. You'd know that War only serves these people to make them money. They play the tune and we all dance for them, that is those of us who don't die dancing.

You'd know that we haven't had a "real" President since JFK, they killed him because he decided NOT to play it their way. You'd know that Nixon took off the Gold Standard for the Banker's. You'd know that Carter signed the FISA court into Law.

You'd know that Reagan and Bush 1 sold A LOT of arms and drugs. You'd know that they also dealt in child trafficking. That they used to fly children to Washington and give the "children" midnight tours of the White House. They'd bring them all the way from Nebraska in the years of the Franklin Scandal. You'd know that both Bush's were in a secret society along with Kerry and that GW's CIA involvement went far deeper than anyone can imagine.

You could know all of this but you don't want to, it doesn't fit your two party paradigm. Carter signed the FISA Act. Baby Bush signed the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act gutted the Constitution. You still think that the "Leaders" of this "system" answer to and serve us. They don't, they just give us a game to play and in the playing that we are actually serving a higher purpose and doing a "greater good". We aren't. Everything we, and they do serves the Banker's.

So you go right on hating those "righties", they go right on hating you "lefty's" and the Bankers will go right on making money.
I hope you understand that most of what you say is hard to believe Not unbelievable ,,but hard to believe Maybe like Trump taking penalties away from Deutsch bank That he's borrowed millions from them means nothing??

It's all out there in the open. ANYONE can find it, I do however understand (and I don't blame them) that many don't want to know. I would tell you that your focus on Trump is what they want, he is the shiny object being used to distract and divide us even more. I am not a Trump guy, I am however astounded that Trump hatred outdoes Obama hatred.
Well Trump has that endearing quality about him ,,,NOT
QUOTE="eddiew37, post: 19071038, member: 60377"]
View attachment 171515
The Resistence is everywhere!!!!

The word “shithole” was projected onto President Trump’s D.C. hotel Saturday.

Video shows the word, along with the poop emoji, being projected onto the property.

“Pay Trump bribes here,” “emoluments welcome” and “we are all responsible to stand up and end white supremacy” were also projected onto the building.
Trump has faced intense backlash for calling Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries” during an Oval Office meeting on immigration this week.

Oddly enough most of the "resistance" is just like you, keyboard tough. Do you really think you are doing any good? Do you REALLY think you're going to change the world? Do you really think that you can force anyone to do anything?
No Doc we know folks like you don't change Stupid is forever

I disagree. You don’t have to be stupid. You can humble yourself and begin learning no matter where you start
I misspoke I agree with you ,,,I was a republican all my life Even voted for GWB in 2000 Never again to vote Republican[/QUOTE]
The era of honesty, family values, integrity and real conservatism was lost with the rise of Newt Gingrich, infiltration and sell-0ur to the Tea Baggers.

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