the results of austerity in england

Austerity YET AGAIN fails in history and they refuse to stop pretending it works.

Then why do you claim Obama is taking too long to fix it you fool?

Can you provide evidence that I said that?

I'll wait.

Really you never said that ?

Ok Ill take your word for it.

Now if Obama can give us a better result than england is that good?

No, I have never said it. You owe me an apology for lying about me. Hack.

There is no 'better result' than paying down the debt. If Obama had focused on that, and introduced austerity - no matter how hard it was - I would have backed him all the way. But he chose to increase the debt and increase spending when Americans were losing their jobs - fucking stupid idea, regardless of party.

Difference between you and I.... I support solid economic policies regardless of party. It's unfortunate that your messiah prefers to destroy the country for political gain... and that idiots like you cheer as we head over the cliff.

Now, we're done... because you do not understand economics enough to have a logical, rational conversation about it. You're an idiot.
Yea, it does. It's hard. But it makes long term fiscal sense. Pay down your debt... just like paying off your credit card... it's hard while you're doing it, because you have to spend less and work hard and don't see the 'reward' in the short term. You have the intellect of a 4 year old. Twit.

you guys have been claiming austerity would be quiker you fucking dumb ass

I'm an individual. 'You guys' is not me. Moron.

I have never said austerity measures would work 'quicker', I have, however, maintained (because it is factually accurate) that austerity is a better long term solution for the nation. I don't support 'quick fixes'.... because they must be paid for eventually. But you are too fucking moronic to see that. You might want to hand your debts over to the next generation.... I do not.
You're the perfect example of a little bit of knowledge being dangerous.

Because you have very little knowledge.
BBC News - UK economy in double-dip recession

the results of austerity as a way ofdealing with their economy has resulted in a double dip inflation.

Your ideas have YET AGAIN failed in practice.

Your dense TM! Britian, like the rest of Europe, feel into the liberal failed reality. Create a welfare state, high the rich with taxation to pay for it, regulate the domestic business into outsourcing and open the floodgates to 3rd world illegal immigration.

The spending is out of control and cutting any entitlement is near impossible. Hit the rich and the rich leave! Regulate and Tax domestic business and they will leave faster (and fewer and fewer will open up). Allow all the illegal immigrants from Muslim world any you get a disloyal and disgrunted minority that does care about assimulating into the country, rather they seek to change the country while abusing the welfare state 10 fold more than the native population!

British society is at a point that no one can change it. They will have to fall hard like Greece and proven by Greece, not even that can change anything.

We see it now in America! The Welfare State is growing and no one seems to be able to stop it!
Are you people too stupid to understand the chain of events? Austerity isn't failing and it isn't the cause. These nations were already so far down the path to failure that when they finally decide on austerity, they are so far gone that it will take years to dig out. Think of it like cancer. If you catch it at stage 1, you have a significantly better chance of treating and beating it. If you catch it at stage 3, not so much......but you treat anyway. When you are at stage 3 and the cancer isn't getting better, it isn't because the treatment isn't working, it's because of how widespread the cancer has become. Krugman is an idiot. You don't spend your way out of debt. If you think you do, then charge your credit cards to the maximum and then try to spend your way into paying them off.
The sad thing is she does have the knowledge.

She just equates being a republican with being loyal to the people she loves.

Its makes for being a real bad leader of anything.

The sad thing is she does have the knowledge.

She just equates being a republican with being loyal to the people she loves.

Its makes for being a real bad leader of anything.

I'm not a fucking Republican. Only hacks support one party regardless - like you do. I am a rational individual. Something that you might aspire to, but will never achieve.
Can you provide evidence that I said that?

I'll wait.

Really you never said that ?

Ok Ill take your word for it.

Now if Obama can give us a better result than england is that good?

No, I have never said it. You owe me an apology for lying about me. Hack.

There is no 'better result' than paying down the debt. If Obama had focused on that, and introduced austerity - no matter how hard it was - I would have backed him all the way. But he chose to increase the debt and increase spending when Americans were losing their jobs - fucking stupid idea, regardless of party.

Difference between you and I.... I support solid economic policies regardless of party. It's unfortunate that your messiah prefers to destroy the country for political gain... and that idiots like you cheer as we head over the cliff.

Now, we're done... because you do not understand economics enough to have a logical, rational conversation about it. You're an idiot.


Obamas results have been better than englands.

Now your party will have to face those facts in the election.

Not everyone is as brainwashed as you
Austeeity failed

its failed again.

There is no getting arround that your ideas did not work in practice.
The sad thing is she does have the knowledge.

She just equates being a republican with being loyal to the people she loves.

Its makes for being a real bad leader of anything.

I'm not a fucking Republican. Only hacks support one party regardless - like you do. I am a rational individual. Something that you might aspire to, but will never achieve.


I dont care what you CLAIM, its what you defend.

you defend the failed ideas of the republican party no matter how you pretend your not one
did his idea work?

Britain retains it's AAA credit rating which Obama managed to lose for the first time in our history.

And yet sicne losing AAA rating, real GDP has grown consistently higher in the US than the UK. Who would have thunk?

Austerity has never worked anywhere ever, and it will not work in Europe now. They are digging their own graves.
06-06-2011, 09:08 AM
California Girl
Tricky Bitch
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Quote: Originally Posted by MaggieMae
Quote: Originally Posted by California Girl
Meanwhile, in the UK (with it's coalition government bringing in severe austerity measures), the IMF has given them the thumbs up and predicted a solid, albeit slow, recovery.

Shame we don't have a Government with the balls to take the hard road.
Blame the voters, who don't like the debt, but don't want the goodies taken away either. And Congress (whether they're Republicans, Democrats or Tea Partiers) won't go against what their constituents want if they want to get reelected. If the US government could simply mandate austerity programs, without a great hue and cry from those who would scream we've become Nazified, it might solve the problem. But you know that's not going to happen.
Actually, I blame Americans... because we elect idiots. And, for the record, I include both Republicans and Democrats in that 'idiots'.

And... for the record.... the TEA Party is not a political party. It is a political movement.

If Obama had done what Cameron had done when he took office, we wouldn't be in such a fucking mess. Instead, he chose to stick to his arrogant stance and priorities instead of doing the right thing for the country. If he had put Healthcare on hold and focused his efforts on saving our economy from day 1, we would be in a much better position now.

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