The Riddler: An Urban Demonology


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I'm a great fan of the Batman (DC Comics) nemesis 'The Riddler' (Edward Nygma), since he symbolizes a modern-era urban angst towards networking intelligence and bureaucracy imagination.

How is bureaucracy-related claustrophobia indicative of anti-urbanization spiritualism? Such a question is the domain of the anti-social Riddler.


Edward Nygma, the obsessive but engaged Persian-American neurophilosopher working at Wayne Enterprises, was working on a new theory about how the vast array of computers connected on the Internet created a 'virtual synthetic-brain psychic network.' Nygma, who had become somewhat obsessed with Bruce Wayne, was eager to present the idea/theory to his boss and gain real credence in his company. On his 28th birthday, Nygma gained a conference-meeting audience with Bruce Wayne and his executives and presented his theory and how it implied that the Internet could be used to create a vast 'social advertising network,' but Wayne immediately recognized the 'scheme' as a pseudo-dangerous approach to subliminal advertising. Nygma was fired one week later.

Edward started losing his mind. In his humble little apartment, he scrounged around for loose change and scoured through the classifieds in search of a new job, all the while creating effigy-dolls of Bruce Wayne to stick pins-and-needles in to express his ever-growing psychotic frustrations. "I will someday prove my Internet-psychic network theory and use the idea to build a vast mind-connected 'grid'!" Edward sometimes lay on his bed drunk and weeping, confused about how he should get his life together now that he no longer held a position in his cherished lab at Wayne Enterprises. Edward wrote in his diary, "I think I need to become some kind of 'anti-crusader'!" After some sinister thinking, Edward decided to become a nemesis of Batman named 'the Riddler.'

Batman was Gotham City's most valiant and adored vigilante and all-around 'super-hero.' No one knew Batman was actually Bruce Wayne who wanted to use his shrewd intuition about human behavior to fight those who spread the evil plague of criminality in Gotham. Bruce's parents were killed when he was very young, and Bruce grew up with an eschewed perspective on revenge and swore that a 'shadowy-figure' would protect Gotham and do for others what no one could do for him --- offer urban protection that cops simply could not offer. Batman was in the press recently for having arrested Gotham's newest nemesis, Ra's al Ghul, a mysterious Hungarian who was a pronounced eco-terrorist and swore to blow up Wayne Enterprises' new 'bio-dome.'

The Riddler (Edward Nygma) fashioned himself a special bright-green suit-and-tie costume and hat. His blazer was marked with multiple question-marks (to signify his 'riddling' stature). The Riddler was determined to subvert the authority of Batman and forward his 'Internet psychic-network' theory to create a 'mind-grid' in Gotham and use it to somehow topple Wayne Enterprises. The Riddler decided to hack into the main computers at Wayne Enterprises and place confounding clues and riddles, while inserting a special Trojan horse virus-like algorithm which prompted users (employees) to enter in an 'alias' with their name so it could spit out a name-matching pattern that transferred records and files between employees to the detriment of inventory efficiency! Riddler called his virus 'The Sandworm' and it devastated Wayne Enterprises.

The Riddler sent a notice to the Gotham Gazette one month later:

"I was a former employee of Wayne Enterprises, but now I am invested in using computers (and the Internet) to create confounding network-destabilization programs that will effectively compel 'the Batman' to deal with Gotham's modern-era problem of computer-engaged bureaucracy! Bruce Wayne, head of Wayne Enterprises, will have to personally deal with the real sociological problem of companies trying to communicate and transfer personnel files through computers connected on a network infected by a virus ('The Sandworm') that demands users be able to swap personal records and files at lightning-speeds. Since the virus renders such a task impossible, Batman will have to find a way to use computer networks to 'reverse' this gridlock program! If Batman fails, I, the 'Riddler' will prove once and for all that Gotham (like many American cities) is a symbol of 'modern gibberish'!"





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