The Right: Right Every Time

Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.
Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
A. There is no new information in the released documents.
B. I don't think anyone thought Iran didn't have a covert nuclear project, that's why the deal was made.
So C. So nobody lied.
And D. WTF is a "crypto-islamist" anyway?

Is there no end to the lies of low-life

"I don't think anyone thought Iran didn't have a covert nuclear project, that's why the deal was made."

What a transparent lie.
You should have ended that sentence after the first three words.

"Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke"
Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke

The Iran Deal was to make certain that Iran got nuclear weapons.

"WTF is a "crypto-islamist" anyway?"

Look it up in the'll see the definition next to Hussein Obama's picture.

Look up 'imbecile'....and you'll see yours.
Seriously? You think we struck a deal to keep a country that wasn't seeking nuclear weapons form seeking nuclear weapons?

"....wasn't seeking nuclear weapons ...."


I was far too kind, earlier, when I anointed you 'an imbecile.'

"Assist from North Korea

Regardless of any deal to which Iran may agree, Asia expert Gordon Chang said North Korea for years has been helping Tehran in a “secret program” to develop nuclear weapons.

It’s questionable, he said, that a secret program outside Iran’s borders would be covered under the deal with the West.

“The international community wants the preliminary arrangement … to ensure that the country remains at least one year away from being able to produce an atomic device,” Chang said.

“But no inspections of Iranian sites will solve a fundamental issue,” he added. “As can be seen from the North Korean base housing Tehran’s weapons specialists, Iran is only one part of a nuclear weapons effort spanning the Asian continent.

“North Korea, now the world’s proliferation superstar, is a participant. China, once the mastermind, may still be a co-conspirator,” he said.

“Inspections inside the borders of Iran, therefore, will not give the international community the assurance it needs.”

The fatal hole in Obama’s nuke deal with Iran

You know less than nothing.

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
If he is forging deals to help Iran get the kind of nuclear and missile technology with which North Korea has surprised and frightened the world, but relations between the two governments go back a long way, and shared weaponry and technology has been key to their rapport.

[As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.]"
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

You're simply too stupid to talk to.
After that post you have the nerve to call me stupid?

Get someone to reread my post for you, you obviously aren't up to the challenge.
She very seldom is as truth has a way of avoiding her eyes.
Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
A. There is no new information in the released documents.
B. I don't think anyone thought Iran didn't have a covert nuclear project, that's why the deal was made.
So C. So nobody lied.
And D. WTF is a "crypto-islamist" anyway?

Is there no end to the lies of low-life

"I don't think anyone thought Iran didn't have a covert nuclear project, that's why the deal was made."

What a transparent lie.
You should have ended that sentence after the first three words.

"Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke"
Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke

The Iran Deal was to make certain that Iran got nuclear weapons.

"WTF is a "crypto-islamist" anyway?"

Look it up in the'll see the definition next to Hussein Obama's picture.

Look up 'imbecile'....and you'll see yours.
Seriously? You think we struck a deal to keep a country that wasn't seeking nuclear weapons form seeking nuclear weapons?

"....wasn't seeking nuclear weapons ...."


I was far too kind, earlier, when I anointed you 'an imbecile.'

"Assist from North Korea

Regardless of any deal to which Iran may agree, Asia expert Gordon Chang said North Korea for years has been helping Tehran in a “secret program” to develop nuclear weapons.

It’s questionable, he said, that a secret program outside Iran’s borders would be covered under the deal with the West.

“The international community wants the preliminary arrangement … to ensure that the country remains at least one year away from being able to produce an atomic device,” Chang said.

“But no inspections of Iranian sites will solve a fundamental issue,” he added. “As can be seen from the North Korean base housing Tehran’s weapons specialists, Iran is only one part of a nuclear weapons effort spanning the Asian continent.

“North Korea, now the world’s proliferation superstar, is a participant. China, once the mastermind, may still be a co-conspirator,” he said.

“Inspections inside the borders of Iran, therefore, will not give the international community the assurance it needs.”

The fatal hole in Obama’s nuke deal with Iran

You know less than nothing.

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
If he is forging deals to help Iran get the kind of nuclear and missile technology with which North Korea has surprised and frightened the world, but relations between the two governments go back a long way, and shared weaponry and technology has been key to their rapport.

[As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.]"
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

You're simply too stupid to talk to.
After that post you have the nerve to call me stupid?

Get someone to reread my post for you, you obviously aren't up to the challenge.
She very seldom is as truth has a way of avoiding her eyes.

"She very seldom is as truth has a way of avoiding her eyes."

When you sober up, read that sentence that you authored.....and you'll understand why everyone laughs at you.
Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.
Is there no end to the lies of low-life

"I don't think anyone thought Iran didn't have a covert nuclear project, that's why the deal was made."

What a transparent lie.
You should have ended that sentence after the first three words.

"Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke"
Kerry to Israel: ‘I Absolutely Guarantee’ the U.S. Can Stop Iran From Getting Nuke

The Iran Deal was to make certain that Iran got nuclear weapons.

"WTF is a "crypto-islamist" anyway?"

Look it up in the'll see the definition next to Hussein Obama's picture.

Look up 'imbecile'....and you'll see yours.
Seriously? You think we struck a deal to keep a country that wasn't seeking nuclear weapons form seeking nuclear weapons?

"....wasn't seeking nuclear weapons ...."


I was far too kind, earlier, when I anointed you 'an imbecile.'

"Assist from North Korea

Regardless of any deal to which Iran may agree, Asia expert Gordon Chang said North Korea for years has been helping Tehran in a “secret program” to develop nuclear weapons.

It’s questionable, he said, that a secret program outside Iran’s borders would be covered under the deal with the West.

“The international community wants the preliminary arrangement … to ensure that the country remains at least one year away from being able to produce an atomic device,” Chang said.

“But no inspections of Iranian sites will solve a fundamental issue,” he added. “As can be seen from the North Korean base housing Tehran’s weapons specialists, Iran is only one part of a nuclear weapons effort spanning the Asian continent.

“North Korea, now the world’s proliferation superstar, is a participant. China, once the mastermind, may still be a co-conspirator,” he said.

“Inspections inside the borders of Iran, therefore, will not give the international community the assurance it needs.”

The fatal hole in Obama’s nuke deal with Iran

You know less than nothing.

"North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran
If he is forging deals to help Iran get the kind of nuclear and missile technology with which North Korea has surprised and frightened the world, but relations between the two governments go back a long way, and shared weaponry and technology has been key to their rapport.

[As The Daily Beast has reported, critics of the Iran nuclear deal with the West have gone so far as to raise the possibility that Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles inside North Korea.]"
North Korea’s Deadly Partnership With Iran

You're simply too stupid to talk to.
After that post you have the nerve to call me stupid?

Get someone to reread my post for you, you obviously aren't up to the challenge.
She very seldom is as truth has a way of avoiding her eyes.

"She very seldom is as truth has a way of avoiding her eyes."

When you sober up, read that sentence that you authored.....and you'll understand why everyone laughs at you.
It makes sense to everyone who understands English and is not oblivious to truth.[/QUOTE]
Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

I challenged you to prove your lie.....and you've proven you can't.
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

I challenged you to prove your lie.....and you've proven you can't.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality. As I have not lied there is nothing to prove.
If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

I challenged you to prove your lie.....and you've proven you can't.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality. As I have not lied there is nothing to prove.

I have no errors.


You and I have proven this.
Recall this recently posted summary of Democrat/Liberal missteps?

1. We warned you what a low-life cur Ted Kennedy was...but you called him 'the Liberal Lion of the Senate.'

2. We told you Bill Clinton was a rapist...but you denied, denied, denied....until the Times and the rest admitted it.

3. We clued you into the facts about Hussein Obama, that he wasn't up to the job, but you refused to look further than the color of his skin.

4. And, most recently.....our attempts to save an innocent man from the corrupt Deep State 'justice' agencies...and I'm not referring to President Trump, although he fits this description, too..... mean 'Scooter' Libby..... scooping up Iranian archives, Netanyahu proved yet another of the Lefts lies.....

5. "Iran Lied - Obama Lied"
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

6. Here's a question none on his supporters can answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Unless, of course, Hussein Obama is the crypto-Islamist we warned you about.....
And, while I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion in cocaine a year into our country to placate Iran?

7. And, of course, the Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"...there was another sleight of hand going down - an attempt to explain away Obama's middle of the night skullduggery in transferring 1.3 billion Dollars in cash to Iran on a dark runway in a far away country in the middle of the night - an action more reminiscent of an illicit drug deal than a payment for a so-called legitimate debt owed by one sovereign nation to another sovereign nation.

Netanyahu's revelations give much more significance to the middle of the night money transfer and the lies used to hide its motivation.

Those in the Obama Administration, who were anxious to fund Iran, wanted to do so before information could surface that would stymie their actions and prevent the money transfer."
Iran Lied - Obama Lied

One can only there anything that the Democrat Party does that is a benefit to America or the world?????
You believe anything put out by the fake news !

If there was anything in my posts that wasn't true and'd be able to dispute same. can't, because there isn't.

That's the truth, isn't it, ExLaxMan.
What is the point of showing you all your errors? You have spin and rinse down pat. Enjoy your unreality.

You must be addressing someone else......I never have any 'errors.'

As you have just proven.
That's hysterical! :auiqs.jpg:

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