The Right To Bear Arms

If gun ownership was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother carrying one with them. But a few would. Often concealed.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If gun ownership is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of gun ownership by all responsible adults.

So we have the most guns of any other country. Why do so many other countries with far fewer guns have lower crime rates? I don't think the number of guns really effects crime.
Actually Europe is awash in crime. Britain France and Germany all have higher levels of violent crimes.

Those three all have much lower homicide rates. What crimes in particular are you speaking of?
You claimed crime was lower in Europe. It is not.

Countries Compared by Crime Total crimes per 1000. International Statistics at

They seem to have us beat here:
Crime Index by Country 2015
And this is much newer.
And they have us beat in homicide rates:
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

America doesn't have a gun problem. It has a gang problem.

America Doesn 8217 t Have a Gun Problem It Has a Gang Problem FrontPage Magazine
why do WHITE americans who have the HIGHEST RATE of LEGAL gun ownership have a LOWER RATE of gun violence than BLACKS AND HISPANICS who have far LOWER rates of LEGAL GUN OWNERSHIP

why do WHITE AMERICANS with "Easy access to guns" have lower rates of gun crime than WHITE EUROPEANS living in gun hating nations?

Oh, oh, I know! It's because of gang violence. :D
Most people can't hit the inside of a barn when they shoot a fully automatic weapon. The person taking rapid single shots is far more deadly. If you weren't such an ignorant twit you would know that.

true-automatic fire-suppress movement, break contact

single shots-inflict casualties

1989=Turtle doing demo for news chicks at a range north of Cincinnati

10 IPSC targets 1.5 yards apart-20 yards down range

turtle-one colt SMG 9mm32 round magazine

1) shot full auto-32 rounds in about 2 seconds-hit most of the targets

2) shot semi auto-one shot per target-all center of mass-less than 3 seconds-had 22 rounds left and all the targets were hit so as to normally be fatal in 75% of the cases

3) one shot per target-head shots-all targets hit in the head in less than 4 seconds-all guaranteed kills with 22 rounds left

4) one 10 shot semi auto shotgun loaded with federal tactical # 4 buckshot

less than 3 seconds-every target filled with at least 15 holes

full auto least "deadly"

I see what you ment now by "deadly". What applications do you see civilians needing a machine gun for? There is only about 230 criminals killed in defense each year. Based on the number of defenses that is already quite a low number. I don't think you can get much less deadly to criminals than that.

You know the 230 number is probably too low.....when a homicide is changed from murder to justified by a prosecutor or the killer is found innocent in court, the FBI doesn't change the that number is off....probably too low....but still pretty good considering that law abiding gun owners use their guns 1.6 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....

It is from the FBI. Not going to find more accurate number. You mean mostly criminals defending themselves as kleck has admitted.

Brain....Kleck did not say self defense deaths are criminals fighting criminals....he most definitely said that back in the 90s when people had their rights violated to carry weapons for self defense, many of them did any way...and he didn't quantify how many of the 2.5 million were that situation your using it is decietful.....they were not gang members or drug dealers just average citizens who needed to protect themselves.....and the 238 is not accurate...the FBI does not follow up on homicides and if they stay justifiable or they don't change their numbers....

Just like all the anti-second amendment jerks, completely dishonest and untrustworthy scums.
Do cops have machine guns?

Do explain how a full auto is less dangerous than a semi auto. Maybe you can tell that to the guy training the young girl with the uzi...

Always with the name calling turtle. Why so childish all the time?

When did you become so pro criminal? They would love to have easy access to machine guns.

Most people can't hit the inside of a barn when they shoot a fully automatic weapon. The person taking rapid single shots is far more deadly. If you weren't such an ignorant twit you would know that.

true-automatic fire-suppress movement, break contact

single shots-inflict casualties

1989=Turtle doing demo for news chicks at a range north of Cincinnati

10 IPSC targets 1.5 yards apart-20 yards down range

turtle-one colt SMG 9mm32 round magazine

1) shot full auto-32 rounds in about 2 seconds-hit most of the targets

2) shot semi auto-one shot per target-all center of mass-less than 3 seconds-had 22 rounds left and all the targets were hit so as to normally be fatal in 75% of the cases

3) one shot per target-head shots-all targets hit in the head in less than 4 seconds-all guaranteed kills with 22 rounds left

4) one 10 shot semi auto shotgun loaded with federal tactical # 4 buckshot

less than 3 seconds-every target filled with at least 15 holes

full auto least "deadly"

I see what you ment now by "deadly". What applications do you see civilians needing a machine gun for? There is only about 230 criminals killed in defense each year. Based on the number of defenses that is already quite a low number. I don't think you can get much less deadly to criminals than that.

You know the 230 number is probably too low.....when a homicide is changed from murder to justified by a prosecutor or the killer is found innocent in court, the FBI doesn't change the that number is off....probably too low....but still pretty good considering that law abiding gun owners use their guns 1.6 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....

It is from the FBI. Not going to find more accurate number. You mean mostly criminals defending themselves as kleck has admitted.

You are a dishonest POS.
If gun ownership was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother carrying one with them. But a few would. Often concealed.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If gun ownership is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of gun ownership by all responsible adults.

So we have the most guns of any other country. Why do so many other countries with far fewer guns have lower crime rates? I don't think the number of guns really effects crime.

Because their criminals and nuts haven't decided to use guns to kill people......but as we have seen in Canada, Australia, France, when they do decide they want or need guns to kill people, none of their laws stop them......once Britain, Germany, France and the rest reach the point of saturation with muslim will see an uptick in gun crime....since most of the gun crime in those countries already occurs in the parts of the country with immigrant communities......

Gun nuts sure jumped at the France tragedy fast.... Hypocricy?

He's right, you little runt!
If gun ownership was allowed for all law-abiding citizens, most people still wouldn't bother carrying one with them. But a few would. Often concealed.

And the best news is, someone contemplating committing a crime, would know there were no laws preventing nearly everyone in the crowd from carrying a gun in their pocket or purse. And he would know that most probably weren't carrying... and that a few people probably were. And he wouldn't know which ones they were.

So he would know that if he slugged an old lady and snatched her purse, he could expect a bullet from an unknown direction (or two). And there would be nothing he could do to prevent it, or to know which person in the crowd might fire the shot.

It's enough to make a criminal change jobs, and not commit the crime in the first place.

And that's the point.

If gun ownership is allowed for all law-abiding adults, many crimes won't get committed in the first place. And without a shot being fired. Without anyone having to pull their gun at all.

And that's the biggest benefit of gun ownership by all responsible adults.

So we have the most guns of any other country. Why do so many other countries with far fewer guns have lower crime rates? I don't think the number of guns really effects crime.

Because their criminals and nuts haven't decided to use guns to kill people......but as we have seen in Canada, Australia, France, when they do decide they want or need guns to kill people, none of their laws stop them......once Britain, Germany, France and the rest reach the point of saturation with muslim will see an uptick in gun crime....since most of the gun crime in those countries already occurs in the parts of the country with immigrant communities......

Gun nuts sure jumped at the France tragedy fast.... Hypocricy?

Gun nuts sure jumped at the France tragedy fast.... Hypocricy?

For myself...I got tired of sitting by out of respect for the victims and their families to just have anti gunner politicians jump in front of the first camera as the blood was still wet, to denounce gun more......

Every single time some psychotic moron shoots up a school or something, the scummy anti-rights advocates are right there to try to snag one of the citizens rights out from under them. :rolleyes-41: God, I hate those people.
true-automatic fire-suppress movement, break contact

single shots-inflict casualties

1989=Turtle doing demo for news chicks at a range north of Cincinnati

10 IPSC targets 1.5 yards apart-20 yards down range

turtle-one colt SMG 9mm32 round magazine

1) shot full auto-32 rounds in about 2 seconds-hit most of the targets

2) shot semi auto-one shot per target-all center of mass-less than 3 seconds-had 22 rounds left and all the targets were hit so as to normally be fatal in 75% of the cases

3) one shot per target-head shots-all targets hit in the head in less than 4 seconds-all guaranteed kills with 22 rounds left

4) one 10 shot semi auto shotgun loaded with federal tactical # 4 buckshot

less than 3 seconds-every target filled with at least 15 holes

full auto least "deadly"

I see what you ment now by "deadly". What applications do you see civilians needing a machine gun for? There is only about 230 criminals killed in defense each year. Based on the number of defenses that is already quite a low number. I don't think you can get much less deadly to criminals than that.

You know the 230 number is probably too low.....when a homicide is changed from murder to justified by a prosecutor or the killer is found innocent in court, the FBI doesn't change the that number is off....probably too low....but still pretty good considering that law abiding gun owners use their guns 1.6 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives....

It is from the FBI. Not going to find more accurate number. You mean mostly criminals defending themselves as kleck has admitted.

Brain....Kleck did not say self defense deaths are criminals fighting criminals....he most definitely said that back in the 90s when people had their rights violated to carry weapons for self defense, many of them did any way...and he didn't quantify how many of the 2.5 million were that situation your using it is decietful.....they were not gang members or drug dealers just average citizens who needed to protect themselves.....and the 238 is not accurate...the FBI does not follow up on homicides and if they stay justifiable or they don't change their numbers....

He said most defenders are involved in criminal activity. That makes them criminals.

Quote it.
With as many of the cult of bloodbath aka muslims that are being forced on us in America. We can never stand down and be disarmed! Once they start going after Americans, they need a tri pattern in chest. If a serious disarming effort is attempted, every firearm needs to show up in Washington.

Where have you been? Did you notice the last attempt at gun control failed? It was far from taking guns away. Relax, don't be so paranoid.

But they never, ever stop......they will continue to fight for each and every gun, bullet and piece of equipment, so we have to be just as determined to stop them.......

No they are interested in making it harder for criminals to get guns. Often they happen to be the same given how many comcealed carry holders turn criminal. Whether their efforts are effective is the debate.

What criminal is going to be deterred by any stupid anti gun law?

Most firearm crimes are committed with illegal or stolen firearms so why do you think making even more laws is going to change anything? Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the country and the worse crime rate so what addition law is going to change that?

Even in a "shall issue" state a concealed weapon permit usually requires a significant background check so if they think concealed weapon permit holders are potential criminals then what degree of gun control are they suggesting?

There is a Bill of Rights that says that Americans have the individual right to keep and bear arms. The Libtards should lean to live with it.

Right now felons can easily get around background checks by buying from a private seller. Why not make it harder for them?

Ok so if many crimes involve stolen guns than maybe laws are needed to keep guns from being stolen. Like they must be stored in a safe.

The machine gun laws have been very effective. They are almost never used in crime.

If you keep your guns in your home...there is no reason the government has to get involved in how you store those guns... If someone breaks into your home they are making you a victim by stealing your guns....and as we have seen in Britain, once they mandate storing guns in safes, they will want the ability to check on those safes and if they are in your home they will try to penalize you if they see your safe is not happened in Britain, they want that here.....

Not one more gun, bullet, piece of equipment...they have all they can have and we will prevent further encroachment.....

Normally, you are correct on handguns, rifles and shotguns. But when you introduce battle field weapons like Auto Fire M-16, AK47, Battle Rifles and more they aren't saying you can't have them. You just have to show that you have a legitimate storage for them. You can own a friggin M-1A1 Tank with live rounds and an active barrel with the proper licensing.

I agree with limiting the number of rounds in a clip or belt to no more than 20. The worst shootings we have had has been involved with 32 to 100 round clips.and limiting the cyclic rate to non licensed people. But to those with the proper license, they can and will be had.

Your Teabircher scare tactic lost it's enamor. The majority of us aren't buy it anymore.
Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

Swedens numbers are current. The fact that they had no guns to defend themselves is the point. Funny how whenever a population is disarmed, imprisonment and death soon follow.

Soon follow? I think WWII might have been before gun control in those countries. And well they have been doing quite well ever since. That is hardly soon.

actually, no....Weimar Germany began taking away guns from people....and then the nazis faced disarmed Jews and dissenters when they started their rise to power...instead of facing Jewish business owners who could fight back, their brown shirts had free reign because they were younger, stronger, in greater numbers and more aggressive....everything that a gun will equalize.....if more Germans were armed then the brown shirts, much like our klan in the south, wouldn't have been as effective at beating their enemies into submission.....

That's old bill. And for obvious reasons won't happen in a country with real freedom and voting rights.

You really are stupid. Really, you are. How old are you anyway?

I carry a gun every day, hoping I never have to use it.

I own a bar. I left my place of business at a little after midnight last night and headed home. At 2AM, I got a call from my very hot, but very feminine bartender. She informed me that someone had called, asking when we closed, saying they were in a town a half hour away. When told we stopped serving at 2AM, their location magically changed to here in Foley. THEN they asked if we had security. She answered that we did, although the man doing security last night is not well trained and although large, is not a fighter type. (regular security guy down with the flu)
A couple minutes later, a customer goes out to walk a petite female to her car and sees 3 people lurking in the bushes just off our north lot. He brings her back in and tells Megan, security and another fellow what's going on. Megan calls me and tells me what's going on.
Henry, a huge black man and a good friend of Doc Holliday's goes out and makes his presence known. He also retrieves his Glock from his truck and comes back in. I arrive in 4 minutes, pull in the lot and make a wide sweep of the bushes with my high beams and flashlight with a Taurus .40 in my hand.
The three were back. One, I'm sure, had been in earlier. They saw me and my gun and took off running.

The fact that at least one had been in Doc's at least once before, makes him recognizable which makes a robbery a very dangerous situation since felons hate witnesses.
As people left, I walked out first, checked the lot and then walked with them to their cars.
At that point, the weapon was no longer concealed. No one freaked out or felt threatened by my gun and all were very thankful I made every effort to keep them safe.
I stayed and help staff clean and close. I got home at 4:20 AM.
So Ludley, Why didn't I kill anyone last night?

I'm glad everything worked out, and there is a reasonable chance they wont be back. They will move on to an easier target.

I once used my Sig P226 to deter a situation at my home, and I never had to fire a shot. They guy tried calling the cops on me, saying I threatened him with a gun. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you walked into my home not knowing I was home. They all gathered outside, and called me asking me to come out. I refused, knowing full well the first thing they would do after that is enter and take my arms.

After it was all said and done, and I talked to someone higher up on the phone the situation became diffused and all the follow up from that point was handled by phone. The guy was built like an offensive lineman, and I am not that big of a guy. He was someone I sort of knew but was not friends with, and he had no business in my home uninvited.

Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

Here is the truth, brainless.

America Doesn 8217 t Have a Gun Problem It Has a Gang Problem FrontPage Magazine

America’s murder rate isn’t the work of the suburban and rural homeowners who shop for guns at sporting goods stores and at gun shows, and whom news shows profile after every shooting, but by the gangs embedded in the urban areas controlled by the Democratic machine. The gangs who drive up America’s murder rate look nothing like the occasional mentally ill suburban white kid who goes off his medication and decides to shoot up a school. Lanza, like most serial killers, is a media aberration, not the norm.

National murder statistics show that blacks are far more likely to be killers than whites and they are also far more likely to be killed. The single largest cause of homicides is the argument. 4th on the list is juvenile gang activity with 676 murders, which combined with various flavors of gangland killings takes us nearly to the 1,000 mark. America has more gangland murders than Sierra Leone, Eritrea and Puerto Rico have murders.

Our national murder rate is not some incomprehensible mystery that can only be attributed to the inanimate tools, the steel, brass and wood that do the work. It is largely the work of adult males from age 18 to 39 with criminal records killing other males of that same age and criminal past.

If this were going on in Rwanda, El Salvador or Sierra Leone, we would have no trouble knowing what to make of it, and silly pearl-clutching nonsense about gun control would never even come up. But this is Chicago, it’s Baltimore, it’s Philly and NOLA; and so we refuse to see that our major cities are in the same boat as some of the worst trouble spots in the world.

Lanza and Newtown are comforting aberrations. They allow us to take refuge in the fantasy that homicides in America are the work of the occasional serial killer practicing his dark art in one of those perfect small towns that always show up in murder mysteries or Stephen King novels. They fool us into thinking that there is something American about our murder rate that can be traced to hunting season, patriotism and bad mothers.

But go to Chicago or Baltimore. Go where the killings really happen and the illusion comes apart.

There is a war going on in America between gangs of young men who bear an uncanny resemblance to their counterparts in Sierra Leone or El Salvador. They live like them, they fight for control of the streets like them and they kill like them.
Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

I'm new here so I must ask. Are you the social commentator parrot?
No he's the resident gun grabber.

I've never suggested grabbing anyone's gun. You seem to be mistaken.

Oh please, at least be honest about your intentions, you dishonest little POS. You aren't very clever and you aren't fooling anyone.

I carry a gun every day, hoping I never have to use it.

I own a bar. I left my place of business at a little after midnight last night and headed home. At 2AM, I got a call from my very hot, but very feminine bartender. She informed me that someone had called, asking when we closed, saying they were in a town a half hour away. When told we stopped serving at 2AM, their location magically changed to here in Foley. THEN they asked if we had security. She answered that we did, although the man doing security last night is not well trained and although large, is not a fighter type. (regular security guy down with the flu)
A couple minutes later, a customer goes out to walk a petite female to her car and sees 3 people lurking in the bushes just off our north lot. He brings her back in and tells Megan, security and another fellow what's going on. Megan calls me and tells me what's going on.
Henry, a huge black man and a good friend of Doc Holliday's goes out and makes his presence known. He also retrieves his Glock from his truck and comes back in. I arrive in 4 minutes, pull in the lot and make a wide sweep of the bushes with my high beams and flashlight with a Taurus .40 in my hand.
The three were back. One, I'm sure, had been in earlier. They saw me and my gun and took off running.

The fact that at least one had been in Doc's at least once before, makes him recognizable which makes a robbery a very dangerous situation since felons hate witnesses.
As people left, I walked out first, checked the lot and then walked with them to their cars.
At that point, the weapon was no longer concealed. No one freaked out or felt threatened by my gun and all were very thankful I made every effort to keep them safe.
I stayed and help staff clean and close. I got home at 4:20 AM.
So Ludley, Why didn't I kill anyone last night?

I'm glad everything worked out, and there is a reasonable chance they wont be back. They will move on to an easier target.

I once used my Sig P226 to deter a situation at my home, and I never had to fire a shot. They guy tried calling the cops on me, saying I threatened him with a gun. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you walked into my home not knowing I was home. They all gathered outside, and called me asking me to come out. I refused, knowing full well the first thing they would do after that is enter and take my arms.

After it was all said and done, and I talked to someone higher up on the phone the situation became diffused and all the follow up from that point was handled by phone. The guy was built like an offensive lineman, and I am not that big of a guy. He was someone I sort of knew but was not friends with, and he had no business in my home uninvited.

Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

Here is the truth, brainless. .

I stopped reading at this point. You may or may not have made some good points but your insulting and personal attacks takes away from them.

Keep it up. 2016 is going to be a rough year for Reps unless you start accepting some kind of responsibility.
Denmark. Sweden. Netherlands. Australia....

Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I thought it was kind of funny actually. :D
Denmark. Sweden. Netherlands. Australia....

Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I'm sure you can probably bring your diapers with you wherever you go. Lol! :D

Denmark. Sweden. Netherlands. Australia....

Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.
Like Rwanda?

Really? Rwanda? No like most of Europe. Countries that are actually comparable to us. You are comparing us to Rwanda?

Violent crime in the UK is double that of the US. GUNS do not create violence. People do.

Quite right Chris.
Let's take 2 US cities of about the same population and compare crime statistics.
Mobile Alabama has a population of 194,899 Salt Lake City has a population of 191,180
In 2012, Salt Lake City had 8 murders. Mobile had 32.
What do you suppose is the biggest difference between Mobile and SLC?

Mobile is 51% black. Salt Lake City is 3% black.

Lets go to larger cities. How about Seattle, WA and Baltimore; 608 thousand and 622 thousand, respectively. Seattle is 8% black, Baltimore is 64% black
In 2012 Seattle had 23 murders; Baltimore had 218.

Facts is facts, whether they are something you want to hear or not.

I carry a gun every day, hoping I never have to use it.

I own a bar. I left my place of business at a little after midnight last night and headed home. At 2AM, I got a call from my very hot, but very feminine bartender. She informed me that someone had called, asking when we closed, saying they were in a town a half hour away. When told we stopped serving at 2AM, their location magically changed to here in Foley. THEN they asked if we had security. She answered that we did, although the man doing security last night is not well trained and although large, is not a fighter type. (regular security guy down with the flu)
A couple minutes later, a customer goes out to walk a petite female to her car and sees 3 people lurking in the bushes just off our north lot. He brings her back in and tells Megan, security and another fellow what's going on. Megan calls me and tells me what's going on.
Henry, a huge black man and a good friend of Doc Holliday's goes out and makes his presence known. He also retrieves his Glock from his truck and comes back in. I arrive in 4 minutes, pull in the lot and make a wide sweep of the bushes with my high beams and flashlight with a Taurus .40 in my hand.
The three were back. One, I'm sure, had been in earlier. They saw me and my gun and took off running.

The fact that at least one had been in Doc's at least once before, makes him recognizable which makes a robbery a very dangerous situation since felons hate witnesses.
As people left, I walked out first, checked the lot and then walked with them to their cars.
At that point, the weapon was no longer concealed. No one freaked out or felt threatened by my gun and all were very thankful I made every effort to keep them safe.
I stayed and help staff clean and close. I got home at 4:20 AM.
So Ludley, Why didn't I kill anyone last night?

I'm glad everything worked out, and there is a reasonable chance they wont be back. They will move on to an easier target.

I once used my Sig P226 to deter a situation at my home, and I never had to fire a shot. They guy tried calling the cops on me, saying I threatened him with a gun. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you walked into my home not knowing I was home. They all gathered outside, and called me asking me to come out. I refused, knowing full well the first thing they would do after that is enter and take my arms.

After it was all said and done, and I talked to someone higher up on the phone the situation became diffused and all the follow up from that point was handled by phone. The guy was built like an offensive lineman, and I am not that big of a guy. He was someone I sort of knew but was not friends with, and he had no business in my home uninvited.

Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

Here is the truth, brainless. .

I stopped reading at this point. You may or may not have made some good points but your insulting and personal attacks takes away from them.

Keep it up. 2016 is going to be a rough year for Reps unless you start accepting some kind of responsibility.
shut up fool-people who want to infringe on our rights mainly because they want to make things safer for criminals ar TURDS
Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I thought it was kind of funny actually. :D
Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I'm sure you can probably bring your diapers with you wherever you go. Lol! :D

Denmark and the Netherlands both lost thousands of people to the German death camps. Might want to check your history there. The aboriginals likewise suffered at the hands of those who were armed. Sweden is indeed one of the few countries that hasn't had a mass murderer take control but 16% of the population does indeed own guns, so they are not disarmed are they?

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.
Like Rwanda?

Really? Rwanda? No like most of Europe. Countries that are actually comparable to us. You are comparing us to Rwanda?

Violent crime in the UK is double that of the US. GUNS do not create violence. People do.

Quite right Chris.
Let's take 2 US cities of about the same population and compare crime statistics.
Mobile Alabama has a population of 194,899 Salt Lake City has a population of 191,180
In 2012, Salt Lake City had 8 murders. Mobile had 32.
What do you suppose is the biggest difference between Mobile and SLC?

Mobile is 51% black. Salt Lake City is 3% black.

Lets go to larger cities. How about Seattle, WA and Baltimore; 608 thousand and 622 thousand, respectively. Seattle is 8% black, Baltimore is 64% black
In 2012 Seattle had 23 murders; Baltimore had 218.

Facts is facts, whether they are something you want to hear or not.
Stupid violent *******.

I carry a gun every day, hoping I never have to use it.

I own a bar. I left my place of business at a little after midnight last night and headed home. At 2AM, I got a call from my very hot, but very feminine bartender. She informed me that someone had called, asking when we closed, saying they were in a town a half hour away. When told we stopped serving at 2AM, their location magically changed to here in Foley. THEN they asked if we had security. She answered that we did, although the man doing security last night is not well trained and although large, is not a fighter type. (regular security guy down with the flu)
A couple minutes later, a customer goes out to walk a petite female to her car and sees 3 people lurking in the bushes just off our north lot. He brings her back in and tells Megan, security and another fellow what's going on. Megan calls me and tells me what's going on.
Henry, a huge black man and a good friend of Doc Holliday's goes out and makes his presence known. He also retrieves his Glock from his truck and comes back in. I arrive in 4 minutes, pull in the lot and make a wide sweep of the bushes with my high beams and flashlight with a Taurus .40 in my hand.
The three were back. One, I'm sure, had been in earlier. They saw me and my gun and took off running.

The fact that at least one had been in Doc's at least once before, makes him recognizable which makes a robbery a very dangerous situation since felons hate witnesses.
As people left, I walked out first, checked the lot and then walked with them to their cars.
At that point, the weapon was no longer concealed. No one freaked out or felt threatened by my gun and all were very thankful I made every effort to keep them safe.
I stayed and help staff clean and close. I got home at 4:20 AM.
So Ludley, Why didn't I kill anyone last night?

I'm glad everything worked out, and there is a reasonable chance they wont be back. They will move on to an easier target.

I once used my Sig P226 to deter a situation at my home, and I never had to fire a shot. They guy tried calling the cops on me, saying I threatened him with a gun. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you walked into my home not knowing I was home. They all gathered outside, and called me asking me to come out. I refused, knowing full well the first thing they would do after that is enter and take my arms.

After it was all said and done, and I talked to someone higher up on the phone the situation became diffused and all the follow up from that point was handled by phone. The guy was built like an offensive lineman, and I am not that big of a guy. He was someone I sort of knew but was not friends with, and he had no business in my home uninvited.

Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

Here is the truth, brainless. .

I stopped reading at this point. You may or may not have made some good points but your insulting and personal attacks takes away from them.

Keep it up. 2016 is going to be a rough year for Reps unless you start accepting some kind of responsibility.
You obviously have not read the whole thread. "brainless" is an appropriate nom de plume for our mostly brain dead friend, Brain 357.

I carry a gun every day, hoping I never have to use it.

I own a bar. I left my place of business at a little after midnight last night and headed home. At 2AM, I got a call from my very hot, but very feminine bartender. She informed me that someone had called, asking when we closed, saying they were in a town a half hour away. When told we stopped serving at 2AM, their location magically changed to here in Foley. THEN they asked if we had security. She answered that we did, although the man doing security last night is not well trained and although large, is not a fighter type. (regular security guy down with the flu)
A couple minutes later, a customer goes out to walk a petite female to her car and sees 3 people lurking in the bushes just off our north lot. He brings her back in and tells Megan, security and another fellow what's going on. Megan calls me and tells me what's going on.
Henry, a huge black man and a good friend of Doc Holliday's goes out and makes his presence known. He also retrieves his Glock from his truck and comes back in. I arrive in 4 minutes, pull in the lot and make a wide sweep of the bushes with my high beams and flashlight with a Taurus .40 in my hand.
The three were back. One, I'm sure, had been in earlier. They saw me and my gun and took off running.

The fact that at least one had been in Doc's at least once before, makes him recognizable which makes a robbery a very dangerous situation since felons hate witnesses.
As people left, I walked out first, checked the lot and then walked with them to their cars.
At that point, the weapon was no longer concealed. No one freaked out or felt threatened by my gun and all were very thankful I made every effort to keep them safe.
I stayed and help staff clean and close. I got home at 4:20 AM.
So Ludley, Why didn't I kill anyone last night?

I'm glad everything worked out, and there is a reasonable chance they wont be back. They will move on to an easier target.

I once used my Sig P226 to deter a situation at my home, and I never had to fire a shot. They guy tried calling the cops on me, saying I threatened him with a gun. Yeah no shit Sherlock, you walked into my home not knowing I was home. They all gathered outside, and called me asking me to come out. I refused, knowing full well the first thing they would do after that is enter and take my arms.

After it was all said and done, and I talked to someone higher up on the phone the situation became diffused and all the follow up from that point was handled by phone. The guy was built like an offensive lineman, and I am not that big of a guy. He was someone I sort of knew but was not friends with, and he had no business in my home uninvited.

Somewhere between his story and yours is the truth....

Here is the truth, brainless. .

I stopped reading at this point. You may or may not have made some good points but your insulting and personal attacks takes away from them.

Keep it up. 2016 is going to be a rough year for Reps unless you start accepting some kind of responsibility.

What in the hell makes you think I care if you read my posts? I don't even know you, nor do I care about you or what you think. I am going to put this little brainless moron in his place once and for all.
And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I thought it was kind of funny actually. :D
And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.

you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I'm sure you can probably bring your diapers with you wherever you go. Lol! :D

And that has what to do with how many guns they had? That was WWII. And since then there have been many countries with few guns in citizens hands living quite peaceful and happy.
Like Rwanda?

Really? Rwanda? No like most of Europe. Countries that are actually comparable to us. You are comparing us to Rwanda?

Violent crime in the UK is double that of the US. GUNS do not create violence. People do.

Quite right Chris.
Let's take 2 US cities of about the same population and compare crime statistics.
Mobile Alabama has a population of 194,899 Salt Lake City has a population of 191,180
In 2012, Salt Lake City had 8 murders. Mobile had 32.
What do you suppose is the biggest difference between Mobile and SLC?

Mobile is 51% black. Salt Lake City is 3% black.

Lets go to larger cities. How about Seattle, WA and Baltimore; 608 thousand and 622 thousand, respectively. Seattle is 8% black, Baltimore is 64% black
In 2012 Seattle had 23 murders; Baltimore had 218.

Facts is facts, whether they are something you want to hear or not.
Stupid violent *******.
A larger than normal segment of them are.
you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I thought it was kind of funny actually. :D
you should move to one of them

it would save you from massive laundry bills or needing adult diapers

And there you go, right back to being a child. If you can't debate like an adult go somewhere else.

I'm sure you can probably bring your diapers with you wherever you go. Lol! :D

Like Rwanda?

Really? Rwanda? No like most of Europe. Countries that are actually comparable to us. You are comparing us to Rwanda?

Violent crime in the UK is double that of the US. GUNS do not create violence. People do.

Quite right Chris.
Let's take 2 US cities of about the same population and compare crime statistics.
Mobile Alabama has a population of 194,899 Salt Lake City has a population of 191,180
In 2012, Salt Lake City had 8 murders. Mobile had 32.
What do you suppose is the biggest difference between Mobile and SLC?

Mobile is 51% black. Salt Lake City is 3% black.

Lets go to larger cities. How about Seattle, WA and Baltimore; 608 thousand and 622 thousand, respectively. Seattle is 8% black, Baltimore is 64% black
In 2012 Seattle had 23 murders; Baltimore had 218.

Facts is facts, whether they are something you want to hear or not.
Stupid violent *******.
A larger than normal segment of them are.

Yes, there is a problem with violence, crime and murder in the black community. A lot of people want to ignore that this is the reason why the murder rate in the United States is so high, but those are the facts.

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