The Right To Bear Arms

I am a firearms expert with several arms, booby traps, knives and will not yield to any man or government my G_d given rights. I will not be alive upon this earth many more moons however anyone who takes me for granted makes a fatal mistake because though I may be much slower I know more ways to sent my enemies to meet their maker than when I was 21.

God given rights? You think God gave you the right to have a gun? Er....

Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

I reckon you believe the state gave you your rights, which makes you one sad sack sorry person.

You ever seen a state baby firsthand?

I have. That's not something that can be integrated into society.
They need to remain locked up indefinitely.

Any state babies wander into my neighborhood and I'll shoot them in the head immediately. If you disagree, you should be put into the cell with one for 48 hours.
All I want to know is that if Healthcare is a right and the Government is supposed to provide it for everyone according to Lefty then where the Phuck is my Free Gun?
All I want to know is that if Healthcare is a right and the Government is supposed to provide it for everyone according to Lefty then where the Phuck is my Free Gun?

You get no phree guns, those you have to pay for, mister. I did get a free onem, once.

It's a British .303 :dunno:I got plenty other guns. Some shoot bigger bullets,even.

1950 rounds, I somehow feel I should update them.I'd like to stick a scope on it.
God given rights? You think God gave you the right to have a gun? Er....

Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

I reckon you believe the state gave you your rights, which makes you one sad sack sorry person.

You ever seen a state baby firsthand?

I have. That's not something that can be integrated into society.
They need to remain locked up indefinitely.

Any state babies wander into my neighborhood and I'll shoot them in the head immediately. If you disagree, you should be put into the cell with one for 48 hours.

I believe that any person who uses A) attacks and B) assumptions instead of a proper argument, isn't worth talking to.
Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

I reckon you believe the state gave you your rights, which makes you one sad sack sorry person.

You ever seen a state baby firsthand?

I have. That's not something that can be integrated into society.
They need to remain locked up indefinitely.

Any state babies wander into my neighborhood and I'll shoot them in the head immediately. If you disagree, you should be put into the cell with one for 48 hours.

I believe that any person who uses A) attacks and B) assumptions instead of a proper argument, isn't worth talking to.

I believe a) you're a moron

b) Your opinion is irrelevant

I know I have 20 rounds of 9mm hot FMJ copper lead for you.
Well can't the Government give me some kind of "gun card" if not an actual gun?

Lefty should be ok with kicking in some tax dollars to buy me a gun, shouldn't he?
All I want to know is that if Healthcare is a right and the Government is supposed to provide it for everyone according to Lefty then where the Phuck is my Free Gun?

You get no phree guns, those you have to pay for, mister. I did get a free onem, once.

It's a British .303 :dunno:

The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

I reckon you believe the state gave you your rights, which makes you one sad sack sorry person.

You ever seen a state baby firsthand?

I have. That's not something that can be integrated into society.
They need to remain locked up indefinitely.

Any state babies wander into my neighborhood and I'll shoot them in the head immediately. If you disagree, you should be put into the cell with one for 48 hours.

I believe that any person who uses A) attacks and B) assumptions instead of a proper argument, isn't worth talking to.

I believe a) you're a moron

b) Your opinion is irrelevant

I know I have 20 rounds of 9mm hot FMJ copper lead for you.

Fine, ignore list.
My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

I reckon you believe the state gave you your rights, which makes you one sad sack sorry person.

You ever seen a state baby firsthand?

I have. That's not something that can be integrated into society.
They need to remain locked up indefinitely.

Any state babies wander into my neighborhood and I'll shoot them in the head immediately. If you disagree, you should be put into the cell with one for 48 hours.

I believe that any person who uses A) attacks and B) assumptions instead of a proper argument, isn't worth talking to.

I believe a) you're a moron

b) Your opinion is irrelevant

I know I have 20 rounds of 9mm hot FMJ copper lead for you.

Fine, ignore list.

Yeah, You're a douche for certain. I hope you encounter a state baby soon.If I do, I'm killing it. That doesn't make me a bad man,

It just makes me cognizant of how bad state babies are.
so if it happens when you happen to be outside and not in Mommy's basement jerking off you'll be the first guy to charge a shooter right?
it depends on the situation. however, from a, hypothetical "tactical" perspective, simply "diving into the guy" would probably knock the guy off of the officer and give the officer enough time to recover; and proceed with any further, coercive use of force of the State.
at least until i can build a keep.
you have to get a job first
why do you think i am advocating for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis; to learn how to build a keep, and put keep building on my resume.
being unemployed and collecting welfare is not a resume builder
I am a firearms expert with several arms, booby traps, knives and will not yield to any man or government my G_d given rights. I will not be alive upon this earth many more moons however anyone who takes me for granted makes a fatal mistake because though I may be much slower I know more ways to sent my enemies to meet their maker than when I was 21.

God given rights? You think God gave you the right to have a gun? Er....

Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist
God given rights? You think God gave you the right to have a gun? Er....

Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.
Oh please do try to be serious. Have you not at least tried to study the documents surrounding the writing of the Constitution? It is hard to discuss a subject with someone that does not have at least a basic understanding of American History. Get a good university level book on American Constitutional History and read up please.


The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

The simple fact is that all the rights protected by the Constitution were made by man. I can prove this. I can go through English history and show you the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and then on to the US Bill of Rights and at EVERY STAGE it was MAN that made these things. It was man who made the philosophical argument for rights. There's no god or God there.

The Founding Fathers made freedom of religion an important part of the new country, and freedom of religion means you don't have to follow any god at all. So, it wasn't just those who believed in a god that got the rights, or were given the rights, it was everyone (well, we know it wasn't everyone, but you get the point) and not based on religion. So, based on what came before, based on what the founders said, it was clearly MAN who gave people rights.

My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.
My, what a statist view you have.

Apparently you missed the "God-given right" thing.

The concept of it may not penetrate your PC-stricken brain. That doesn't mean it's not a valid concept; only that you're too indoctrinated to realize it.

God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.

the acknowledgement in the Declaration was that rights were not made but were already extant in the person from the moment of birth
God given right, but I also have the right not to believe in God. Great.

I know what rights are, you can pretend they are god given, but you can't force this on me. So......?

well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.

the acknowledgement in the Declaration was that rights were not made but were already extant in the person from the moment of birth

Yes, I know. Again, does writing something down make it true?
well the Declaration says all men are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights

it says nothing about god. If you believe you parents and the process of evolution created you then that's where your rights originate.

The point is that your rights exist simply because you exist

Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.

the acknowledgement in the Declaration was that rights were not made but were already extant in the person from the moment of birth

Yes, I know. Again, does writing something down make it true?

It's not the writing it's the idea behind it.
Fine, man says that rights come from a creator, or a God or whoever. Great. But that's man speaking. So, man made the theory of rights, and then decided to impose their religion on it.... well.... that doesn't stop it coming from human beings.

We can see the evolution of rights. In 1AD rights didn't exist, and nor did 1AD. We made them both. We can look from the Magna Carta, through the English Bill of Rights to the US Bill of Rights how they have developed and changed.

The Founding Fathers DEBATED the wording and what should and what should not be in the Bill of Rights. That means they helped shape them. They were humans, last I heard.

doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.

the acknowledgement in the Declaration was that rights were not made but were already extant in the person from the moment of birth

Yes, I know. Again, does writing something down make it true?

It's not the writing it's the idea behind it.

Sure it is.

But does the idea change if rights are God Given, or if they were developed by humans?

No, not really. Rights are something more fundamental than laws. In the constitution those rights are really something the govt can't take away. It doesn't matter if you think they're from God, or just made by humans. As long as the actual thing works.

It's like teaching kids. You can put their name on the board, but the name on the board doesn't do anything unless you follow it up with the actual discipline that goes behind it, right?

I just prefer to tell people what something is, rather than dress it up and treat them like a fool.
doesn't change the fact that even if you believe evolution created man that rights are acknowledged to be inherent in human beings as much as DNA is.

It also doesn't change the fact that other people believe that rights are man made and that history shows they are man made. I don't care if some people believe they are from some kind of creator, it doesn't make it true just because someone believes it.

the acknowledgement in the Declaration was that rights were not made but were already extant in the person from the moment of birth

Yes, I know. Again, does writing something down make it true?

It's not the writing it's the idea behind it.

Sure it is.

But does the idea change if rights are God Given, or if they were developed by humans?

No, not really. Rights are something more fundamental than laws. In the constitution those rights are really something the govt can't take away. It doesn't matter if you think they're from God, or just made by humans. As long as the actual thing works.

It's like teaching kids. You can put their name on the board, but the name on the board doesn't do anything unless you follow it up with the actual discipline that goes behind it, right?

I just prefer to tell people what something is, rather than dress it up and treat them like a fool.
I never said they were god given I said they are as much a part of our existence as is our DNA
That is the idea behind the words.

In the 18th century they didn't have the vocabulary or the knowledge we do now so of course the words that conveyed the idea are both eloquent in the idea yet clumsy in the execution

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