The Right To Bear Arms

According to you but not according to the Constitution of the United States and that is what we have to work with. Colorado is one law away from joining a few others with the complete Universal Background Check and that is where when the check includes a mental health check. The common sense gun regs includes a universal background check. I can still buy a gun in about 15 minutes. I can still carry my handgun on the street openly without a permit. I can easily get a CCW whether I need one or not. Most of the crap you spew is just a scared little kid scared that some boogey man will take his toys. Time to grow up.
Any sort of American government does not have the moral authority to deny firearm ownership to law abiding citizens. Obviously that’s their ultimate goal

The ultimate goal is supposed to be protecting the public from itself. And the real reason I own guns is that I have a neighbor much like you and iit's my protection against him. I don't fear the operating criminal. But I do protect against the gunnutters that might go off. I can bet your neighbors really appreciate having you around as well.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself Need to mind your own business. I don’t engage in criminal activity… It’s bad for business.

I live in gods country, where people mind their own business when it comes to firearm ownership.

Let me check. Hmm, got a 1911, a Model 19, Model 70 308, Model 870 12 gauge. Are you telling me that I have the undying need to turn them in? I keep them around because you have yours and the rest of us need to protection from people like you. But, if you want to come get them, you can have them piece by piece.
If the butt fuckers in Washington DC tell you to turn them in, obviously you will being an snowflake and all.

Better hide under that bed in the root cellar.

Personal ownership a sporting rifles is none of the governments business… Shall not be infringed
Sporting rifles have nothing to do with the militia.
The Constitution does not apply.

Subject to state and local laws
Personal firearm ownership is none of the governments business…

Misuse of personal firearms is certainly our governments business. It's everyone's business. And people that talk like you are more than likely to misuse those firearms sooner or later when you feel that someone is trying to take your toys whether it''s real or imagined.
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.

WHat you have...are paranoid delusions. There are drugs to help
Any sort of American government does not have the moral authority to deny firearm ownership to law abiding citizens. Obviously that’s their ultimate goal

The ultimate goal is supposed to be protecting the public from itself. And the real reason I own guns is that I have a neighbor much like you and iit's my protection against him. I don't fear the operating criminal. But I do protect against the gunnutters that might go off. I can bet your neighbors really appreciate having you around as well.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself Need to mind your own business. I don’t engage in criminal activity… It’s bad for business.

I live in gods country, where people mind their own business when it comes to firearm ownership.

Let me check. Hmm, got a 1911, a Model 19, Model 70 308, Model 870 12 gauge. Are you telling me that I have the undying need to turn them in? I keep them around because you have yours and the rest of us need to protection from people like you. But, if you want to come get them, you can have them piece by piece.
If the butt fuckers in Washington DC tell you to turn them in, obviously you will being an snowflake and all.

Better hide under that bed in the root cellar.

Sporting rifles have nothing to do with the militia.
The Constitution does not apply.

Subject to state and local laws
Personal firearm ownership is none of the governments business…

Misuse of personal firearms is certainly our governments business. It's everyone's business. And people that talk like you are more than likely to misuse those firearms sooner or later when you feel that someone is trying to take your toys whether it''s real or imagined.
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.


Is that the best you can do? Using made up Memes? Here, let me show you my answer once more

The ultimate goal is supposed to be protecting the public from itself. And the real reason I own guns is that I have a neighbor much like you and iit's my protection against him. I don't fear the operating criminal. But I do protect against the gunnutters that might go off. I can bet your neighbors really appreciate having you around as well.
Anti-gun nutters like yourself Need to mind your own business. I don’t engage in criminal activity… It’s bad for business.

I live in gods country, where people mind their own business when it comes to firearm ownership.

Let me check. Hmm, got a 1911, a Model 19, Model 70 308, Model 870 12 gauge. Are you telling me that I have the undying need to turn them in? I keep them around because you have yours and the rest of us need to protection from people like you. But, if you want to come get them, you can have them piece by piece.
If the butt fuckers in Washington DC tell you to turn them in, obviously you will being an snowflake and all.

Better hide under that bed in the root cellar.

You certainly do, cupcake.
Personal firearm ownership is none of the governments business…

Misuse of personal firearms is certainly our governments business. It's everyone's business. And people that talk like you are more than likely to misuse those firearms sooner or later when you feel that someone is trying to take your toys whether it''s real or imagined.
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.


Is that the best you can do? Using made up Memes? Here, let me show you my answer once more

Jim Carrey has the credibility of a Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein
Anti-gun nutters like yourself Need to mind your own business. I don’t engage in criminal activity… It’s bad for business.

I live in gods country, where people mind their own business when it comes to firearm ownership.

Let me check. Hmm, got a 1911, a Model 19, Model 70 308, Model 870 12 gauge. Are you telling me that I have the undying need to turn them in? I keep them around because you have yours and the rest of us need to protection from people like you. But, if you want to come get them, you can have them piece by piece.
If the butt fuckers in Washington DC tell you to turn them in, obviously you will being an snowflake and all.

Better hide under that bed in the root cellar.

You certainly do, cupcake.

Misuse of personal firearms is certainly our governments business. It's everyone's business. And people that talk like you are more than likely to misuse those firearms sooner or later when you feel that someone is trying to take your toys whether it''s real or imagined.
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.


Is that the best you can do? Using made up Memes? Here, let me show you my answer once more

Jim Carrey has the credibility of a Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein

It's still funny and very fitting. Can't wait for you to go off the deep end. Sure am glad your neighbors are all armed and they only have to deal with you when the time comes. Now, where did I put that black chopper?
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.


Is that the best you can do? Using made up Memes? Here, let me show you my answer once more

Jim Carrey has the credibility of a Kevin Spacey or Harvey Weinstein

It's still funny and very fitting. Can't wait for you to go off the deep end. Sure am glad your neighbors are all armed and they only have to deal with you when the time comes. Now, where did I put that black chopper?

Let me check. Hmm, got a 1911, a Model 19, Model 70 308, Model 870 12 gauge. Are you telling me that I have the undying need to turn them in? I keep them around because you have yours and the rest of us need to protection from people like you. But, if you want to come get them, you can have them piece by piece.
If the butt fuckers in Washington DC tell you to turn them in, obviously you will being an snowflake and all.

Better hide under that bed in the root cellar.

You certainly do, cupcake.

Wow, didn't think of that. Maybe that will be cell block B in the re-education camp for you guncrazies. You nutters do come up with the best and sickest ideas.
only in right wing fantasy would that ever be true.
Shall not be infringed means only one thing
Only well regulated militias of the United States enjoy literal recourse to our Second Amendment when in the service of their State or the Union.

Only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws.

what do you have against people paying their fair share???
why envy the poor? should the rich have to dig ditches in front of car washers in the summer time or forgo their tax breaks?
what do you have against people paying their fair share???
what do you have against equal protection of the law?
Sporting rifles have nothing to do with the militia.
The Constitution does not apply.

Subject to state and local laws
Personal firearm ownership is none of the governments business…

Misuse of personal firearms is certainly our governments business. It's everyone's business. And people that talk like you are more than likely to misuse those firearms sooner or later when you feel that someone is trying to take your toys whether it''s real or imagined.
Na, not really
Big brother is not a higher power

We are coming for your guns. We have the black choppers, the black panel prison vans, the black uniforms complete with Backlavas, and we have the re-education camps in the Majave Desert. We didn't come up with that idea. We got it from your bunch because you suggested you do that to us. So get ready. Hug that "Sporting Rifle" real tight so we can have the pleasure of ripping it from your hands. Sorry, you don't get to have it ripped from your cold, dead hands. The black Stun Grenades do their job nicely.


there is no crime, drug, or terror clause.
Shall not be infringed means only one thing
Only well regulated militias of the United States enjoy literal recourse to our Second Amendment when in the service of their State or the Union.

Only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws.

what do you have against people paying their fair share???
why envy the poor? should the rich have to dig ditches in front of car washers in the summer time or forgo their tax breaks?
what do you have against people paying their fair share???
what do you have against equal protection of the law?
what do you have against people getting a job and paying their fair share???
Only well regulated militias of the United States enjoy literal recourse to our Second Amendment when in the service of their State or the Union.

Only the unorganized militia complains about gun control laws.

what do you have against people paying their fair share???
why envy the poor? should the rich have to dig ditches in front of car washers in the summer time or forgo their tax breaks?
what do you have against people paying their fair share???
what do you have against equal protection of the law?
what do you have against people getting a job and paying their fair share???
what do you have against equal protection of the law?

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