The Right To Bear Arms

Do away with the NRA and you'll be dealing with groups like:
Second Amendment Foundation
Women Warrior PAC

If you destroy the NRA, its members will move to these REALLY radical groups and make you wish the NRA was still around.
Almost 900 pages.
This is silly.
How could anyone ever possibly consider gun control in a democratic republic?
Clearly a democratic republic must have the general population with superior right of arms than the police or military, or else you don't have a democratic republic.
No, this post is silly.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic; and in our Constitutional Republic government has the authority to enact all manner of laws, measures, and regulation provided they’re consistent with Constitutional case law – including the regulation of firearms.

And firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence do not jeopardize the rights of gunowners.
The right likes to lie.

Bill of Right attempts to make liberalism illegal yet you have it pictured above your name? Why??
Because liberals defend the right of conservatives to lie, no matter how reprehensible those lies might be – such as the ridiculous lie that the intent of the Bill of Rights is to make being liberal ‘illegal.’

Indeed, the Bill of Rights was composed by liberals, safeguarding the rights and protected liberties of all Americans from attack by the hateful, reactionary right.

The contempt for Second Amendment case law demonstrated by conservatives in this very thread is further proof of that.

Do away with the NRA and you'll be dealing with groups like:
Second Amendment Foundation
Women Warrior PAC

If you destroy the NRA, its members will move to these REALLY radical groups and make you wish the NRA was still around.

The NRA was once a good outfit - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. After that - I cancelled my membership.

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
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and in our Constitutional Republic government has the authority to enact all manner of laws, measures, and regulation provided they’re consistent with Constitutional case law – including the regulation of firearms.

Cool. Let me know when "shall not be infringed" kicks in, k?

Do away with the NRA and you'll be dealing with groups like:
Second Amendment Foundation
Women Warrior PAC

If you destroy the NRA, its members will move to these REALLY radical groups and make you wish the NRA was still around.

The NRA was once a good outfit - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977. After that - I cancelled my membership.

In gun lore it’s known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association.

The Old Guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun-control legislation.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
If it wasn't for the NRA, you democrats would have tried to confiscate all the firearms in America already, and no doubt started a second civil war.

The NRA has some high level corruption going on now. The corruption has absolutely nothing to do with the right to keep and bear arms.

Don't start your filthy Moon Bat party just yet. Gun lobby money is being channeled through other sources now.

You are confused Moon Bat. The NRA is losing members now but it is because they have been pandering too much to you filthy ass Libtard anti gun nut assholes instead of being strong proponents of our Constitutional rights. They supported background checks, bump stock bans, age restrictions and all that other oppressive shit you Liberals love so much. You should all be members but you are too stupid to figure it out.

Yeah, they won't like the other gun Rights groups....GOA and the 2nd Amendment foundation are more hard core than the NRA...
NRA Could Lose Tax-Exempt Status Over Shady Business Practices, Report Says
Why does the NRA have tax-exempt status in the first place? They're just a bunch of gun-running thugs.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
The NRA is America's oldest Civil Rights Organization. The Left hates civil rights because they desire tyranny and imagine they would be in control of it.

I support a consumption tax for everyone, effectively ending non-profit/tax-exempt status completely.

As for The Right To Bear Arms:

Fireams Policy Coallition reported,

"The Pennsylvania State Supreme Court issued a significant 53-page majority opinion in the criminal appeal of Commonwealth v. Hicks. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and Firearms Policy Foundation (FPF) filed an important coalition amicus brief cited by the Court supporting Hicks in December of 2017, alongside Firearms Owners Against Crime (FOAC) and seven Members of Pennsylvania’s General Assembly. The Court’s decision, concurring opinions, and the FPC/FPF amicus brief can be viewed at​

"At issue was whether someone’s carrying of a firearm could be used as reasonable suspicion of criminal conduct, and thus justification for police to conduct a stop-and-frisk of the gun owner. The court ruled in Hicks that such searches and seizures, in the absence of other evidence are completely unlawful."​

The appellant is Michael J. Hicks, who had a concealed gun permit, who was caught on a surveillance camera showing off his gun in June 2014. Officers stopped and frisked him.

The Morning Call reported,

"after officers smelled alcoholic beverages on Hicks’ breath, he was charged with drunken driving, among other misdemeanor offenses.​

"Hicks, then 35 and living in Allentown, asked a Lehigh County judge to throw out the charges on grounds that the stop was illegal, but the judge found his arrest was justified. He was convicted of driving under the influence of a high rate of alcohol for a second offense and sentenced to 30 days to six months in jail."​

Such a conviction would cost him his concealed gun permit. Justice was done. It took five years.

A misdemeanor DUI does nothing at all to one's concealed carry permit.
You need to be convicted of a felony to lose your rights.
Nevada CCW permit revoked for misdemeanor DUI. Can I avoid the revocation by proving non-habituality of the use of alcohol?
LVMPD CCW: CCW permit revoked due to a recent misdemeanor DUI (alcohol) conviction. NRS 202.3657, section 4(d)(1) mandates.

"Has habitually used intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance to the extent that his or her normal faculties are impaired. For the purposes of this paragraph, it is presumed that a person has so used intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance if, during the immediately preceding 5 years, the person has been: (1)Convicted of violating the provisions of NRS 484C.110 (DUI statute)...".​
Obsolete???!!! That is just an absurd argument. Ask the people who live under tyrannies if having the means to defend themselves is obsolete. Ask the thousands of people each year who find it necessary to use a gun to protect themselves and/or their property if guns are obsolete.

Apples and oranges. That has nothing to do with Russians funneling money to the NRA to help get Trump elected. Investigators are looking for the Russia connection.
How did they get him elected? Come now tell us their secrets!
Yo yo, leftist fkwads, please tell us how Russia got trump elected? We know they didn’t hack anything cause the transmission pipes are too small for the data to be extracted! So, come on big boys and girls, how did old Russia get trump elected?

Do away with the NRA and you'll be dealing with groups like:
Second Amendment Foundation
Women Warrior PAC

If you destroy the NRA, its members will move to these REALLY radical groups and make you wish the NRA was still around.

Many of us are fed up with the NRA giving into the Liberals all the time and have switched our support to other groups like GOA.

Yeah, they won't like the other gun Rights groups....GOA and the 2nd Amendment foundation are more hard core than the NRA...

The NRA has become pussified. You can't count on them any more to look after our Constitutional right. With them nowadays it is all about not offending the Libtards.

I send my money to GOA now.

Yeah, they won't like the other gun Rights groups....GOA and the 2nd Amendment foundation are more hard core than the NRA...

The NRA has become pussified. You can't count on them any more to look after our Constitutional right. With them nowadays it is all about not offending the Libtards.

I send my money to GOA now.
How exactly has the NRA become "pussified?"

Yeah, they won't like the other gun Rights groups....GOA and the 2nd Amendment foundation are more hard core than the NRA...

The NRA has become pussified. You can't count on them any more to look after our Constitutional right. With them nowadays it is all about not offending the Libtards.

I send my money to GOA now.
How exactly has the NRA become "pussified?"

It is not aggressive with the onslaught of attacks on our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms on the state level. They should be fighting these oppressive laws like we see in California and New York tooth and nail but I don't see them doing it. It has taken some pretty pussy positions on things like background checks. It was deplorable the way they gave in on bump stocks here in Florida and on the national level.

I can't trust them any more to protect my Constitutional rights.

Besides, they need to get the upper management in order. Some indications of corruption.

I'll give support to GOA.
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the ridiculous lie that the intent of the Bill of Rights is to make being liberal ‘illegal.’

Did you think our genius Republican Founders were worried about the Girl Scouts preventing free speech or about liberal big govt preventing it?

Do you think the 9 & 10 Amendments restricting govt to only the enumerated powers was because they feared ugly libcommies would emerge to concentrate all power in central govt???

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
the ridiculous lie that the intent of the Bill of Rights is to make being liberal ‘illegal.’

Did you think our genius Republican Founders were worried about the Girl Scouts preventing free speech or about liberal big govt preventing it?

Do you think the 9 & 10 Amendments restricting govt to only the enumerated powers was because they feared ugly libcommies would emerge to concentrate all power in central govt???

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

What we Conservatives are most concerned about is making this country a socialist shithole where the greedy welfare queens use the government to steal what they are unable to earn for themselves.
the ridiculous lie that the intent of the Bill of Rights is to make being liberal ‘illegal.’

Did you think our genius Republican Founders were worried about the Girl Scouts preventing free speech or about liberal big govt preventing it?

Do you think the 9 & 10 Amendments restricting govt to only the enumerated powers was because they feared ugly libcommies would emerge to concentrate all power in central govt???

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

What we Conservatives are most concerned about is making this country a socialist shithole where the greedy welfare queens use the government to steal what they are unable to earn for themselves.
Funny how the elites ain’t forfeiting shit, but they want all of our money

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