The Right To Bear Arms

The reality is that most of our tax money is being wasted on military spending.
We have thousands of expensive foreign deployments.
We spend as much on the military as the whole rest of the planet combined.


1) Wasted? Defeating Nazis Communists and ISIS is wasted?
2) yes, in almost every African country to fight ISIS, and????
3) yes, more than the rest because we are the world's policemen. Would you want to see a county or City without policemen??????

The reality is that most of our tax money is being wasted on military spending.

You stupid Moon Bats are as ignorant of math as you are of history, climate science, biology, economics and the Constitution.

Defense is only about 1/7th of the Federal government spending. Only in Moon Bat Land is that "most".

Some of our military spending is welfare. Like when we fight other's people wars for them instead of protecting our own borders. For instance, Obama spent a few billions attacking Libya and trillions escalating the war in Afghanistan. Did you write him a letter and tell him to stop wasting money? I doubt it.
The difference is I fear large capitalist corporations, and right wingers instead fear large corrupt central government.
My solution is local socialism, instead of large, distant, and centralized.
At this point in time, large corps and corrupt central government are one, and the same. Large corporations are able to exercise their will because they use government as their instrument. We should ALL fear/respect both and keep a watchful eye.

If socialism is going to work, it will only do so on an extremely local level, where all participants know each other and/or have a connection or mutual identity. I still believe that it cannot be sustained, even at that level, but that's a different topic for another thread.
The difference is I fear large capitalist corporations, and right wingers instead fear large corrupt central government.
My solution is local socialism, instead of large, distant, and centralized.
At this point in time, large corps and corrupt central government are one, and the same. Large corporations are able to exercise their will because they use government as their instrument. We should ALL fear/respect both and keep a watchful eye.

If socialism is going to work, it will only do so on an extremely local level, where all participants know each other and/or have a connection or mutual identity. I still believe that it cannot be sustained, even at that level, but that's a different topic for another thread.

We practice socialism in my family.


It wouldn't work for my neighborhood.

It wouldn't work for my city.

It wouldn't work for the state.

It sure as hell wouldn't work for the country.
The other large nondiscretionary payment is for interest on the national debt, and that is entirely military spending.
Income tax revenue: $14,251.8B
Corporate tax revenue: $2,796.8B
Total: $17,048.6B
Defense spending: $6,931.2B (40.6%)

With defense spending accounting for ~40% of revenue, how can it be responsible for the deficit, the debt, or the interest on the debt?
It's definitely not the most important amendment, like most conservatives argue, but it's not obsolete. We're the United Freakin States. We were founded on a revolutionary crazy notion that people are allowed to be as free as they want.

If you take away that crazy, then we're closer to being like the French. And no one wants that.
without the second the rest would be negated
So yes it is the most important one.
However, if the second amendment didn't exist I would still have the right to defend my life as I so choose. The second amendment tells the government what it can't do against my right of self defense
Yes the second amendment protects weapons of war in the hands of citizens
The musket was a weapon of war at the time everyone had a musket
Going by the anti-gun loons... if a weapon of war looks scary, the 2nd doesn't protect it.
Else, you're good.
Firearms don't look scary Firearm can't harm you it's the one who holds the firearm in their hand that can hurt you.

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