The Right To Bear Arms

I just realized something. You idiots think people love Biden the way you all adore Trump. They really don’t. In 2020, 40% of those who voted for Biden did so primarily because they wanted to vote against Trump. I’ve said and people agree that Biden is a steaming pile of shit. The only election he could have won, and the only person he could beat was Trump.

Biden is a steaming pile of shit. The problem is that Trump is a flaming pile of shit. We begged you in the primaries to give us someone else. I advocated for Nikki Haley. The adoration would not allow you to consider anyone but Trump.

So now we are redoing 2020. Biden is still a steaming pile of shit. Trump is still a flaming pile of shit. How will it turn out? I don’t know. I’ll vote for Biden, which I didn’t do in 2020, because the alternative to the steaming pile of shit, is the flaming pile of shit.
It is way simpler then that ,one will get you a dictatorship and one believed in democracy. SO screw off nutso. It is so so easy to decide. One is honorable one is a rapist and felon , so if you are going to try to say Biden is as big of a criminal then that even makes it simpler ,That means Shitpants is dead ass stupid for getting caught and Biden isn't/ You people are idiots.
What you leave out is that while it is possible to take out tanks with primitive means , those means require number of people for each tank, with half of them likely to be killed in the process. The range to attack a tank with a Molotov cocktail, is measured in feet, while the range of the .30 caliber machine guns in hundreds of yards.

The M-1 mounts an M68E1 105 millimeter main gun. Two 7.62mm NATO M240 machine guns are also mounted, one coaxially with the main gun, and one on top of the turret at the loader's station.

And carrying a big stick to put into the tank treads would be nothing more than a suicide mission.
Its way simpler then that ,ask this hero how many tanks has he taken out with a stick or Molotov cocktail. or simpler yet ask him how many Abrams in the decades of operation have been taken out by a Molotov cocktail. It is simple the last time they were used successfully was in the early fifty's and even then most tanks were set up to resist Molotov cocktails , now Diesels and air tight compartments. and halon prety much ends this cowboys army he belongs to , his army to kill his fellow Americans.
I just realized something. You idiots think people love Biden the way you all adore Trump. They really don’t. In 2020, 40% of those who voted for Biden did so primarily because they wanted to vote against Trump. I’ve said and people agree that Biden is a steaming pile of shit. The only election he could have won, and the only person he could beat was Trump.

Biden is a steaming pile of shit. The problem is that Trump is a flaming pile of shit. We begged you in the primaries to give us someone else. I advocated for Nikki Haley. The adoration would not allow you to consider anyone but Trump.

So now we are redoing 2020. Biden is still a steaming pile of shit. Trump is still a flaming pile of shit. How will it turn out? I don’t know. I’ll vote for Biden, which I didn’t do in 2020, because the alternative to the steaming pile of shit, is the flaming pile of shit.
Love these wimps that just hate both sides, they do it so they can't get backed into a corner , because they are certified wimps. The other side is just as bad wimps. Which is a joke comparing the piece of shit Shitpants to Biden.
Its way simpler then that ,ask this hero how many tanks has he taken out with a stick or Molotov cocktail. or simpler yet ask him how many Abrams in the decades of operation have been taken out by a Molotov cocktail. It is simple the last time they were used successfully was in the early fifty's and even then most tanks were set up to resist Molotov cocktails , now Diesels and air tight compartments. and halon prety much ends this cowboys army he belongs to , his army to kill his fellow Americans.

The only hope some home grown guy would have is Thermite. Still the problem of getting to the tank.
What you leave out is that while it is possible to take out tanks with primitive means , those means require number of people for each tank, with half of them likely to be killed in the process. The range to attack a tank with a Molotov cocktail, is measured in feet, while the range of the .30 caliber machine guns in hundreds of yards.

The M-1 mounts an M68E1 105 millimeter main gun. Two 7.62mm NATO M240 machine guns are also mounted, one coaxially with the main gun, and one on top of the turret at the loader's station.

And carrying a big stick to put into the tank treads would be nothing more than a suicide mission.
No, you stupid ignorant clod, the M1 disappeared a long time ago. The M1A1 Abrams mounts a 120mm smooth bore. If you can't even get that correct your opinion is less than worthless.
Lets make this real , I say no Abrams has ever been taken out by a Molotov cocktail. Didn't even look it up but I bet I'm right. Abram tanks are close to impossible to being blown up and destroyed by any weapon. If you say I'm wrong show us or stick it up your ass.
I don't think an Abrams has ever even ben attacked with a Molotov. But many other tanks have been destroyed by them. My experience was with M-60s, M-48s and T-55s.
The weatherman ,By the way are you talking about the American domestic terrorist like the MAGA maggots that attacked the capital and put 140 cops in the hospital. The weather man should have been shot to the man for what they did the same as the MAGA maggots should have been shot for what they did. Next time they will be. shot dead and don't save on the bullets.
WEATHER UNDERGROUND, not the pu__y Weathermen.
The only hope some home grown guy would have is Thermite. Still the problem of getting to the tank.
Actually the new tech, better than the old tech, is using drones. To either deliver ordnance on top of the tank, in front of the tank, including ways to blind the tanks vision. But the caveat is the military has jamming technology.
No, you stupid ignorant clod, the M1 disappeared a long time ago. The M1A1 Abrams mounts a 120mm smooth bore. If you can't even get that correct your opinion is less than worthless.
Sorry wrong citation.

Inside the turret there's also a coaxial mounted M240. As a secondary weapons it has a M2HB/M2A1 Browning machine gun in front of the commander's hatch that can also be fired from within the tank and a M240 that is mounted in front of the loader's hatch on a skate mount. Coaxial M240 takes around 11400-12000 rounds of 7,62x51mm ammo in total, commander M2HB/M2A1 takes around 1000 12,7x99mm ammo, and loaders M240 takes around 400-800 7,62x51mm ammo.
Sorry wrong citation.

Inside the turret there's also a coaxial mounted M240. As a secondary weapons it has a M2HB/M2A1 Browning machine gun in front of the commander's hatch that can also be fired from within the tank and a M240 that is mounted in front of the loader's hatch on a skate mount. Coaxial M240 takes around 11400-12000 rounds of 7,62x51mm ammo in total, commander M2HB/M2A1 takes around 1000 12,7x99mm ammo, and loaders M240 takes around 400-800 7,62x51mm ammo.
Yeah, I KNOW these things. You have to look them up.
Tanks are armed to keep people far enough away, they can't attack them with sticks or stones, or Molotov cocktails.
Tanks suck in an urban environment. Where do most people live? Oh, right. URBAN ENVIRONMENTS!
Love these wimps that just hate both sides, they do it so they can't get backed into a corner , because they are certified wimps. The other side is just as bad wimps. Which is a joke comparing the piece of shit Shitpants to Biden.
Biden's mind is gone. Trump's is fine. That is the most important difference.
can you explain why the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by left leaning lunatics?
can you explain why all the states that have the highest murder and crime rate are red states.
Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 12-41-39 The 10 States With the Highest Gun Death Rates.png

Your microbe brain answer that it is the dems in those states that do that is bullshit. if that was the case then it would be dem states with blue city's That's above your brain dead pay grade to figure that out but everyone else does. All you hate people are liars. simple as that, MAGA= hate, stupidity and lies.
These fuck brains on the right come on these forums and share lies with other fuck head liars.
can you explain why all the states that have the highest murder and crime rate are red states.
View attachment 965794
Your microbe brain answer that it is the dems in those states that do that is bullshit. if that was the case then it would be dem states with blue city's That's above your brain dead pay grade to figure that out but everyone else does. All you hate people are liars. simple as that, MAGA= hate, stupidity and lies.
Because of the BLUE cities within them, you dumbfuck
Biden's mind is gone. Trump's is fine. That is the most important difference.
So should we pick a old guy with a conscience and who believes in our democracy , or a old piece of shit rapist who has felonies stacked up like cord wood a total convicted criminal. .A guy Who shits in his pants all day long because of the drugs he takes with the mental capacity of a three year old , who is considered the American Hitler by many intelligent people.

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