The Right To Bear Arms

I asked for court citations for any fraud case that was actually presented to a jury and the American public, I understand why you can't do that.
what the fuck are you talking about , my guess is that I buried your ass with a fact and you are trying to argue that with some nonsense lie or attempt to change the subject like the rest of the worms here.
These MAGA's Goof ball hate Nazi's and the 3rd grade IQ ,like dealing with children and like arguing with a door knob.
You actually think Biden gives a rat's ass about our democracy? He's an apparatchik, part of the political ruling class for the past fifty years. He stole classified documents as a Senator AND Vice President that he had no right to, he gave Hunter rides on Air Force Two to his business meetings with China to give Hunter the imprimatur of official approval, he lied about not knowing anything about Hunter's business dealings, he constantly plagiarized and got caught doing it. Constantly lies when the truth would serve him better, he even lies about his other son's death to drum up sympathy. Biden only cares about Biden, or at least he did when he was aware enough to care about anything. Now he just stumbles around being guided by whomever is around to make sure he doesn't get lost. Compare him to other world leaders and he always comes off horribly incapable.
You actually think Biden gives a rat's ass about our democracy? He's an apparatchik, part of the political ruling class for the past fifty years. He stole classified documents as a Senator AND Vice President that he had no right to, he gave Hunter rides on Air Force Two to his business meetings with China to give Hunter the imprimatur of official approval, he lied about not knowing anything about Hunter's business dealings, he constantly plagiarized and got caught doing it. Constantly lies when the truth would serve him better, he even lies about his other son's death to drum up sympathy. Biden only cares about Biden, or at least he did when he was aware enough to care about anything. Now he just stumbles around being guided by whomever is around to make sure he doesn't get lost. Compare him to other world leaders and he always comes off horribly incapable.
Simpler then that, One is a old man who has lived his life believing in democracy , the other one is a old man who is a piece of shit ,rapist with multiple felonies , who lies non stop and thinks his followers are stupid and has said just that multiple times . and wants to be this countries dictator for life. You have to be fucking kidding.
Maga across the boards are traitors to this country, and make up the bottom feeders of this country. Scum to the core. Hate driven pukes that are as stupid as a person can become. They will have to be marked and watched for the rest of their lives because if they get another chance to sell this country and it's democracy out they will. You will be able when passing this scum to spit on them and not let them walk on the same paths as real American. They have to be pushed aside to let real American and their family's pass without having to rub against this scum.
can you explain why all the states that have the highest murder and crime rate are red states.
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Your microbe brain answer that it is the dems in those states that do that is bullshit. if that was the case then it would be dem states with blue city's That's above your brain dead pay grade to figure that out but everyone else does. All you hate people are liars. simple as that, MAGA= hate, stupidity and lies.
I was speaking about mass killings, which occur primarily in the blue states. However the crime rates in all states has gone up under senile ole joe. that is a fact. The red states you listed have problems, mostly related to economics. Funny, none of these problems existed during Trump's previous term and they have all gotten worse under dem rule.
Simpler then that, One is a old man who has lived his life believing in democracy , the other one is a old man who is a piece of shit ,rapist with multiple felonies , who lies non stop and thinks his followers are stupid and has said just that multiple times . and wants to be this countries dictator for life. You have to be fucking kidding.
you know nothing about either of them. you have been poisoned by media propaganda and lies. Biden showered with his teen age daughter against her wishes and sniffs little girls, he is an old pervert. He has been robbing the public in DC for 50 years, taken bribes from foreign powers and is to this day receiving bribes from China, Ukraine, and Russia.

Trump employees more minorities and women than any corporation of equal size, he dated a black woman and put women and minorities in high paying jobs in his companies. Yes, he talks like a typical NY rich guy, so fricken what? He got the job done for us last time and will do it again starting in November.
I was speaking about mass killings, which occur primarily in the blue states. However the crime rates in all states has gone up under senile ole joe. that is a fact. The red states you listed have problems, mostly related to economics. Funny, none of these problems existed during Trump's previous term and they have all gotten worse under dem rule.
Fuck you you fucking brain dead, Crime has gone down, it is at a 50 year low , you peace of shit scumbag. You and people like you are slime


Violent crime dropped by more than 15% in the United States during the first three months of 2024, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI.

The new numbers show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during that period when compared to last year by 12.5%, according to the data, while robberies fell 17.8%.
you know nothing about either of them. you have been poisoned by media propaganda and lies. Biden showered with his teen age daughter against her wishes and sniffs little girls, he is an old pervert. He has been robbing the public in DC for 50 years, taken bribes from foreign powers and is to this day receiving bribes from China, Ukraine, and Russia.

Trump employees more minorities and women than any corporation of equal size, he dated a black woman and put women and minorities in high paying jobs in his companies. Yes, he talks like a typical NY rich guy, so fricken what? He got the job done for us last time and will do it again starting in November.
Simpler then that, One is a old man who has lived his life believing in democracy , the other one is a old man who is a piece of shit ,rapist with multiple felonies , who lies non stop and thinks his followers are stupid and has said just that multiple times . and wants to be this countries dictator for life. You have to be fucking kidding.
you know nothing about either of them. you have been poisoned by media propaganda and lies. Biden showered with his teen age daughter against her wishes and sniffs little girls, he is an old pervert. He has been robbing the public in DC for 50 years, taken bribes from foreign powers and is to this day receiving bribes from China, Ukraine, and Russia.

Trump employees more minorities and women than any corporation of equal size, he dated a black woman and put women and minorities in high paying jobs in his companies. Yes, he talks like a typical NY rich guy, so fricken what? He got the job done for us last time and will do it again starting in November.
I was speaking about mass killings, which occur primarily in the blue states. However the crime rates in all states has gone up under senile ole joe. that is a fact. The red states you listed have problems, mostly related to economics. Funny, none of these problems existed during Trump's previous term and they have all gotten worse under dem rule.
Piece of shit liar , he wasn't talking about mass murders , he got beat so bad by me that he is trying to fix it like all scum like him does by lying. The absolute hoot is the stupidity of tweety bird saying that all things were better with Trump.
Fuck you you fucking brain dead, Crime has gone down, it is at a 50 year low , you peace of shit scumbag. You and people like you are slime


Violent crime dropped by more than 15% in the United States during the first three months of 2024, according to statistics released Monday by the FBI.

The new numbers show violent crime from January to March dropped 15.2% compared to the same period in 2023, while murders fell 26.4% and reported rapes decreased by 25.7%. Aggravated assaults decreased during that period when compared to last year by 12.5%, according to the data, while robberies fell 17.8%.
How would they know when 20 percent or more of the reporting cities refuse to report their stats?
Simpler then that, One is a old man who has lived his life believing in democracy , the other one is a old man who is a piece of shit ,rapist with multiple felonies , who lies non stop and thinks his followers are stupid and has said just that multiple times . and wants to be this countries dictator for life. You have to be fucking kidding.
Biden has gotten rich "believing in democracy", he doesn't believe in democracy, be believes in autocracy. Look at how he governs, he doesn't compromise, not even with his own party, he just issues Executive Orders and when they are ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS he ignores the ruling and continues. Biden is the epitome of a career politician; he has never worked a non-government job in his entire life despite all his lies.
Biden has gotten rich "believing in democracy", he doesn't believe in democracy, be believes in autocracy. Look at how he governs, he doesn't compromise, not even with his own party, he just issues Executive Orders and when they are ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS he ignores the ruling and continues. Biden is the epitome of a career politician; he has never worked a non-government job in his entire life despite all his lies.

Actually no he doesn’t just ignore the Supreme Court.

If you tell me that I may not cross the road here. It doesn’t mean I can’t cross the road anywhere. It just means I can’t cross here.

The Supremes said Biden couldn’t pay the student loans from a specific account. They never said he couldn’t pay to forgive them ever.

I’m surprised you haven’t understood that. Or perhaps you do, but insist on pushing a lie of omission.
Actually no he doesn’t just ignore the Supreme Court.

If you tell me that I may not cross the road here. It doesn’t mean I can’t cross the road anywhere. It just means I can’t cross here.

The Supremes said Biden couldn’t pay the student loans from a specific account. They never said he couldn’t pay to forgive them ever.

I’m surprised you haven’t understood that. Or perhaps you do, but insist on pushing a lie of omission.
Jaywalking is illegal regardless of wherever you do it. SCOTUS made it plain what Biden was doing was illegal and he tried an end run. If a cop tickets you for 60 in a 55, that doesn't mean you can go 65 or 54 in a 55. Biden is trying to play Clinton's game of trying to cloud the clear definition of "is".
Jaywalking is illegal regardless of wherever you do it. SCOTUS made it plain what Biden was doing was illegal and he tried an end run. If a cop tickets you for 60 in a 55, that doesn't mean you can go 65 or 54 in a 55. Biden is trying to play Clinton's game of trying to cloud the clear definition of "is".

The decision the supremes made was directly to the question. Biden did not have authority to pay with the account he was using.

They did not address the question of paying for the loans. That was never raised. The question that was answered, was if it could be paid the way he was.

Jaywalking. Ok. I live in the country. To cross the road at a corner I would have to walk a mile. So you as a cop might stop me and tell me not to cross at a corner where cars can’t see me until they are right on top of me and unable to stop or swerve before hitting me.

Context. The details where the devil resides.

You should read the entire Supreme Court orders. They’re online and free. Don’t just assume you know what is going on from an idiot posting on Twitter or worse Pravda Social.

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