The Right To Bear Arms

The Bill of Rights only protected people from the national government, but gradually the Court with its self-ordained power to interpret the constitution decided to gradually apply the Bill of Rights to the state governments also. There in an ironic twist here.
The Bill of Rights only protected people from the national government, but gradually the Court with its self-ordained power to interpret the constitution decided to gradually apply the Bill of Rights to the state governments also. There in an ironic twist here.

dear, only the treasonous liberals on the court feel self-ordained such that the Constitution can mean anythng they want it to mean. Why do you think liberals fight so hard to get them on the court???
"The right to free speech". The left has been picking that Amendment to death for years. Does it mean the "right to liberal free speech"?
Some universities may require more than two, or even two to a building, how many guards did La Pierre think it would take?

dear, most universities already have a police force, often armed. If they need more and have no money they can train teachers or students. Its very very possible while changing the Constitution is not. Got it?
The Bill of Rights only protected people from the national government, but gradually the Court with its self-ordained power to interpret the constitution decided to gradually apply the Bill of Rights to the state governments also. There in an ironic twist here.
This is one of the dumber things I've ever seen.

The SCotUS incorporates the bill of rights against the states thru the 14th amendment, which is one of the purposes OF the 14th amendment.

The idea that incorporation is someting the court made up and is a usurpation of power from the people and the states is sheer ignorance.
The Bill of Rights only protected people from the national government, but gradually the Court with its self-ordained power to interpret the constitution decided to gradually apply the Bill of Rights to the state governments also. There in an ironic twist here.
This is one of the dumber things I've ever seen.

The SCotUS incorporates the bill of rights against the states thru the 14th amendment, which is one of the purposes OF the 14th amendment.

The idea that incorporation is someting the court made up and is a usurpation of power from the people and the states is sheer ignorance.

This happen when blacks were losing their rights, such as the right too keep and bear arms.
The Bill of Rights only protected people from the national government, but gradually the Court with its self-ordained power to interpret the constitution decided to gradually apply the Bill of Rights to the state governments also. There in an ironic twist here.
This is one of the dumber things I've ever seen.

The SCotUS incorporates the bill of rights against the states thru the 14th amendment, which is one of the purposes OF the 14th amendment.

The idea that incorporation is someting the court made up and is a usurpation of power from the people and the states is sheer ignorance.

This happen when blacks were losing their rights, such as the right too keep and bear arms.

Can you tell us where in the 14th Amendment it even mentions incorporation?
Or where in the constitution the Court is given the power to interpret the Constitution?
This is one of the dumber things I've ever seen.

The SCotUS incorporates the bill of rights against the states thru the 14th amendment, which is one of the purposes OF the 14th amendment.

The idea that incorporation is someting the court made up and is a usurpation of power from the people and the states is sheer ignorance.

This happen when blacks were losing their rights, such as the right too keep and bear arms.

Can you tell us where in the 14th Amendment it even mentions incorporation?
Or where in the constitution the Court is given the power to interpret the Constitution?

This is one of the dumber things I've ever seen.

The SCotUS incorporates the bill of rights against the states thru the 14th amendment, which is one of the purposes OF the 14th amendment.

The idea that incorporation is someting the court made up and is a usurpation of power from the people and the states is sheer ignorance.

This happen when blacks were losing their rights, such as the right too keep and bear arms.
Can you tell us where in the 14th Amendment it even mentions incorporation?
Or where in the constitution the Court is given the power to interpret the Constitution?
If you have to ask these questionss you cannot possibly fathom the answers.
This happen when blacks were losing their rights, such as the right too keep and bear arms.
Can you tell us where in the 14th Amendment it even mentions incorporation?
Or where in the constitution the Court is given the power to interpret the Constitution?
If you have to ask these questionss you cannot possibly fathom the answers.

So where is it written in the constitution that the Supreme Court shall interpret the Constitution? Of course, it is not written in the constitution. So the next question, how did the Court decide it had that power?
The Founders intended for the 2nd amendment to be for a well regulated militia, not to give citizens the right to shoot their elected representatives.

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