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The Right wants to keep this country the way it is and hate change. They live in the 19th century

A 20% flat tax for civil servants to waste and fight over seems about right......anything above that just feeds the parasites in govt and elsewhere.... Lol
10 planks of communism by Karl Marx

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is where eminent domain comes into the picture, and even property taxes. Once you own your property outright by paying off your mortgage, you still donā€™t technically own it because the government could jack up property taxes so high that it makes it unaffordable to remain.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Marginal tax rates increasing as income goes up IS a graduated income tax. This is in opposition to a more fair tax like a national sales tax or flat tax where a person is not taxed at a higher rate the more income they earn.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: In the U.S. these can be seen as estate taxes (i.e. the death tax).

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is nothing more than government seizures, IRS property confiscation and the 1997 Crime/Terrorist bill which calls for the imprisonment of terrorists (not such a bad thing), but also for those who speak out against the government. Your LIFE is the most valuable property you have, but the government has the right to take it away because of things that you may say. Consider Senate Bill 3081, the ā€œEnemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,ā€ co-sponsored by Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman. The following is actual text from the bill that explains what a belligerent may be and the reasons they can be detained without due process: ā€œ(A) The potential threat the individual poses for an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or upon United States citizens or United States civilian facilities abroad at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United Statesā€¦ (B) The potential threat the individual poses to United States military personnel or United States military facilities at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United Statesā€¦. (C) The potential intelligence value of the individualā€¦ (D) Membership in al-Qaida or in a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaidaā€¦ (E) Such other matters as the president considers appropriate. . .ā€ [THIS IS WHERE THERE IS A MAJOR, MAJOR PROBLEM] This is very subjective and could include a multitude of things ā€“ even just disagreements on policy!

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is an easy one. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve, and now the government owns many of the countryā€™s largest banks via bailout money. Government control of private industry is just a polite way of saying FASCISM!!!!

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: The FAA, FCC, and the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) are all government entities that propose to regulate how we travel and what is said. There is nothing particularly disturbing about this now, but what about in the future? Could the government shut down communication or transportation for various people groups? Yes, they could pretty much do whatever they want. There is no competition here. There is no free market private entity as a choice. I thought the government made monopolies illegal? Oh, thatā€™s right they did, except for where they have a monopoly.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Recent events have made this one very disturbing. On June 9, 2011 President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13575 in which the intent is to seize greater power over ā€œfood, fiber, and energy.ā€ A great article explaining this was written by Raven Clabough and posted on the New American website.

8. Equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Because of high inflation and higher taxes our society has been thrust into a dual income family at the minimum. In many instances both husband and wife have multiple jobs.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: I am not qualified to answer this question, as I donā€™t really know of any combination of the two industries. In fact it seems what we have in this country is opposite as there seems to be a corralling of people into the urban areas. However, Executive Order 13575 mentioned in Plank 7 may be related to this.

10. Free education for all children in government schools and abolition of childrenā€™s factory labor in its present form ā€“ combination of education with industrial production, etc.
Thank you , other then a make believe Fox driven Idea that we fit into any of this your nuts, Government owns all business, government set wages, government owns all natural resources. government tell business what they have to make. Forced labor, Government owns and controls all aspects of communication and all aspects of production. No inheritance allowed, it goes to the state. I suppose your hanging you hat on the fact that we have a progressive tax policy that makes us a Commie, other then every country being communist then. Only a blind idiot would think that that list has anything at all to do with us. You think because we have social programs that can somehow make us a communist country. You people are ignorant and thanks for proving that we aren't. By the way this countries actions being part of anything you list is nothing and your imagination that we fit into any of that shows how blind you people.

Despite all the fur flying, you still can't say any plank of the Communist Manifesto you disagree with ...
Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it.

Tell me what plank in the Communist manifesto you oppose. Every one of you whiners ... waah, you called me a Communist ... fails to be able to answer that question. Most of you just run away at the question. What about you?
You have no Idea what a communist is , you have no clue what a Marxist is and you have no clue what a socialist is. You got nothing but bullshit. You brought this us so fess up that you don't have a clue ----------------------
Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it.

You say I don't know what a Communist is, then you ask me to tell you!!!

What an idiot. That's why you don't know you're a Communist, you don't like the word ... and you don't know what it means.

BTW, who is "us all," Queen Elizabeth? The question was to you
Ok like a normal Regressive brain dead he called me a commie, so I said this Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it. and he came back with this . What part of the communist manifesto don't I like. I told you I would show how stupid regressives are. I had one response which simply proved we weren't communist , socialist or Marxist. What Kas did is he went and looked at the definition, found out that he didn't have a clue what a commie was and came back and instead of responding , showing of course that he doesn't have a clue, He comes back with "what part of the communist manifesto don't I believe in" Kas is a loser .

So your answer to my question what planks of the Communist Manifesto you oppose is I need to go research Communism and explain it to you because I don't know what it is, which is why you can't answer the question.

How simple can I make the question? What ... planks ... of ... the ... Communist ... Manifesto ... do ... you ... oppose? Simplest freaking question in the world. You say you know what one is, and you're not one. But you don't how why? Seriously? That's your answer?
Nope you found out you didn't really have a clue what a Commie was so you tried to bail your self out by moving another question into my space, hell , I'll even answer yours if you answer mine first. Since it was asked first. I made a fool out of you and your going to stand on your head to try to erase that fact, a fact that every body in here that can think knows now. Your a bull shitter.
A 20% flat tax for civil servants to waste and fight over seems about right......anything above that just feeds the parasites in govt and elsewhere.... Lol
You have no clue. You don't have a clue what your talking about , there is only one group and their puppets that want a flat tax.
Communists & "Progressives"...... Same Thing

Not in theory. But in reality, you're right. It's the same people
Kas is a loser and I proved it.

You said you don't know what a communist is or why you aren't one, you just know you aren't. I should explain it to you. Wow, I was schooled ...
Nope you found out you didn't really have a clue what a Commie was so you tried to bail your self out by moving another question into my space, hell , I'll even answer yours if you answer mine first. Since it was asked first. I made a fool out of you and your going to stand on your head to try to erase that fact, a fact that every body in here that can think knows now. Your a bull shitter.
The Communist Party USA is of and for the U.S. working class. Our U.S. working class is multiracial and multinational. It unites men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural. We are employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, and of all occupations ā€“ the vast majority of our society. We are a party of the African-American, Mexican-American, Caribbean, Central and South American, Native American, Middle Eastern, Central, South and East Asian and Pacific Islanders, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.

The roots of the Communist Party extend deep into our nationā€™s soil, even far beyond our founding in Chicago in 1919. We build on the legacy of those who fought against slavery, for the right to organize unions, for civil rights and for womenā€™s vote and reproductive rights. We apply the scientific outlook developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin and others in the context of U.S. history, culture and traditions.

The need for the Communist Party is as great as ever. Capitalism has cast billions of people around the world into poverty. It afflicts humanity with endless wars. It institutionalizes racism and womenā€™s oppression, denies youth the hope of a future, and fuels discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people, religious minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities. Capitalism pits worker against worker in a global race to the bottom. Corporate interests wage a never-ending campaign to roll back peopleā€™s hard-won democratic rights. Capitalismā€™s insatiable drive for profits has poisoned the Earthā€™s land, sea, and air. Capitalism treats people and nature as disposable commodities in order to transfer the wealth of the planet to a handful of multi-billionaires.

Our basic principles are rooted in todayā€™s struggles, informed by our history and experience, and guided by our scientific outlook and vision of socialism. Our bedrock principles include the leading role of the working class in the struggle for social change; that working class unity is essential, and the fight against racism and for immigrant rights are essential to build that unity.

In solidarity with working people around the world, we stand in opposition to U.S. imperialism ā€“ the system by which U.S. corporations use their economic power, along with the political and military power of our government, to exploit workers, pillage the environment and corrupt governments around the world just as they do here at home.

Our vision is one of ā€œBill-of-Rights socialismā€ in the USA, where working people ā€“ those who produce all the riches of society ā€“ will have political power and will collectively decide priorities for investment and distribution of our nationā€™s wealth ā€“ for education, health care, housing, nutrition, recreation, arts, culture and science in a clean, non-polluting economy.
Our organizational practices are based on democracy, equality, unity of action and transparency. We do not set ourselves apart from the rest of the working class movement and organizations; we have no private agenda, no special interests. We welcome all who share our goals to join us or work together in alliance.

With pride in our past, and with confidence in our working class and its future, we hereby establish the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States......CPUSA

Brothers in arms Commies/Progressives
I wonder how many votes their candidates got last election.
Virtually the same platform as progressives, thats why they back garbage like Sanders and bills sick wife.....
Kas your a looser and you can't bull shit your way out of it, no mater how you lie or try to turn the tables on me.
Republicans who voted against Trump are responsible for him?

Well, you certainly CANNOT blame democrats for your screwed up candidate.....

(But, wait, since you are an imbecile, maybe you do....so, never mind.)
Well, we definitely can blame you for Hillary. Unable to function for any period of time, can't remember shit, starts going into convulsions in large crowds, lies about everything, won't be able travel and attend the G20 without a medical staff on hand to wisk her off if she shits herself in front of other world leaders.
Higher taxes, for economic growth !!! Lmfao
It's indisputable that the GI bill did more to fuel the post-WWII econ boom, and added more % to gnp, than anything we've ever done. Likewise, both the Ike's highway bill and JFK's embrace of space, brought us infrastructure that STILL fuel growth.

The problem isn't taxes. And never has been. The problem is spending on programs that don't actually result in people becoming more productive or provide infrastructure

The fallacy of the post-Reagan gop is we prefer not to tax capital than to pursue policies proven to help the middle class. And the dems are basically in the game of paying non-earners for votes.
Think about your democrats buy vote routine, they would support the needy no matter what, it's their philosophy, and they are the party of the poor. part of their philosophy and they are the party of minorities, part of their philosophy. So is it because of their philosophy or to buy the votes. What is different between what the democrats do as compared to the buying of votes by regressives promising tax cuts for everyone, even though we are what 17 trillion in dent.
I did not intend to argue in my post that the post-Reagan gop led by Norquist was in anyway economically or morally superior to the dems essentially paying an underclass to remain unproductive.

And I don't mean that we have no civil or moral duty to help those less advantaged.

However, TO BE VERY CLEAR this election is not about a post-LBJ and post-Reagan ideology. It is about a left of usual DLC policy v. Alt R extremism.
I fear you MAY be right.

You favor an INVASION from people who have NOTHING in common with OUR People. You cheer the destruction of America as Founded.

You know the only way you can achieve the destruction of the USA is from WITHIN. You need a flood of new Democrat dependents who will vote for the Santa Claus Party over the Freedom Party.

That is the main reason I'm voting for Trump. You want to frame the debate as "hate." The truth is, the HATE is your hatred of America. Your children and grandchildren will curse you for the country you left them.

Well, Lucifer.....the SAME fears were expressed about those German and Irish folks flooding from Europe, then the Italians in Louisiana, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Jamaicans, etc.

Change is inevitable and by the definition, CONservatives hate change and although I am an older white male, I accept that we will be in the minority in the demographics, but still accept the inevitable evolution without the kind of fear shown by your ilk because of your insecurities.
The only way you can truly embrace demographic changes against your own self interest is if you actually believe the new majority is and will be morally superior. You are a white inferiorist, you are in the wrong.

The "fear" white Americans and white westerners have is 100% natural, 100% rational, and 100% logical.

"Change" is only embraced without reservations by those who can't think critically.
The Communist Party USA is of and for the U.S. working class. Our U.S. working class is multiracial and multinational. It unites men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural. We are employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, and of all occupations ā€“ the vast majority of our society. We are a party of the African-American, Mexican-American, Caribbean, Central and South American, Native American, Middle Eastern, Central, South and East Asian and Pacific Islanders, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.

The roots of the Communist Party extend deep into our nationā€™s soil, even far beyond our founding in Chicago in 1919. We build on the legacy of those who fought against slavery, for the right to organize unions, for civil rights and for womenā€™s vote and reproductive rights. We apply the scientific outlook developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin and others in the context of U.S. history, culture and traditions.

The need for the Communist Party is as great as ever. Capitalism has cast billions of people around the world into poverty. It afflicts humanity with endless wars. It institutionalizes racism and womenā€™s oppression, denies youth the hope of a future, and fuels discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people, religious minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities. Capitalism pits worker against worker in a global race to the bottom. Corporate interests wage a never-ending campaign to roll back peopleā€™s hard-won democratic rights. Capitalismā€™s insatiable drive for profits has poisoned the Earthā€™s land, sea, and air. Capitalism treats people and nature as disposable commodities in order to transfer the wealth of the planet to a handful of multi-billionaires.

Our basic principles are rooted in todayā€™s struggles, informed by our history and experience, and guided by our scientific outlook and vision of socialism. Our bedrock principles include the leading role of the working class in the struggle for social change; that working class unity is essential, and the fight against racism and for immigrant rights are essential to build that unity.

In solidarity with working people around the world, we stand in opposition to U.S. imperialism ā€“ the system by which U.S. corporations use their economic power, along with the political and military power of our government, to exploit workers, pillage the environment and corrupt governments around the world just as they do here at home.

Our vision is one of ā€œBill-of-Rights socialismā€ in the USA, where working people ā€“ those who produce all the riches of society ā€“ will have political power and will collectively decide priorities for investment and distribution of our nationā€™s wealth ā€“ for education, health care, housing, nutrition, recreation, arts, culture and science in a clean, non-polluting economy.
Our organizational practices are based on democracy, equality, unity of action and transparency. We do not set ourselves apart from the rest of the working class movement and organizations; we have no private agenda, no special interests. We welcome all who share our goals to join us or work together in alliance.

With pride in our past, and with confidence in our working class and its future, we hereby establish the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States......CPUSA

Brothers in arms Commies/Progressives
I wonder how many votes their candidates got last election.
Virtually the same platform as progressives, thats why they back garbage like Sanders and bills sick wife.....
No it doesn't work that way, you can't take someone elses Idea of what they want to sell as Communism or Socialism or Marxism. they are strictly defined by a group of main tenets and without those tenets , then they won't fit into that form of government.
The Communist Party USA is of and for the U.S. working class. Our U.S. working class is multiracial and multinational. It unites men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant, urban and rural. We are employed and unemployed, organized and unorganized, and of all occupations ā€“ the vast majority of our society. We are a party of the African-American, Mexican-American, Caribbean, Central and South American, Native American, Middle Eastern, Central, South and East Asian and Pacific Islanders, and all racially and nationally oppressed peoples, as well as women, youth, and all other working people.

The roots of the Communist Party extend deep into our nationā€™s soil, even far beyond our founding in Chicago in 1919. We build on the legacy of those who fought against slavery, for the right to organize unions, for civil rights and for womenā€™s vote and reproductive rights. We apply the scientific outlook developed by Marx, Engels, Lenin and others in the context of U.S. history, culture and traditions.

The need for the Communist Party is as great as ever. Capitalism has cast billions of people around the world into poverty. It afflicts humanity with endless wars. It institutionalizes racism and womenā€™s oppression, denies youth the hope of a future, and fuels discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people, religious minorities, immigrants and people with disabilities. Capitalism pits worker against worker in a global race to the bottom. Corporate interests wage a never-ending campaign to roll back peopleā€™s hard-won democratic rights. Capitalismā€™s insatiable drive for profits has poisoned the Earthā€™s land, sea, and air. Capitalism treats people and nature as disposable commodities in order to transfer the wealth of the planet to a handful of multi-billionaires.

Our basic principles are rooted in todayā€™s struggles, informed by our history and experience, and guided by our scientific outlook and vision of socialism. Our bedrock principles include the leading role of the working class in the struggle for social change; that working class unity is essential, and the fight against racism and for immigrant rights are essential to build that unity.

In solidarity with working people around the world, we stand in opposition to U.S. imperialism ā€“ the system by which U.S. corporations use their economic power, along with the political and military power of our government, to exploit workers, pillage the environment and corrupt governments around the world just as they do here at home.

Our vision is one of ā€œBill-of-Rights socialismā€ in the USA, where working people ā€“ those who produce all the riches of society ā€“ will have political power and will collectively decide priorities for investment and distribution of our nationā€™s wealth ā€“ for education, health care, housing, nutrition, recreation, arts, culture and science in a clean, non-polluting economy.
Our organizational practices are based on democracy, equality, unity of action and transparency. We do not set ourselves apart from the rest of the working class movement and organizations; we have no private agenda, no special interests. We welcome all who share our goals to join us or work together in alliance.

With pride in our past, and with confidence in our working class and its future, we hereby establish the Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States......CPUSA

Brothers in arms Commies/Progressives
I wonder how many votes their candidates got last election.
Virtually the same platform as progressives, thats why they back garbage like Sanders and bills sick wife.....
No it doesn't work that way, you can't take someone elses Idea of what they want to sell as Communism or Socialism or Marxism. they are strictly defined by a group of main tenets and without those tenets , then they won't fit into that form of government.

All different shades of RED
I fear you MAY be right.

You favor an INVASION from people who have NOTHING in common with OUR People. You cheer the destruction of America as Founded.

You know the only way you can achieve the destruction of the USA is from WITHIN. You need a flood of new Democrat dependents who will vote for the Santa Claus Party over the Freedom Party.

That is the main reason I'm voting for Trump. You want to frame the debate as "hate." The truth is, the HATE is your hatred of America. Your children and grandchildren will curse you for the country you left them.

Well, Lucifer.....the SAME fears were expressed about those German and Irish folks flooding from Europe, then the Italians in Louisiana, then the Puerto Ricans, then the Jamaicans, etc.

Change is inevitable and by the definition, CONservatives hate change and although I am an older white male, I accept that we will be in the minority in the demographics, but still accept the inevitable evolution without the kind of fear shown by your ilk because of your insecurities.
The only way you can truly embrace demographic changes against your own self interest is if you actually believe the new majority is and will be morally superior. You are a white inferiorist, you are in the wrong.

The "fear" white Americans and white westerners have is 100% natural, 100% rational, and 100% logical.

"Change" is only embraced without reservations by those who can't think critically.
Rejection of change without reservation are by those that can't think critically.
10 planks of communism by Karl Marx

1. Abolition of private property in land and application of all rents of land to public purpose.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is where eminent domain comes into the picture, and even property taxes. Once you own your property outright by paying off your mortgage, you still donā€™t technically own it because the government could jack up property taxes so high that it makes it unaffordable to remain.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Marginal tax rates increasing as income goes up IS a graduated income tax. This is in opposition to a more fair tax like a national sales tax or flat tax where a person is not taxed at a higher rate the more income they earn.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: In the U.S. these can be seen as estate taxes (i.e. the death tax).

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is nothing more than government seizures, IRS property confiscation and the 1997 Crime/Terrorist bill which calls for the imprisonment of terrorists (not such a bad thing), but also for those who speak out against the government. Your LIFE is the most valuable property you have, but the government has the right to take it away because of things that you may say. Consider Senate Bill 3081, the ā€œEnemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010,ā€ co-sponsored by Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman. The following is actual text from the bill that explains what a belligerent may be and the reasons they can be detained without due process: ā€œ(A) The potential threat the individual poses for an attack on civilians or civilian facilities within the United States or upon United States citizens or United States civilian facilities abroad at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United Statesā€¦ (B) The potential threat the individual poses to United States military personnel or United States military facilities at the time of capture or when coming under the custody or control of the United Statesā€¦. (C) The potential intelligence value of the individualā€¦ (D) Membership in al-Qaida or in a terrorist group affiliated with al-Qaidaā€¦ (E) Such other matters as the president considers appropriate. . .ā€ [THIS IS WHERE THERE IS A MAJOR, MAJOR PROBLEM] This is very subjective and could include a multitude of things ā€“ even just disagreements on policy!

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: This is an easy one. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 created the Federal Reserve, and now the government owns many of the countryā€™s largest banks via bailout money. Government control of private industry is just a polite way of saying FASCISM!!!!

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: The FAA, FCC, and the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission) are all government entities that propose to regulate how we travel and what is said. There is nothing particularly disturbing about this now, but what about in the future? Could the government shut down communication or transportation for various people groups? Yes, they could pretty much do whatever they want. There is no competition here. There is no free market private entity as a choice. I thought the government made monopolies illegal? Oh, thatā€™s right they did, except for where they have a monopoly.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Recent events have made this one very disturbing. On June 9, 2011 President Obama signed into law Executive Order 13575 in which the intent is to seize greater power over ā€œfood, fiber, and energy.ā€ A great article explaining this was written by Raven Clabough and posted on the New American website.

8. Equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: Because of high inflation and higher taxes our society has been thrust into a dual income family at the minimum. In many instances both husband and wife have multiple jobs.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

Dr. Elliottā€™s Comment: I am not qualified to answer this question, as I donā€™t really know of any combination of the two industries. In fact it seems what we have in this country is opposite as there seems to be a corralling of people into the urban areas. However, Executive Order 13575 mentioned in Plank 7 may be related to this.

10. Free education for all children in government schools and abolition of childrenā€™s factory labor in its present form ā€“ combination of education with industrial production, etc.
Thank you , other then a make believe Fox driven Idea that we fit into any of this your nuts, Government owns all business, government set wages, government owns all natural resources. government tell business what they have to make. Forced labor, Government owns and controls all aspects of communication and all aspects of production. No inheritance allowed, it goes to the state. I suppose your hanging you hat on the fact that we have a progressive tax policy that makes us a Commie, other then every country being communist then. Only a blind idiot would think that that list has anything at all to do with us. You think because we have social programs that can somehow make us a communist country. You people are ignorant and thanks for proving that we aren't. By the way this countries actions being part of anything you list is nothing and your imagination that we fit into any of that shows how blind you people.

Despite all the fur flying, you still can't say any plank of the Communist Manifesto you disagree with ...
Tell me what plank in the Communist manifesto you oppose. Every one of you whiners ... waah, you called me a Communist ... fails to be able to answer that question. Most of you just run away at the question. What about you?
You have no Idea what a communist is , you have no clue what a Marxist is and you have no clue what a socialist is. You got nothing but bullshit. You brought this us so fess up that you don't have a clue ----------------------
Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it.

You say I don't know what a Communist is, then you ask me to tell you!!!

What an idiot. That's why you don't know you're a Communist, you don't like the word ... and you don't know what it means.

BTW, who is "us all," Queen Elizabeth? The question was to you
Ok like a normal Regressive brain dead he called me a commie, so I said this Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it. and he came back with this . What part of the communist manifesto don't I like. I told you I would show how stupid regressives are. I had one response which simply proved we weren't communist , socialist or Marxist. What Kas did is he went and looked at the definition, found out that he didn't have a clue what a commie was and came back and instead of responding , showing of course that he doesn't have a clue, He comes back with "what part of the communist manifesto don't I believe in" Kas is a loser .

So your answer to my question what planks of the Communist Manifesto you oppose is I need to go research Communism and explain it to you because I don't know what it is, which is why you can't answer the question.

How simple can I make the question? What ... planks ... of ... the ... Communist ... Manifesto ... do ... you ... oppose? Simplest freaking question in the world. You say you know what one is, and you're not one. But you don't how why? Seriously? That's your answer?
Nope you found out you didn't really have a clue what a Commie was so you tried to bail your self out by moving another question into my space, hell , I'll even answer yours if you answer mine first. Since it was asked first. I made a fool out of you and your going to stand on your head to try to erase that fact, a fact that every body in here that can think knows now. Your a bull shitter.

I asked you what planks of the Communist Manifesto you disagree with. None of your spin contradicts you can't answer the question. Or you won't because you disagree with none of the planks and you don't like the word
Communists & "Progressives"...... Same Thing

Whereas lots of folks try to hide their ignorance, YOU seem to want to flaunt it

Even a moron like you would NOT associate these communist tenets with the progressive movement....
  • Property is owned by the state
  • No free enterprise is allowed
  • Press controlled and owned by the state
It's automatic , they say your a commie and they automatically don't know what the meaning is.
We know where you stand....

Communists & "Progressives"...... Same Thing

Whereas lots of folks try to hide their ignorance, YOU seem to want to flaunt it

Even a moron like you would NOT associate these communist tenets with the progressive movement....
  • Property is owned by the state
  • No free enterprise is allowed
  • Press controlled and owned by the state
It's automatic , they say your a commie and they automatically don't know what the meaning is.
We know where you stand....

View attachment 89443
Everybody's got their charts. This one most closely aligns with my views.
Communists & "Progressives"...... Same Thing

Whereas lots of folks try to hide their ignorance, YOU seem to want to flaunt it

Even a moron like you would NOT associate these communist tenets with the progressive movement....
  • Property is owned by the state
  • No free enterprise is allowed
  • Press controlled and owned by the state
It's automatic , they say your a commie and they automatically don't know what the meaning is.
We know where you stand....

View attachment 89443
Everybody's got their charts. This one most closely aligns with my views.
True....but when it comes to political ideology, all the other charts are derivatives of this one. This graph is so eloquent in its simplicity showing the left for the true monsters they are.....it scares the hell out of them, and they create the derivatives of it to complicate the message....
Higher taxes, for economic growth !!! Lmfao
It's indisputable that the GI bill did more to fuel the post-WWII econ boom, and added more % to gnp, than anything we've ever done. Likewise, both the Ike's highway bill and JFK's embrace of space, brought us infrastructure that STILL fuel growth.

The problem isn't taxes. And never has been. The problem is spending on programs that don't actually result in people becoming more productive or provide infrastructure

The fallacy of the post-Reagan gop is we prefer not to tax capital than to pursue policies proven to help the middle class. And the dems are basically in the game of paying non-earners for votes.
Think about your democrats buy vote routine, they would support the needy no matter what, it's their philosophy, and they are the party of the poor. part of their philosophy and they are the party of minorities, part of their philosophy. So is it because of their philosophy or to buy the votes. What is different between what the democrats do as compared to the buying of votes by regressives promising tax cuts for everyone, even though we are what 17 trillion in dent.
I did not intend to argue in my post that the post-Reagan gop led by Norquist was in anyway economically or morally superior to the dems essentially paying an underclass to remain unproductive.

And I don't mean that we have no civil or moral duty to help those less advantaged.

However, TO BE VERY CLEAR this election is not about a post-LBJ and post-Reagan ideology. It is about a left of usual DLC policy v. Alt R extremism.
What part of Clintons policy is left of center. Regressive extremism can't be denied. The majority of the regressive party has now been taken over by the haters of that party. Do you see any difference in the way the right buys votes with the promise of tax cuts for everyone, which is financial and democrats wanting to take care of the poor which is a moral issue. Can you show me proof that the money that is given to the needy is going to people who it shouldn't be going to, because that is almost a annual study by the government, that finds out every time that the abuser are so few that it doesn't even suggest to increase the policing of it, that it wouldn't be cost effective.

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