The right wing committed suicide this year

They committed suicide by winning across the board.


The cubs committed suicide by winning the world series too.

::nods head for rattling effect::
Is this Guano?

Oh, well that explains's that "Republicans will never win another presidential election due to demographics" working out for you? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.
You must be Guno's love child.

Impossible. Guno is so full of hate he couldn't love anything
The pricks name is Guano....
More than a few on here were claiming before the election the next Republican President had not been born yet. How about everyone put there Trump hysterics on hiold till the man is actually sworn in and does something.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

Demographics are what they are. Cons will deny the reality you describe because it feels like they get to go back to 1950 once again. But they word is 'once' again. That world is in it's twilight, the population has changed. This was a bizarre election that saw the popular vote go to the Democrat and a razor thin win in the Electoral College. Angst and anger carry the day now and then. But not as a normal thing.

The Democrats will reconnect with their original base, the white working class, and in 2018 they'll take back the Congress and make p.o.shit trump's last two years a dead stick, if not impeach him. He'll be a lame duck for two straight years. Republicans will be frantically passing all kinds of their draconian shit in the next two years but just as they rave about 'rolling back' whatever the Democrats did prior, the Democrats will roll back or defund whatever the cons do now.

It's a slow death but conservatism is living on borrowed time. They made one last frantic dash to the surface for one last gasp of air, but the weight around their ankle, the change in the electorate, will pull them down for good soon enough.
Wow. I don't doubt you actually think this way.....

The razor thin margin was the popular vote as the EC was a blowout. If you cannot get that right, I don't think the world will have to concern themselves with your other nonsensical forecasting.

The House will go more red in two years, and the Senate will have many more Democrat seats up for election than the Republicans.

If those people who supported Trump were smart, they'd start pushing for a midterm blowout.

When you have a veto proof Congress, there really is no need for holding the Presidency.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

Demographics are what they are. Cons will deny the reality you describe because it feels like they get to go back to 1950 once again. But they word is 'once' again. That world is in it's twilight, the population has changed. This was a bizarre election that saw the popular vote go to the Democrat and a razor thin win in the Electoral College. Angst and anger carry the day now and then. But not as a normal thing.

The Democrats will reconnect with their original base, the white working class, and in 2018 they'll take back the Congress and make p.o.shit trump's last two years a dead stick, if not impeach him. He'll be a lame duck for two straight years. Republicans will be frantically passing all kinds of their draconian shit in the next two years but just as they rave about 'rolling back' whatever the Democrats did prior, the Democrats will roll back or defund whatever the cons do now.

It's a slow death but conservatism is living on borrowed time. They made one last frantic dash to the surface for one last gasp of air, but the weight around their ankle, the change in the electorate, will pull them down for good soon enough.

The Electoral College levels the playing field so that states with sparse populations are not left out of the political process.

It is very much like affirmative action, which, I know, you whole-heartedly support.

I will not take issue with your predictions, only consider them with a bemused smile, based on Democrat predictions of this election. Panic in the last half of President Trump's first term? No need,

But there WILL be panic and wholesale pardons for undeniable and sadly, unindicted criminals in the next 70 days.

We know that skin color does not make a great, or a good, or even a fairly good President.

Neither would have gender.

And those oh so reviled white males gave you all the stuff you enjoy.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

Demographics are what they are. Cons will deny the reality you describe because it feels like they get to go back to 1950 once again. But they word is 'once' again. That world is in it's twilight, the population has changed. This was a bizarre election that saw the popular vote go to the Democrat and a razor thin win in the Electoral College. Angst and anger carry the day now and then. But not as a normal thing.

The Democrats will reconnect with their original base, the white working class, and in 2018 they'll take back the Congress and make p.o.shit trump's last two years a dead stick, if not impeach him. He'll be a lame duck for two straight years. Republicans will be frantically passing all kinds of their draconian shit in the next two years but just as they rave about 'rolling back' whatever the Democrats did prior, the Democrats will roll back or defund whatever the cons do now.

It's a slow death but conservatism is living on borrowed time. They made one last frantic dash to the surface for one last gasp of air, but the weight around their ankle, the change in the electorate, will pull them down for good soon enough.
Wow. I don't doubt you actually think this way.....

The razor thin margin was the popular vote as the EC was a blowout. If you cannot get that right, I don't think the world will have to concern themselves with your other nonsensical forecasting.

The House will go more red in two years, and the Senate will have many more Democrat seats up for election than the Republicans.

If those people who supported Trump were smart, they'd start pushing for a midterm blowout.

When you have a veto proof Congress, there really is no need for holding the Presidency.
A mid term blow out bigger then the last!
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

Why won't you create a time machine and go back to the 18th century? Faggot?
Also, fyi, I am NOT a clinton supporter. I did not vote this year, due to the fact that I live in a non competitive state, and might be living in a different state by the end of the year. If I did vote, I would have probably voted either Green Party or the Worker's World Party.
way I see it this, if you didn't vote you really have no right to complain either way. You might want to just sit back and take the ride that the voters strapped you in to.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

How many times are folks like you going to predict the demise of the Republican party? Meanwhile the democrat party is imploding. For crying out loud look who
you nominated, she couldn't even beat Trump, not even close.

What we are seeing is snowflakes in November, and for liberals that is nothing unusual.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.
Doorman Gonzo, I suggest you study the current state of your failed party at EVERY LEVEL of government. Because you are surrounded with deluded and over emotional Democrats you think that is what the country is feeling.
That is of course completely wrong.

As another part of your assignment, pick any Electoral map and note the small smatterings of blue amongst a sea of red. That means you not only lost, you got TRUMPED.
People deserve to vote, not empty cornfields. It is completely unjust how a vote in Montana counts far more than a vote in California. No other country does this. It should be one citizen, one vote. Period.

Fuck the founding fathers' ideas. These were men who thought that slavery was moral, that guns should be everywhere, that women shouldn't get to vote, that people of color should be massacred. Why the fuck should we take their advice on how to run a country?

Having a hard time coping?

Feel like you're living under a dark cloud?

1800 273 8288.

Or you can chat online.
Libturds parroted the same sort of bullshit in 2000.
And your candidate in 2000 got us into two unjust, illegal wars, devastated the economy, and committed some of the worst human rights abuses in places like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo bay, etc.

"Guantanamo bay"

You belong in Guantanamo Bay, you pathetic Commie loser, nobody cares what you think you amoeba.
2016 will be the last year a Republican will ever hold the presidency.

Donald Trump promised many things he cannot achieve. He cannot bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, since those jobs are already loooong gone, and never coming back. He cannot build a wall, and it is logistically impossible to deport even a fraction of all the undocumented citizens in this country. He has zero political experience, and surrounds himself with suck-ups and yes men.

As many of my peers march in the streets, in a show of civil uprising not seen since the days of Dr. Martin Luther King, we the people of the USA know that as Trump continues to fail, the protests will continue to grow. 2018 and 2020 will be bad years for the right wing, and the rest of the 21st century will be a bad century for hate and bigotry.

Most of the people who voted for Trump this year were older whites. These people are dying out.

The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally.

R.I.P., GOP: Party of old, disillusioned white people is dying a slow death

As the country gets more diverse, and less and less white, the victims of Trump's racist hate- people of color, women, gender and sexual minorities, intelligent people. etc.- will become the majority.

America’s Majority-Minority Future Has Already Arrived in Our Public Schools. How Will We Confront It?

This election was the last grasp of the bigoted old white man. Most of Trump's voters will probably be on dead, or on life support, or with dementia, by the next election. In there place will be plenty of educated, diverse, citizens of all races who will be sick and tired of Trump's racism, hate, and incompetence.

The forces of reaction, hate, and bigotry couldn't even win the popular vote this year. And most of them will be dead or too affected by dementia to even vote in the next election. The right wing might have landed a punch this election, but for all intents and purposes, they have already been knocked out.

Demographics are what they are. Cons will deny the reality you describe because it feels like they get to go back to 1950 once again. But they word is 'once' again. That world is in it's twilight, the population has changed. This was a bizarre election that saw the popular vote go to the Democrat and a razor thin win in the Electoral College. Angst and anger carry the day now and then. But not as a normal thing.

The Democrats will reconnect with their original base, the white working class, and in 2018 they'll take back the Congress and make p.o.shit trump's last two years a dead stick, if not impeach him. He'll be a lame duck for two straight years. Republicans will be frantically passing all kinds of their draconian shit in the next two years but just as they rave about 'rolling back' whatever the Democrats did prior, the Democrats will roll back or defund whatever the cons do now.

It's a slow death but conservatism is living on borrowed time. They made one last frantic dash to the surface for one last gasp of air, but the weight around their ankle, the change in the electorate, will pull them down for good soon enough.
Wow. I don't doubt you actually think this way.....

The razor thin margin was the popular vote as the EC was a blowout. If you cannot get that right, I don't think the world will have to concern themselves with your other nonsensical forecasting.

The House will go more red in two years, and the Senate will have many more Democrat seats up for election than the Republicans.

If those people who supported Trump were smart, they'd start pushing for a midterm blowout.

When you have a veto proof Congress, there really is no need for holding the Presidency.
A mid term blow out bigger then the last!
Democrats have something like 25 seats in the Senate up for grabs, but I'm not sure on the exact number. The Republians have something like 5. Pick up 7 to 10 seats and even if Trump is still the President (He is 70 years old after all), they won't have to worry about who wins the next Presidential election.
Libturds parroted the same sort of bullshit in 2000.
And your candidate in 2000 got us into two unjust, illegal wars, devastated the economy, and committed some of the worst human rights abuses in places like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo bay, etc.

If you believe that propaganda, it's no wonder you're so wrong
The greatest Republican win since 1868, the strongest negative reaction to a win since 1860. that was followed by strong Republican control of congress until 1932. Your thesis is what?

Well, NO!

The greatest Republican victory was Ronald Reagan winning 49 states, the only state he did not win being the home state of diverse nut jobs like Michelle Bachman, Al Franken, and Jesse Ventura.

It must be the climate. Cold as a witch's tits. Or a well digger's ass. Or gigolo's heart.

There: All profoundly illustrated.

No hope there.

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