The Right-Wing Doesn’t Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let’s Talk About them

Yes, those that ended slavery were followers of Christ.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
Of course you think Jesus taught to murder and rape. Youre a loony leftist hater living a useless life.
Jesus is a mythical character. Even if he was a real guy, he didn't walk on water and mommy was not a virgin.
Prove Jesus was a mythical character.
Perhaps what you see as "Christian" atrocities are actually CULTURAL atrocities --- carried out by people who are trying to be THE "Christian" or using that term to fit THEIR agenda.
You hit the "nail" (pun intended) right on the hand!
RELIGION is a CULTURAL phenomenon that reflects IGNORANCE, hence "blind faith".

In science, we call it "God of the gaps" that feebly tries to explain unknowns in the current states of knowledge.

Christianity isn't blind --- it denotes a change of heart.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
Of course you think Jesus taught to murder and rape. Youre a loony leftist hater living a useless life.
Jesus is a mythical character. Even if he was a real guy, he didn't walk on water and mommy was not a virgin.
Prove Jesus was a mythical character.
Jesus of Nazareth was real, most likely according to historical evidence.
Jesus the son of God who walked on water yet "suffered" as God himself ... is a ridiculous myth.
No need to prove "myth". It's the claim that Jesus was/is God and "his own son" that could use "proof".
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
Of course you think Jesus taught to murder and rape. Youre a loony leftist hater living a useless life.
Jesus is a mythical character. Even if he was a real guy, he didn't walk on water and mommy was not a virgin.
Prove Jesus was a mythical character.
Jesus of Nazareth was real, most likely according to historical evidence.
Jesus the son of God who walked on water yet "suffered" as God himself ... is a ridiculous myth.
No need to prove "myth". It's the claim that Jesus was/is God and "his own son" that could use "proof".

No that's a misconception.
Not real in the sense of one singular man born from one singular mother.
Using many figures to make the icon seem real or historical does not make the figure real, only the men used for that image were real. It's like a movie character, if they use many referenced figures personas along with legends to make the character, he is not real, he did not exist, THEY EXISTED and the image is only partially made up of real events or personas the rest legends of previous stories borrowed to make the movie palatable.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
Of course you think Jesus taught to murder and rape. Youre a loony leftist hater living a useless life.
Jesus is a mythical character. Even if he was a real guy, he didn't walk on water and mommy was not a virgin.
Prove Jesus was a mythical character.

I have unrefuted, in fact the church now admits Jesus is an image of one to come from visions from many cultures=admission they were the one world religion combining all.
This is not to lessen the Islamic atrocities

History is full of atrocities committed by Christians for Christ, against not just other religions but against Christian themselves. Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

The Right-Wing Doesn't Want to Talk About Christian Atrocities, So Let's Talk About Christian Atrocities
You should join us in Angels stadium Aug 26-28. 3 days of tens of thousands accepting Christ.
Well that's appropriate since christ is the fallen angel claimed to be God.
Ezekiel 28 calls the son of "perdition"(to fall to the pit) an "image of a man" made perfect and that's what Rome did, they created an image of a man made sinless using lies, mythologies, mixed real figures, Biblical characters plagiarized and stolen roles of major Biblical figures.
Sources: like Ezekiel 28 warned the son of perdition Jesus did fall to the pit by and in the hands of the seas (Rome) for being claimed a god.-Acts 2:27, 1 Peter 3:19 , Apostles creed=Jesus fell to Hades.
Was called the Anointed (Christ)
Cherub(guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene) and made an image of Perfect beauty (sinless). -Ezekiel 28:14-15 warning about Lucifer that even Pastors use to teach about the anti Messiah. aka the Imposter Messiah who comes first claiming to be God.
The only ever prophet to be claimed perfect, messiah and a god is Jesus so only Jesus can be Anti Messiah aka Lucifer the FALLEN ONE.

Testimony of former
morning star worshipers
Jesus was Lucifer

By Christian atrocities, are we talking about offenses committed in the name of Christ, or offenses actually sanctioned by the Gospels, which might include a defense of Christians and Christian property?

More than any other faith, any government, any corporation, Christianity has shown itself exceedingly compassionate. In its humanitarian output – schools, hospitals, shelters, soup kitchens – the church within which Jesus Christ is the cornerstone put into practical terms the manifestations of love and compassion unmatched by any other organization or institution before or since. Christians turn out for famine and disaster relief. They counsel addicts and unwed pregnant women, and aid and comfort the sick, powerless, jobless, and exploited. In every city, in virtually every small town and hamlet in America, a Christian church or organization has had an outreach ministry of some kind.

Christianity enkindles the dispirited heart and animates the pedestrian imagination. The proliferation of art, literature, music, and architecture that it has inspired, as well as a culture of privilege, prosperity, free enterprise, and a work ethic, built in the West civilizations of unprecedented welfare, equality, and family cohesion. Christianity has been a catalyst for tremendous progress that has improved the quality of life around the world.

In America, Christianity served as a cornerstone around which the country grew and as a linchpin of its republican virtue. Conjugating such ideas as charity, free will, and the natural law, American Christians helped shape an economic and military superpower not by might or aforethought but merely by extension. Created in God’s image with rights to property, conscience, and liberty, the human being, through divine familiarity, is an expression of the Creator, of unbound potential, an expression that rang with resounding clarity in British America, whose singular, unifying faith found brotherhood in even the remotest recesses of an unchartered landscape. Christianity, by its altruistic maxims, its recognition of the humanity of slaves and women, and its profession of truth and love, has been a force for good in the world, as illustrated splendidly in America’s growth.
And instead of giving credit to the Abrahamic Teachings and Torah Teachings it's given to an idol which they are selling to these people in order to sign them up to the devotion to death worship. They help for self servong means and make money skimmed off the donations to those many times front causes. Instead of helping for sake of humanity it's for sake of gaining followers, as I proved with and in Jeremiah's post. She proved it's about affiliation pride and signing people up and not about humanity. And by the way, helping with one hand and taking with the other is a wash.
And lets not get started with the treatment of disabled people whereby they claimed and somewhat still claim demons posses the disabled. Then restrict cures by protesting researches like stem cells, because they can't have Doctors out cure the missing maggician.
Not my fault slavers were not followers of Christ, and not my credit those who outlawed slavery were followers of Christ.

But they were followers of Christ.

You can't just try and change history to suit your needs.
Yes, those that ended slavery were followers of Christ.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
There are many throughout history who claimed the name of Christ while living contrary to what He taught, and there still are many today. If every mass murderer in the last 20 years claimed to be a Dixie Chicks fan while never buying an album, attending a concert, and by turning off the radio every time one of their songs came on, would one be accurate in saying that Dixie Chicks fans are dangerous?
And instead of giving credit to the Abrahamic Teachings and Torah Teachings it's given to an idol which they are selling to these people in order to sign them up to the devotion to death worship. They help for self servong means and make money skimmed off the donations to those many times front causes. Instead of helping for sake of humanity it's for sake of gaining followers, as I proved with and in Jeremiah's post. She proved it's about affiliation pride and signing people up and not about humanity. And by the way, helping with one hand and taking with the other is a wash.
And lets not get started with the treatment of disabled people whereby they claimed and somewhat still claim demons posses the disabled. Then restrict cures by protesting researches like stem cells, because they can't have Doctors out cure the missing maggician.
You are not the Messiah.
But they were followers of Christ.

You can't just try and change history to suit your needs.
Yes, those that ended slavery were followers of Christ.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
There are many throughout history who claimed the name of Christ while living contrary to what He taught, and there still are many today. If every mass murderer in the last 20 years claimed to be a Dixie Chicks fan while never buying an album, attending a concert, and by turning off the radio every time one of their songs came on, would one be accurate in saying that Dixie Chicks fans are dangerous?

If it wears a Dixie Chick T_shirt, Has a Sargeant Carter hair cut, beats up anyone wearing another bands T-shirt that is not Dixie Chick aproved, then it is most certainly a Dixie Chick fan.
By the way, your analogies need better taste in music as does your religious taste in Messiahs. Seriously would you hire a shepherd who gets your flock scattered and slain and beat up by someone who just frequented a Roman bath house?
Donald Trump says: "FIRE HIM!"
Yes, those that ended slavery were followers of Christ.
A very small percent of the overall Christian community were responsible for convincing the rest of us to stop owning slaves. Mostly we didn't like competing against slave labor. Much like we don't like illegal immigrants. Had less to do with us being richeous
Wilberforce started the ball rolling.
NonChristians had no significant role in ending slavery in Western Civilization.
But Christians had everything to do with owning raping even murdering slaves. Or are going to tell me Christian slave owners were the good ones who treated their animals well? That's right. They were able to convince themselves blacks weren't human. How? Because the bible told them so.
There are many throughout history who claimed the name of Christ while living contrary to what He taught, and there still are many today. If every mass murderer in the last 20 years claimed to be a Dixie Chicks fan while never buying an album, attending a concert, and by turning off the radio every time one of their songs came on, would one be accurate in saying that Dixie Chicks fans are dangerous?

If it wears a Dixie Chick T_shirt, Has a Sargeant Carter hair cut, beats up anyone wearing another bands T-shirt that is not Dixie Chick aproved, then it is most certainly a Dixie Chick fan.
By the way, your analogies need better taste in music as does your religious taste in Messiahs. Seriously would you hire a shepherd who gets your flock scattered and slain and beat up by someone who just frequented a Roman bath house?
Donald Trump says: "FIRE HIM!"
1. Your analogy is flawed. The "fans" never listen to the band, never pay any attention to what they say, and can't recite any lyrics to their songs. Yet you want to accuse Dixie Chicks fans of being dangerous because some mass murderers claim to be fans? Strange, but that's what is being done to Christians.
2. The Shepherd conquered death and the grave. You missed that part. Those who drove the nails didn't even know who they were messing with.
3. You're not the Messiah.
Didn't read all of this thread, but as a right winger, I have no problem at all talking about man using Christ to commit atrocities.
They have. There ya go.

Take this bon mot with you:
If Christ did it, do it. If Christ didn't do it, don't do it.
quote:The Shepherd conquered death
The NT says self testimony is pointless and failed.
Fact : Josephus you use to claim a historical figure in older copies before Eusebius the forger and great liar has no mention of Jesus. He would have accouted such an amazong event whichever christ he would he discussing.
Wh9ch brings us to Josephus' christs Yehuda and Theudas were crucified but the son of Mary figure was stoned and
hanged even the NT says hanging.
You refer to the wrong christ and compile a new figure claiming it real when it's an image-one copying h8s fathers myth of Baal resurrecting as per my source evidence predated Baal tablets in Brittish museum.
quote:The Shepherd conquered death

It is not nonsense.

The death conquered by Jesus was the death consequent for failing to comply with the divine commands. This is what is meant by saying that Jesus fulfilled the law; by receiving the eternal life promised for compliance. This is how Jesus removed the burden of the law; by eliminating death for all those who received his teaching and acted on it. And this is what is meant by the claim that Jesus was sinless, righteous, which does not mean perfect.

This is easily demonstrable.

Failure to heed his teaching about the righteous interpretation and application of the Law of God also has consequences. Eternal life is above the grasp of those who have descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, and are currently in hells keeping, Gehenna, and have made their home among all of the foul and loathsome unclean beast and birds who believe that a smoldering garbage dump filled with rotting trash and the putrified flesh of decaying corpses is a paradise and that this abundance is evidence that they have been blessed by God..

This is proven daily by you.
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quote:It is not nonsense

1)no substance to your opinion
2) that opinion is coming from you who is constantly repeating the same nonsense off topic=double negative
3)Jesus death scene is PROVEN by archeologists to be plagiarized from Baal and admited being one in the same by the church which created his image.
Your reply always manages to avoid these facts.
4)there are Christian grave sites, mortuaries
that help prove you wrong.
5)they make him the fallen lucifer in Rev by claiming him the keys to gates of death.
6)the story shows he lied in John it says he told Mary to lie for him and say he ascended when he fell to the pit instead.
7)Jesus never tells you how what where and why to the methods of resurrection.
8)I have answered those profound questions, with 3 methods of resurrection and the uses to bring peace and s5ability and completion. I can not be greater then your man god -he can not know less then me=checkmate!
9)I tell you where they borrow the resurrection stuff from a OT Rabbi with the common similar name=Rabbi Yohoshua Ben Channiah.
10)You hit yourself swinging at me again, while forgetting to address the subject.

I liken you to Hamas terrorists sending their rockets up in the air only to have them come back down upon their own roof.
Sound familiar?
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There are some who profess to be of Christ who are not. One example:

if you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend it to those who are Catholic and would consider letting your daughters enter a convent.

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Got anything current?

We have to protect ourselves from the violence of today. The Christian atrocities of yesteryear serve no place in the current political landscape. Nobody is in danger of Christian militants unless you are an abortion doctor. That is an extremely small fraction of the population.
There are some who profess to be of Christ who are not. One example:

if you haven't seen this video, I highly recommend it to those who are Catholic and would consider letting your daughters enter a convent.

Yeah I brought that stuff up a while ago and got called a liar or rather they called my Zada a liar who had first hand testimony to what this nun is saying about the illegitimate children of the young nuns and their abusing priests.
MY Zada (Grandfather)
found skeletal remains of babies burried in the basement between the seminary and nunery back in Philly when working there.
That's how he ended up working part time at the morgue after his helping them.
The investigation found these to be the disposed children of the priests who pregnated the Nuns. So keeping up an image will make groups do some sick stuff outside their own morality guidelines.

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