The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.

Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.
except, there was no corrupt intent found by mueller, so your point is moot.
There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.
what do you call it when someone spies on someone without their knowledge wiretapping phones? didn't nixon do that?

Court ordered surveillance, dope.
it wasn't court ordered, it was a requested warrant using an illegal ask. tarnishes the court order, and makes it illegal.

A warrant is a court order, dope.
yep. and to get one that is valid, one has to have legal documentation or information that allows the issuance of said warrant. if the documentation is not good, neither is the warrant. so, we know now the dossier was never vetted, nor is any information in it factual. so, the warrants get tossed. The law suits from Carter Page and Papadopolis will be quite intriguing to watch happen.
There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
it's called spying, and it was illegal.
You are just dumb as shit, dude.
but i'm factually correct. you will find that out soon.
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.

Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.

Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
name the page of the report where he claims overt?
The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Okay, but I was talking about your made up Russian collusion bullshit.
Well Trump officials met with the Russians 180 times and nothing was written down and they never reported it and they lied about it and the Russians hacked the election with the collusion of Fox News and for that matter CNN and MSNBC pundits going on and on about nothing.
none of the meetings were illegal. and that's all you need to know.
That is different from the fact that both parties are far more interested in political advantage than in finding "the truth" about anything.

The two are mutually exclusive.

For crying out loud...

If the law is on your (political) side, doing what's right under the law is exactly aligned with your political advantage. Had you read the Mueller report, you'd know that is exactly what is the case right now. At best, you have no clue what "mutually exclusive" means. At worst, you still stick with your failed, sleazy "deep state" conspiracy bullshit as having the remotest chance of being a candidate for the tiniest truth value, and try to sell that nonsense as non-partisan.

But, as a hypocritical fence sitter and both-sides-ist, you couldn't admit it - for if you did, you'd lose your main route of self-aggrandizement, namely, climbing on your imaginary high cross of self-ascribed victimhood (at the hands of both political camps), and pissing in every political direction.

You might even think that shtick is anything other than completely transparent.
Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
The investigation was a sham. It never should have happened. Richard Armitage outed her....and he was fired by Bush for doing it. However, Valarie Plame wasn't a secret agent in the field. Most people that knew her knew she worked for the CIA. Yet for some strange reason Democrats still wanted an investigation so they could go after Dick Cheney. Then her husband went around trying to convince everyone that Saddam wasn't trying to buy uranium. Turns out he did, because we found hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium in bunkers in Iraq.

What needs to be done is all of the co-conspirators of these hoaxes need to do hard time breaking rocks. Maybe it'll stop this nonsense.

While assigned to CPD, Ms. Wilson engaged in temporary duty (TDY) travel overseas on official business. She traveled at least seven times to more than ten countries. When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity — sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias — but always using cover — whether official or non-official cover (NOC) — with no ostensible relationship to the CIA.

At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Patrick Fitzgerald was full of shit. Valarie Plame Wilson is an author currently running for congress in New Mexico. She was an analyst, not a spy. She is also reported to be writing a book about her career.
Scooter Libby wasn't even charged with outing Plame. He was charged with process crimes. Plame was just the excuse to begin the investigation....
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
Prove we are wrong. All the evidence points to the fact there was a COUP against The President and an effort to affect and interfere in our elections by our own State Actors loyal not to our own Country, but to Obama & Clinton, using Russian Propaganda, and then a cover up afterwards.
I'm not trying to "prove you wrong". We'll see how it goes.

That's like saying, "We have no proof of Russian Collusion with Donald Trump" ...but let's launch an investigation anyways in to every aspect of his life, and ......... SEE HOW IT GOES. just created the most vetted president in US History.

And it only cost you 4 different Investigations, one costing $30 Million alone, taking 2 years, issued 2,500 subpoenas, 2 Swat Style Military Raids on two Senior Citizens who were already cooperating with Herr Mueller, and 100s of violations of people's Civil Rights, tied up 28 Lawyers, 40 FBI Agents, conducted 500 interviews, millions of documents were either confiscated or turned over, and tied up our Government for 3 straight Years, and resulted in 400 pages of toilet paper I can wipe my ass with.


I would give WINNER but you forgot 4mil docs surrendered.

Thanks for demonstrating you can't name any.

Anyone with the last name of


and everyone associated with The Campaign.

Even the FBI admits they were spying on the campaign.

Thanks for proving you are still a Russian Pawn, and still a Dummy who's "With Her"
Great, then let's see your evidence trump was wiretapped.....
Okie Dokie.

"Crossfire Hurricane is actually a surveillance operation and counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign based on the originating “EC” from Brennan. Crossfire Hurricane is also part of the background Russian conspiracy narrative being pushed by the Clinton campaign. However, Crossfire Hurricane is also mostly invisible except for leaks. Leaks can be risky; and they don’t want to tip-off the Trump campaign.

Meanwhile, despite their earnest efforts Fusion-GPS and Christopher Steele are not getting much media traction on their dossier. The media whispers are louder, most of them know about it, but no real traction on pushing specific stories.

On August 25th Hillary Clinton gives a speech in Reno Nevada where she outlines how the “Alt Right” and Russian agents/bots are behind an effort to destroy her campaign. To many people the speech just seemed goofy and paranoid. She was mocked for it.

Mysteriously Clinton disappeared for almost two weeks after that “Alt Right” speech, and resurfaced on September 11th in New York for a 9/11 event. This is when she had that mysterious collapsing episode, and was thrown in the van like a sack of potatoes. With each cough and stumble the possibility and risk of a Trump victory increases.

On September 29th, 2016, the FBI received word from New York that new Clinton emails were uncovered in the Weiner/Abedin laptop. Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok buried the issue, assuming (hoping) that Clinton would win the election. The laptop would be avoided by the FBI until October 27th. [backstory] Undoubtedly the Clinton campaign team was notified.

On October 19th Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump square off in their final debate. During the debate Clinton calls Trump “a puppet of Putin”. Clinton suggested that Trump would be a “puppet” for Putin, who has a “very clear favorite in this race.” “No, you’re the puppet!” Trump responded.

Clinton said 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that recent cyber attacks targeting the U.S. election came from Russia. “She has no idea” where the hacking originated, Trump argued. Clinton accused Trump of taking Putin’s word over the conclusions of the U.S. military and intelligence professionals, calling it “frightening.” LINK

Two days after this debate, October 21st, the FBI rushed an application to the FISA court for a Title-1 surveillance warrant against U.S. person Carter Page."

Good job, you proved that Carter Page was wiretapped. At that time he already left the Trump campaign.

Now how about proving that Trump was wiretapped.

You dont think he had months-years of emails? Do you think they took it all from him and walked him out? Never in contact with his old co-workers to find out what is going on? This is how you make it on the list.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
The investigation was a sham. It never should have happened. Richard Armitage outed her....and he was fired by Bush for doing it. However, Valarie Plame wasn't a secret agent in the field. Most people that knew her knew she worked for the CIA. Yet for some strange reason Democrats still wanted an investigation so they could go after Dick Cheney. Then her husband went around trying to convince everyone that Saddam wasn't trying to buy uranium. Turns out he did, because we found hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium in bunkers in Iraq.

What needs to be done is all of the co-conspirators of these hoaxes need to do hard time breaking rocks. Maybe it'll stop this nonsense.

While assigned to CPD, Ms. Wilson engaged in temporary duty (TDY) travel overseas on official business. She traveled at least seven times to more than ten countries. When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity — sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias — but always using cover — whether official or non-official cover (NOC) — with no ostensible relationship to the CIA.

At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Patrick Fitzgerald was full of shit. Valarie Plame Wilson is an author currently running for congress in New Mexico. She was an analyst, not a spy. She is also reported to be writing a book about her career.
Scooter Libby wasn't even charged with outing Plame. He was charged with process crimes. Plame was just the excuse to begin the investigation....

What a dumbshit you are, eh? He investigated it and knows the facts; whereas you're nothing but a whiney keyboard warrior. No one in their right mind is going to accept your bullshit over the lead investigator into that matter.
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
The investigation was a sham. It never should have happened. Richard Armitage outed her....and he was fired by Bush for doing it. However, Valarie Plame wasn't a secret agent in the field. Most people that knew her knew she worked for the CIA. Yet for some strange reason Democrats still wanted an investigation so they could go after Dick Cheney. Then her husband went around trying to convince everyone that Saddam wasn't trying to buy uranium. Turns out he did, because we found hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium in bunkers in Iraq.

What needs to be done is all of the co-conspirators of these hoaxes need to do hard time breaking rocks. Maybe it'll stop this nonsense.

While assigned to CPD, Ms. Wilson engaged in temporary duty (TDY) travel overseas on official business. She traveled at least seven times to more than ten countries. When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity — sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias — but always using cover — whether official or non-official cover (NOC) — with no ostensible relationship to the CIA.

At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Patrick Fitzgerald was full of shit. Valarie Plame Wilson is an author currently running for congress in New Mexico. She was an analyst, not a spy. She is also reported to be writing a book about her career.
Scooter Libby wasn't even charged with outing Plame. He was charged with process crimes. Plame was just the excuse to begin the investigation....

What a dumbshit you are, eh? He investigated it and knows the facts; whereas you're nothing but a whiney keyboard warrior. No one in their right mind is going to accept your bullshit over the lead investigator into that matter.
Nobody trusts anyone in Washington anymore. Especially hand-picked prosecutors.
But aren't the Dems trying to do just that? Trying to get the whole story out?

I see The Dems acting on behalf of the American people and the constitution. Not for political gain.

Read the articles of impeachment I posted.
You could literally swap Trump's name in there and it would be accurate.

If you believe that was the correct course of action in 1974, then it certainly is now.
What I believe is exactly what I said.


Just politics, politics ,both sides, politics ...blah...blah....

Was impeachment warranted in 1974 in your opinion?

I'll say it again: Law and partisan politics are mutually exclusive.

But the priority is political advantage, regardless of how sincere & altruistic partisans comically pretend to be.

Ok, so political advantage can be a byproduct of doing the right thing but not necessarily the motivation for doing the right thing.
Just as doing the wrong thing while holding office can bring political disadvantage.

Impeachment is inherently a political action.
That is neither avoidable nor a barrier to action.

Do you see anything in the articles of impeachment from 1974 that looks to apply today?
I don't know. I'm not going to read them.

We'll see what the facts are. Then we'll watch the Democrats highlight and focus on only the worst parts, and we'll watch the Republicans minimize the worst parts and claim complete victory..

Hopefully the information will be comprehensive enough for the rest of us to draw a comfortable conclusion.

If you believe impeachment was warranted in 74 , then you should read them. That historical context will be important as you attempt to "draw a comfortable conclusion".
There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.
what do you call it when someone spies on someone without their knowledge wiretapping phones? didn't nixon do that?

Court ordered surveillance, dope.
it wasn't court ordered, it was a requested warrant using an illegal ask. tarnishes the court order, and makes it illegal.

A warrant is a court order, dope.
yep. and to get one that is valid, one has to have legal documentation or information that allows the issuance of said warrant. if the documentation is not good, neither is the warrant. so, we know now the dossier was never vetted, nor is any information in it factual. so, the warrants get tossed. The law suits from Carter Page and Papadopolis will be quite intriguing to watch happen.

LOL....nice reversal.....:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
It was ruled to be valid on four separate occasions.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
The investigation was a sham. It never should have happened. Richard Armitage outed her....and he was fired by Bush for doing it. However, Valarie Plame wasn't a secret agent in the field. Most people that knew her knew she worked for the CIA. Yet for some strange reason Democrats still wanted an investigation so they could go after Dick Cheney. Then her husband went around trying to convince everyone that Saddam wasn't trying to buy uranium. Turns out he did, because we found hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium in bunkers in Iraq.

What needs to be done is all of the co-conspirators of these hoaxes need to do hard time breaking rocks. Maybe it'll stop this nonsense.

While assigned to CPD, Ms. Wilson engaged in temporary duty (TDY) travel overseas on official business. She traveled at least seven times to more than ten countries. When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity — sometimes in true name and sometimes in alias — but always using cover — whether official or non-official cover (NOC) — with no ostensible relationship to the CIA.

At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States." ~ Patrick Fitzgerald

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Patrick Fitzgerald was full of shit. Valarie Plame Wilson is an author currently running for congress in New Mexico. She was an analyst, not a spy. She is also reported to be writing a book about her career.
Scooter Libby wasn't even charged with outing Plame. He was charged with process crimes. Plame was just the excuse to begin the investigation....

What a dumbshit you are, eh? He investigated it and knows the facts; whereas you're nothing but a whiney keyboard warrior. No one in their right mind is going to accept your bullshit over the lead investigator into that matter.
Nobody trusts anyone in Washington anymore. Especially hand-picked prosecutors.

People trust idiots like you even less.

Regardless, it was entered into court as evidence that she was a covert agent and that very few people knew about it until the leak appearing in Novak's article.

All you have to counter that is a vacuous, nuh-uh!
There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.
what do you call it when someone spies on someone without their knowledge wiretapping phones? didn't nixon do that?

Court ordered surveillance, dope.
it wasn't court ordered, it was a requested warrant using an illegal ask. tarnishes the court order, and makes it illegal.

A warrant is a court order, dope.
yep. and to get one that is valid, one has to have legal documentation or information that allows the issuance of said warrant. if the documentation is not good, neither is the warrant. so, we know now the dossier was never vetted, nor is any information in it factual. so, the warrants get tossed. The law suits from Carter Page and Papadopolis will be quite intriguing to watch happen.
Utter rightwing nonsense. The dossier was vetted and parts were verified. The warrants were both valid and legal and renewed 3 times, with evidence having been presented to the FISC for each renewal.

You morons just make up shit as you go along. Truth and facts mean nothing at all to you. Just like the liar you installed as president

Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:

Last edited:
As with most things in life, the degree of actionable obstruction probably lies along a spectrum.

So now it's a matter of whether Pelosi thinks it's wise politically.

Politics, political calculation and political advantage. That's all that matters now.
Has anyone ever told you that you're wise beyond your years?
As with most things in life, the degree of actionable obstruction probably lies along a spectrum.

So now it's a matter of whether Pelosi thinks it's wise politically.

Politics, political calculation and political advantage. That's all that matters now.
Has anyone ever told you that you're wise beyond your years?
Hmm. Don't remember.

I sure do get a lot of whiny bitching from partisan zombies about my posts, even though I don't bitch about theirs.

So that's definitely a good sign!

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