The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
Obviously there needs to be more investigation by the house.... And you can be sure that after a little investigation about your ridiculous evidence free conspiracy they will dispense with that and get down to real business. Only You brainwashed functional morons could believe our straight arrow GOP CIA and FBI would try and have a coup.

The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Okay, but I was talking about your made up Russian collusion bullshit.
a few emails between FBI lovers about how like most of the country at the time they thought Trump was a joke and a fool, means nothing...
Question for you, dumbass:
Do those e-mails mean more or less than someone standing behind a podium at a campaign rally asking the Russians to find Hillary's e-mails?
They don't mean a damn thing. The second thing could be collusion...
Good to see your partisan bigotry remains a USMB constant.
All you know is phony scandals about emails hate misinformation. Nothing out of the ordinary just spun out of all recognition by your disgraceful demagogues lying Saks of shit like hannity Rush Limbaugh Tucker. Absolutely horrible stuff. Pure crap. Hillary's server was never hacked one of the few. The 33,000 emails were all personal and overseen by a bunch of lawyers. The Secretary of State can do that. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
illegally gotten. the dossier wasn't verified ahead of the warrant. Illegally gotten. How many times you want me to write it? I can do that all day, get in trouble for it, but still can do it. Lying to a judge is illegal.
The dossier has never been verified.
Some parts were. And more importantly, the FBI presented additional evidence to the FISC besides the dossier.
And what evidence it this?
I've shown that to you in the past. You ignored it then; why would I expect any different reaction now?
You're confusing me with someone else.
Obviously there needs to be more investigation by the house.... And you can be sure that after a little investigation about your ridiculous evidence free conspiracy they will dispense with that and get down to real business. Only You brainwashed functional morons could believe our straight arrow GOP CIA and FBI would try and have a coup.

The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Okay, but I was talking about your made up Russian collusion bullshit.
Well Trump officials met with the Russians 180 times and nothing was written down and they never reported it and they lied about it and the Russians hacked the election with the collusion of Fox News and for that matter CNN and MSNBC pundits going on and on about nothing.
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.

Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.

Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.
Mueller has a history. He was picked for a specific purpose. To create process crimes......not to investigate Russian Collusion.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.


Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:
Yep.....dishonesty is a trait you greatly admire....which is why you're a Democrat voter.
Thats right - Obstruction does not need an underlying crime.

Don't you forget that by the next thread.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
Thats right - Obstruction does not need an underlying crime.

Don't you forget that by the next thread.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....

OMG, the underlying crimes were perjury and making false statements. I have no interest in dealing with someone who can't grasp something so obvious. Join antontoo.
Try not to be so stupid. Obstruction is a charge of interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice. That was why he was charged with obstruction. And there was no underlying crime.

The charges allege that Libby lied to FBI agents who interviewed him on October 14 and November 26, 2003; committed perjury while testifying under oath before the grand jury on March 5 and March 24, 2004; and engaged in obstruction of justice by impeding the grand jury’s investigation into the unauthorized disclosure – or “leaking” – of Valerie Wilson’s affiliation with the CIA to various reporters in the spring of 2003​
The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Okay, but I was talking about your made up Russian collusion bullshit.
Well Trump officials met with the Russians 180 times and nothing was written down and they never reported it and they lied about it and the Russians hacked the election with the collusion of Fox News and for that matter CNN and MSNBC pundits going on and on about nothing.

But only a out 137 people concur with your take on this = l0sE. The whole country has moved on....see the hyper- progressives as angst ridden k00ks at this point. You know the bumpy you sport is permanent s0n!! I mean, c'mon've been wrong like 100 times in the past two years! :113::113:

Dupes ftmfw s0n!!!:rock::rock::rock:

The functional brainwashed morons keep winning!:fu:
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....

OMG, the underlying crimes were perjury and making false statements. I have no interest in dealing with someone who can't grasp something so obvious. Join antontoo.
Try not to be so stupid. Obstruction is a charge of interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice. That was why he was charged with obstruction. And there was no underlying crime.

The charges allege that Libby lied to FBI agents who interviewed him on October 14 and November 26, 2003; committed perjury while testifying under oath before the grand jury on March 5 and March 24, 2004; and engaged in obstruction of justice by impeding the grand jury’s investigation into the unauthorized disclosure – or “leaking” – of Valerie Wilson’s affiliation with the CIA to various reporters in the spring of 2003​

If the libs think there is a case against Donald J Trump for Obstruction, they should make it before the House of Representatives and see if they want to impeach.

I can't see how they could say that someone who has provided millions of documents and allowed scores of staff to be interviewed could be "obstructing" anything.

But its not my call, its Pelosi's and its up to her to put it up for a vote.
If the libs think there is a case against Donald J Trump for Obstruction, they should make it before the House of Representatives and see if they want to impeach.
That's what getting the unredacted Mueller report and all underlying evidence are about. But you oppose that. So you are being magnanimous and dishonest, here. Very Trumpian of you.

I can't see how they could say that someone who has provided millions of documents and allowed scores of staff to be interviewed could be "obstructing" anything.
You could start with his refusal to answer questions and his attempts to fire mueller.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....

OMG, the underlying crimes were perjury and making false statements. I have no interest in dealing with someone who can't grasp something so obvious. Join antontoo.
Try not to be so stupid. Obstruction is a charge of interfering with the orderly administration of law and justice. That was why he was charged with obstruction. And there was no underlying crime.

The charges allege that Libby lied to FBI agents who interviewed him on October 14 and November 26, 2003; committed perjury while testifying under oath before the grand jury on March 5 and March 24, 2004; and engaged in obstruction of justice by impeding the grand jury’s investigation into the unauthorized disclosure – or “leaking” – of Valerie Wilson’s affiliation with the CIA to various reporters in the spring of 2003​

If the libs think there is a case against Donald J Trump for Obstruction, they should make it before the House of Representatives and see if they want to impeach.

I can't see how they could say that someone who has provided millions of documents and allowed scores of staff to be interviewed could be "obstructing" anything.

But its not my call, its Pelosi's and its up to her to put it up for a vote.
I don't see a case for obstruction.
If the libs think there is a case against Donald J Trump for Obstruction, they should make it before the House of Representatives and see if they want to impeach.
That's what getting the unredacted Mueller report and all underlying evidence are about. But you oppose that. So you are being magnanimous and dishonest, here. Very Trumpian of you.

I can't see how they could say that someone who has provided millions of documents and allowed scores of staff to be interviewed could be "obstructing" anything.
You could start with his refusal to answer questions and his attempts to fire mueller.

Exercising one's 5th Amendment rights isn't "obstruction". And Trump didn't "attempt" to fire Mueller. If he would have attempted to, it would have been accomplished. Firing people is part of the Presidential job. BTW, he had no motivation to fire Mueller at all. Mueller was a great foil.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Okay, but I was talking about your made up Russian collusion bullshit.
Well Trump officials met with the Russians 180 times and nothing was written down and they never reported it and they lied about it and the Russians hacked the election with the collusion of Fox News and for that matter CNN and MSNBC pundits going on and on about nothing.

But only a out 137 people concur with your take on this = l0sE. The whole country has moved on....see the hyper- progressives as angst ridden k00ks at this point. You know the bumpy you sport is permanent s0n!! I mean, c'mon've been wrong like 100 times in the past two years! :113::113:

Dupes ftmfw s0n!!!:rock::rock::rock:

The functional brainwashed morons keep winning!:fu:
Going down next year. That was a mulligan.
Exercising one's 5th Amendment rights isn't "obstruction".
He never pled the 5th. So that's irrelevant, and a fine example of your very carefully designed bullshit .

And Trump didn't "attempt" to fire Mueller.
He, of course, did. He literally ordered a subordinate to do it, in true trump pussyboy fashion.

Good grief, you will say anything.
Exercising one's 5th Amendment rights isn't "obstruction".
He never pled the 5th. So that's irrelevant, and a fine example of your very carefully designed bullshit .

And Trump didn't "attempt" to fire Mueller.
He, of course, did. He literally ordered a subordinate to do it, in true trump pussyboy fashion.

Good grief, you will say anything.
Of course Trump doesn't know what he's doing so people just ignore him LOL. Just part of having a silly businessman for president. But oversight must be done. This is a real Scandal the Russian election scandal. And I don't trust the trumps anyway they never write things down like the mob.
Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.

Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.
Mueller has a history. He was picked for a specific purpose. To create process crimes......not to investigate Russian Collusion.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.


Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:
Yep.....dishonesty is a trait you greatly admire....which is why you're a Democrat voter., Trump appointed Rosenstein as deputy at the FBI but somehow Rosenstein was actually secretly working for the Dems?

You think I have a problem with honesty?

Too funny.:laugh2:
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
Because he still obstructed the investigation. And despite some ridiculous claim here that obstruction requires an underlying claim, Libby was indicted and convicted by a jury of obstruction with no underlying crime. Martha Stewart is another example.
The investigation was a sham. It never should have happened. Richard Armitage outed her....and he was fired by Bush for doing it. However, Valarie Plame wasn't a secret agent in the field. Most people that knew her knew she worked for the CIA. Yet for some strange reason Democrats still wanted an investigation so they could go after Dick Cheney. Then her husband went around trying to convince everyone that Saddam wasn't trying to buy uranium. Turns out he did, because we found hundreds of tons of yellow cake uranium in bunkers in Iraq.

What needs to be done is all of the co-conspirators of these hoaxes need to do hard time breaking rocks. Maybe it'll stop this nonsense.
Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.
Mueller has a history. He was picked for a specific purpose. To create process crimes......not to investigate Russian Collusion.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.


Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:
Yep.....dishonesty is a trait you greatly admire....which is why you're a Democrat voter., Trump appointed Rosenstein as deputy at the FBI but somehow Rosenstein was actually secretly working for the Dems?

You think I have a problem with honesty?

Too funny.:laugh2:
Yep.....Rosenstein stabbed Trump in the back.
Rosenstein was removed once Barr took over and now we finally have an even playing field.
Now somebody who believes in the rule of law can get to the bottom of all of this.....and I suspect Rosenstein is going to have some rough days ahead.
Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.
Mueller has a history. He was picked for a specific purpose. To create process crimes......not to investigate Russian Collusion.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.


Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:
Yep.....dishonesty is a trait you greatly admire....which is why you're a Democrat voter., Trump appointed Rosenstein as deputy at the FBI but somehow Rosenstein was actually secretly working for the Dems?

You think I have a problem with honesty?

Too funny.:laugh2:
Yep.....Rosenstein stabbed Trump in the back.
Rosenstein was removed once Barr took over and now we finally have an even playing field.
Now somebody who believes in the rule of law can get to the bottom of all of this.....and I suspect Rosenstein is going to have some rough days ahead.

So you're admitting then that the Dems had nothing to do with the appointment of Mueller?

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