The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

No it doesn't.

Thats right - Obstruction does not need an underlying crime.

Don't you forget that by the next thread.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....
Considering the fact that they knew who had outed Valarie Plame before they began the investigation and never went after the guilty's obvious.
spying on a citizen. terrible and not what you should want from your government. just saying, the dossier was never verified, therefore, any warrant was illegally gotten.
Court ordered surveillance. Properly adjudicated.
Obviously then the warrant was not " illegally gotten".
illegally gotten. the dossier wasn't verified ahead of the warrant. Illegally gotten. How many times you want me to write it? I can do that all day, get in trouble for it, but still can do it. Lying to a judge is illegal.
The dossier has never been verified.
Some parts were. And more importantly, the FBI presented additional evidence to the FISC besides the dossier.
And what evidence it this?
I've shown that to you in the past. You ignored it then; why would I expect any different reaction now?
Geez, you don't get it. It's ILLEGAL to break into databases and publish that which you illegally obtained. When you can show me that the New York Times breaks into government databases and then publishes what was illegally obtained, you'll have a point. Until then, you're wasting time with your silly outrage.
No, you don't get it. This is going to have a lasting and negative impact on our ability to hold government accountable.

If that doesn't stir the emotions of the people of this country, we're fucked.

People can't break the law to hold government accountable. Journalists who don't break the law to obtain the material can print it, but THEY can't print what THEY stole.
Count 17 of the indictments alleges it is a crime to have unauthorized possession and communicate the documents to others.

You're dangerous to the well being of our freedom.

COUNT 17 (Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information)
A. The general allegations of this Superseding Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated into this Count as though fully set forth herein.
B. From in or about July 2010 and continuing until at least the time of this Superseding Indictment, in an offense begun and committed outside of the jurisdiction of any particular state or district of the United States, the defendant, JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE, who will be first brought to the Eastern District of Virginia, having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over documents relating to the national defense, willfully and unlawfully caused and attempted to cause such materials to be communicated, delivered, and transmitted to persons not entitled to receive them.
C. Specifically, as alleged above, ASSANGE, having unauthorized possession of State Department cables, classified up to the SECRET level, containing the names of individuals, who risked their safety and freedom by providing information to the United States and our allies, communicated the documents containing names of those sources to all the world by publishing them on the Internet

The SCOTUS has ruled in the past that the Press can publish material that has been labeled secret, so you can smooth out your petticoat on that score. However, hackers like Assange are not the Press.
Perhaps it's not so clear as you make it out to be.

Liability of members of the media: During the Vietnam War, the Supreme Court refused to uphold a bar on publication of the Pentagon Papers. Justice White pointed out in a concurring opinion that the Court’s action did not mean that the newspapers and their reporters would be immune from criminal prosecution if they elected to publish the papers. Nevertheless, few, if any reporters, have ever been prosecuted for such leaks. On other hand, reporters have gone to jail for refusing to disclose the source of a leak. For example, New York Times reporter Judith Miller spent several months in jail for civil contempt because she would not identify before a grand jury her source in the case that ultimately led to the prosecution of Scooter Libby.

From your post: "Nevertheless, few, if any reporters, have ever been prosecuted for such leaks.
No it doesn't.

Thats right - Obstruction does not need an underlying crime.

Don't you forget that by the next thread.

You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.
Tell that to Scooter Libby who was convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime.

Scooter Libby was convicted of four counts of perjury, obstruction of justice, and making false statements.
Great, so show where he was wrongfully convicted of obstruction with no underlying crime....

OMG, the underlying crimes were perjury and making false statements. I have no interest in dealing with someone who can't grasp something so obvious. Join antontoo.
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.

Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.

Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?

It matters not. Their narratives are fluid and dynamic. Prone to reversal and back again.

The irony is Rosenstein was appointed deputy FBI director by Trump.
You can't "obstruct justice" unless there is a predicate crime and an overt act that tries to prevent justice from occurring.

Read the statute, dummy. Interfering into a government proceeding. Once the proceeding is there, interfering into it with corrupt intent is a crime, no matter whether the proceeding finds one. That is also perfectly logical, since, in case the obstruction is successful, no crime may be found, even though there was one. Obstruction is still a felony, and rightly so.

Given your willful ignorance, and / or lying about a long known fact...

You are truly stupid. You're about one more stupid post from making yourself irrelevant.

... "irrelevant" - even if true - would still be several steps above your self-chosen status.

Wow, I'm wounded that a person who is so mentally challenged that he can't tell that "interfering" is an OVERT act. BTW, you forgot to change to your other identity, so both of these go on ignore.

Good one, Hunny. No one believes "interfering" is, by necessity, an "OVERT" act - that's setting aside that Mueller listed several suspect incidents of obstruction that were public, aka, "OVERT".

Who, really, cares how many you claim to ignore? I mean, you not even rising to the status of "irrelevant"...

What a goof.


I may have missed it, have our resident rightards by now decided whether ...

... Rosenstein (appointing Mueller) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

... Mueller (investigating Trump's corruption) is a member of the Deep State, or a Democratic plant?

Does it even matter to the goofs?
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.
Mueller has a history. He was picked for a specific purpose. To create process crimes......not to investigate Russian Collusion.
Rosenstein appointed Mueller after recommending that Trump fire he used the firing as justification to start an investigation into obstruction.


Those crooked Dems are way ahead of you. They're so good that they somehow were able to get Trump to appoint "their man" as the deputy FBI director so he could " land the plane" on getting Mueller appointed.

Too funny. :laugh2:
No, you don't get it. This is going to have a lasting and negative impact on our ability to hold government accountable.

If that doesn't stir the emotions of the people of this country, we're fucked.

People can't break the law to hold government accountable. Journalists who don't break the law to obtain the material can print it, but THEY can't print what THEY stole.
Count 17 of the indictments alleges it is a crime to have unauthorized possession and communicate the documents to others.

You're dangerous to the well being of our freedom.

COUNT 17 (Unauthorized Disclosure of National Defense Information)
A. The general allegations of this Superseding Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated into this Count as though fully set forth herein.
B. From in or about July 2010 and continuing until at least the time of this Superseding Indictment, in an offense begun and committed outside of the jurisdiction of any particular state or district of the United States, the defendant, JULIAN PAUL ASSANGE, who will be first brought to the Eastern District of Virginia, having unauthorized possession of, access to, and control over documents relating to the national defense, willfully and unlawfully caused and attempted to cause such materials to be communicated, delivered, and transmitted to persons not entitled to receive them.
C. Specifically, as alleged above, ASSANGE, having unauthorized possession of State Department cables, classified up to the SECRET level, containing the names of individuals, who risked their safety and freedom by providing information to the United States and our allies, communicated the documents containing names of those sources to all the world by publishing them on the Internet

The SCOTUS has ruled in the past that the Press can publish material that has been labeled secret, so you can smooth out your petticoat on that score. However, hackers like Assange are not the Press.
Perhaps it's not so clear as you make it out to be.

Liability of members of the media: During the Vietnam War, the Supreme Court refused to uphold a bar on publication of the Pentagon Papers. Justice White pointed out in a concurring opinion that the Court’s action did not mean that the newspapers and their reporters would be immune from criminal prosecution if they elected to publish the papers. Nevertheless, few, if any reporters, have ever been prosecuted for such leaks. On other hand, reporters have gone to jail for refusing to disclose the source of a leak. For example, New York Times reporter Judith Miller spent several months in jail for civil contempt because she would not identify before a grand jury her source in the case that ultimately led to the prosecution of Scooter Libby.

From your post: "Nevertheless, few, if any reporters, have ever been prosecuted for such leaks. the point.

There is cause here for concern. Despite what you say. The government has been ramping up their prosecution of these types of cases.

It certainly deserves our attention. More so than this stupid pissing contest between Democrats and Republicans.
Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

Since it's obvious and was proven there was No Russian Collusion, then either The FISA Court is Corrupt, or the People Submitting False Affidavits are Corrupt.

So which is it?

Was it crooked Obama FISA Judges?

Or was it a crooked Obama FBI and DOJ Leadership that was committed Treason?


Someone is going to go to jail from The Obama-Clinton Cabal.

So why don't you get out in front of this, and tell us who you think is going to hang from your favorite political party?

Well, how else to you explain a FISA Warrant based on Russian Propaganda, that was never verified, and that everyone knew was paid for by The Clinton Obama Political Operations?

LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
It was ordered illegal: spying.
LOL....that's easy.
Because that shit isn't real.

Don't you ever question why your conspiracy is forced to expand every time you hit a brick wall?

You believe that warrant proves something. What?
What information was gleaned from it and how has it been used agaist Trump?

You keep harping on "spying" but have yet to show how anyone was harmed by it.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
It was ordered illegal: spying.
It was ordered illegal: spying.

There is no Conspiracy when we have facts.

The American People were harmed by it, because it prevented our representative as president and his cabinet from conducting official business.

Furthermore it caused distress to The American Public, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth of The LibTard Left when they found out, Santa Clause wasn't real and wasn't going to be placing a Impeach 45 Present under the tree to save them from the 2020 landslide victory of Donald J. Trump.

Super Majority Bitches!

Get used to hearing that, A LOT!

Go Drink some more Russian Collusion Drunky McDrunkTard.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
It was ordered illegal: spying.
It was ordered illegal: spying.

There was no spying, dope.

It's the suggestion of spying that is harming the country.

There is No Russian Collusion, Dope.

It's The Suggestion of Spying that is harming The Country.

Dear Dope....

How do you explain The Unmasking of "Unintentional Targets of Surveillance" (A Crime All On It's Own) DumbASS.....


Please do continue to binge drink your Russian Collusion.

^Nice rambling nonsense.
I said there was no spying, dope.
There was court ordered surveillance.
It was ordered illegal: spying.
It was ordered illegal: spying.


Of course you cannot know that. Repetition doesn't change that fact.
Trump’s your President, I hate libs and he’ll be President for the next 6 years, so deal with it you soft dumb fucks.
Those questions are under an investigation. Like with the Mueller investigation, I wait for the results of the investigation.

Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
Obviously there needs to be more investigation by the house.... And you can be sure that after a little investigation about your ridiculous evidence free conspiracy they will dispense with that and get down to real business. Only You brainwashed functional morons could believe our straight arrow GOP CIA and FBI would try and have a coup.

The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Of course you cannot know that. Repetition doesn't change that fact.

Oh, he can, and he should, but he doesn't.

Of course, there were many "unmasked" because someone, quite sensibly, wanted to know who ended up in the dragnet surveilling Russian spies, with their contact details in the U.S. of A.

But now, since among them were quite a few from Trump's orbit, they're hyperventilating about "illegal".

Just imagine the tables reserved, Bush had unmasked candidate Obama's minions eagerly contacting Russians up and down the Russian government's and FSB's food chain? They'd cheer "umasking" in the most overt, public manner possible. Now that it may hurt their Dear Leader and his lying-about-Russian-contacts henchmen, the goofs couldn't be more irate.

None of them could muster integrity in the most homeopathic doses.
The unmasking was investigated and no wrongdoing was found. As you've been shown, the release of private transcripts came from staffers of trump's White House.

Again, you prove to be fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Unmasking itself is a crime, and it was investigated by people who committed Treason and tried to cover it up, just like they tried to cover up Obama and Clinton Crimes.

Why are you against putting Criminals to Death for Treason?
What part of, it was investigated and no wrongdoing found, leaves you so baffled and confused?

The Part where this doesn't happen to people who attack our democracy and betray our country with TREASON.

You make a great brainwashed functional Nazi... Like Nazis you live on a imaginary brainwash planet, you are the worst danger to our democracy in our history. try any respected media in the world or law enforcement. They know you are an idiot.

Don't look at me. I wasn't the one who put in Black Shirts and Brown Shirts and tried to overturn an election through Fake Russian Collusion.

How can you Nazi that?

Hillary just continued what GOP competitors of Trump would have done. This is nothing new, the only thing new is that Trump pulled all kinds of shenanigans in business. Seriously I don't care. And definitely a phony scandal as far as your conspiracy goes. All investigated pure garbage propaganda super duper.
Last edited:
Why do you want to see Trump's Tax returns but are opposed to seeing declassified information about The Insurance Policy COUP and Spying, and FISA ABUSES?

Are you afraid Shifty Schiff is going to get Shit Canned for leaking classified information again?
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
Obviously there needs to be more investigation by the house.... And you can be sure that after a little investigation about your ridiculous evidence free conspiracy they will dispense with that and get down to real business. Only You brainwashed functional morons could believe our straight arrow GOP CIA and FBI would try and have a coup.

The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
Unmasking itself is a crime, and it was investigated by people who committed Treason and tried to cover it up, just like they tried to cover up Obama and Clinton Crimes.

Why are you against putting Criminals to Death for Treason?
What part of, it was investigated and no wrongdoing found, leaves you so baffled and confused?

The Part where this doesn't happen to people who attack our democracy and betray our country with TREASON.

You make a great brainwashed functional Nazi... Like Nazis you live on a imaginary brainwash planet, you are the worst danger to our democracy in our history. try any respected media in the world or law enforcement. They know you are an idiot.

Don't look at me. I wasn't the one who put in Black Shirts and Brown Shirts and tried to overturn an election through Fake Russian Collusion.

How can you Nazi that?

Hillary just continued what GOP competitors of Trump would have done. This is nothing new, the only thing new is that Trump pulled all kinds of shenanigans in business. Seriously I don't care. And definitely a phony scandal as far as your conspiracy goes. All investigated pure garbage propaganda super duper.

Well we sure as shit are going to find out s0n!!

All I have to say is.....

WILLIAM!!! :hello77::hello77:

Byron York: As Barr mulls declassification, a familiar tune from critics
Dumbfuck.... quote me saying those documents shouldn't be declassified or that the matter shouldn't be investigated....

You look like a miserable loser since you can't.

Why don't you want OBAMA, CLINTON, and the rest of The Insurance Policy, Fake Russian Collusion, FISA ABUSING Co-Conspirators, exposed and tried for their crimes?

Why are you a liar and a political hack and schill?
Obviously there needs to be more investigation by the house.... And you can be sure that after a little investigation about your ridiculous evidence free conspiracy they will dispense with that and get down to real business. Only You brainwashed functional morons could believe our straight arrow GOP CIA and FBI would try and have a coup.

The House of Reps is only interested in impeaching President Trump. They should schedule a vote. Any further hearings or investigation isn't going to change the minds of Maxine or AOC or Jerry Nadler.
they want to change the minds of moderates and the American public to an extent. This is basic government. Obama was investigated and Hillary in endlessly by the GOP when all they had was the house. Wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional morons. This is an actual Scandal. This is not made up propaganda like all the GOP scandals against Hillary Obama holder the CIA etcetera etc. Just pure garbage 4 silly dupes only. In the entire world.
Yeah, it pretty much was just made up propaganda. Incredibly effective, unfortunately. It's scary how gullible people are.
It's a disaster. Phony scandals hate and mis
information like the rich pay too much in taxes.... You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that stuff. There is no respected Media or law enforcement in the world that agrees with any of their crap. Scary Nazis in waiting....
Calling for a former president to be killed despite not being convicted of a crime is a criminal offense in itself. You won't be the first USMB poster to receive a visit by the FBI.

Why wouldn't the Secret Service handle that duty? They have the statutory authority to protect the leader of the realm, not the FBI.
Another poster said he received such a visit from the FBI. But your point is noted, it could come from the secret service as well.
Yah, but that Poster said NOTHING about having a trial first before they hung the traitors.

That is the difference.




You're calling for their execution now. And there's been no trial, no less a conviction. So much for your bullsgit claim you b'lieve in due process. :lol:

What can I say, I am a Visionary.

Someone will hang for this.

Probably you. You are right off the deep end. Read a newspaper. The examiner is a fake newspaper. run by the Reverend Moon organization. You are an idiot.
What part of, it was investigated and no wrongdoing found, leaves you so baffled and confused?

The Part where this doesn't happen to people who attack our democracy and betray our country with TREASON.

You make a great brainwashed functional Nazi... Like Nazis you live on a imaginary brainwash planet, you are the worst danger to our democracy in our history. try any respected media in the world or law enforcement. They know you are an idiot.

Don't look at me. I wasn't the one who put in Black Shirts and Brown Shirts and tried to overturn an election through Fake Russian Collusion.

How can you Nazi that?

Hillary just continued what GOP competitors of Trump would have done. This is nothing new, the only thing new is that Trump pulled all kinds of shenanigans in business. Seriously I don't care. And definitely a phony scandal as far as your conspiracy goes. All investigated pure garbage propaganda super duper.

Well we sure as shit are going to find out s0n!!

All I have to say is.....

WILLIAM!!! :hello77::hello77:

Byron York: As Barr mulls declassification, a familiar tune from critics
Fake newspaper published by the Reverend Moon family. Idiot.

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